Пример #1
        private UITextureAtlas GetAtlas()
            if (laneArrowButtonAtlas_ != null)

            // Create base atlas with backgrounds and no foregrounds
            ButtonSkin backgroundOnlySkin = ButtonSkin.CreateDefaultNoForeground("LaneArrow");
            var        futureAtlas        = new U.AtlasBuilder();

                atlasBuilder: futureAtlas,
                spriteSize: new IntVector2(64));

            // Merge names of all foreground sprites for 3 directions into atlasKeySet
            foreach (string prefix in new[]
                     { "LaneArrowLeft", "LaneArrowRight", "LaneArrowForward" })
                ButtonSkin skin = ButtonSkin.CreateDefaultNoBackground(prefix);

                // Create keysets for lane arrow button icons and merge to the shared atlas
                    atlasBuilder: futureAtlas,
                    spriteSize: new IntVector2(64));

            // Load actual graphics into an atlas
            laneArrowButtonAtlas_ = futureAtlas.CreateAtlas(
                atlasName: "LaneArrowsTool_Atlas",
                loadingPath: "LaneArrows",
                atlasSizeHint: new IntVector2(256));
Пример #2
        private void SetupControls_ExtraPanel(UiBuilder <UPanel> innerPanelB,
                                              U.AtlasBuilder atlasBuilder,
                                              AddButtonsResult toolButtonsResult)
            // This is toggle despawn and clear traffic panel
            using (UiBuilder <UPanel> rightPanelB = innerPanelB.ChildPanel <U.UPanel>(
                       setupFn: p => {
                p.name = "TMPE_MainMenu_ExtraPanel";
                // Silver background panel
                p.atlas = TextureUtil.FindAtlas("Ingame");
                p.backgroundSprite = "GenericPanel";
                // The panel will be Dark Silver at 50% dark 100% alpha
                p.color = new Color32(128, 128, 128, 255);
                rightPanelB.ResizeFunction(r => {
                    // Step to the right by 4px
                    r.Stack(mode: UStackMode.ToTheRight,
                            spacing: UConst.UIPADDING);

                // Place two extra buttons (despawn & clear traffic).
                // Use as many rows as in the other panel.
                var extraButtonsResult = AddButtonsFromButtonDefinitions(
                    builder: rightPanelB,
                    atlasBuilder: atlasBuilder,
                    buttonDefs: EXTRA_BUTTON_DEFS,
                    minRowLength: toolButtonsResult.Layout.Rows == 2 ? 1 : 2);
                ExtraButtonsList = extraButtonsResult.Buttons;
Пример #3
        private AddButtonsResult SetupControls_ToolPanel(UiBuilder <UPanel> innerPanelB,
                                                         U.AtlasBuilder atlasBuilder)
            // This is tool buttons panel
            using (UiBuilder <UPanel> leftPanelB = innerPanelB.ChildPanel <U.UPanel>(
                       setupFn: panel => {
                panel.name = "TMPE_MainMenu_ToolPanel";
                leftPanelB.ResizeFunction(r => {
                    r.Stack(mode: UStackMode.Below);

                // Create 1 or 2 rows of button objects
                var toolButtonsResult = AddButtonsFromButtonDefinitions(
                    builder: leftPanelB,
                    atlasBuilder: atlasBuilder,
                    buttonDefs: TOOL_BUTTON_DEFS,
                    minRowLength: 4);
                ToolButtonsList = toolButtonsResult.Buttons;

Пример #4
            public override void Start()
                this.Skin = new ButtonSkin {
                    BackgroundPrefix  = "Clear",
                    Prefix            = "Clear",
                    BackgroundHovered = true,
                    BackgroundActive  = true,
                    ForegroundHovered = true,
                    ForegroundActive  = true,

                // This creates an atlas for a single button
                var atlasBuilder = new U.AtlasBuilder();

                    atlasBuilder: atlasBuilder,
                    spriteSize: new IntVector2(50));
                this.atlas = atlasBuilder.CreateAtlas(
                    atlasName: "RemoveCitizenButton_Atlas",
                    loadingPath: "Clear",
                    atlasSizeHint: new IntVector2(256));

                width = height = 30;
Пример #5
        private UILabel SetupControls_TopRow(UiBuilder <MainMenuWindow> builder,
                                             U.AtlasBuilder atlasBuilder)
            UILabel versionLabel;

            using (var versionLabelB = builder.Label <U.ULabel>(TrafficManagerMod.ModName)) {
                versionLabelB.ResizeFunction(r => r.Stack(UStackMode.Below));
                this.VersionLabel = versionLabel = versionLabelB.Control;

            using (var btnBuilder = builder.Button <U.UButton>()) {
                UButton control = btnBuilder.Control;
                this.toggleOsdButton_ = control;
                control.atlas         = this.allButtonsAtlas_;
                control.name          = "TMPE_MainMenu_HelpButton";

                // Texture for Help will be included in the `allButtonsAtlas_`
                ButtonSkin skin = new ButtonSkin {
                    BackgroundPrefix  = "RoundButton",
                    Prefix            = "Help",
                    BackgroundHovered = true,
                    BackgroundActive  = true,
                    ForegroundActive  = true,
                    spriteSize: new IntVector2(50));

                control.Skin = skin;

                // This has to be done later when form setup is done:
                // helpB.Control.atlas = allButtonsAtlas_;

                    resizeFn: r => {
                    r.Control.isVisible = true;     // not sure why its hidden on create? TODO
                    r.Stack(mode: UStackMode.ToTheRight,
                            spacing: UConst.UIPADDING * 3f,
                            stackRef: versionLabel);
                    r.Width(UValue.FixedSize(18f));     // assume Version label is 18pt high

                control.uCanActivate = c => true;
                control.uTooltip     = Translation.Menu.Get("Tooltip:Toggle onscreen display panel");

                control.uIsActive =
                    c => GlobalConfig.Instance.Main.KeybindsPanelVisible;

                control.uOnClick += (component, eventParam) => {
                    ModUI.Instance.MainMenu.OnToggleOsdButtonClicked(component as U.UButton);

Пример #6
        /// <summary>Create buttons and add them to the given panel UIBuilder.</summary>
        /// <param name="builder">UI builder to use.</param>
        /// <param name="atlasKeysSet">Atlas keys to update for button images.</param>
        /// <param name="buttonDefs">Button defs collection to create from it.</param>
        /// <param name="minRowLength">Longest the row can be without breaking.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of created buttons.</returns>
        private AddButtonsResult AddButtonsFromButtonDefinitions(UiBuilder <UPanel> builder,
                                                                 U.AtlasBuilder atlasBuilder,
                                                                 MenuButtonDef[] buttonDefs,
                                                                 int minRowLength)
            AddButtonsResult result;

            result.Buttons = new List <BaseMenuButton>();

            // Count the button objects and set their layout
            result.Layout = new MainMenuLayout();
            int placedInARow = 0;

            foreach (MenuButtonDef buttonDef in buttonDefs)
                if (!buttonDef.IsEnabledFunc())
                    // Skip buttons which are not enabled

                // Create and populate the panel with buttons
                var buttonBuilder = builder.Button <BaseMenuButton>(buttonDef.ButtonType);

                // Count buttons in a row and break the line
                bool doRowBreak = result.Layout.IsRowBreak(placedInARow, minRowLength);

                buttonBuilder.ResizeFunction(r => {
                    r.Stack(doRowBreak ? UStackMode.NewRowBelow : UStackMode.ToTheRight);

                if (doRowBreak)
                    placedInARow = 0;

                // Also ask each button what sprites they need

                string buttonName = buttonDef.ButtonType.ToString().Split('.').Last();
                buttonBuilder.Control.name = $"TMPE_MainMenuButton_{buttonName}";

                ButtonsDict.Add(buttonDef.Mode, buttonBuilder.Control);

Пример #7
        public override void Start()
            U.UIUtil.MakeUniqueAndSetName(this.gameObject, "TMPE_MainMenuButton");

            // Place the button.

            confDisposable_ = GlobalConfig.Instance.Subscribe(this);

            // Let the mainmenu atlas know we need this texture and assign it to self.atlas.
            this.Skin = new ButtonSkin {
                BackgroundPrefix  = "MainMenuButton",
                Prefix            = "MainMenuButton",
                BackgroundHovered = true,
                BackgroundActive  = true,
                ForegroundHovered = true,
                ForegroundActive  = true,
            var atlasBuilder = new U.AtlasBuilder();

                atlasBuilder: atlasBuilder,
                spriteSize: new IntVector2(50));
            this.atlas = atlasBuilder.CreateAtlas(
                atlasName: "MainTMPEButton_Atlas",
                loadingPath: "MainMenu",
                atlasSizeHint: new IntVector2(256));

            // Set the button dimensions to smallest of 2.6% of screen width or 4.6% of screen height
            // Which approximately equals to 50 pixels in 1080p.
            width = height = GetButtonDimensions();

            // Enable button sounds.
            playAudioEvents = true;

            var dragHandler = new GameObject("TMPE_MainButton_DragHandler");

            dragHandler.transform.parent        = transform;
            dragHandler.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            Drag = dragHandler.AddComponent <UIDragHandle>();

            Drag.width   = width;
            Drag.height  = height;
            Drag.enabled = !GlobalConfig.Instance.Main.MainMenuButtonPosLocked;

            // Set up the tooltip
            var uiView = GetUIView();

            if (uiView != null)
                m_TooltipBox = uiView.defaultTooltipBox;
Пример #8
            public override void Start()
                this.Skin = ButtonSkin.CreateSimple(
                    backgroundPrefix: "Clear",
                    foregroundPrefix: "Clear")

                // This creates an atlas for a single button
                var atlasBuilder = new U.AtlasBuilder(
                    atlasName: "RemoveCitizenButton_Atlas",
                    loadingPath: "Clear",
                    sizeHint: new IntVector2(256));

                    atlasBuilder: atlasBuilder,
                    spriteSize: new IntVector2(50));
                this.atlas = atlasBuilder.CreateAtlas();

                width = height = 30;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>Called from ModUI to setup children for the window.</summary>
        /// <param name="builder">The UI Builder.</param>
        public void SetupControls(UiBuilder <MainMenuWindow> builder)
            // Create and populate list of background atlas keys, used by all buttons
            // And also each button will have a chance to add their own atlas keys for loading.
            var tmpSkin = new U.ButtonSkin {
                Prefix            = "MainMenuPanel",
                BackgroundPrefix  = "RoundButton",
                ForegroundNormal  = false,
                BackgroundHovered = true,
                BackgroundActive  = true,
            // By default the atlas will include backgrounds: DefaultRound-bg-normal
            var atlasBuilder = new U.AtlasBuilder();

                atlasBuilder: atlasBuilder,
                spriteSize: new IntVector2(50));

            // Create Version Label and Help button:
            // [ TM:PE 11.x ] [?]
            UILabel versionLabel = SetupControls_TopRow(builder, atlasBuilder);

            // Main menu contains 2 panels side by side, one for tool buttons and another for
            // despawn & clear buttons.
            ButtonsDict = new Dictionary <ToolMode, BaseMenuButton>();
            // U.UPanel leftPanel;

            using (var innerPanelB = builder.ChildPanel <U.UPanel>(setupFn: p => {
                p.name = "TMPE_MainMenu_InnerPanel";
            })) {
                innerPanelB.ResizeFunction(r => {
                    r.Stack(mode: UStackMode.Below, spacing: 0f, stackRef: versionLabel);

                AddButtonsResult toolButtonsResult
                    = SetupControls_ToolPanel(innerPanelB, atlasBuilder);

                SetupControls_ExtraPanel(innerPanelB, atlasBuilder, toolButtonsResult);

            // Create atlas and give it to all buttons
            allButtonsAtlas_ = atlasBuilder.CreateAtlas(
                atlasName: "MainMenu_Atlas",
                loadingPath: "MainMenu.Tool",
                atlasSizeHint: new IntVector2(512));

            foreach (BaseMenuButton b in ToolButtonsList)
                b.atlas = allButtonsAtlas_;
            foreach (BaseMenuButton b in ExtraButtonsList)
                b.atlas = allButtonsAtlas_;
            this.toggleOsdButton_.atlas = allButtonsAtlas_;

            // Foldable panel with keybinds, starts hidden below or above the main menu

            // Floating labels under TM:PE window
            SetupControls_DebugLabels(builder, this.OnscreenDisplayPanel);
 /// <summary>
 /// When creating the main panel, texture atlas is created for all buttons. Here
 /// each button is given a chance to add their own required sprites to that atlas.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="atlasKeys">List to modify.</param>
 public abstract void SetupButtonSkin(U.AtlasBuilder atlasBuilder);