Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the assemblies that contain the classes that we will serve via COM. These will be located in the same folder as our executable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static bool LoadComObjectAssemblies()
            s_ComObjectAssys = new ArrayList();
            s_ComObjectTypes = new ArrayList();

            // put everything into one folder, the same as the server.
            string assyPath = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location;

            assyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(assyPath);

            DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(assyPath);

            foreach (FileInfo fi in d.GetFiles("*.dll"))
                TL.LogMessage("LoadComObjectAssemblies", $"Found file: {fi.FullName}");

                string aPath = fi.FullName;
                // First try to load the assembly and get the types for
                // the class and the class factory. If this doesn't work ????
                    Assembly so = Assembly.LoadFrom(aPath);
                    //PWGS Get the types in the assembly
                    Type[] types = so.GetTypes();
                    foreach (Type type in types)
                        // PWGS Now checks the type rather than the assembly
                        // Check to see if the type has the ServedClassName attribute, only use it if it does.
                        MemberInfo info = type;

                        object[] attrbutes = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ServedClassNameAttribute), false);
                        if (attrbutes.Length > 0)
                            TL.LogMessage("LoadComObjectAssemblies", $"Type: {type.Name} has ServedClassAttribute");
                            s_ComObjectTypes.Add(type); //PWGS - much simpler
                catch (BadImageFormatException)
                    TL.LogMessage("LoadComObjectAssemblies", $"Preceding type is not an assembly");
                    // Probably an attempt to load a Win32 DLL (i.e. not a .net assembly)
                    // Just swallow the exception and continue to the next item.
                catch (Exception e)
                    MessageBox.Show("Failed to load served COM class assembly " + fi.Name + " - " + e.Message, LOCAL_SERVER_NAME, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("LoadComObjectAssemblies", $"Exception while getting types: {e.ToString()}");
Пример #2
        private static void Client_DownloadFileCompleted(object sender, System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs e)
            try // Ignore any errors here
                if (e.Cancelled)
                    if (TL != null)
                        TL.LogMessage("Download Status", string.Format("Download timed out"));
                else if (e.Error != null)
                    downloadError = e.Error;
                    if (TL != null)
                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("Download Error", string.Format("Error: {0}", downloadError.Message));
                    if (TL != null)
                        TL.LogMessage("Download Status", string.Format("Download Completed OK,"));

                DownloadComplete = true;
            catch { }
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);

                TL         = new TraceLogger("", "SetFireWallRules");
                TL.Enabled = true;

                Version version = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version;
                TL.LogMessage("SetFireWallRules", string.Format("Version {0}, Run on {1}", version.ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd d MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss")));

                // Add the event handler for handling non-UI thread exceptions to the event.

                CommandLine.Parser.Default.ParseArguments <Options>(args)
                .WithParsed <Options>(opts => ProcessOptions(opts))
                .WithNotParsed <Options>((errs) => HandleParseError(errs));

                TL.Enabled = false;
                TL         = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraceLogger TL = new TraceLogger("SetFireWallRulesMainException")
                    Enabled = true
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("Main", "Unhandled exception: " + ex.ToString());
                TL.Enabled = false;
                TL = null;
Пример #4
 internal static void LogMessageCrLf(string identifier, string message, params object[] args)
     if (started)
         Log.LogFinish(" ...");
     log.LogMessageCrLf(identifier, string.Format(message, args));
Пример #5
 //log messages and send to screen when appropriate
 public static void LogMessage(string section, string logMessage)
     // Make sure none of these failing stops the overall migration process
     catch { }
         TL.LogMessageCrLf(section, logMessage);  // The CrLf version is used in order properly to format exception messages
     catch { }
         EventLogCode.LogEvent("UninstallAscom", logMessage, EventLogEntryType.Information, GlobalConstants.EventLogErrors.UninstallASCOMInfo, "");
     catch { }
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Log a message making sure that the TraceLogger exists.
 /// This is to work round an issue with the form timers that seem to fire after the form and trace logger have been disposed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source"></param>
 /// <param name="message"></param>
 private void LogMessage(string source, string message)
         if (!(TL == null))
             TL.LogMessageCrLf(source, message);
     catch { } // Ignore errors here
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Simulator"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public CoverCalibrator()
                // Initialise the driver trace logger
                TL = new TraceLogger("", "CoverCalibratorSimulator");

                // Read device configuration from the ASCOM Profile store, this also sets the trace logger enabled state
                TL.LogMessage("CoverCalibrator", "Starting initialisation");

                // Initialise remaining components
                utilities       = new Util();
                calibratorTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
                if (CalibratorStablisationTimeValue > 0.0)
                    calibratorTimer.Interval = Convert.ToInt32(CalibratorStablisationTimeValue * 1000.0); // Set the timer interval in milliseconds from the stabilisation time in seconds
                calibratorTimer.Elapsed += CalibratorTimer_Tick;
                TL.LogMessage("CoverCalibrator", $"Set calibrator timer to: {calibratorTimer.Interval}ms.");

                coverTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
                if (CoverOpeningTimeValue > 0.0)
                    coverTimer.Interval = Convert.ToInt32(CoverOpeningTimeValue * 1000.0); // Set the timer interval in milliseconds from the opening time in seconds
                coverTimer.Elapsed += CoverTimer_Tick;
                TL.LogMessage("CoverCalibrator", $"Set cover timer to: {coverTimer.Interval}ms.");

                // Initialise internal start-up values
                IsConnected     = false;                              // Initialise connected to false
                brightnessValue = 0;                                  // Set calibrator brightness to 0 i.e. off
                coverState      = CoverStateInitialisationValue;      // Set the cover state as set by the user
                calibratorState = CalibratorStateInitialisationValue; // Set the calibration state as set by the user

                TL.LogMessage("CoverCalibrator", "Completed initialisation");
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Create a message to the user
                string message = $"Exception while creating CoverCalibrator simulator: \r\n{ex.ToString()}";

                // Attempt to log the message
                    TL.Enabled = true;
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("Initialisation", message);
                catch { } // Ignore any errors while attempting to log the error

                // Display the error to the user
                MessageBox.Show(message, "ASCOM CoverCalibrator Simulator Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); // Display the message top the user
Пример #8
        private void AddAppID(string progID, string exeName, string sAPPID, DCOMAuthenticationLevel authenticationLevel)
            RegistryKey rkCLSID    = null;
            RegistryKey rkAPPID    = null;
            RegistryKey rkAPPIDExe = null;

                LogMessage("AddAppID", "ProgID: " + progID + ", ExeName: " + exeName + ", Appid: " + sAPPID);

                int    hr     = CLSIDFromProgID(progID, out Guid gCLSID);
                string sCLSID = "{" + new GuidConverter().ConvertToString(gCLSID) + "}";
                LogMessage("AddAppID", "  CLSID: " + sCLSID);

                rkCLSID = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("CLSID\\" + sCLSID, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree);
                LogMessage("AddAppID", string.Format("Registry key rkCLSID is null: {0}", rkCLSID == null));
                rkCLSID.SetValue("AppId", sAPPID);
                rkAPPID = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("APPID\\" + sAPPID, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree);
                rkAPPID.SetValue("", rkCLSID.GetValue(""));                                            // Same description as class
                rkAPPID.SetValue("AppId", sAPPID);
                rkAPPID.SetValue("AuthenticationLevel", authenticationLevel, RegistryValueKind.DWord); // RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE

                if (exeName != "")                                                                     // If want AppId\Exe.name
                    rkAPPIDExe = Registry.ClassesRoot.CreateSubKey("AppId\\" + exeName, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadWriteSubTree);
                    rkAPPIDExe.SetValue("", rkCLSID.GetValue(""));              // Same description as class
                    rkAPPIDExe.SetValue("AppId", sAPPID);
                LogMessage("AddAppID", "OK - Completed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                errorCount += 1;
                LogMessage("AddAppID", string.Format("Failed to add AppID info for {0}", progID));
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("AddAppID", "Exception: " + ex.ToString());
                if (rkCLSID != null)
                if (rkAPPID != null)
                if (rkAPPIDExe != null)
Пример #9
        private static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
            Exception   exception = (Exception)e.ExceptionObject;
            TraceLogger TL        = new TraceLogger("SetNetworkPemissionsException")
                Enabled = true

            TL.LogMessageCrLf("Main", "Unhandled exception: " + exception.ToString());
            TL.Enabled = false;
Пример #10
        static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
            Exception   exception = (Exception)e.ExceptionObject;
            TraceLogger TL        = new TraceLogger("RemoteAccessServerException")
                Enabled = true

            TL.LogMessageCrLf("Main", "Unhandled exception: " + exception.ToString());
            TL.Enabled = false;
Пример #11
        public void TraceLogger_InstanceTests()
            String logType = $"{GetType().Name}";

            Console.WriteLine($"Starting Test: {logType}");
            TraceLogger tl = new TraceLogger(logType);

            tl.Enabled = true;

            TraceLogger.Debug($"\tPath: {tl.FullPath}");
            TraceLogger.Debug($"\tEnabled: {tl.Enabled}");
            tl.LogMessage(nameof(TraceLogger_InstanceTests), $"\tPath: {tl.FullPath}");
            tl.LogMessageCrLf(nameof(TraceLogger_InstanceTests), $"\tEnabled: {tl.Enabled}");
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Focuser"/> class.
        /// Must be public for COM registration.
        /// </summary>
        public Focuser()
                TL         = new TraceLogger("", "FocusSimulator");
                TL.Enabled = RegistryCommonCode.GetBool(GlobalConstants.SIMULATOR_TRACE, GlobalConstants.SIMULATOR_TRACE_DEFAULT);
                TL.LogMessage("New", "Started");

                //check to see if the profile is ok
                if (ValidateProfile())
                    TL.LogMessage("New", "Validated OK");
                    KeepMoving      = false;
                    LastOffset      = 0;
                    RateOfChange    = 1;
                    MouseDownTime   = DateTime.MaxValue; //Initialise to "don't accelerate" value
                    RandomGenerator = new Random();      //Temperature fluctuation random generator
                    TL.LogMessage("New", "Loaded Key Values");
                    //Handbox = new FocuserHandboxForm(this);
                    //TL.LogMessage("FocusSettingsForm", "Created Handbox");

                    // start a timer that monitors and moves the focuser
                    _moveTimer          = new System.Timers.Timer();
                    _moveTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(MoveTimer_Tick);
                    _moveTimer.Interval = 100;
                    _moveTimer.Enabled  = true;
                    _lastTemp           = Temperature;
                    Target = _position;

                    TL.LogMessage("New", "Started Simulation");
                    TL.LogMessage("New", "Registering Profile");
                    TL.LogMessage("New", "Registered OK");

                TL.LogMessage("New", "Completed");
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("New Exception", ex.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine($"Focuser: {ex}");
Пример #13
        static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)
            TraceLogger TL = new TraceLogger("RemoteAccessServerException")
                Enabled = true

            TL.LogMessageCrLf("Main", "Thread exception: " + e.Exception.ToString());

            TL.Enabled = false;

            //MessageBox.Show(e.Exception.Message, "Unhandled Thread Exception, see RemoteAccessServerException log for details.");
Пример #14
 public static string Encrypt(this string clearText, TraceLogger TL)
         byte[] clearBytes     = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(clearText);
         byte[] entropyBytes   = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GenerateEntropy());
         byte[] encryptedBytes = ProtectedData.Protect(clearBytes, entropyBytes, dataProtectionScope);
         string encryptedText  = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes);
         TL.LogMessage("Encrypt", encryptedText);
     catch (Exception ex)
         TL.LogMessageCrLf("Encrypt", ex.ToString());
         return("Unable to encrypt this value");
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Crates a new instance of the NativeHelpers component
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="HelperException">Thrown if the NativeHelpers support library DLL cannot be loaded</exception>
        public NativeHelpers()
            int lastError;

            TL         = new TraceLogger("NativeHelpers");
            TL.Enabled = RegistryCommonCode.GetBool(GlobalConstants.TRACE_UTIL, GlobalConstants.TRACE_UTIL_DEFAULT);
                string VideoDllFile = null;
                System.Text.StringBuilder ReturnedPath = new System.Text.StringBuilder(260);

                //Find the root location of the common files directory containing the ASCOM support files.
                if (Is64Bit()) // 64bit application so find the 32bit folder location, usually Program Files (x86)\Common Files
                    VideoDllFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFilesX86) + VIDEOUTILS_DLL_LOCATION + VIDEOUTILS64_DLL_NAME;
                else //32bit application so just go with the .NET returned value usually, Program Files\Common Files
                    VideoDllFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFiles) + VIDEOUTILS_DLL_LOCATION + VIDEOUTILS32_DLL_NAME;

                TL.LogMessage("New", "Loading NativeHelpers library DLL: " + VideoDllFile);

                VideoDllHandle = LoadLibrary(VideoDllFile);
                lastError      = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();

                if (VideoDllHandle != IntPtr.Zero) // Loaded successfully
                    TL.LogMessage("New", "Loaded NativeHelpers library OK");
                else // Did not load
                    TL.LogMessage("New", "Error loading NativeHelpers library: " + lastError.ToString("X8"));
                    throw new HelperException("Error code returned from LoadLibrary when loading NativeHelpers library: " + lastError.ToString("X8"));
                TL.LogMessage("NativeHelpers", "Created");
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("NativeHelpers ctor", ex.ToString());
Пример #16
        static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e)
            Version assemblyVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;

            // Create a trace logger and log the exception
            TraceLogger TL = new TraceLogger("DynamicClientThreadException")
                Enabled = true

            TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format("ASCOM Dynamic Client Manager - Thread exception. Version: {0}", assemblyVersion.ToString()));
            TL.LogMessageCrLf("Main", e.Exception.ToString());

            // Display the exception in the default .txt editor and exit

            TL.Enabled = false;

Пример #17
 public static string Unencrypt(this string encryptedText, TraceLogger TL)
         if (encryptedText == null)
             return("");                       // Deal with initial case where text has not yet been encrypted
         byte[] encryptedBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedText);
         byte[] entropyBytes   = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GenerateEntropy());
         byte[] clearBytes     = ProtectedData.Unprotect(encryptedBytes, entropyBytes, dataProtectionScope);
         string clearText      = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(clearBytes);
         TL.LogMessage("Unencrypt", encryptedText);
     catch (Exception ex)
         TL.LogMessageCrLf("Unencrypt", ex.ToString());
         return("Unable to decrypt this value");
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises the form
        /// </summary>
        public Form1(TraceLogger TLParameter)

                TL = TLParameter; // Save the supplied trace logger

                Version assemblyVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
                LblVersionNumber.Text = "Version " + assemblyVersion.ToString();
                TL.LogMessage("Initialise", string.Format("Application Version: {0}", assemblyVersion.ToString()));

                profile           = new Profile();
                remoteDrivers     = new List <DriverRegistration>();
                deviceTypeSummary = new Dictionary <string, int>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // Create a dictionary using a case insensitive key comparer

                ReadConfiguration();                                                                         // Get the current configuration

                // Add event handlers for the number of devices numeric up-down controls
                NumCamera.ValueChanged              += NumValueChanged;
                NumDome.ValueChanged                += NumValueChanged;
                NumFilterWheel.ValueChanged         += NumValueChanged;
                NumFocuser.ValueChanged             += NumValueChanged;
                NumObservingConditions.ValueChanged += NumValueChanged;
                NumRotator.ValueChanged             += NumValueChanged;
                NumSafetyMonitor.ValueChanged       += NumValueChanged;
                NumSwitch.ValueChanged              += NumValueChanged;
                NumTelescope.ValueChanged           += NumValueChanged;
                TL.LogMessage("Initialise", string.Format("Initialisation completed"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("initialise - Exception", ex.ToString());
                MessageBox.Show("Sorry, en error occurred on start up, please report this error message on the ASCOM Talk forum hosted at Groups.Io.\r\n\n" + ex.Message, "ASCOM Dynamic Clients", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                DisableControls(false); // Disable all controls except exit
Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Lof an informational message
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="section">Name of the code section that the message is from </param>
 /// <param name="logMessage">The message to record</param>
 static public void LogMessage(string section, string logMessage)
     TL.LogMessageCrLf(section, logMessage); // The CrLf version is used in order properly to format exception messages
     EventLogCode.LogEvent("InstallTemplates", logMessage, EventLogEntryType.Information, GlobalConstants.EventLogErrors.InstallTemplatesInfo, "");
Пример #20
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Add the event handler for handling UI thread exceptions to the event.
            Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException);

            // Set the unhandled exception mode to force all exceptions to go through our handler.

            // Add the event handler for handling non-UI thread exceptions to the event.
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);

            TL         = new TraceLogger("", "DynamicClients");
            TL.Enabled = true;

                string parameter = ""; // Initialise the supplied parameter to empty string
                if (args.Length > 0)
                    parameter = args[0];                  // Copy any supplied parameter to the parameter variable
                TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format(@"Supplied parameter: ""{0}""", parameter));
                parameter = parameter.TrimStart(' ', '-', '/', '\\'); // Remove any parameter prefixes and leading spaces
                parameter = parameter.TrimEnd(' ');                   // Remove any trailing spaces

                TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format(@"Trimmed parameter: ""{0}""", parameter));

                switch (parameter.ToUpperInvariant()) // Act on the supplied parameter, if any
                case "":                              // Run the application in user interactive mode
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Starting application form");
                    Application.Run(new Form1(TL));

                case "INSTALLERSETUP":     // Called by the installer to create drivers on first time use
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Running installer setup");

                    // Find if there are any driver files already installed, indicating that this is not a first time install
                    string localServerPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFilesX86) + Form1.REMOTE_SERVER_PATH;
                    string deviceType      = "*";
                    string searchPattern   = string.Format(Form1.REMOTE_CLIENT_DRIVER_NAME_TEMPLATE, deviceType);

                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "About to create base key");
                    RegistryKey remoteRegistryKey = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(SharedConstants.ASCOM_REMOTE_CONFIGURATION_HIVE, RegistryView.Default).CreateSubKey(SharedConstants.ASCOM_REMOTE_CONFIGURATION_KEY, true);
                    bool        alreadyRun        = bool.Parse((string)remoteRegistryKey.GetValue(ALREADY_RUN, "false"));
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format("Already run: {0}", alreadyRun));

                    if (!alreadyRun)     // We have not run yet
                        TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format("First time setup - migrating profiles and creating dynamic drivers"));

                        // Only attempt first time setup if the local server executable is present
                        string localServerExe = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFilesX86) + Form1.REMOTE_SERVER_PATH + Form1.REMOTE_SERVER; // Get the local server path
                        if (File.Exists(localServerExe))                                                                                                                     // Local server does exist
                            // Migrate any ASCOM.WebX.DEVICE profile entries to ASCOM.RemoteX.DEVICE profile entries
                            TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format("Migrating any ASCOM.WebX.DEVICETYPE profiles to ASCOM.RemoteX.DEVICETYPE"));

                            // Remove any driver or pdb driver files left in the , local server directory
                            DeleteFiles(localServerPath, @"ascom\.remote\d\.\w+\.dll", "ASCOM.RemoteX.DLL");
                            DeleteFiles(localServerPath, @"ascom\.remote\d\.\w+\.pdb", "ASCOM.RemoteX.PDB");
                            DeleteFiles(localServerPath, @"ascom\.web\d\.\w+\.dll", "ASCOM.WebX.DLL");
                            DeleteFiles(localServerPath, @"ascom\.web\d\.\w+\.pdb", "ASCOM.WebX.PDB");

                            // Create the required drivers
                            TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format("Creating one remote client driver of each device type"));
                            Form1.CreateDriver("Camera", 1, localServerPath, TL);
                            Form1.CreateDriver("Dome", 1, localServerPath, TL);
                            Form1.CreateDriver("FilterWheel", 1, localServerPath, TL);
                            Form1.CreateDriver("Focuser", 1, localServerPath, TL);
                            Form1.CreateDriver("ObservingConditions", 1, localServerPath, TL);
                            Form1.CreateDriver("Rotator", 1, localServerPath, TL);
                            Form1.CreateDriver("SafetyMonitor", 1, localServerPath, TL);
                            Form1.CreateDriver("Switch", 1, localServerPath, TL);
                            Form1.CreateDriver("Telescope", 1, localServerPath, TL);

                            // Register the drivers
                            TL.LogMessage("Main", "Registering drivers");
                            Form1.RunLocalServer(localServerExe, "-regserver", TL);

                            // Record that we have run once on this PC
                            TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format("Setting already run to true"));
                            remoteRegistryKey.SetValue(ALREADY_RUN, "true");
                            TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format("Set already run to true"));
                        else     // Local server can not be found so report the issue
                            string errorMessage = string.Format("Could not find local server {0}, unable to register drivers", localServerExe);
                            TL.LogMessage("Main", errorMessage);
                    else     // Drivers are already installed so no action required
                        TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format("This application has already run successful so this is not a first time installation - no action taken"));

                default:     // Unrecognised parameter so flag this to the user
                    string errMsg = string.Format("Unrecognised parameter: {0}, the only valid value is /InstallerSetup", parameter);

            catch (Exception ex)
                string errMsg = ("DynamicRemoteClients exception: " + ex.ToString());
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("Main", errMsg);

            TL.Enabled = false;
            TL = null;
Пример #21
        private static void SetLocalServerFireWallOutboundRule(string applicationPath)
            try                                                                                                             // Make sure that we still try and set the firewall rules even if we bomb out trying to get information on the firewall configuration
                TL.LogMessage("QueryFireWall", string.Format("Firewall version: {0}", FirewallManager.Version.ToString())); // Log the firewall version in use
                foreach (IFirewallProfile profile in FirewallManager.Instance.Profiles)
                    TL.LogMessage("QueryFireWall", string.Format("Found current firewall profile {0}, enabled: {1}", profile.Type.ToString(), profile.IsActive));

                COMTypeResolver             cOMTypeResolver     = new COMTypeResolver();
                IFirewallProductsCollection thirdPartyFirewalls = FirewallManager.GetRegisteredProducts(cOMTypeResolver);
                TL.LogMessage("QueryFireWall", string.Format("number of third party firewalls: {0}", thirdPartyFirewalls.Count));
                foreach (FirewallProduct firewall in thirdPartyFirewalls)
                    TL.LogMessage("QueryFireWall", $"Found third party firewall: {firewall.Name} - {firewall.FriendlyName}");
                    //foreach (IFirewallProfile profile in firewall.)
                    //    TL.LogMessage("QueryFireWall", string.Format("Found third party firewall profile {0}, enabled: {1}", profile.Type.ToString(), profile.IsActive));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("QueryFireWall", "Exception: " + ex.ToString());

                if ((new WindowsPrincipal(WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent())).IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator)) // Application is being run with Administrator privilege so go ahead and set the firewall rules
                    // Check whether the specified file exists
                    if (File.Exists(applicationPath)) // The file does exist so process it
                        string applicationPathFull = Path.GetFullPath(applicationPath);
                        TL.LogMessage("SetFireWallOutboundRule", string.Format("Supplied path: {0}, full path: {1}", applicationPath, applicationPathFull));

                        // Now clear up previous instances of this rule
                        IEnumerable <IFirewallRule> query     = FirewallManager.Instance.Rules.Where(ruleName => ruleName.Name.ToUpperInvariant().StartsWith(LOCAL_SERVER_OUTBOUND_RULE_NAME.ToUpperInvariant()));
                        List <IFirewallRule>        queryCopy = query.ToList();
                        foreach (IFirewallRule existingRule in queryCopy)
                            TL.LogMessage("SetFireWallOutboundRule", string.Format("Found rule: {0}", existingRule.Name));
                            FirewallManager.Instance.Rules.Remove(existingRule); // Delete the rule
                            TL.LogMessage("SetFireWallOutboundRule", string.Format("Deleted rule: {0}", existingRule.Name));

                        IFirewallRule rule = FirewallManager.Instance.CreateApplicationRule(FirewallManager.Instance.GetProfile(FirewallProfiles.Domain | FirewallProfiles.Private | FirewallProfiles.Public).Type, LOCAL_SERVER_OUTBOUND_RULE_NAME, FirewallAction.Allow, applicationPathFull);
                        rule.Direction = FirewallDirection.Outbound;

                        // Add the group name to the outbound rule
                        if (rule is FirewallWASRule) //Rules.StandardRule)
                            TL.LogMessage("SetHttpSysFireWallRule", "Firewall rule is a standard rule");
                            ((FirewallWASRule)rule).Grouping = GROUP_NAME;
                            TL.LogMessage("SetHttpSysFireWallRule", $"Group name set to: {GROUP_NAME}");
                            TL.LogMessage("SetHttpSysFireWallRule", "Firewall rule is not a standard rule");
                        if (rule is FirewallWASRuleWin7)
                            TL.LogMessage("SetHttpSysFireWallRule", "Firewall rule is a WIN7 rule");
                            ((FirewallWASRuleWin7)rule).Grouping = GROUP_NAME;
                            TL.LogMessage("SetHttpSysFireWallRule", $"Group name set to: {GROUP_NAME}");
                            TL.LogMessage("SetHttpSysFireWallRule", "Firewall rule is not a WIN7 rule");
                        if (rule is FirewallWASRuleWin8)
                            TL.LogMessage("SetHttpSysFireWallRule", "Firewall rule is a WIN8 rule");
                            ((FirewallWASRuleWin8)rule).Grouping = GROUP_NAME;
                            TL.LogMessage("SetHttpSysFireWallRule", $"Group name set to: {GROUP_NAME}");
                            TL.LogMessage("SetHttpSysFireWallRule", "Firewall rule is not a WIN8 rule");

                        TL.LogMessage("SetFireWallOutboundRule", "Successfully created outbound rule");
                        TL.LogMessage("SetFireWallOutboundRule", string.Format("Successfully added outbound rule for {0}", applicationPathFull));
                        TL.LogMessage("SetFireWallOutboundRule", string.Format("The specified file does not exist: {0}", applicationPath));
                        Console.WriteLine("The specified file does not exist: {0}", applicationPath);
                    TL.LogMessage("SetFireWallOutboundRule", "Not running as Administrator so unable to set firewall rules.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Not running as Administrator so unable to set firewall rules.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("SetFireWallOutboundRule", "Exception: " + ex.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("SetFireWallOutboundRule threw an exception: " + ex.Message);
Пример #22
        internal MemberFactory(string progId, TraceLogger ascomDriverTraceLogger)
            //_tl = new TraceLogger("", "MemberFactory");
            //_tl.Enabled = RegistryCommonCode.GetBool(GlobalConstants.DRIVERACCESS_TRACE, GlobalConstants.DRIVERACCESS_TRACE_DEFAULT);
            TL = ascomDriverTraceLogger; // Save the supplied TraceLogger object for use in method calls
            TL.LogMessage("ProgID", progId);

            _strProgId    = progId;
            GetInterfaces = new List <Type>();

            // Get Type Information
            GetObjType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(progId);

            //check to see if it found the type information
            if (GetObjType == null)
                //no type information found throw error
                throw new ASCOM.Utilities.Exceptions.HelperException("Check Driver: cannot create object type of progID: " + _strProgId);

            //setup the property
            IsComObject = GetObjType.IsCOMObject;
            TL.LogMessage("IsComObject", GetObjType.IsCOMObject.ToString());

            // Create an instance of the object
            GetLateBoundObject = Activator.CreateInstance(GetObjType);

            // Get list of interfaces but don't throw an exception if this fails
                var objInterfaces = GetObjType.GetInterfaces();

                foreach (Type objInterface in objInterfaces)
                    TL.LogMessage("GetInterfaces", "Found interface: " + objInterface.AssemblyQualifiedName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("GetInterfaces", "Exception: " + ex.ToString());

            /*MemberInfo[] members = GetObjType.GetMembers();
             * foreach (MemberInfo mi in members)
             * {
             *  TL.LogMessage("Member", Enum.GetName(typeof(MemberTypes), mi.MemberType) + " " + mi.Name);
             *  if (mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method)
             *  {
             *      foreach (ParameterInfo pi in ((MethodInfo)mi).GetParameters())
             *      {
             *          TL.LogMessage("Parameter",
             *                         " " + pi.Name +
             *                         " " + pi.ParameterType.Name +
             *                         " " + pi.ParameterType.AssemblyQualifiedName);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }*/

            //no instance found throw error
            if (GetLateBoundObject == null)
                TL.LogMessage("Exception", "GetLateBoudObject is null, throwing HelperException");
                throw new ASCOM.Utilities.Exceptions.HelperException("Check Driver: cannot create driver instance of progID: " + _strProgId);
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Migrate profile names from previous client version
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DeviceType"></param>
        /// <remarks>The first ASCOM Remote release used device ProgIds of the form ASCOM.WebX.DEVICETYPE. This and future versions use ProgIDs of the form ASCOM.RemoteX.DEVICETYPE. This routine renames the
        /// Profile entries of any original release drivers to match the new form.</remarks>
        private static void MigrateProfiles(string DeviceType)
            const string IP_ADDRESS_NOT_PRESENT = "IP Address NOT present";

                TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Migrating device type {0}", DeviceType));

                for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                    string webProgIdKeyName = string.Format(@"SOFTWARE\ASCOM\{0} Drivers\ASCOM.Web{1}.{0}", DeviceType, i);
                    TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Processing registry value: {0}", webProgIdKeyName));

                    RegistryKey webProgIdKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(webProgIdKeyName, true); // Open the key for writing
                    if (!(webProgIdKey == null))                                                         // ProgID exists
                        string ipAddress = (string)webProgIdKey.GetValue("IP Address", IP_ADDRESS_NOT_PRESENT);
                        TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Found IP Address: {0}", ipAddress));

                        if (!(ipAddress == IP_ADDRESS_NOT_PRESENT))// IP Address value exists so we need to try and rename this profile
                            // Does a current ASCOM>remoteX profile exist, if so then we can't migrate so leave as is
                            string remoteProgIdkeyName = string.Format(@"SOFTWARE\ASCOM\{0} Drivers\ASCOM.Remote{1}.{0}", DeviceType, i);
                            TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Checking whether registry key {0} exists", remoteProgIdkeyName));

                            RegistryKey remoteProgIdKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(remoteProgIdkeyName, true); // Open the key for writing
                            if (remoteProgIdKey == null)                                                               // The "Remote" Profile does not exist so we can just rename the "Web" profile
                                TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("The registry key {0} does not exist - creating it", remoteProgIdkeyName));
                                Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(remoteProgIdkeyName, true);
                                remoteProgIdKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(remoteProgIdkeyName, true); // Open the key for writing
                                TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Registry key {0} created OK", remoteProgIdkeyName));
                                string[] valueNames = webProgIdKey.GetValueNames();
                                foreach (string valueName in valueNames)
                                    string value;

                                    if (valueName == "") // Special handling for the default value - need to change chooser description to ASCOM Remote Client X
                                        value = string.Format("ASCOM Remote Client {0}", i);
                                        TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Changing Chooser description to {0} ", value));
                                        value = (string)webProgIdKey.GetValue(valueName);
                                        TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Found Web registry value name {0} = {1}", valueName, value));
                                    TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Setting Remote registry value {0} to {1}", valueName, value));
                                    remoteProgIdKey.SetValue(valueName, value);
                                TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Driver successfully migrated - deleting Profile {0}", webProgIdKeyName));
                                TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Successfully deleted Profile {0}", webProgIdKeyName));
                            else // The "Remote" profile already exists so we can't migrate the old "Web" profile
                                TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("The {0} key already exists so we cannot migrate the {1} profile - no action taken", remoteProgIdkeyName, webProgIdKeyName));
                        else // No IP address value means that this profile is unconfigured so just delete it.
                            TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Driver not configured - deleting Profile {0}", webProgIdKeyName));
                            TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("Successfully deleted Profile {0}", webProgIdKeyName));
                    else // ProgID doesn't exist
                        TL.LogMessage("MigrateProfiles", string.Format("ProgId {0} does not exist - no action taken", webProgIdKeyName));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("MigrateProfiles", ex.ToString());
Пример #24
        private static string DownloadFile(string Function, string DataFile, WebClient Client, TraceLogger TL)
            string    tempFileName;
            Stopwatch timeOutTimer;

            tempFileName = Path.GetTempFileName();
            timeOutTimer = new Stopwatch();

            TL.LogMessage(Function, string.Format("About to download {0} from {1} as {2}", DataFile, Client.BaseAddress, tempFileName));

            Client.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(DataFile, UriKind.Relative), tempFileName);

            int printCount = 0;

            //DateTime timeOut = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(DownloadTimeout);
            DownloadComplete = false;
            downloadError    = null;
                if (printCount == 9)
                    TL.LogMessage(Function, string.Format("Waiting for download to complete...{0} / {1} seconds", timeOutTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("0"), parameters.DownloadTaskTimeOut));
                    printCount = 0;
                    printCount += 1;
            } while (!DownloadComplete & (timeOutTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds < parameters.DownloadTaskTimeOut));

            if (DownloadComplete)
                if (downloadError == null) // No error occurred
                    TL.LogMessage(Function, "Response headers");
                    WebHeaderCollection responseHeaders = Client.ResponseHeaders;
                    if (!(responseHeaders is null))
                        foreach (string header in responseHeaders.AllKeys)
                            TL.LogMessage(Function, string.Format("Response header {0} = {1}", header, responseHeaders[header]));
                    FileInfo info = new FileInfo(tempFileName);
                    TL.LogMessage(Function, string.Format("Successfully downloaded {0} from {1} as {2}. Size: {3}", DataFile, Client.BaseAddress, tempFileName, info.Length));
                else // An error occurred
                    // Just throw the error, which will be reported in the calling routine
                    throw downloadError;
                TL.LogMessage(Function, string.Format("Download cancelled because of {0} second timeout", DownloadTimeout));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("DownloadFile", "Exception cancelling download: " + ex.ToString());

                throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Timed out downloading {0} from {1} as {2}", DataFile, Client.BaseAddress, tempFileName));

Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Alpaca client executable using the supplied parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DeviceType">The ASCOM device type to create</param>
        /// <param name="DeviceNumber">The number of this device type to create</param>
        /// <param name="OutputDirectory">The directory in which to place the compiled assembly</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This subroutine creates compiler source line definitions (not source code as such) and stores them in memory
        /// When complete, the compiler is called and the resultant assembly is stored in the specified output directory.
        /// The code created has no function as such it is just a shell with all of the heavy lifting undertaken by an inherited base class that is supplied pre-compiled
        /// The resultant assembly for Camera device 1 has this form:
        /// using System;
        /// using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
        /// namespace ASCOM.DynamicRemoteClients
        /// {
        ///     [Guid("70495DF9-C01E-4987-AE49-E12967202C7F")]             <====> The GUID is dynamically created on the user's machine so that it is unique for every driver
        ///     [ProgId(DRIVER_PROGID)]
        ///     [ServedClassName(DRIVER_DISPLAY_NAME)]
        ///     [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]
        ///     public class Camera : CameraBaseClass                      <====> Created from supplied parameters - all executable code is in the base class
        ///     {
        ///         private const string DRIVER_NUMBER = "1";              <====> Created from supplied parameters
        ///         private const string DEVICE_TYPE = "Camera";           <====> Created from supplied parameters
        ///         private const string DRIVER_DISPLAY_NAME = SharedConstants.DRIVER_DISPLAY_NAME + " " + DRIVER_NUMBER;
        ///         private const string DRIVER_PROGID = SharedConstants.DRIVER_PROGID_BASE + DRIVER_NUMBER + "." + DEVICE_TYPE;
        ///         public Camera() : base(DRIVER_NUMBER, DRIVER_DISPLAY_NAME, DRIVER_PROGID)
        ///         {
        ///         }
        ///     }
        /// }
        /// </remarks>
        internal static void CreateAlpacaClient(string DeviceType, int DeviceNumber, string ProgId, string DisplayName, string localServerPath)
            TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", $"Creating new ProgID: for {DeviceType} device {DeviceNumber} with ProgID: {ProgId} and display name: {DisplayName}");

                // Generate the container unit
                CodeCompileUnit program = new CodeCompileUnit();

                // Generate the namespace
                CodeNamespace ns = new CodeNamespace("ASCOM.DynamicRemoteClients");

                // Add required imports
                ns.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("System"));
                ns.Imports.Add(new CodeNamespaceImport("System.Runtime.InteropServices"));

                // Declare the device class
                CodeTypeDeclaration deviceClass = new CodeTypeDeclaration()
                    Name    = DeviceType,
                    IsClass = true

                // Add the class base type
                deviceClass.BaseTypes.Add(new CodeTypeReference {
                    BaseType = DeviceType + BASE_CLASS_POSTFIX
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Created base type");

                // Create custom attributes to decorate the class
                CodeAttributeDeclaration           guidAttribute            = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("Guid", new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodePrimitiveExpression(Guid.NewGuid().ToString())));
                CodeAttributeDeclaration           progIdAttribute          = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("ProgId", new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression("DRIVER_PROGID")));
                CodeAttributeDeclaration           servedClassNameAttribute = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("ServedClassName", new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression("DRIVER_DISPLAY_NAME")));
                CodeAttributeDeclaration           classInterfaceAttribute  = new CodeAttributeDeclaration("ClassInterface", new CodeAttributeArgument(new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression("ClassInterfaceType.None")));
                CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection customAttributes         = new CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection()
                    guidAttribute, progIdAttribute, servedClassNameAttribute, classInterfaceAttribute
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Created custom attributes");

                // Add the custom attributes to the class
                deviceClass.CustomAttributes = customAttributes;

                // Create some class level private constants
                CodeMemberField driverNumberConst = new CodeMemberField(typeof(string), "DRIVER_NUMBER");
                driverNumberConst.Attributes     = MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Const;
                driverNumberConst.InitExpression = new CodePrimitiveExpression(DeviceNumber.ToString());

                CodeMemberField deviceTypeConst = new CodeMemberField(typeof(string), "DEVICE_TYPE");
                deviceTypeConst.Attributes     = MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Const;
                deviceTypeConst.InitExpression = new CodePrimitiveExpression(DeviceType);

                CodeMemberField driverDisplayNameConst = new CodeMemberField(typeof(string), "DRIVER_DISPLAY_NAME");
                driverDisplayNameConst.Attributes     = (MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Const);
                driverDisplayNameConst.InitExpression = new CodePrimitiveExpression(DisplayName);

                CodeMemberField driverProgIDConst = new CodeMemberField(typeof(string), "DRIVER_PROGID");
                driverProgIDConst.Attributes     = MemberAttributes.Private | MemberAttributes.Const;
                driverProgIDConst.InitExpression = new CodePrimitiveExpression(ProgId);

                // Add the constants to the class
                deviceClass.Members.AddRange(new CodeMemberField[] { driverNumberConst, deviceTypeConst, driverDisplayNameConst, driverProgIDConst });
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Added constants to class");

                // Declare the class constructor
                CodeConstructor constructor = new CodeConstructor();
                constructor.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public | MemberAttributes.Final;

                // Add a call to the base class with required parameters
                constructor.BaseConstructorArgs.Add(new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression("DRIVER_NUMBER"));
                constructor.BaseConstructorArgs.Add(new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression("DRIVER_DISPLAY_NAME"));
                constructor.BaseConstructorArgs.Add(new CodeArgumentReferenceExpression("DRIVER_PROGID"));
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Added base constructor");

                // Add the class to the namespace
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Added class to name space");

                // Add the namespace to the program, which is now complete
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Added name space to program");

                // Construct the path to the output DLL
                String dllName = $"{localServerPath.TrimEnd('\\')}\\{SharedConstants.DRIVER_PROGID_BASE}{DeviceNumber}.{DeviceType}.dll";
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", string.Format("Output file name: {0}", dllName));

                // Create relevant compiler options to shape the compilation
                CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters()
                    GenerateExecutable      = false,   // Specify output of a DLL
                    OutputAssembly          = dllName, // Specify the assembly file name to generate
                    GenerateInMemory        = false,   // Save the assembly as a physical file.
                    TreatWarningsAsErrors   = false,   // Don't treat warnings as errors.
                    IncludeDebugInformation = true     // Include debug information
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Created compiler parameters");

                // Add required assembly references to make sure the compilation succeeds
                cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(@"ASCOM.Attributes.dll");                    // Must be present in the current directory because the compiler doesn't use the GAC
                cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(@"ASCOM.DeviceInterfaces.dll");              // Must be present in the current directory because the compiler doesn't use the GAC
                cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(@"ASCOM.Newtonsoft.Json.dll");               // Must be present in the current directory because the compiler doesn't use the GAC
                cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(@"RestSharp.dll");                           // Must be present in the current directory
                cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(@"ASCOM.AlpacaClientDeviceBaseClasses.dll"); // Must be present in the current directory
                cp.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(SharedConstants.ALPACA_CLIENT_LOCAL_SERVER); // Must be present in the current directory

                Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                foreach (AssemblyName assemblyName in executingAssembly.GetReferencedAssemblies())

                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Added assembly references");

                // Create formatting options for the generated code that will be logged into the trace logger
                CodeGeneratorOptions codeGeneratorOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions()
                    BracingStyle             = "C",
                    IndentString             = "    ",
                    VerbatimOrder            = true,
                    BlankLinesBetweenMembers = false

                // Get a code provider so that we can compile the program
                CodeDomProvider provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Created CSharp provider");

                // Write the generated code to the trace logger
                using (MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream())
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(outputStream))
                        provider.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(ns, writer, codeGeneratorOptions);

                    MemoryStream actualStream = new MemoryStream(outputStream.ToArray());
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(actualStream))
                            TL.LogMessage("GeneratedCode", reader.ReadLine());
                        } while (!reader.EndOfStream);

                // Compile the source contained in the "program" variable
                CompilerResults cr = provider.CompileAssemblyFromDom(cp, program);
                TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", string.Format("Compiled assembly - {0} errors", cr.Errors.Count));

                // Report success or errors
                if (cr.Errors.Count > 0)
                    // Display compilation errors.
                    foreach (CompilerError ce in cr.Errors)
                        TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", string.Format("Compiler error: {0}", ce.ToString()));
                    // Display a successful compilation message.
                    TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", "Assembly compiled OK!");

            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("CreateAlpacaClient", ex.ToString());
Пример #26
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string errMsg;

            // Add unhandled exception handlers
            Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException);                        // Add the event handler for handling UI thread exceptions to the event.
            Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException);                                       // Set the unhandled exception mode to force all exceptions to go through our handler.
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); // Add the event handler for handling non-UI thread exceptions to the event.

            TL         = new TraceLogger("", "AlpacaDynamicClientManager");
            TL.Enabled = RegistryCommonCode.GetBool(GlobalConstants.TRACE_UTIL, GlobalConstants.TRACE_UTIL_DEFAULT);

                string commandParameter = ""; // Initialise the supplied parameter to empty string

                TL.LogMessage("Main", $"Number of parameters: {args.Count()}");
                foreach (string arg in args)
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", $"Received parameter: \"{arg}\"");

                if (args.Length > 0)
                    commandParameter = args[0];                  // Copy any supplied command parameter to the parameter variable
                TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format(@"Supplied parameter: ""{0}""", commandParameter));
                commandParameter = commandParameter.TrimStart(' ', '-', '/', '\\'); // Remove any parameter prefixes and leading spaces
                commandParameter = commandParameter.TrimEnd(' ');                   // Remove any trailing spaces

                TL.LogMessage("Main", string.Format(@"Trimmed parameter: ""{0}""", commandParameter));

                switch (commandParameter.ToUpperInvariant()) // Act on the supplied parameter, if any
                case "":
                case "MANAGEDEVICES":

                    // Run the application in user interactive mode
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Starting device management form");
                    Application.Run(new ManageDevicesForm(TL));


                case "CREATEALPACACLIENT":

                    // Validate supplied parameters before passing to the execution method
                    if (args.Length < 5)
                        // Validate the number of parameters - must be 5: Command DeviceType COMDeviceNumber ProgID DeviceName
                        errMsg = $"The CreateAlpacaClient command requires 4 parameters: DeviceType COMDeviceNumber ProgID DeviceName e.g. /CreateAlpacaClient Telescope 1 ASCOM.AlpacaDynamic1.Telescope \"Device Chooser description\"";
                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("CreateAlpacaClient", errMsg);
                        MessageBox.Show(errMsg, "ASCOM Dynamic Client Manager", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    // Validate that the supplied device type is one that is supported for Alpaca
                    if (!supportedDeviceTypes.Contains(args[1], StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        errMsg = $"The supplied ASCOM device type '{args[1]}' is not supported: The command format is \"/CreateAlpacaClient ASCOMDeviceType AlpacaDeviceUniqueID\" e.g. /CreateAlpacaClient Telescope 84DC2495-CBCE-4A9C-A703-E342C0E1F651";
                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("CreateAlpacaClient", errMsg);
                        MessageBox.Show(errMsg, "ASCOM Dynamic Client Manager", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    // Validate that the supplied device number is an integer
                    int  comDevicenumber;
                    bool comDevicenunberIsInteger = int.TryParse(args[2], out comDevicenumber);
                    if (!comDevicenunberIsInteger)
                        errMsg = $"The supplied COM device number is not an integer: {args[2]}";
                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("CreateAlpacaClient", errMsg);
                        MessageBox.Show(errMsg, "ASCOM Dynamic Client Manager", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    string localServerPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFilesX86) + SharedConstants.ALPACA_CLIENT_LOCAL_SERVER_PATH;
                    TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", $"Alpaca local server folder: {localServerPath}");

                    // The supplied parameters pass validation so run the create device form to obtain the device description and create the driver
                    CreateAlpacaClient(args[1], comDevicenumber, args[3], args[4], localServerPath);     // Call the execution method with correctly cased device type and unique ID parameters
                    string localServerExe = $"{localServerPath}\\{SharedConstants.ALPACA_CLIENT_LOCAL_SERVER}";
                    TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", $"Alpaca local server exe name: {localServerExe}");
                    RunLocalServer(localServerExe, "-regserver", TL);


                case "CREATENAMEDCLIENT":

                    // Validate supplied parameters before passing to the execution method
                    if (args.Length < 4)
                        // Validate the number of parameters - must be 4: Command DeviceType COMDeviceNumber ProgID
                        errMsg = $"The CreateAlpacaClient command requires 3 parameters: DeviceType COMDeviceNumber ProgID e.g. /CreateAlpacaClient Telescope 1 ASCOM.AlpacaDynamic1.Telescope";
                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("CreateAlpacaClient", errMsg);
                        MessageBox.Show(errMsg, "ASCOM Dynamic Client Manager", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    // Validate that the supplied device type is one that is supported for Alpaca
                    if (!supportedDeviceTypes.Contains(args[1], StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        errMsg = $"The supplied ASCOM device type '{args[1]}' is not supported: The command format is \"/CreateAlpacaClient ASCOMDeviceType AlpacaDeviceUniqueID\" e.g. /CreateAlpacaClient Telescope 84DC2495-CBCE-4A9C-A703-E342C0E1F651";
                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("CreateAlpacaClient", errMsg);
                        MessageBox.Show(errMsg, "ASCOM Dynamic Client Manager", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    // Validate that the supplied device number is an integer
                    comDevicenunberIsInteger = int.TryParse(args[2], out comDevicenumber);
                    if (!comDevicenunberIsInteger)
                        errMsg = $"The supplied COM device number is not an integer: {args[2]}";
                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("CreateAlpacaClient", errMsg);
                        MessageBox.Show(errMsg, "ASCOM Dynamic Client Manager", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                    localServerPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.CommonProgramFilesX86) + SharedConstants.ALPACA_CLIENT_LOCAL_SERVER_PATH;
                    TL.LogMessage("CreateAlpacaClient", $"Alpaca local server folder: {localServerPath}");

                    // The supplied parameters pass validation so run the create device form to obtain the device description and create the driver
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Starting device creation form");
                    Application.Run(new CreateDeviceForm(args[1], comDevicenumber, args[3], localServerPath, TL));


                default:     // Unrecognised parameter so flag this to the user
                    errMsg = $"Unrecognised command: '{commandParameter}', the valid command are:\r\n" +
                             $"/CreateAlpacaClient DeviceType COMDeviceNumber ProgID DeviceName\r\n" +
                             $"CreateNamedClient DeviceType COMDeviceNumber ProgID\r\n" +
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", errMsg);
                    MessageBox.Show(errMsg, "ASCOM Dynamic Clients", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            catch (Exception ex)
                errMsg = ("DynamicRemoteClients exception: " + ex.ToString());
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("Main", errMsg);
                MessageBox.Show(errMsg, "ASCOM Dynamic Clients", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            TL.Enabled = false;
            TL = null;
Пример #27
        private static readonly double UNKNOWN_LEAP_SECONDS = double.MinValue;   // Value for dates which have not yet been determined

        static void Main(string[] args)
                // In December 2020, ascom-standards.org minimum SSL protocol version is TLS1.2
                // Normally, this application will use the OS default SSL protocol, but Windows 7 default protocol is earlier that TLS1.2 and connection cannot be established to ascom-standards.org from this OS.
                // The following command ensures that TLS1.2 will be tried in addition to the OS default protocol.
                ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 | SecurityProtocolType.SystemDefault;

                // Get some basic details for this run
                string   runBy    = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name; // Get the name of the user executing this program
                bool     isSystem = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().IsSystem;
                DateTime now      = DateTime.Now;

                ReturnCode = 0; // Initialise return code to success

                // Get access to the ASCOM Profile store and retrieve the trace logger configuration
                RegistryAccess profile       = new RegistryAccess();
                string         traceFileName = "";
                string         traceBasePath = "";
                if (isSystem) // If we are running as user SYSTEM, create our own trace file name so that all scheduled job trace files end up in the same directory
                    // Get the configured trace file directory and make sure that it exists
                    traceBasePath = profile.GetProfile(GlobalItems.ASTROMETRY_SUBKEY,
                                                       string.Format(GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_TRACE_DEFAULT_PATH_FORMAT, Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments))
                    // Now make the full trace file name from the path above and the file name format template
                    traceFileName = string.Format(GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_TRACE_FILE_NAME_FORMAT, traceBasePath, now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour.ToString("00"), now.Minute.ToString("00"), now.Second.ToString("00"));

                // Get the trace state from the Profile
                string DownloadTaskTraceEnabledString = profile.GetProfile(GlobalItems.ASTROMETRY_SUBKEY, GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_TRACE_ENABLED_VALUE_NAME, GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_TRACE_ENABLED_DEFAULT.ToString());
                if (!Boolean.TryParse(DownloadTaskTraceEnabledString, out bool DownloadTaskTraceEnabledValue)) //' String parsed OK so no further action
                {                                                                                              //'Returned string doesn't represent a boolean so use the default
                    DownloadTaskTraceEnabledValue = GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_TRACE_ENABLED_DEFAULT;

                // Create the trace logger with either the supplied fully qualified name if running as SYSTEM or an automatic file name if running as a normal user
                TL                 = new TraceLogger(traceFileName, GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_TRACE_LOG_FILETYPE);
                TL.Enabled         = DownloadTaskTraceEnabledValue; // Set the trace state
                TL.IdentifierWidth = GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_TRACE_LOGGER_IDENTIFIER_FIELD_WIDTH;

                invariantCulture = new CultureInfo("");
                invariantCulture.Calendar.TwoDigitYearMax = 2117;                          // Specify that two digit years will be converted to the range 2018-2117 - Likely to outlast ASCOM Platform and me!
                monthAbbrev       = invariantCulture.DateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedMonthNames; // Get the 12 three letter abbreviated month names of the year
                invariantTextInfo = invariantCulture.TextInfo;

                TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("InstalledUICulture: {0}, CurrentUICulture: {1}, CurrentCulture: {2}", CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.Name, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

                parameters = new EarthRotationParameters(TL);                                                       // Get configuration from the Profile store
                string runDate = now.ToString(GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_TIME_FORMAT, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); // Get today's date and time in a locally readable format
                hostURIString = parameters.DownloadTaskDataSource;                                                  // Initialise the data source URI

                if (args.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string arg in args)
                        TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Received parameter: {0}", arg));

                // If we have been provided with an "Initialise" parameter then stop here after having set up all the default profile values by creating the EarthRotationParameters object
                if (args.Length == 1)
                    if (args[0].Trim(' ', '-', '\\', '/').Equals("INITIALISE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Test for the presence of and act on the initialise argument ignoring everything else
                        TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Earth rotation parameter initialisation run on {0} by {1}, IsSystem: {2}", runDate, runBy, isSystem));
                        LogEvent(string.Format("Earth rotation parameter initialisation run on {0} by {1}, IsSystem: {2}", runDate, runBy, isSystem), EventLogEntryType.Information);

                        TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Calling ManageScheduledTask"));
                        TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Completed ManageScheduledTask"));


                // If we have been provided with a "DataSource" override parameter then apply the new URI otherwise read it from the Profile
                if (args.Length == 2)
                    if (args[0].Trim(' ', '-', '\\', '/').Equals("DATASOURCE", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) // Test for the presence of and act on the data source argument ignoring everything else
                        TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Data source override parameter provided: {0}", args[1]));
                        string overrideDataSource = args[1].Trim(' ', '"');
                        bool   UriValid           = false; // Set the valid flag false, then set to true if the download source starts with a supported URI prefix
                        if (overrideDataSource.StartsWith(GlobalItems.URI_PREFIX_HTTP, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            UriValid = true;
                        if (overrideDataSource.StartsWith(GlobalItems.URI_PREFIX_HTTPS, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            UriValid = true;
                        if (overrideDataSource.StartsWith(GlobalItems.URI_PREFIX_FTP, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            UriValid = true;

                        if (UriValid)
                            hostURIString = overrideDataSource;
                            TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Data source override parameter is valid and will be used: {0}", hostURIString));
                            TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Data source override parameter {0} is not valid and the Profile data source will be used instead: {1}", overrideDataSource, hostURIString));

                // Ensure that the host URI string, wherever it has come from, ends with a single backslash otherwise the URI will be incorrect when the file name is formed
                hostURIString = hostURIString.TrimEnd(' ', '-', '\\', '/') + "/";

                LogEvent(string.Format("Run on {0} by {1}, IsSystem: {2}", runDate, runBy, isSystem), EventLogEntryType.Information);
                TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Run on {0} by {1}, IsSystem: {2}", runDate, runBy, isSystem));
                LogEvent(string.Format("Log file: {0}, Trace state: {1}, Log file path: {2}", TL.LogFileName, parameters.DownloadTaskTraceEnabled, TL.LogFilePath), EventLogEntryType.Information);
                TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Log file: {0}, Trace state: {1}, Log file path: {2}", TL.LogFileName, parameters.DownloadTaskTraceEnabled, TL.LogFilePath));
                TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Earth rotation data last updated: {0}", parameters.EarthRotationDataLastUpdatedString));
                TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", string.Format("Data source: {0}", hostURIString));

                DownloadTimeout = parameters.DownloadTaskTimeOut;

                WebClient client = new WebClient();

                client.DownloadProgressChanged += Client_DownloadProgressChanged;
                client.DownloadFileCompleted   += Client_DownloadFileCompleted;

                Uri hostURI = new Uri(hostURIString);

                if (WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.GetProxy(hostURI) == hostURI)
                    TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", "No proxy server detected, going directly to Internet"); // No proxy is in use so go straight out
                else // Proxy is in use so set it and apply credentials
                    TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", "Setting default proxy");
                    client.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;
                    TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", "Setting default credentials");
                    client.Proxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
                    TL.LogMessage("EarthRotationUpdate", "Using proxy server: " + WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.GetProxy(hostURI).ToString());

                client.Headers.Add("user-agent", GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_USER_AGENT);
                client.Headers.Add("Accept", "text/plain");
                client.Encoding    = Encoding.ASCII;
                client.BaseAddress = hostURIString;
                NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential("anonymous", "guest"); // Apply some standard credentials for FTP sites
                client.Credentials = credentials;

                // Get the latest delta UT1 values
                    string   dUT1fileName = DownloadFile("DeltaUT1", GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_FILE, client, TL); // Download the latest delta UT1 values and receive the filename holding the data
                    FileInfo info         = new FileInfo(dUT1fileName);                                      // Find out if we have any data
                    if (info.Length > 0)                                                                     // We actually received some data so process it
                        // List the data position parameters that will be used to extract the delta UT1 data from the file
                        TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Expected file format for the {0} file", GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_FILE));
                        TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Year string start position: {0}, Year string length: {1}", GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_YEAR_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_YEAR_LENGTH));
                        TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Month string start position: {0}, Month string length: {1}", GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_MONTH_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_MONTH_LENGTH));
                        TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Day string start position: {0}, Day string length: {1}", GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_DAY_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_DAY_LENGTH));
                        TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Julian date start position: {0}, Julian date string length: {1}", GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_JULIAN_DATE_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_JULIAN_DATE_LENGTH));
                        TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Delta UT1 start position: {0}, Delta UT1 string length: {1}", GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_LENGTH));

                        profile.DeleteKey(GlobalItems.AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_DELTAUT1_SUBKEY_NAME); // Clear out old delta UT1 values

                        // Process the data file
                        using (var filestream = new FileStream(dUT1fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                            using (var file = new StreamReader(filestream, Encoding.ASCII, true, 4096))
                                string   lineOfText;
                                DateTime date;

                                while ((lineOfText = file.ReadLine()) != null) // Get lines of text one at a time and parse them
                                        // Extract string values for data items
                                        string yearString       = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_YEAR_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_YEAR_LENGTH);
                                        string monthString      = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_MONTH_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_MONTH_LENGTH);
                                        string dayString        = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_DAY_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_DAY_LENGTH);
                                        string julianDateString = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_JULIAN_DATE_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_JULIAN_DATE_LENGTH);
                                        string dUT1String       = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_START, GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_LENGTH);

                                        // Validate that the data items are parse-able
                                        bool yearOK       = int.TryParse(yearString, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out int year);
                                        bool monthOK      = int.TryParse(monthString, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out int month);
                                        bool dayOK        = int.TryParse(dayString, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out int day);
                                        bool julianDateOK = double.TryParse(julianDateString, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double julianDate);
                                        bool dut1OK       = double.TryParse(dUT1String, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double dUT1);

                                        if (yearOK & monthOK & dayOK & julianDateOK & dut1OK)       // We have good values for all data items so save these to the Profile
                                            year = invariantCulture.Calendar.ToFourDigitYear(year); // Convert the two digit year to a four digit year
                                            date = new DateTime(year, month, day);

                                            // Only save the item if it is from a few days back or is a future prediction
                                            if (date.Date >= DateTime.Now.Date.Subtract(new TimeSpan(GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_NUMBER_OF_BACK_DAYS_OF_DELTAUT1_DATA_TO_LOAD, 0, 0, 0)))
                                                string deltaUT1ValueName = string.Format(GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_VALUE_NAME_FORMAT,
                                                TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Setting {0}, JD = {1} - DUT1 = {2} with key: {3}", date.ToLongDateString(), julianDate, dUT1, deltaUT1ValueName));
                                                profile.WriteProfile(GlobalItems.AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_DELTAUT1_SUBKEY_NAME, deltaUT1ValueName, dUT1.ToString("0.000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                                            TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Unable to parse Delta UT1 values from the line below - Year: {0}, Month: {1}, Day: {2}, Julian Day: {3},Delta UT1: {4}",
                                                                                    yearString, monthString, dayString, julianDateString, dUT1String));
                                            TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Corrupt line: {0}", lineOfText));
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Unexpected exception: {0}, parsing line: ", ex.Message, lineOfText));
                                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("DeltaUT1", ex.ToString());
                        TL.LogMessage("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Downloaded file size was zero so nothing to process!"));
                catch (WebException ex) // An issue occurred with receiving the leap second file over the network
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("DeltaUT1", string.Format("Error: {0} - delta UT1 data not updated", ex.Message));
                    ReturnCode = 1;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("DeltaUT1", ex.ToString());
                    ReturnCode = 2;

                // Get the latest leap second values
                    string   leapSecondsfileName = DownloadFile("LeapSeconds", GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_FILE, client, TL); // Download the latest leap second values and receive the filename holding the data
                    FileInfo info = new FileInfo(leapSecondsfileName);                                                     // Find out if we have any data
                    if (info.Length > 0)                                                                                   // We actually received some data so process it
                        // List the data position parameters that will be used to extract the delta UT1 data from the file
                        TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Expected file format for the {0} file", GlobalItems.DELTAUT1_FILE));
                        TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Year string start position: {0}, Year string length: {1}", GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_YEAR_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_YEAR_LENGTH));
                        TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Month string start position: {0}, Month string length: {1}", GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_MONTH_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_MONTH_LENGTH));
                        TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Day string start position: {0}, Day string length: {1}", GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_DAY_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_DAY_LENGTH));
                        TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Julian date start position: {0}, Julian date string length: {1}", GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_JULIAN_DATE_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_JULIAN_DATE_LENGTH));
                        TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Leap seconds start position: {0}, Leap seconds string length: {1}", GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_LEAPSECONDS_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_LEAPSECONDS_LENGTH));

                        profile.DeleteKey(GlobalItems.AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_LEAP_SECOND_HISTORY_SUBKEY_NAME);;  // Clear out old leap second values

                        // Process the data file
                        using (var filestream = new FileStream(leapSecondsfileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite))
                            double   currentLeapSeconds  = UNKNOWN_LEAP_SECONDS;
                            double   nextLeapSeconds     = 0.0;
                            DateTime leapSecondDate      = UNKNOWN_DATE;
                            DateTime nextleapSecondsDate = UNKNOWN_DATE;

                            using (var file = new StreamReader(filestream, Encoding.ASCII, true, 4096))
                                string   lineOfText;
                                DateTime latestLeapSecondDate = UNKNOWN_DATE;
                                while ((lineOfText = file.ReadLine()) != null) // Get lines of text one at a time and parse them
                                        // Read values from the file as strings based on their position within the file
                                        string yearString        = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_YEAR_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_YEAR_LENGTH);
                                        string monthString       = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_MONTH_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_MONTH_LENGTH);
                                        string dayString         = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_DAY_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_DAY_LENGTH);
                                        string julianDateString  = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_JULIAN_DATE_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_JULIAN_DATE_LENGTH);
                                        string leapSecondsString = lineOfText.Substring(GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_LEAPSECONDS_START, GlobalItems.LEAP_SECONDS_LEAPSECONDS_LENGTH);

                                        // Validate that the data items are parse-able
                                        bool yearOK        = int.TryParse(yearString, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out int year);
                                        bool dayOK         = int.TryParse(dayString, NumberStyles.Integer, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out int day);
                                        bool julianDateOK  = double.TryParse(julianDateString, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double julianDate);
                                        bool leapSecondsOK = double.TryParse(leapSecondsString, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double leapSeconds);

                                        // Get the month number by trimming the month string, converting to lower case then title case then looking up the index in the abbreviated months array
                                        int month = Array.IndexOf(monthAbbrev, invariantTextInfo.ToTitleCase(monthString.Trim(' ').ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) + 1; // If IndexOf fails, it returns -1 so the resultant month number will be zero and this is checked below

                                        if (yearOK & (month > 0) & dayOK & julianDateOK & leapSecondsOK)                                                                        // We have good values for all data items so save these to the Profile
                                            double modifiedJulianDate = julianDate - GlobalItems.MODIFIED_JULIAN_DAY_OFFSET;
                                            leapSecondDate = new DateTime(year, month, day);

                                            // Write all leap second values and Julian dates that they become effective to the leap second history subkey
                                            profile.WriteProfile(GlobalItems.AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_LEAP_SECOND_HISTORY_SUBKEY_NAME, julianDate.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), leapSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                                            if ((leapSecondDate.Date >= latestLeapSecondDate) & (leapSecondDate.Date <= DateTime.UtcNow.Date.Subtract(new TimeSpan(GlobalItems.TEST_HISTORIC_DAYS_OFFSET, 0, 0, 0))))
                                                currentLeapSeconds = leapSeconds;
                                            if ((leapSecondDate.Date > DateTime.UtcNow.Date.Subtract(new TimeSpan(GlobalItems.TEST_HISTORIC_DAYS_OFFSET, 0, 0, 0))) & (nextleapSecondsDate == UNKNOWN_DATE)) // Record the next leap seconds value in the file
                                                nextLeapSeconds     = leapSeconds;
                                                nextleapSecondsDate = leapSecondDate;

                                            TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Leap second takes effect on: {0}, Modified JD = {1} - Current Leap Seconds = {2}, Latest Leap Seconds: {3}, Next Leap Seconds: {4} on {5}", leapSecondDate.ToLongDateString(), modifiedJulianDate, leapSeconds, currentLeapSeconds, nextLeapSeconds, nextleapSecondsDate.ToLongDateString()));
                                            TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Unable to parse leap second values from the line below - Year: {0}, Month: {1}, Day: {2}, Julian Day: {3},Leap seconds: {4}",
                                                                                       yearString, monthString, dayString, julianDateString, leapSecondsString));
                                            TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Corrupt line: {0}", lineOfText));
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        TL.LogMessageCrLf("LeapSeconds", ex.ToString());

                            if (currentLeapSeconds == UNKNOWN_LEAP_SECONDS) // No valid leap seconds were found so indicate that this
                                profile.WriteProfile(GlobalItems.ASTROMETRY_SUBKEY, GlobalItems.AUTOMATIC_LEAP_SECONDS_VALUENAME, GlobalItems.AUTOMATIC_LEAP_SECONDS_NOT_AVAILABLE_DEFAULT);
                            else  // Persist the current leap second value to the Profile
                                parameters.AutomaticLeapSecondsString = currentLeapSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                // Also include a value that is in the SOFA library defaults but is not in the USNO files. It pre-dates the start of UTC but I am assuming that IAU is correct on this occasion
                                profile.WriteProfile(GlobalItems.AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_LEAP_SECOND_HISTORY_SUBKEY_NAME, double.Parse("2436934.5", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), double.Parse("1.4178180", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                            // Persist the next leap second value and its implementation date if these have been announced
                            if (nextleapSecondsDate == UNKNOWN_DATE) // No announcement has been made
                                parameters.NextLeapSecondsString     = GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_NEXT_LEAP_SECONDS_NOT_PUBLISHED_MESSAGE;
                                parameters.NextLeapSecondsDateString = GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_NEXT_LEAP_SECONDS_NOT_PUBLISHED_MESSAGE;
                            else // A future leap second has been announced
                                parameters.NextLeapSecondsString     = nextLeapSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                parameters.NextLeapSecondsDateString = nextleapSecondsDate.ToString(GlobalItems.DOWNLOAD_TASK_TIME_FORMAT, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Current Leap Seconds = {0}, Next Leap Seconds: {1} on {2}", currentLeapSeconds, nextLeapSeconds, nextleapSecondsDate.ToLongDateString()));
                        TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Downloaded file size was zero so nothing to process!"));

                    parameters.EarthRotationDataLastUpdatedString = runDate; // Save a new last run time to the Profile

                    TL.LogMessage("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Task completed."));

                    parameters = null;
                catch (WebException ex) // An issue occurred with receiving the leap second file over the network
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("LeapSeconds", string.Format("Error: {0} - leap second data not updated.", ex.Message));
                    ReturnCode = 3;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("LeapSeconds", ex.ToString());
                    ReturnCode = 4;

                TL.Enabled = false;
                TL = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                try { TL.LogMessageCrLf("EarthRotationUpdate", ex.ToString()); } catch { }

                                      string.Format("EarthRotationUpdate - Unexpected exception: {0}", ex.Message),
                ReturnCode = 5;
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handler for Connect button
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnConnect_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            bool usedConnected = true;

            TL         = new TraceLogger("", TRACE_LOGGER_NAME);
            TL.Enabled = true;
            dynamic driver = null;


                LogMsg("Create", "Creating device");
                Type type = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(CurrentDevice);
                driver = Activator.CreateInstance(type);
                LogMsg("Connected", "Connecting to device");
                if (CurrentDeviceType.ToUpperInvariant() == "FOCUSER")
                        LogMsg("Connected", "Trying Connected");
                        driver.Connected = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LogMsg("Connected", "Trying Link: " + ex.Message);
                        driver.Link   = true;
                        usedConnected = false;
                    driver.Connected = true;

                LogMsg("", "");

                try { LogMsg("Name", driver.Name); }
                catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Name", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                try { LogMsg("Description", driver.Description); }
                catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Description", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                try { LogMsg("DriverInfo", driver.DriverInfo); }
                catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("DriverInfo", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                try { LogMsg("DriverVersion", driver.DriverVersion); }
                catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("DriverVersion", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                try { LogMsg("InterfaceVersion", driver.InterfaceVersion.ToString()); }
                catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("InterfaceVersion", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }

                // Device specific commands
                switch (CurrentDeviceType.ToUpperInvariant())
                case "TELESCOPE":
                    try { LogMsg("RA, Dec", Util.HoursToHMS(driver.RightAscension, ":", ":", "", 3) + " " + Util.DegreesToDMS(driver.Declination, ":", ":", "", 3)); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("RA, Dec", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("Latitude, Longitude", Util.DegreesToDMS(driver.SiteLatitude, ":", ":", "", 3) + " " + Util.DegreesToDMS(driver.SiteLongitude, ":", ":", "", 3)); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Latitude, Longitude", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("Tracking", driver.Tracking.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Tracking", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }

                case "FOCUSER":
                    try { LogMsg("IsMoving", driver.IsMoving.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("IsMoving", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("Position", driver.Position.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Position", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }

                case "FILTERWHEEL":
                    try { LogMsg("Position", driver.Position.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Position", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                        string[] names = driver.Names;
                        foreach (string name in names)
                            LogMsg("Filter name", name);
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Names", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }

                case "ROTATOR":
                    try { LogMsg("IsMoving", driver.IsMoving.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("IsMoving", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("Position", driver.Position.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Position", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }

                case "DOME":
                    try { LogMsg("Azimuth, Altitude", Util.DegreesToDMS(driver.Azimuth, ":", ":", "", 3) + " " + Util.DegreesToDMS(driver.Altitude, ":", ":", "", 3)); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Azimuth, Altitude", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("AtHome", driver.AtHome.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("AtHome", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("AtPark", driver.AtPark.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("AtPark", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }

                case "CAMERA":
                    try { LogMsg("CameraXSize", driver.CameraXSize.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("CameraXSize", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("CameraYSize", driver.CameraYSize.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("CameraYSize", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("BinX", driver.BinX.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("BinX", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("BinY", driver.BinY.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("BinY", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("MaxBinX", driver.MaxBinX.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("MaxBinX", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("MaxBinY", driver.MaxBinY.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("MaxBinY", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("HasShutter", driver.HasShutter.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("HasShutter", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }

                case "VIDEO":
                    try { LogMsg("Width", driver.Width.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Width", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("Height", driver.Height.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("Height", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("ExposureMax", driver.ExposureMax.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("ExposureMax", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("ExposureMin", driver.ExposureMin.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("ExposureMin", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("FrameRate", driver.FrameRate.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("FrameRate", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }
                    try { LogMsg("CanConfigureDevice", driver.CanConfigureDeviceProperties.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("CanConfigureDevice", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }

                case "SWITCH":
                    try { LogMsg("MaxSwitch", driver.MaxSwitch.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("MaxSwitch", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }

                case "SAFETYMONITOR":
                    try { LogMsg("IsSafe", driver.IsSafe.ToString()); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { LogMsg("IsSafe", "Property not available - " + ex.Message); ex.ToString(); }


                LogMsg("", "");
                LogMsg("Connected", "Disconnecting from device");
                if (usedConnected)
                    driver.Connected = false;
                    driver.Link = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogMsg("Error", ex.ToString());
                    LogMsg("Dispose", "Disposing of device");
                    LogMsg("Dispose", "Completed disposal");
                catch (System.NotImplementedException)
                    LogMsg("Dispose", "Dispose is not implemented inthis driver");
                catch (Exception ex1)
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("Dispose error", ex1.ToString());
                    LogMsg("ReleaseComObject", "Releasing COM instance");
                    int count = Marshal.ReleaseComObject(driver);
                    LogMsg("ReleaseComObject", "Completed release. Count: " + count);
                catch (Exception ex2)
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("ReleaseComObject error", ex2.ToString());

                LogMsg("GC Collect", "Starting garbage collection");
                driver = null;
                LogMsg("GC Collect", "Completed garbage collection");
            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("GC Collect", ex.ToString());

            TL.Enabled = false;
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Trawls through the Platform source code base picking out all GUIDs explicitly defined. These are then written out as the
        /// GUIDList class in the RemoveASCOM program so that it can remove these from the user's PC. This dynamic approach is used so that this
        /// application is maintenance free as new GUIDs are added in future.
        /// This program is run by the build process before RemoveASCOM is compiled so that GUIDList is up to date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Accepts one parameter, the full path to the base of the Exported Platform source code.</param>
        /// <remarks> If the command line parameter is omitted the program will default to values appropriate to the development environment as oposed to the build environment.</remarks>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Settings for use in the development environment, these are overriden by a command line argument in the build environment
            string developmentSearchPath          = @"..\..\..\..";
            string outputPath                     = @"\Remove ASCOM\Remove ASCOM\";
            string devlopmentPath                 = developmentSearchPath + outputPath;
            string outputClassFileName            = @"DynamicLists.vb";
            string outputTextFileName             = @"GUIDList.txt";
            string platformInstallerTextFileName  = @"\Releases\ASCOM 6\Platform\Installer Project\Ascom Platform 6.mia.txt";
            string developerInstallerTextFileName = @"\Releases\ASCOM 6\Developer\Installer Project\ASCOM Platform 6 Developer.mia.txt";

            // Construct the development environment values
            string sourceSearchPath                   = developmentSearchPath;
            string outputClassFullFileName            = devlopmentPath + outputClassFileName;
            string outputTextFullFileName             = devlopmentPath + outputTextFileName;
            string platformInstallerTextFileFullName  = developmentSearchPath + platformInstallerTextFileName;
            string developerInstallerTextFileFullName = developmentSearchPath + developerInstallerTextFileName;

            // Storage for the GUIDs found and a suppression list of GUIDs that should be left undisturbed
            SortedList <string, string> guidList = new SortedList <string, string>();
            List <string> guidSuppressionList    = new List <string>();

            // Storage for the lists of files installed by the Platform
            SortedSet <string> platformFileList  = new SortedSet <string>();
            SortedSet <string> developerFileList = new SortedSet <string>();

            using (TraceLogger TL = new TraceLogger("", "MakeDynamicLists"))
                TL.Enabled = true;

                // Create the list of GUIDs created by the Platform
                    // Override the source and output paths if a command line search path is provided
                    if (args.Length > 0)
                        sourceSearchPath                   = args[0];
                        outputClassFullFileName            = args[0] + outputPath + outputClassFileName;
                        outputTextFullFileName             = args[0] + outputPath + outputTextFileName;
                        platformInstallerTextFileFullName  = args[0] + platformInstallerTextFileName;
                        developerInstallerTextFileFullName = args[0] + developerInstallerTextFileName;

                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Search path: " + Path.GetFullPath(sourceSearchPath));
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Output class file: " + Path.GetFullPath(outputClassFullFileName));
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Output text file: " + Path.GetFullPath(outputTextFullFileName));

                    // Add required items to the suppression list so that they are not deleted by RemoveASCOM when it runs

                    // Set up a regular expression for a GUID format e.g.:   Guid("0EF59E5C-2715-4E91-8A5E-38FE388B4F00")
                    // Regular expression groups within the matched GUID:    <-G1-><--------------G2------------------>
                    // Group 2 picks out the GUID value inside the double quote characters. This is used as m.Groups[2] below
                    Regex regexGuid = new Regex(@"(Guid\(\"")([0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12})""", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                    // Get a list of all the files with a .cs CSharp extension
                    List <string> files = new List <string>(Directory.GetFiles(sourceSearchPath, "*.cs*", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Number of C# files found: " + files.Count);

                    // Add the list of files with a .vb extension
                    files.AddRange(new List <string>(Directory.GetFiles(sourceSearchPath, "*.vb*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)));
                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Total files found: " + files.Count);

                    // Process the list of files opening each file in turn and searching every line with the GUID regular expression
                    // Save every match except for those on the suppression list
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        if (!file.Contains(Path.GetFileName(outputClassFullFileName)))        // Process all files except our output file!
                            List <string> lines = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(file)); // Get all lines into a list
                            foreach (string line in lines)                                    // Iterate over the list of lines
                                Match m = regexGuid.Match(line);                              // Use the regular expression to search for a match
                                if (m.Success)                                                // We have found a GUID
                                        // Check whether this a GUID to suppress
                                        if (!guidSuppressionList.Contains(m.Groups[2].ToString()))        // Not suppressed
                                            guidList.Add(m.Groups[2].ToString(), Path.GetFullPath(file)); // Add the GUID to the found GUIDs list
                                            TL.LogMessage("Main", "Match: " + m.Groups[2] + " in: " + file);
                                        else // This GUID should be left alone so don't add it to the list
                                            TL.LogMessage("Main", "Suppressing: " + m.Groups[2] + " in: " + file);
                                    catch (ArgumentException) // The GUID has already been added so ignore it as a duplicate
                                        TL.LogMessage("Main", "Duplicate: " + m.Groups[2] + " in: " + file);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("Main", "Exception creating GUID list: " + ex.ToString());

                // Create lists of "Install Files" lines in the Platform and Developer installer scripts
                platformFileList  = FindInstalledFiles(platformInstallerTextFileFullName, TL);  // Lines from the Platform installer
                developerFileList = FindInstalledFiles(developerInstallerTextFileFullName, TL); // Lines from the Developer installer.

                // Create the class file that will be used by the RemoveASCOM program
                    // Create the streamwriter to make the updated GUIDList class file and the readable txt file
                    StreamWriter outputTextFile  = new StreamWriter(outputTextFullFileName);
                    StreamWriter outputClassFile = new StreamWriter(outputClassFullFileName);

                    // Add the first lines of the GUID text list
                    outputTextFile.WriteLine(@"This is a list of the GUIDs that will be removed by RemoveASCOM");
                    outputTextFile.WriteLine(" ");

                    // Add the first lines of the DynamicLists class
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine(@"' ***** WARNING ***** WARNING ***** WARNING *****");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine(" ");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine(@"' This class is dynamically generated by the MakeDynamicLists Program.");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine(@"' Do not alter this class, alter the MakeDynamicLists program instead and your changes will appear when the next build is made.");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine(" ");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("Imports System.Collections.Generic");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("Imports System.IO");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine(" ");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("Class DynamicLists");

                    // Add the first lines of the GUIDs member
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("    Shared Function GUIDs(TL as TraceLogger) As SortedList(Of String, String)");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("        Dim guidList As SortedList(Of String, String)");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("        guidList = New SortedList(Of String, String)");

                    // Add the GUIDs in the list
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> guid in guidList)
                        TL.LogMessage("Main", "Adding to class: " + guid.Key + " in: " + guid.Value);
                        outputClassFile.WriteLine("        Try : guidList.Add(\"" + guid.Key + "\", \"" + guid.Value + "\") :TL.LogMessage(\"GUIDs\",\"Added GUID: \" + \"" + guid.Key + "\") : Catch ex As ArgumentException : TL.LogMessage(\"GUIDs\",\"Duplicate GUID: \" + \"" + guid.Key + "\"):End Try");
                        outputTextFile.WriteLine(guid.Key + " defined in: " + guid.Value);

                    // Add the closing lines of the GUIDs member
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("        Return guidList");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("    End Function");

                    // Add the first lines of the PlatformFiles member
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("    Shared Function PlatformFiles(TL as TraceLogger) As SortedSet(Of String)");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("        Dim fileList As SortedSet(Of String)");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("        fileList = New SortedSet(Of String)");

                    // Add the files in the list
                    foreach (string file in platformFileList)
                        TL.LogMessage("Main", "Adding to class: " + file);
                        outputClassFile.WriteLine("        Try : fileList.Add(\"" + file + "\") :TL.LogMessage(\"PlatformFiles\",\"Added file: " + file + "\") : Catch ex As Exception : TL.LogMessage(\"PlatformFiles\",\"Exception: \" + ex.ToString()):End Try");

                    // Add the closing lines of the PlatformFiles member
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("        Return fileList");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("    End Function");

                    // Add the first lines of the DeveloperFiles member
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("    Shared Function DeveloperFiles(TL as TraceLogger) As SortedSet(Of String)");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("        Dim fileList As SortedSet(Of String)");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("        fileList = New SortedSet(Of String)");

                    // Add the files in the list
                    foreach (string file in developerFileList)
                        TL.LogMessage("Main", "Adding to class: " + file);
                        outputClassFile.WriteLine("        Try : fileList.Add(\"" + file + "\") :TL.LogMessage(\"DeveloperFiles\",\"Added file: " + file + "\") : Catch ex As Exception : TL.LogMessage(\"PlatformFiles\",\"Exception: \" + ex.ToString()):End Try");

                    // Add the closing lines of the DeveloperFiles member
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("        Return fileList");
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("    End Function");

                    // Add the closing lines of the DynamicLists class
                    outputClassFile.WriteLine("End Class");

                    // Close the files
                catch (Exception ex)
                    TL.LogMessageCrLf("Main", "Exception writing class file: " + ex.ToString());
Пример #30
        static SortedSet <string> FindInstalledFiles(string installerTextFileFullName, TraceLogger TL)
            SortedSet <String> fileList; // Variable to hold the returned list of Install File lines

                fileList = new SortedSet <string>(); // Create a SortedSet to hold the lines returned

                // Set up a regular expression to pick out the file name and install path from an Installaware Install Files line
                //                                 Comment: Install Files ..\..\..\..\ASCOM.Utilities\ASCOM.Utilities\bin\Release\ASCOM.Utilities.dll to $COMMONFILES$\ASCOM\Platform\v6
                // Groups within the matched line: <Comment>              <---------------------------------FileName-------------------------------->    <---------InstallPath--------->
                Regex regexInstallFile = new Regex(@"\s*(?<Comment>[\w\W]*)\sInstall Files\s*(?<FileName>[\w\W]*) to (?<InstallPath>[\w\W]*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                // Set up a regular expression to pick out the compiler variable from the InstallPath part of an Installaware Install Files line
                //                                $COMMONFILES$\ASCOM\Platform\v6
                // Group within the matched line: <--CompVar-->
                Regex regexInstallerVariables = new Regex(@"\$(?<CompVar>[\w]*)\$.*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

                // Create the list of installer lines to be processed
                TL.LogMessage("FindInstalledFiles", "Reading installer file: " + installerTextFileFullName);
                List <string> lines = new List <string>(File.ReadAllLines(installerTextFileFullName)); // Get all Platform installer lines into a list

                // Iterate over the list of lines identifying "Install File" lines and recording them for use by the RemoveASCOM program
                foreach (string line in lines)
                    Match m = regexInstallFile.Match(line);                                          // Use the regular expression to search for a match
                    if (m.Success)                                                                   // We have found an installed file
                        if (!m.Groups["Comment"].ToString().ToUpperInvariant().Contains("COMMENT:")) // Process non comment lines
                            TL.LogMessage("FindInstalledFiles", "Found installed file: " + m.Groups["FileName"].ToString() + " " + m.Groups["InstallPath"].ToString());

                            // Now check whether it has a variable
                            Match mVar = regexInstallerVariables.Match(m.Groups["InstallPath"].ToString());
                            if (mVar.Success)                                                 // Yes, we have a compiler variable
                                switch (mVar.Groups["CompVar"].ToString().ToUpperInvariant()) // Check that the variable is recognised
                                case "TARGETDIR":                                             // These are the recognised variables for files that should be cleaned up by RemoveASCOM
                                case "COMMONFILES":
                                case "COMMONFILES64":
                                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Found: " + mVar.Groups["CompVar"].ToString() + ", including this file");
                                    string targetFullFileName = m.Groups["InstallPath"].ToString() + @"\" + Path.GetFileName(m.Groups["FileName"].ToString());

                                case "WINSYSDIR":     // These are the variables used where files should be left in place by RemoveASCOM
                                case "WINDIR":
                                    TL.LogMessage("Main", "Found WINDIR or WINSYSDIR, ignoring this file");

                                default:     // Throw an error if a new variable is encountered so that it can be added to one of the preceeding groups.
                                    TL.LogMessage("FindInstalledFiles", "ERROR - Found UNKNOWN COMPILER VARIABLE: " + mVar.Groups["CompVar"].ToString() + " in line: " + line);
                                    MessageBox.Show("ERROR - Found UNKNOWN COMPILER VARIABLE: " + mVar.Groups["CompVar"].ToString() + " in line: " + line,
                                                    "MakeDynamicLists Build Environment Program", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                            TL.LogMessage("FindInstalledFiles", "Ignoring comment line: " + line);
                    else // This is not an "Install Files" line so ignore it

            catch (Exception ex)
                TL.LogMessageCrLf("FindInstalledFiles", "Exception reading installer text file: " + ex.ToString());
                return(new SortedSet <string>());