Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sorts the play queue into a random order.
        /// </summary>
        public void ShufflePlayQueue()
            bool wasPlayingBefore = false;

            if (ToccataModel.MediaPlayerIsPlaying())
                wasPlayingBefore = true;


            // Construct a list of all the items in the play queue (we will pull random items off it, in the code below).
            List <PlayableItem> playableItemList = new List <PlayableItem>((IEnumerable <PlayableItem>) this.PlayQueue);


            Random random = new Random();

            while ((uint)playableItemList.Count > 0U)
                int index = 0;
                if (playableItemList.Count > 1)
                    index = random.Next(0, playableItemList.Count);  // pick a random index in the list
                PlayableItem playableItem = playableItemList[index]; // add the random item to the play queue, and remove it from the list.

            if (wasPlayingBefore)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Stop playing the current track and move it to the history, then start playing the track that is now the top of the play queue.  This is the right
        /// metyhod to call when the 'Next' button is tapped.
        /// </summary>
        public void Next()
            if (this.PlayQueue.Count <= 1) // if there is no queued track, do nothing.  If there is only one queued track, then there is no next track, so do nothing.

            // This is a bit nasty and hacky - if the next button is pressed repeatedly in quick succession, the player
            // may be transiently paused when the button is pressed for the second, third, ... etc time, as a result of
            // an earlier press.  So our logic for checking whether the player is playing now, and should therefore be
            // restarted after we have skipped forward a track, needs to be careful to ignore those transient state changes.
            // Hence this code, which says we will examine the player state only if the button hasn't already been pressed
            // in the recent past.
            if (_dtNextPressed.AddMilliseconds(500) < DateTime.Now)
                _wasPlayingBeforeNextPressed = ToccataModel.MediaPlayerIsPlaying();
            _dtNextPressed = DateTime.Now;

            this.history.Insert(0, this.PlayQueue[0]); // Take the currently playing track (the one at the top of the queue), add it to the history
            this.PlayQueue.RemoveAt(0);                // and remove it from the play queue.

            if (_wasPlayingBeforeNextPressed)
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove an item from the play queue.  If it's the top item of the queue, and currently playing, then stop playing it, and
        /// start playing the next on the queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i">item to remove</param>
        public void DeleteFromQueue(PlayableItem i)
            if (this.PlayQueue.Count <= 0)

            bool wasPlayingBefore = false;

            if (ToccataModel.MediaPlayerIsPlaying())
                wasPlayingBefore = true;

            if (this.PlayQueue[0] == i) // if we're removing the top item of the queue (i.e. the current track)
                this.Stop();            // then hard-stop playback

            if (wasPlayingBefore)
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Stops playing the current track (if it's playing) and goes back to the start of the previous track we were playing.
        /// </summary>
        public void Back()
            if (this.history.Count <= 0)

            // This is a bit nasty and hacky - if the back button is pressed repeatedly in quick succession, the player
            // may be transiently paused when the button is pressed for the second, third, ... etc time, as a result of
            // an earlier press.  So our logic for checking whether the player is playing now, and should therefore be
            // restarted after we have skipped back a track, needs to be careful to ignore those transient state changes.
            // Hence this code, which says we will examine the player state only if the button hasn't already been pressed
            // in the recent past.
            if (_dtBackPressed.AddMilliseconds(500) < DateTime.Now)
                _wasPlayingBeforeBackPressed = ToccataModel.MediaPlayerIsPlaying();
            _dtBackPressed = DateTime.Now;

            this.PlayQueue.Insert(0, this.history[0]); // Put the top track from ths history list onto the top of the play queue,
            this.history.RemoveAt(0);                  // and remove it from the history list

            if (_wasPlayingBeforeBackPressed)
Пример #5
        private static bool _SliderIsBeingManipulated = false; // set to true while the user is manually manipulating the slider
        private void slPosition_SliderManipulationStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MainPage._SliderIsBeingManipulated = true;

            if (ToccataModel.MediaPlayerIsPlaying())
                MainPage._WasPlayingWhenManipulationStarted = true;
