Пример #1
        public virtual string ToString(T value, int indentLevel, ToStringFormatProperties formatProperties, bool isFirstValue)
            indentLevel = formatProperties.Fields.GetNewIndentLevel(indentLevel, isFirstValue);

                                 formatProperties.Fields.GetIndentString(indentLevel, isFirstValue),
                                 GetToStringValue(value, indentLevel, formatProperties, false),
Пример #2
 protected override string GetToStringValue(byte[] value, int indentLevel, ToStringFormatProperties formatProperties, bool isPartOfList)
Пример #3
        public string ToString(IMessageSerializable objectToPrint, bool includeBytes, int indentLevel = 0, string separator = null, string bytesSeparator = null, bool putBytesAfter = false, ToStringFormatProperties formatProperties = null)
            MessageSerializedClassInfo classInfo = GetClassInfo(objectToPrint.GetType());

            string stringResult = string.Empty;

            if ((includeBytes && (putBytesAfter == false)))
                stringResult += ArrayOps.GetHexStringFromByteArray(classInfo.Serializer.Serialize(objectToPrint), bytesSeparator) + separator;

            stringResult += classInfo.Serializer.ToString(
                formatProperties ?? ToStringFormatProperties.Default);

            if ((includeBytes && putBytesAfter))
                stringResult += separator + ArrayOps.GetHexStringFromByteArray(classInfo.Serializer.Serialize(objectToPrint), bytesSeparator);

Пример #4
 public string ToString(IMessageSerializable objectToPrint, int indentLevel, ToStringFormatProperties formatProperties = null)
     return(ToString(objectToPrint, true, indentLevel, null, null, false, formatProperties));
Пример #5
        public virtual string ToString <TListType>(TListType list, int indentLevel, ToStringFormatProperties formatProperties, bool isFirstValue)
            where TListType : IList, IEnumerable <T>, new()
            // Will end up with something like (for List<int> ListPropertyName):
            // ListPropertyName:
            //     Item 0:
            //         10
            //     Item 1:
            //         14

            // The indents for Lists can get a little weird because the Fields and ListItems properties can have an effect
            // when the type of the list is a serializable class.  In this scenario there are a few considerations:
            // To make things cleaner it was decided that when the fields are going on a separate line
            // all of the fields should be on the same indent level whereas normally the first field would not be indented
            // and subsequent fields would.  So you would have something like:
            // ListPropertyName:
            //     Item 0:
            //         Field1: 23
            //         Field2: 32
            //     Item 1:
            //         Field1: 44
            //         Field2: 45
            // instead of:
            //     Item 0:
            //         Field1: 23
            //             Field2: 32
            //     Item 1:
            //         Field1: 44
            //             Field2: 45
            // or:
            //     Item 0:
            //     Field1: 23
            //         Field2: 32
            //     Item 1:
            //     Field1: 44
            //         Field2: 45
            // Also, there is a question of what if ListItems.Indent = true and Fields.Indent = true
            // In that scenario you could make an argument that there should then be two indents.
            // However, things will be limited to one indent and you end up with this matrix:
            // ListItems.Indent | Fields.Indent | ToString Indented
            // true             | true          | yes
            // false            | true          | yes
            // true             | false         | yes
            // false            | false         | no
            // By "ToString Indented" being yes it means it will look like this:
            //     Item 0:
            //         Field1: 23
            //         Field2: 32
            //     Item 1:
            //         Field1: 44
            //         Field2: 45
            // "ToString Indented" being no will look like this:
            //     Item 0:
            //     Field1: 23
            //     Field2: 32
            //     Item 1:
            //     Field1: 44
            //     Field2: 45
            // The additional catch here is that the indent for the first field of the object is set by this function
            // and the indent for the subsequent fields is set by the type serializer so we need to make sure that
            // both of those are correct.  So here is a more updated chart:
            // ListItems.Indent | Fields.Indent | ToString Indented | Extra indent here | Pass extra indent to serializer
            // true             | true          | yes               | yes               | no (because serializer will see 2nd field and do the indent itself)
            // false            | true          | yes               | yes               | no (because serializer will see 2nd field and do the indent itself)
            // true             | false         | yes               | yes               | yes (because serializer will not indent the fields)
            // false            | false         | no                | no                | no

            indentLevel = formatProperties.Fields.GetNewIndentLevel(indentLevel, isFirstValue);

            // ListPropertyName:
            string returnValue = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}",
                                               formatProperties.Fields.GetIndentString(indentLevel, isFirstValue),

            int index = 0;

            using (IEnumerator <T> itList = list.GetEnumerator())
                for (; itList.MoveNext(); ++index)
                    int currentIndentLevel = formatProperties.ListItemHeaders.GetNewIndentLevel(indentLevel, false);

                    if (formatProperties.NumberListItems)
                        // Index 0:
                        returnValue += string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}{5}",
                                                     formatProperties.ListItemHeaders.GetSeparator(index == 0),
                                                     formatProperties.ListItemHeaders.GetIndentString(currentIndentLevel, false),
                                                     formatProperties.UseOneBasedListIndex ? index + 1 : index,

                    //     Value (see big pile of notes above about the indent level
                    int valueInitialIndentLevel = (formatProperties.ListItems.Indent || formatProperties.Fields.Indent) ? currentIndentLevel + 1 : currentIndentLevel;
                    int toStringIndentLevel     = (formatProperties.ListItems.Indent && !formatProperties.Fields.Indent) ? currentIndentLevel + 1 : currentIndentLevel;
                    returnValue += string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}",
                                                 formatProperties.ListItems.GetSeparator(index == 0),
                                                 formatProperties.ListItems.GetIndentString(valueInitialIndentLevel, false),
                                                 GetToStringValue(itList.Current, toStringIndentLevel, formatProperties, true),

                    if (formatProperties.NumberListItems)
                        returnValue += formatProperties.ListItemHeaders.Suffix;

            returnValue += $"{formatProperties.Fields.Suffix}";
Пример #6
 protected virtual string GetToStringValue(T value, int indentLevel, ToStringFormatProperties formatProperties, bool isPartOfList)
Пример #7
 protected override string GetToStringValue(DateTime value, int indentLevel, ToStringFormatProperties formatProperties, bool isPartOfList)
     return(value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
Пример #8
 public abstract string ToString(object objectToPrint, int indentLevel, ToStringFormatProperties formatProperties);