partial void LogOutTouchUpInside (UIKit.UIButton sender) { // present tab bar controller var storyBoard = UIStoryboard.FromName ("Main", null); var loginView = storyBoard.InstantiateViewController ("rootView") as UINavigationController; this.PresentViewController (loginView, animated: true, completionHandler: null); }
void BuildStorageItems(Storage storage) { Vessel vessel = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; resourceSet.Clear(); resourceList.Clear(); Part rootPart =[0].localRoot; var manager = new RMResourceManager(, rootPart); GetVesselResources(manager); GetStoredResources(storage); storageItems.Clear(); storageItems.Storage = storage; storageItems.Vessel = vessel; for (int i = 0; i < resourceList.Count; i++) { var resDef = resourceList[i]; var storedResource = storage.GetResource(resDef); RMResourceInfo vesselResource; manager.masterSet.resources.TryGetValue(, out vesselResource); storageItems.Add(new StorageItem(storage, storedResource, vesselResource)); } UIKit.UpdateListContent(storageItems); }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell (UIKit.UITableView tv) { cell = base.GetCell (tv); cell.UserInteractionEnabled = enabled; cell.TextLabel.Enabled = enabled; return cell; }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell(Cell item, UIKit.UITableViewCell reusableCell, UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell(item, reusableCell, tv); cell.SelectionStyle = UIKit.UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None; return cell; }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell (Cell item, UIKit.UITableViewCell reusableCell, UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell (item, reusableCell, tv); cell.SeparatorInset = UIEdgeInsets.Zero; cell.TextLabel.Font = UIFont.FromName ("baskervillebecker", 18f); return cell; }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { UIKit.OpenPanel("UIMenu"); //test //GameStart(6); }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell (Cell item, UIKit.UITableViewCell reusableCell, UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell (item, reusableCell, tv); cell.Accessory = UIKit.UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator; return cell; }
protected override void OnOpen(IUIData uiData = null) { BackBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => { CloseSelf(); UIKit.OpenPanel <UIMenu>(); }); }
public void QuitStage() { QEventSystem.SendEvent(EventDefine.MainGameEvent.StageEnd); MoveCam(-1); uIMain.FadeClose(); UIKit.OpenPanel("UISelectStage"); }
void FindLocalGroups() { CelestialBody body = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody; Vector3 position = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.GetTransform().position; float range = KerbalKonstructs.localGroupRange; range *= range; localGroups.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < StaticDatabase.allGroupCenters.Length; i++) { var groupCenter = StaticDatabase.allGroupCenters[i]; //if (groupCenter.isInSavegame || groupCenter.isBuiltIn) { // continue; //} if (groupCenter.CelestialBody == body) { Vector3 dist = position - groupCenter.gameObject.transform.position; if (dist.sqrMagnitude < range) { localGroups.Add(new GroupItem(groupCenter)); } } } UIKit.UpdateListContent(localGroups); }
void SpawnGroup() { EditorGUI.instance.Close(); MapDecalEditor.Instance.Close(); EditorGUI.selectedInstance = null; GroupCenter groupCenter = new GroupCenter { RadialPosition = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody.transform.InverseTransformPoint(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.transform.position), Group = "NewGroup", CelestialBody = FlightGlobals.currentMainBody }; groupCenter.Spawn(); GroupEditor.selectedGroup = groupCenter; if (GroupEditor.selectedGroup == null) { Log.UserError("No Group created"); } else { Log.Normal("Group Editor spawned"); localGroups.Add(new GroupItem(groupCenter)); UIKit.UpdateListContent(localGroups); GroupEditor.instance.Open(); } }
protected override void OnOpen(IUIData uiData = null) { Button.onClick.AddListener(() => { FadeClose(); UIKit.OpenPanel <UISelectStage>(); }); ButtonClr.onClick.AddListener(() => { GameDataManager.Clear(); }); ButtonSetting.onClick.AddListener(() => { FadeClose(); UIKit.OpenPanel <UISettings>(); }); ButtonSTAFF.onClick.AddListener(() => { FadeClose(); UIKit.OpenPanel <UISTAFF>(); }); ButtonQuit.onClick.AddListener(() => { #if UNITY_EDITOR UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; #else Application.Quit(); #endif }); }
public override void WireToViewController(UIKit.UIViewController viewController, CEInteractionOperation operation) { this.operation = operation; this.viewController = viewController; PrepareGestureRecognizer (viewController.View); }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell(Cell item, UIKit.UITableViewCell reusableCell, UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell(item, reusableCell, tv); cell.Accessory = CellAccessoryHelper.GetCellAccessory(item.StyleId); return cell; }
public string GetTitle(UIKit.UIPickerView pickerView, System.nint row, System.nint component) { switch ((int)row) { case 0: return NearableType.Bag.ToString (); case 1: return NearableType.Bed.ToString (); case 2: return NearableType.Bike.ToString (); case 3: return NearableType.Car.ToString (); case 4: return NearableType.Chair.ToString (); case 5: return NearableType.Dog.ToString (); case 6: return NearableType.Door.ToString (); case 7: return NearableType.Fridge.ToString (); case 8: return NearableType.Generic.ToString (); case 9: return NearableType.Shoe.ToString (); default: return NearableType.Unknown.ToString (); } }
public static void OpenPanel(string panelName) { var panel = UIKit.OpenPanel(panelName) .GetILComponent <ILUIPanelInterface>(); panel.Open(); }
public override void TouchesBegan (Foundation.NSSet touches, UIKit.UIEvent evt) { swiped = false; UITouch touch = touches.AnyObject as UITouch ; lastPoint = touch.LocationInView (this); }
protected override void OnInit(IUIData uiData = null) { for (var i = 0; i < mButtons.Length; i++) { mButtons[i] = SectionBtn .Instantiate() .Parent(SectionBtn.transform.parent) .LocalScaleIdentity() .LocalPositionIdentity() .Name("Section" + (i + 1)) .Show() .ApplySelfTo(selfBtn => selfBtn.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = .ApplySelfTo(selfBtn => { var index = i; selfBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => { ChoiceSection(index); }); }); } SettingBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => { UIKit.OpenPanel <UISettingPanel>(UILevel.PopUI, prefabName: "Resources/UISettingPanel"); }); BackBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => { CloseSelf(); UIKit.OpenPanel <UIMenuPanel>(UILevel.Common, prefabName: "Resources/UIMenuPanel"); }); }
async partial void SaveRecord (UIKit.UIButton sender) { if (nameTextField.Text.Length < 1) { nameTextField.ResignFirstResponder (); return; } var saveLocation = new CLLocation (pin.Coordinate.Latitude, pin.Coordinate.Longitude); var record = await CloudManager.AddRecordAsync (nameTextField.Text, saveLocation); if (record == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Error: null returned on save"); return; } nameTextField.Text = string.Empty; nameTextField.ResignFirstResponder (); var alert = UIAlertController.Create ("CloudKitAtlas", "Saved record", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert); alert.AddAction (UIAlertAction.Create ("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, (act) => { DismissViewController (true, null); })); PresentViewController (alert, true, null); }
public override void Start() { btn_1.onClick.AddListener(async() => { await UIKit.OpenUIAsync("msgBox", new MsgBox(), new OpenUIParam() { UseMask = true, CloseByMask = true }, "hello,world! ddddd44444dddd", "hello"); }); btn_counter.onClick.AddListener(async() => { await UIKit.OpenUIAsync("counter", new CounterScreen(), new OpenUIParam { UseMask = true, CloseByMask = true }); }); btn_fetchData.onClick.AddListener(() => { UIKit.OpenUIAsync("fetchData", new FetchData()); }); }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell(UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell(tv); cell.ImageView.Image = this.Image; return cell; }
private void ChoiceSection(int i) { UIKit.HidePanel(name); UIKit.OpenPanel <UIGamePanel>(UILevel.Common, new UIGamePanelData { SectionNo = i + 1 }, prefabName: "Resources/UIGamePanel"); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定跳转逻辑 /// </summary> /// <param name="selfPanel"></param> /// <param name="btn"></param> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> public static System.Action Transition <TDstPanel>(this UIPanel selfBehaviour, IUIData uidata = null) where TDstPanel : UIPanel { return(() => { UIKit.ClosePanel(; UIKit.OpenPanel <TDstPanel>(uidata); }); }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell(UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell(tv); cell.BackgroundColor = StyledStringElement.BgColor; cell.TextLabel.Font = StyledStringElement.DefaultTitleFont.WithSize(StyledStringElement.DefaultTitleFont.PointSize * Element.FontSizeRatio); cell.TextLabel.TextColor = StyledStringElement.DefaultTitleColor; return cell; }
public override void LoadingFinished(UIKit.UIWebView webView) { var HeightHtml = webView.ScrollView.ContentSize.Height; pclControl.ContentHeight = (int)HeightHtml; webView.ScrollView.ScrollEnabled = false; //webView.LoadHtmlString ((pclControl.Source as HtmlWebViewSource).Html, null); }
public static T OpenPanel <T>(ILUIData uiData = null) where T : ILUIPanelInterface, new() { var panel = UIKit.OpenPanel(typeof(T).Name) .GetILComponent <T>(); panel.Open(uiData); return(panel); }
public override void TouchesMoved(Foundation.NSSet touches, UIKit.UIEvent evt) { base.TouchesMoved(touches, evt); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GestureSwitch: TouchesMoved"); this.NextResponder.TouchesMoved(touches, evt); }
public override void DidReceiveLocalNotification(UIKit.UILocalNotification localNotification, Action<WKUserNotificationInterfaceType> completionHandler) { // This method is called when a local notification needs to be presented. // Implement it if you use a dynamic glance interface. // Populate your dynamic glance inteface as quickly as possible. // // After populating your dynamic glance interface call the completion block. completionHandler(WKUserNotificationInterfaceType.Custom); }
protected override void OnOpen(IUIData uiData = null) { BackBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => { transform.DOScale(, 0.3f).onComplete = () => { CloseSelf(); UIKit.OpenPanel <UIMenu>(); }; }); }
partial void SegmentedControlClicked (UIKit.UISegmentedControl sender){ if(sender.SelectedSegment == 0){ Type = "Timed"; } else{ Type = "Timers"; } ShowCorrectPage(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); hangulClockIcon.Source = UIKit.GetLogoImage(); hangulClockCurrentVersion.Content = $"현재 설치된 버전 : {VersionKit.HANGULCLOCK_VERSION}"; // checkUpdate(); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定跳转逻辑 /// </summary> /// <param name="selfPanel"></param> /// <param name="btn"></param> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> public static void BindTransition <TSrcPanel, TDstPanel>(this UnityEngine.UI.Button btn) where TSrcPanel : UIPanel where TDstPanel : UIPanel { btn.onClick.AddListener(() => { UIKit.ClosePanel <TSrcPanel>(); UIKit.OpenPanel <TDstPanel>(); }); }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell(UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell(tv); var addRemove = ((ChangesetCell)cell).AddRemoveView; addRemove.Added = _added; addRemove.Removed = _removed; addRemove.SetNeedsDisplay(); return cell; }
void BuildFacilities() { facilityItems.Clear(); for (int i = 0, count = allFacilities.Count; i < count; i++) { var facility = allFacilities[i]; facilityItems.Add(new FacilityItem(facility)); } UIKit.UpdateListContent(facilityItems); }
public override void HandleLocalNotificationAction(string identifier, UIKit.UILocalNotification localNotification) { Console.WriteLine($"HandleLocalNotificationAction: {identifier}"); var baseCurrency = (string)(NSString)localNotification.UserInfo.ValueForKey((NSString)"baseCurrency"); var counterCurrency = (string)(NSString)localNotification.UserInfo.ValueForKey((NSString)"counterCurrency"); Pairs.NotificationCurrencyPair = new NotificationCurrencyPair(baseCurrency, counterCurrency); base.HandleLocalNotificationAction(identifier, localNotification); }
protected override bool ShouldStartLoad(Foundation.NSUrlRequest request, UIKit.UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType) { if (!request.Url.AbsoluteString.StartsWith("file://", System.StringComparison.Ordinal)) { ViewModel.GoToLinkCommand.Execute(request.Url.AbsoluteString); return false; } return base.ShouldStartLoad(request, navigationType); }
partial void OnUpdateItemButtonTapped(UIKit.UIButton sender) { if (null == this.CreatedItemPath) { AlertHelper.ShowLocalizedAlertWithOkOption("Message", "Create item at first"); } else { this.SendUpdateRequest(); } }
protected override void OnInit(IUIData uiData = null) { mData = uiData as UIGamePanelData; gameText.text = "Hello,You are in Section {0}".FillFormat(mData.SectionNo); backBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => { UIKit.OpenPanel <UISectionPanel>(UILevel.Common, prefabName: "Resources/UISectionPanel"); CloseSelf(); }); }
public void GameStart(int id) { NowStage = id; uIMain = (UIMain)UIKit.OpenPanel("UIMain"); this.Delay(0.1f, () => { CreateGrass(); CreateCar(); SetOrder(id); MoveCam(); }); }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell (UIKit.UITableView tv) { // try and dequeue a cell object to reuse. if one doesn't exist, create a new one ExhibitorCell cell = tv.DequeueReusableCell (cellKey) as ExhibitorCell; if (cell == null) { cell = new UI.CustomElements.ExhibitorCell (exhibitor); } cell.UpdateCell(exhibitor); return cell; }
partial void LocalButtonClicked (UIKit.UIButton sender) { sender.SetImage (UIImage.FromBundle ("LocalSelected"), UIControlState.Normal); sender.SetImage (UIImage.FromBundle ("LocalSelected"), UIControlState.Normal); sender.SetImage (UIImage.FromBundle ("LocalSelected"), UIControlState.Normal); GlobalButton.SetImage (UIImage.FromBundle ("Global"), UIControlState.Normal); GlobalButton.SetImage (UIImage.FromBundle ("Global"), UIControlState.Normal); GlobalButton.SetImage (UIImage.FromBundle ("Global"), UIControlState.Normal); Scope = "Local"; ShowCorrectPage(); }
internal static void Open() { if (instance == null) { instance = UIKit.CreateUI <MapIconSelector>(UIMain.appCanvasRect, "KKMapIconSelector"); } instance.rectTransform.anchoredPosition3D = eventData.position; CreateContent(); instance.SetActive(true); }
protected override void OnInit(QFramework.IUIData uiData) { mData = uiData as UISomePanelFromResourcesData ?? new UISomePanelFromResourcesData(); // please add init code here BtnCloseSelf.onClick.AddListener(() => { // UIMgr.CloseAllPanel(); UIKit.ClosePanel("resources://" + typeof(UISomePanelFromResources).Name); }); }
protected override UITableViewCell CreateCell (UIKit.UITableView tv) { string summary = GetSummary(tv); var cellStyle = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(summary))?UITableViewCellStyle.Default : UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitle; string key = rkey + (cellStyle.ToString()); var cell = tv.DequeueReusableCell(key) as VerticalLayoutCell; if (cell == null) { cell = new VerticalLayoutCell(cellStyle, key); } return cell; }
public static void ClosePanel <T>() where T : ILUIPanel { var panelName = typeof(T).Name; var panel = UIKit.GetPanel(panelName); if (panel) { UIKit.ClosePanel(panelName); var ilPanel = panel.GetILComponent <ILUIPanelInterface>(); ilPanel.Close(); } }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell(Xamarin.Forms.Cell item, UIKit.UITableViewCell reusableCell, UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell (item, reusableCell, tv); cell.Accessory = UIKit.UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator; //set blue border for image cell.ImageView.Layer.BorderColor = Color.White.ToCGColor(); cell.ImageView.Layer.BorderWidth = 1; cell.BackgroundColor = Color.FromHex (ColorStyles.XamarinDark).ToUIColor (); return cell; }
public override void Draw(CoreGraphics.CGRect bounds, CoreGraphics.CGContext context, UIKit.UIView view) { UIColor.White.SetFill (); context.FillRect (bounds); if (this.cell == null) { this.cell = new CheckPointTableCell (); view.AddSubview (cell); } cell.RenderCheckpointForDetail(; view.LayoutIfNeeded (); }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell(Xamarin.Forms.Cell item, UIKit.UITableViewCell reusableCell, UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell (item, reusableCell, tv); cell.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Black; cell.TextLabel.TextColor = UIColor.White; cell.SelectedBackgroundView = new UIView { BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB(119,129,137), }; return cell; }
private void endExcute() { nowLine = 0; form.MoveLine(nowLine); status = nowStatus.COMPELETED; if (GameMode1Manager.Instance.CheckClear()) { GameDataManager.SetBool(GameMode1Manager.Instance.NowStage + "cleared", true); UIKit.OpenPanel <UIStageClear>(); } else { form.UpdateLog(str2); } }
protected override bool ShouldStartLoad(Foundation.NSUrlRequest request, UIKit.UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType) { // F*****g BitBucket and their horrible user interface. if (request.Url.AbsoluteString == "") return false; //We're being redirected to our redirect URL so we must have been successful if (request.Url.Host == "codebucket") { var code = request.Url.Query.Split('=')[1]; ViewModel.Login(code); return false; } return base.ShouldStartLoad(request, navigationType); }
public override UIKit.UITableViewCell GetCell (Cell item, UIKit.UITableViewCell reusableCell, UIKit.UITableView tv) { var cell = base.GetCell (item,reusableCell, tv); var discItem = item as DisclosureCell; if (discItem.StyleId == "SearchControls") { cell.Accessory = UIKit.UITableViewCellAccessory.DisclosureIndicator; } else if (discItem.StyleId == "Details" && discItem.IsSelected) { cell.Accessory = UIKit.UITableViewCellAccessory.Checkmark; } else { cell.AccessoryView = new UIKit.UIView (new CoreGraphics.CGRect (0, 0, 20, cell.Bounds.Height)); } return cell; }
void Start() { stageId = transform.GetSiblingIndex(); btn = transform.GetComponent <Button>(); mytag = transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Image>(); text = transform.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); info = StageDefine.Instance.stages[stageId]; text.text = info.StageName; mytag.gameObject.SetActive(GameDataManager.GetBool(stageId + "cleared")); btn.onClick.AddListener(() => { //切换到对应关卡 UIKit.ClosePanel <UISelectStage>(); MyAudioPlayer.Instance.PlayVoice("Spacey"); GameMode1Manager.Instance.GameStart(stageId); }); }
public void UIKit_CloseAllPanelTest() { ResKit.Init(); var uiKitTestPanel = UIKit.OpenPanel <UIKitTestPanel>(); var uiKitTestPanel2 = UIKit.OpenPanel <UIKitTestPanel2>(); UIKit.CloseAllPanel(); Assert.AreEqual(uiKitTestPanel.State, PanelState.Closed); Assert.IsFalse(uiKitTestPanel.gameObject.activeSelf); Assert.AreEqual(uiKitTestPanel2.State, PanelState.Closed); Assert.IsFalse(uiKitTestPanel2.gameObject.activeSelf); UIKit.CloseAllPanel(); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the cell. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <param name="reusableCell">The reusable table view cell.</param> /// <param name="tv">The table view.</param> /// <returns>MonoTouch.UIKit.UITableViewCell.</returns> public override UITableViewCell GetCell(Cell item, UITableViewCell reusableCell, UIKit.UITableView tv) { var viewCell = item as AccessoryViewCell; var nativeCell = base.GetCell(item, reusableCell, tv); if (viewCell != null) { var frame = new CGRect (0, 0, (float)viewCell.AccessoryView.WidthRequest, (float)viewCell.AccessoryView.HeightRequest); var nativeView = RendererFactory.GetRenderer (viewCell.AccessoryView).NativeView; nativeView.Frame = frame; nativeView.Bounds = frame; nativeCell.AccessoryView = nativeView; } return nativeCell; }
public override void DidMoveToView(SKView view) { base.DidMoveToView (view); var obstacles = new [] { AddObstacle (new CGPoint (Frame.GetMidX (), Frame.GetMidY () + 150f)), AddObstacle (new CGPoint (Frame.GetMidX () - 200f, Frame.GetMidY () - 150f)), AddObstacle (new CGPoint (Frame.GetMidX () + 200f, Frame.GetMidY () - 150f)) }; Player = new AgentNode (this, DefaultAgentRadius, new CGPoint (Frame.GetMidX (), Frame.GetMidY ())); Player.Agent.Behavior = new GKBehavior (); AgentSystem.AddComponent (Player.Agent); SeekGoal = GKGoal.GetGoalToSeekAgent (TrackingAgent); Player.Agent.Behavior.SetWeight (100, GKGoal.GetGoalToAvoidObstacles (obstacles, 1)); }
void BuildLaunchsites() { launchsiteItems.Clear(); int index = 0; for (int i = 0, count = center.launchsites.Count; i < count; i++) { var site = center.launchsites[i]; if (site == selectedSite) { index = launchsiteItems.Count; } launchsiteItems.Add(new LaunchsiteItem(site)); } UIKit.UpdateListContent(launchsiteItems); launchsiteItems.Select(index); }
private async void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WindowTitlebar.AttachTitlebar(this, mainContent, CloseButton_MouseDown, MinimizeButton_MouseDown); this.MouseDown += MainWindow_MouseDown; logo.Source = UIKit.GetLogoImage(); dashboardTab.loadInitData(); clockSettingTab.loadInitData(); wallpaperSettingTab.loadInitData(); commentSettingTab.loadInitData(); await Task.Delay(1000); background.Source = BackgroundWallpaper.GetRandomDefaultImage(); pageController.ShowPage(dashboardTab); }
public void UIKit_OpenPanelDefaultTest() { ResKit.Init(); var uiKitTestPanel = UIKit.OpenPanel <UIKitTestPanel>(); Assert.IsTrue(uiKitTestPanel); Assert.AreEqual(uiKitTestPanel.State, PanelState.Opening); Assert.AreEqual(uiKitTestPanel.Info.Level, UILevel.Common); Assert.AreEqual(uiKitTestPanel.Data.OnInitCalledCount, 1); Assert.AreEqual(uiKitTestPanel.Data.OnOpenCalledCount, 1); Assert.AreEqual(uiKitTestPanel.Data.OnShowCalledCount, 1); UIKit.ClosePanel <UIKitTestPanel>(); UIKit.CloseAllPanel(); }
public void UIKit_PushPopTest() { ResKit.Init(); var uiKitTestPanel = UIKit.OpenPanel <UIKitTestPanel>(); UIKit.Stack.Push <UIKitTestPanel>(); Assert.AreEqual(uiKitTestPanel.State, PanelState.Closed); UIKit.Stack.Pop(); uiKitTestPanel = UIKit.GetPanel <UIKitTestPanel>(); Assert.AreEqual(uiKitTestPanel.State, PanelState.Opening); UIKit.CloseAllPanel(); }
public static void DoTransition <TDstPanel>(this UIPanel selfBehaviour, UITransition transition, UILevel uiLevel = UILevel.Common, IUIData uiData = null, string assetBundleName = null, string prefabName = null) where TDstPanel : UIPanel { transition.FromPanel = selfBehaviour; transition.InCompleted = () => { UIKit.OpenPanel <TDstPanel>(uiLevel, uiData, assetBundleName, prefabName); }; UIKit.OpenPanel <UITransitionPanel>(UILevel.PopUI, new UITransitionPanelData() { Transition = transition }, prefabName: "Resources/UITransitionPanel"); }