public JumpToWindowViewModel(Tuple<int,int[]>[] threads)
     CloseWindowCommand=new Command(CloseWindow,()=>SelectedThread!=null);
Пример #2
 public void FirstOnThreeTuple()
     const int expected = 42;
       var t = new Tuple<int, int, int>(42, 1, 1);
       int actual = t.First();
       Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Пример #3
 public static string AsString(Tuple<string, object>[] keyValues)
     return keyValues.Count() == 1
         ? keyValues.First().Item2 as string
         : keyValues.Select(k => string.Format("{0}='{1}'", k.Item1, k.Item2))
             .Aggregate((c, n) => c + "," + n);
Пример #4
        public void FirstOnOneTuple()
            const int expected = 42;
            var       t        = new Tuple <int>(42);
            int       actual   = t.First();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public bool IsStatusTypeChangeValid(StatusRecord changedRecord, ModelStateDictionary modelState)
            if (changedRecord == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("changedRecord");
            if (modelState == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("modelState");
            var statusRecords = this.statusRepository.Table.Where(c => c.Deleted == false).ToList();

            var statusNames = new Tuple <int, string>[] {
                new Tuple <int, string>(StatusRecord.NewStatus, "New"),
                new Tuple <int, string>(StatusRecord.OpenStatus, "In Progress"),
                new Tuple <int, string>(StatusRecord.DeferredStatus, "Deferred"),
                new Tuple <int, string>(StatusRecord.PendingInputStatus, "Pending input"),
                new Tuple <int, string>(StatusRecord.ClosedStatus, "Completed")

            var oldRecord = statusRecords.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == changedRecord.Id);

            if (oldRecord != null)


            var statusTypes = new[] { StatusRecord.NewStatus, StatusRecord.OpenStatus, StatusRecord.DeferredStatus, StatusRecord.PendingInputStatus, StatusRecord.ClosedStatus };

            foreach (var statusType in statusTypes)
                var recordsWithThisStatusType = statusRecords.Where(c => c.StatusTypeId == statusType).ToList();

                if (recordsWithThisStatusType.Count > 1)
                    modelState.AddModelError("StatusTypeId", "It is not allowed to have two status with the same StatusType");

                if (recordsWithThisStatusType.Count == 0)
                    var statusName = statusNames.First(c => c.Item1 == statusType).Item2;
                    modelState.AddModelError("StatusTypeId", "It is not allowed to remove a basic StatusType:" + statusName);

        private static bool IsStupidBrowser(Tuple<string, decimal>[] current, NancyContext context)
            // If there's one or less accept headers then we can't be a stupid
            // browser so just bail out early
            if (current.Length <= 1)
                return false;

            var maxScore = current.First().Item2;

            if (IsPotentiallyBrokenBrowser(context.Request.Headers.UserAgent)
                && !current.Any(h => h.Item2 == maxScore && string.Equals(HtmlContentType, h.Item1, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                return true;

            return false;
        public void Setup()
            //TODO: this became an integration test - proper ProjectionCoreService and ProjectionManager testing is required as well

            _processingQueues = GivenProcessingQueues();
            var queues = _processingQueues.ToDictionary(v => v.Item5, v => (IPublisher)v.Item1);
            _managerMessageDispatcher = new ProjectionManagerMessageDispatcher(queues);
            _manager = new ProjectionManager(

            _coordinator = new ProjectionCoreCoordinator(

                    starting => _queue.Publish(new ProjectionManagementMessage.ReaderReady())));


            if (GetInputQueue() != _processingQueues.First().Item2)

            foreach(var q in _processingQueues)
                SetUpCoreServices(q.Item5, q.Item1, q.Item2, q.Item3, q.Item4);

        private void GenerateSyncCode(
            Type type, CodeWriter.CodeWriter w, Type[] baseTypes,
            Tuple<Type, List<Tuple<MethodInfo, Tuple<string, string>>>>[] typeInfos)
            // NoReply Interface

            var baseSynces = baseTypes.Select(t => Utility.GetActorSyncInterfaceName(t));
            var baseSyncesInherit = baseSynces.Any() ? string.Join(", ", baseSynces) : "IInterfacedActorSync";
            w._($"[AlternativeInterface(typeof({type.GetSymbolDisplay(typeless: true)}))]");
            using (w.B($"public interface {Utility.GetActorSyncInterfaceName(type)}{type.GetGenericParameters()} : {baseSyncesInherit}{type.GetGenericConstraintClause()}"))
                foreach (var m in typeInfos.First().Item2)
                    var method = m.Item1;
                    var parameters = method.GetParameters();
                    var paramStr = string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => p.GetParameterDeclaration(true)));
                    var returnType = method.ReturnType.GenericTypeArguments.FirstOrDefault();
                    var returnTypeLiteral = (returnType != null) ? returnType.GetSymbolDisplay(true) : "void";
                    w._($"{returnTypeLiteral} {method.Name}{method.GetGenericParameters()}({paramStr}){method.GetGenericConstraintClause()};");
        private void GenerateRefCode(
            Type type, CodeWriter.CodeWriter w, Type[] baseTypes,
            Tuple<Type, List<Tuple<MethodInfo, Tuple<string, string>>>>[] typeInfos)
            // NoReply Interface

            var baseNoReplys = baseTypes.Select(t => Utility.GetNoReplyInterfaceName(t));
            var baseNoReplysInherit = baseNoReplys.Any() ? " : " + string.Join(", ", baseNoReplys) : "";
            using (w.B($"public interface {Utility.GetNoReplyInterfaceName(type)}{type.GetGenericParameters()}{baseNoReplysInherit}{type.GetGenericConstraintClause()}"))
                foreach (var m in typeInfos.First().Item2)
                    var method = m.Item1;
                    var parameters = method.GetParameters();
                    var paramStr = string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => p.GetParameterDeclaration(true)));
                    w._($"void {method.Name}{method.GetGenericParameters()}({paramStr}){method.GetGenericConstraintClause()};");

            // ActorRef

            var refClassName = Utility.GetActorRefClassName(type);
            var refClassGenericName = refClassName + type.GetGenericParameters();
            var noReplyInterfaceName = Utility.GetNoReplyInterfaceName(type);
            var noReplyInterfaceGenericName = noReplyInterfaceName + type.GetGenericParameters();

            using (w.B($"public class {refClassName}{type.GetGenericParameters()} : InterfacedActorRef, {type.GetSymbolDisplay()}, {noReplyInterfaceName}{type.GetGenericParameters()}{type.GetGenericConstraintClause()}"))
                // InterfaceType property

                w._($"public override Type InterfaceType => typeof({type.GetSymbolDisplay()});");

                // Constructors

                using (w.B($"public {refClassName}() : base(null)"))

                using (w.B($"public {refClassName}(IRequestTarget target) : base(target)"))

                using (w.B($"public {refClassName}(IRequestTarget target, IRequestWaiter requestWaiter, TimeSpan? timeout = null) : base(target, requestWaiter, timeout)"))

                // With Helpers

                using (w.B($"public {noReplyInterfaceGenericName} WithNoReply()"))
                    w._("return this;");

                using (w.B($"public {refClassGenericName} WithRequestWaiter(IRequestWaiter requestWaiter)"))
                    w._($"return new {refClassGenericName}(Target, requestWaiter, Timeout);");

                using (w.B($"public {refClassGenericName} WithTimeout(TimeSpan? timeout)"))
                    w._($"return new {refClassGenericName}(Target, RequestWaiter, timeout);");

                // IInterface message methods

                foreach (var t in typeInfos)
                    var payloadTableClassName = Utility.GetPayloadTableClassName(t.Item1) + type.GetGenericParameters();

                    foreach (var m in t.Item2)
                        var method = m.Item1;
                        var payloadTypes = m.Item2;
                        var parameters = method.GetParameters();

                        var parameterTypeNames = string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => p.GetParameterDeclaration(true)));
                        var parameterInits = string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(Utility.GetParameterAssignment));
                        var returnType = method.ReturnType.GenericTypeArguments.FirstOrDefault();

                        // Request Methods

                        var returnTaskType = (returnType != null) ? $"Task<{returnType.GetSymbolDisplay(true)}>" : "Task";
                        var prototype = $"public {returnTaskType} {method.Name}{method.GetGenericParameters()}({parameterTypeNames}){method.GetGenericConstraintClause()}";
                        using (w.B(prototype))
                            using (w.i("var requestMessage = new RequestMessage {", "};"))
                                w._($"InvokePayload = new {payloadTableClassName}.{payloadTypes.Item1}{method.GetGenericParameters()} {{ {parameterInits} }}");

                            if (returnType != null)
                                w._($"return SendRequestAndReceive<{returnType.GetSymbolDisplay(true)}>(requestMessage);");
                                w._($"return SendRequestAndWait(requestMessage);");

                // IInterface_NoReply message methods

                foreach (var t in typeInfos)
                    var interfaceName = Utility.GetNoReplyInterfaceName(t.Item1);
                    var interfaceGenericName = interfaceName + t.Item1.GetGenericParameters();

                    var payloadTableClassName = Utility.GetPayloadTableClassName(t.Item1) + type.GetGenericParameters();

                    foreach (var m in t.Item2)
                        var method = m.Item1;
                        var payloadTypes = m.Item2;
                        var parameters = method.GetParameters();

                        var parameterTypeNames = string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(p => p.GetParameterDeclaration(false)));
                        var parameterInits = string.Join(", ", parameters.Select(Utility.GetParameterAssignment));

                        // Request Methods

                        using (w.B($"void {interfaceGenericName}.{method.Name}{method.GetGenericParameters()}({parameterTypeNames})"))
                            using (w.i("var requestMessage = new RequestMessage {", "};"))
                                w._($"InvokePayload = new {payloadTableClassName}.{payloadTypes.Item1}{method.GetGenericParameters()} {{ {parameterInits} }}");

            // Protobuf-net specialized

            if (Options.UseProtobuf)
                var surrogateClassName = Utility.GetSurrogateClassName(type);

                using (w.B($"public class {surrogateClassName}"))
                    w._($"[ProtoMember(1)] public IRequestTarget Target;");

                    using (w.B($"public static {surrogateClassName} Convert({type.Name} value)"))
                        w._($"if (value == null) return null;");
                        w._($"return new {surrogateClassName} {{ Target = (({refClassName})value).Target }};");

                    using (w.B($"public static {type.Name} Convert({surrogateClassName} value)"))
                        w._($"if (value == null) return null;");
                        w._($"return new {refClassName}(value.Target);");
Пример #10
        public static Tuple<Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[], Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[]> IntersectDates(Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[] series1, Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[] series2)
            var commonDates = series1.Select(s => s.Item1).Concat(series2.Select(s => s.Item1)).Distinct();
            var list1 = new List<Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>>();
            var list2 = new List<Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>>();
            foreach (var date in commonDates)
                if (series1.Any(s => s.Item1 == date)) 
                    list1.Add(series1.First(s => s.Item1 == date));
                    list1.Add(new Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>(date, new RollResultItem(){Value = double.NaN}));

                if (series2.Any(s => s.Item1 == date))
                    list2.Add(series2.First(s => s.Item1 == date));
                    list2.Add(new Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>(date, new RollResultItem() { Value = double.NaN }));

            return new Tuple<Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[], Tuple<DateTime, RollResultItem>[]>(list1.ToArray(), list2.ToArray());
Пример #11
        private static GunAmmoGroup[] GetAmmoGroupings_Assign(IEnumerable<GunGroup> guns, AmmoBox[] boxesDescending, Tuple<long, long, double>[] ammo_gun_distance)
            // Build a structure that can be added to
            var retVal = guns.
                Select(o => new { Gun = o, Boxes = new List<AmmoBox>() }).

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < boxesDescending.Length; cntr++)
                double boxVolume = boxesDescending[cntr].QuantityMax;
                double boxMinDimension = Math1D.Min(boxesDescending[cntr].ScaleActual.X, boxesDescending[cntr].ScaleActual.Y, boxesDescending[cntr].ScaleActual.Z);
                long boxToken = boxesDescending[cntr].Token;

                // Find the gun that most needs this box
                var bestMatch = retVal.
                    Where(o => o.Gun.DemandPerGun <= boxVolume && o.Gun.Caliber <= boxMinDimension).       // only look at guns that could use this box
                    Select(o =>
                        var capacityFirings = Get_Capacity_Firings(o.Boxes, o.Gun);

                        // Add up the distance between the box and all the guns in this group
                        double distance = o.Gun.Guns.Sum(p => ammo_gun_distance.First(q => q.Item1 == boxToken && q.Item2 == p.Token).Item3);

                        return new
                            Item = o,
                            Capacity = capacityFirings.Item1,       // the current amount of capacity this gun has
                            Firings = capacityFirings.Item2,     // how many shots can be fired based on this capacity
                            Distance = distance,
                    //TODO: Figure out how to come up with a scoring system that takes distance into account
                    OrderBy(o => o.Firings).       // order by guns with the smallest amount of available shots
                    ThenByDescending(o => o.Item.Gun.DemandTotal).       // if there's a tie, choose the greediest gun

                // Give this box to the chosen set of guns

            return retVal.
                Select(o => new GunAmmoGroup(o.Gun, o.Boxes.ToArray(), Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(Get_Capacity_Firings(o.Boxes, o.Gun).Item2)))).