Пример #1
    // Helper function for AddTowerToTowers()
    private void AddAllEnemiesInRowToTower(Tower tower, int rowNum)
        LinkedList <GameObject>     row    = NavigateToRow(enemiesInRow, rowNum);
        LinkedListNode <GameObject> cursor = row.First;

        // Add every enemy in current cursor's row
        for (int i = 0; i < row.Count; i++)
            cursor = cursor.Next;
Пример #2
    // Helper functions for Adding/Removing enemies
    private void AddEnemyToTowers(GameObject e, int rowNum)
        LinkedListNode <LinkedList <GameObject> > rowCursor = towers.First;

        for (int i = 0; i < towers.Count; i++)
            LinkedList <GameObject>     row    = rowCursor.Value;
            LinkedListNode <GameObject> cursor = row.First;
            for (int j = 0; j < row.Count; j++)
                Tower tower = cursor.Value.GetComponent <Tower>();

                // Single Lane Targetting & the enemy is in the right row
                if (tower.targeting == TargetingMode.singleLane && (tower.GetRowNum() == rowNum))
                } // Adjacent Lane Targetting & enemy is in above, same, or below row
                else if (tower.targeting == TargetingMode.tripleLanes)
                    bool above = tower.GetRowNum() + 1 == rowNum;
                    bool same  = tower.GetRowNum() == rowNum;
                    bool below = tower.GetRowNum() - 1 == rowNum;
                    if (above || same || below)
                } // All Lane Targetting
                else if (tower.targeting == TargetingMode.allLanes)

                cursor = cursor.Next;

            rowCursor = rowCursor.Next;
Пример #3
    private void AddTowerToTowers(GameObject tGO, int rowNum)
        NavigateToRow(towers, rowNum).AddLast(tGO);

        Tower tower = tGO.GetComponent <Tower>();

        // Add enemies to this tower for -single lane targeting-
        if (tower.targeting == TargetingMode.singleLane)
            AddAllEnemiesInRowToTower(tower, tower.GetRowNum());
        } // triple lane targeting
        else if (tower.targeting == TargetingMode.tripleLanes)
            // Add the below row if possible
            if (tower.GetRowNum() - 1 >= 0)
                AddAllEnemiesInRowToTower(tower, tower.GetRowNum() - 1);

            // Add the same row
            AddAllEnemiesInRowToTower(tower, tower.GetRowNum());

            // Add the above row if possible
            if (tower.GetRowNum() + 1 < enemiesInRow.Count)
                AddAllEnemiesInRowToTower(tower, tower.GetRowNum() + 1);
        } // all lane targeting
        else if (tower.targeting == TargetingMode.allLanes)
            LinkedListNode <LinkedList <GameObject> > rowNode = enemiesInRow.First;

            // Add enemies from every row
            for (int i = 0; i < enemiesInRow.Count; i++)
                LinkedListNode <GameObject> cursor = rowNode.Value.First;
                // Add every enemy in current cursorInner's row
                for (int j = 0; j < rowNode.Value.Count; j++)
                    cursor = cursor.Next;
                rowNode = rowNode.Next;