public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); m_settings = new Settings(); LoadSettings(); // default is HS if not selected m_stripHS = new Hesari(HS_BASE_ADDRESS); m_stripKaleva = new Kaleva(KALEVA_BASE_ADDRESS); if (m_settings.SourceSelection == SelectedSource.HS || m_settings.SourceSelection == SelectedSource.NOT_SELECTED) m_currentStrip = m_stripHS; else m_currentStrip = m_stripKaleva; //Prepare the fade in/out threads that will be called later ThreadStart fadeInStart = new ThreadStart(FadeIn); m_fadeIn = new Thread(fadeInStart); ThreadStart fadeOutStart = new ThreadStart(FadeOut); m_fadeOut = new Thread(fadeOutStart); loadResources(); nextPictureBox.Hide(); prevPictureBox.Hide(); this.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(MainForm_MouseClick); ResizeRedraw = true; SetLoadLabel(true); LoadCurrent(); }
public static Thread CreateThread(ThreadStart st) { Thread t = new Thread(st); //t.ApartmentState = ApartmentState.STA; t.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); return t; }
public void StartThread() { ThreadStart threadStart = new ThreadStart(UpdateIndex); Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart); thread.IsBackground = true;//后台线程 thread.Start(); }
void LookingForServer() { while(mConnected == false) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { TcpClient tcpclnt = new TcpClient(); Debug.Log("Connecting....."); //tcpclnt.Connect("",8001); tcpclnt.Connect(Config.ip,8001); // use the ipaddress as in the server program mConnected =true; mServerStream = tcpclnt.GetStream(); ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(ListenServer); mThreadListen = new Thread(ts); mThreadListen.Start(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("Error..... " + e.StackTrace); } } mSynchronizing = false; }
private void btnTrain_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.status.Text = "Training..."; ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(ThreadProc); Thread thread = new Thread(ts); thread.Start(); }
public Form2(String hostPort, Form1 form1) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); // // TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call // dataReadyToSend = new AutoResetEvent(false); refToForm1 = form1; // Resolve the local host. IPHostEntry localHost = Dns.Resolve(Dns.GetHostName()); // Create a local end point for listening. IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(localHost.AddressList[0], 4001); // Instantiate the TCP Listener. tcpListener = new TcpListener(localEndPoint); tcpListener.Start(); tcp = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient(); ethernetThreadStart = new ThreadStart(this.ThreadProcPollOnEthernet); pollDevicesEthernetThread = new Thread(ethernetThreadStart); pollDevicesEthernetThread.Name = "Listener's Receive Thread"; pollDevicesEthernetThread.ApartmentState = System.Threading.ApartmentState.MTA; pollDevicesEthernetThread.Start(); }
public MainApp(bool passed_debug_mode, string passed_version, bool passed_verbose) { //This checks if there is a new version, and if so alerts user ThreadStart update_Checker = new ThreadStart(this.check_updates_wrapper); Thread new_thread = new Thread(update_Checker); new_thread.Name = "6 to 4 - Update Checker"; new_thread.Start(); //Start the actual window InitializeComponent(); //Tell all threads, amin is still running, is janky but works running = 2; //Starts animating icon while devcon is running ThreadStart Animation = new ThreadStart(this.animation); Thread animation_thread = new Thread(Animation); animation_thread.Name = "6 to 4 - Animation Thread"; animation_thread.Start(); //Set internals from passed internal_version = passed_version; internal_debug = passed_debug_mode; internal_verbose = passed_verbose; //Easter egg if (internal_verbose == true) { FLASHY = new Visual_Form(); verbose_wrapper(); } }
public ScrollForm() { InitializeComponent(); closeProc = _close_mix_thread_proc; hideProc = _hide_mix_thread_proc; FormGenieExtension = new GenieExtension(this); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Using Spring's IoC container ContextRegistry.GetContext(); Spring.Messaging.Amqp.Rabbit.Listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = ContextRegistry.GetContext().GetObject("MessageListenerContainer") as Spring.Messaging.Amqp.Rabbit.Listener.SimpleMessageListenerContainer; container.Start(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Server listening..."); IMarketDataService marketDataService = ContextRegistry.GetContext().GetObject("MarketDataGateway") as MarketDataServiceGateway; ThreadStart job = new ThreadStart(marketDataService.SendMarketData); Thread thread = new Thread(job); thread.Start(); Console.Out.WriteLine("--- Press <return> to quit ---"); Console.ReadLine(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e); Console.Out.WriteLine("--- Press <return> to quit ---"); Console.ReadLine(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Session["MainUrl"].ToString(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { Response.Redirect("~/"); return; } Debug.WriteLine(">>>> CodeQuality"); this.sitemap = (List<string>)Session["selectedSites"]; var ths = new ThreadStart(TestCodeQuality); var th = new Thread(ths); th.Start(); th.Join(); var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); CodeQualitySession.RenderControl(new System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(new System.IO.StringWriter(sb))); string htmlstring = sb.ToString(); Session["CodeQuality"] = htmlstring; }
private void Run(ThreadStart userDelegate, ApartmentState apartmentState) { lastException = null; Thread thread = new Thread( delegate() { #if !DEBUG try { #endif userDelegate.Invoke(); #if !DEBUG } catch (Exception e) { lastException = e; } #endif }); thread.SetApartmentState(apartmentState); thread.Start(); thread.Join(); if (ExceptionWasThrown()) ThrowExceptionPreservingStack(lastException); }
static void Main() { Program p = new Program(); Calculator c = new Calculator(); // Get first numeric value. c.FirstNumber = p.GetNumericValue(); // Get second numeric value. c.SecondNumber = p.GetNumericValue(); // TODO: Create an instance of the ThreadStart delegate passing // in the Add method of the Calculator class. ThreadStart threadStart = new ThreadStart(c.Add); // TODO: Declare and create an instance of the secondary thread // passing in the delegate instance. Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart); //TODO: Start the secondary thread. thread.Start(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2500); Console.WriteLine("\nTotal values: {0}", c.TotalValue); Console.Write("\nPress any key to end."); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine ("Starting up websocket..."); Thread thread = null; WebsocketController ws = new WebsocketController (); ws.Setup ("ws://", "80", "/echo", ""); ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart (() => { ws.Connect ((str) => { Console.WriteLine ("OPEN"); ws.Send ("Message 1"); }, (str2) => { Console.WriteLine ("Received"); //ws.Send ("Message n"); }, (str3)=>{ Console.WriteLine(str3); if(thread != null) thread.Join();}, (str4)=>{ Console.WriteLine(str4); if(thread != null) thread.Join();}); }); thread = new Thread (ts); thread.Start (); while (true) { string s = Console.ReadLine (); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (s)) ws.Send (s); } }
private UploadFileChooserUI() { Glade.XML gxml = new Glade.XML (null, "", "filechooserdialog1", null); gxml.Autoconnect (this); _job = new ThreadStart(ProcessThumbnail); _previewthread = new Thread(_job); label16.WidthRequest = eventbox7.WidthRequest; eventbox7.ModifyBg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, bgcolor); eventbox8.ModifyBg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, bgcolor); eventbox9.ModifyBg(Gtk.StateType.Normal, bgcolor); filechooserdialog1.Title = "Select files to upload"; filechooserdialog1.SetIconFromFile(DeskFlickrUI.ICON_PATH); filechooserdialog1.SetFilename(PersistentInformation.GetInstance().UploadFilename); filechooserdialog1.SelectMultiple = true; FileFilter imagefilter = new FileFilter(); imagefilter.AddMimeType("image/jpeg"); imagefilter.AddMimeType("image/png"); filechooserdialog1.Filter = imagefilter; filechooserdialog1.SelectionChanged += new EventHandler(OnFileSelectedChanged); filechooserdialog1.FileActivated += new EventHandler(OnOpenButtonClicked); button10.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnOpenButtonClicked); button11.Clicked += new EventHandler(OnCancelButtonClicked); DeskFlickrUI.GetInstance().SetUploadWindow(false); filechooserdialog1.ShowAll(); }
// Receive in a seperate thread public MessageHandler(MainGrid active_grid) { c = Communicator.GetInstance(active_grid); ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(c.ReceiveData); Thread t = new Thread(ts,50000000); t.Start(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------ // // Internal Methods // // ------------------------------------------------------ #region Internal Methods // Create and start a background thread for this worker window to // run on (background threads will exit if the main and foreground // threads exit) internal void StartOnThread () { ThreadStart threadStart = new ThreadStart(WaitForWork); Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); }
public LoaderMgr(LoadFunction Function) { _Function = Function; ThreadStart Start = new ThreadStart(Load); Thread LoadThread = new Thread(Start); LoadThread.Start(); }
public static void Initialize(String fileListLocation) { InstallerHelper.fileListLocation = fileListLocation; ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(Preload); t = new Thread(ts); t.Start(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Program PC = new Program(); ThreadStart TS = new ThreadStart(PC.ShowTime); Thread t = new Thread(TS); t.Start(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public Service() { InitializeComponent(); _server = new ConnectsterServer(); var job = new ThreadStart(_server.Start); _thread = new Thread(job); }
public FileImageLoader() { ThreadStart threadStart = new ThreadStart(ThreadProc); workerThread = new Thread(threadStart); workerThread.IsBackground = true; workerThread.Start(); }
public void Start() { // Accept Thread ThreadStart tsThread = new ThreadStart(AcceptThread); accept = new Thread(tsThread); accept.Start(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { button1.Enabled = false; numericUpDown1.Enabled = false; progressBar1.Value = 0; //tareaSecundaria(); //Crear el delegado que se encargará de llamar al hiloSecundario ThreadStart delegado = new ThreadStart(tareaSecundaria); //ThreadStart es una clase para delegados, su función es llamar al constructor de la clase Thread para iniciar un nuevo hilo //Creacion del hilo hiloSecundario = new Thread(delegado); //ejecución dle hilo hiloSecundario.Start(); //METODOS de los hilos //Start = inicia un hilo //sleep = detiene un hilo durante un tiempo determinado //suspend = interrumpe un hilo cuando alcanza un punto determinado //abort = detiene un hilo //resume = revive un hilo //join = deja en espera un hilo hasta que termina otro diferente. Se puede definir un tiempo de espera. //PROPIEDADES DE UN HILO //IsAlive = devuelve true si un hilo se encuentra activo //IsBackGorund = indicar que un hilo será ejecutado en segundo plano si se pone como true. //name = permite obtener o establecer el nombre de un hilo //priority = asigna niveles de prioridad a un hilo //ThreadState = describe el estado del hilo. }
public void act(Body bodyIn) { body = bodyIn; ThreadStart act = new ThreadStart (CallToActThread); Thread ActThread = new Thread (act); ActThread.Start (); }
public void Execute(IWorker[] workers, int runningSecs) { IAsyncResult[] ar = new IAsyncResult[workers.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (IWorker w in workers) { w.WorkerID = i; ThreadStart t = new ThreadStart(w.DoWork); ar[i++] = t.BeginInvoke(null, null); } //for (int j = 0; j < runningSecs * 10; j++) //{ // Console.Write("."); // Thread.Sleep(100); //} Thread.Sleep(runningSecs * 1000); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (IWorker w in workers) { w.Running = false; } bool timeOut = false; foreach (IAsyncResult a in ar) { if (!a.IsCompleted) { if (!a.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000)) timeOut = true; } } if (timeOut) Console.WriteLine("Timed Out!"); }
public void Run(string fileName, string arguments) { if (isRunning) throw new Exception("This ProcessRunner is already running a process."); if (!File.Exists(fileName)) throw new FileNotFoundException("The program '"+fileName+"' was not found.",fileName); isRunning = true; process = new Process(); process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; process.StartInfo.FileName = fileName; process.StartInfo.Arguments = arguments; process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; process.Start(); outputReader = process.StandardOutput; errorReader = process.StandardError; // we need to wait for all 3 of our threadpool operations to finish // (processexit, readoutput, readerror) tasksFinished = 0; // do our waiting on the threadpool ThreadStart waitForExitDel = new ThreadStart(process.WaitForExit); waitForExitDel.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(TaskFinished),null); // also read outputs on the threadpool ThreadStart readOutputDel = new ThreadStart(ReadOutput); ThreadStart readErrorDel = new ThreadStart(ReadError); readOutputDel.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(TaskFinished),null); readErrorDel.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(TaskFinished),null); }
/// <summary> add jobs to the queue. </summary> /// <param name="jobs"> should be one or more pairs. </param> public virtual void Enqueue(ThreadStart[] jobs) { lock (toDo) { foreach (var job in jobs) toDo.Enqueue(job); if (worker == null) Run(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ThreadSample sample = new ThreadSample(); ThreadStart tsa = new ThreadStart(sample.ThreadFuncA); ThreadStart tsb = new ThreadStart(sample.ThreadFuncB); Thread ta = new Thread(tsa); Thread tb = new Thread(tsb); // A 线程的 优先级 高于 B 线程 // 在线程代码的 计数 中,A线程的 数值要大于 B线程。 ta.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; tb.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest; // 启动. ta.Start(); tb.Start(); // 执行5秒以后, 结束 Thread.Sleep(5000); ta.Abort(); tb.Abort(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void StressTest() { queue = new ProducerConsumerQueue(); ThreadStart consumerMethod = new ThreadStart(accumulatingRunner); Thread consumerThread = new Thread(consumerMethod); consumerThread.Start(); Thread.Sleep(500); ArrayList threads = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ThreadStart producerMethod = new ThreadStart(producingThread); threads.Add(new Thread(producerMethod)); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ((Thread)threads[i]).Start(); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { ((Thread)threads[i]).Join(); } consumerThread.Join(); Assert.AreEqual(0, queue.Count); Assert.AreEqual(100000, staticCounter); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(i, (int)accumulatedResults[i], "Failed at index " + i); } }
//creates new client object public RTSPClient(Socket connectedFrom, string name) { try { //initialize socket client communicating through clientSkt = connectedFrom; //intialize stream with new socket ntwkstrm = new NetworkStream(clientSkt); //create delegate for runClient method ThreadStart runClientMethod = new ThreadStart(this.runClient); //initialize thread to run runClient clientThread = new Thread(runClientMethod); clientThread.Name = name; //start the thread clientThread.Start(); } catch (ThreadStartException tse) { //if thread could not be started notify view referenceToView.Invoke(referenceToView.changeServerStatusTextBox, ("Thread start exception in RTSPClient constructor: "+tse.ToString())); } catch (Exception e) { //if any other exception occured notify view referenceToView.Invoke(referenceToView.changeServerStatusTextBox, ("Exception in RTSPClient constructor: "+e.ToString())); } }
private bool RetryCancel(ThreadStart work) { return(AbortRetryIgnore(work, MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel)); }
/// <summary> /// this thread is used at initialization to synchronize with the other /// UDP peer /// </summary> private void SynchWithOtherPlayer() { // set up socket for sending synch byte to UDP peer // we can't use the same socket (i.e. _dataSocket) in the same thread context in this manner // so we need to set up a separate socket here Byte[] data = new Byte[1]; IPEndPoint endPointSend = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(_remoteIPAddress), (int)_remotePort); IPEndPoint endPointRecieve = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); UdpClient synchSocket = new UdpClient((int)_localPort + 10); // set timeout of receive to 1 second _dataSocket.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 1000; while (true) { try { synchSocket.Send(data, data.Length, endPointSend); _dataSocket.Receive(ref endPointRecieve); // got something, so break out of loop break; } catch (SocketException ex) { // we get an exception of there was a timeout // if we timed out, we just go back and try again if (ex.ErrorCode == (int)SocketError.TimedOut) { Debug.Write(ex.ToString()); } else { // we did not time out, but got a really bad // error synchSocket.Close(); StatusTextBox = StatusTextBox + "Socket exception occurred. Unable to sync with other UDP peer.\n"; StatusTextBox = StatusTextBox + ex.ToString(); return; } } catch (System.ObjectDisposedException ex) { // something bad happened. close the socket and return Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); synchSocket.Close(); StatusTextBox = StatusTextBox + "Error occurred. Unable to sync with other UDP peer.\n"; return; } } // send synch byte synchSocket.Send(data, data.Length, endPointSend); // close the socket we used to send periodic requests to player 2 synchSocket.Close(); // reset the timeout for the dataSocket to infinite // _dataSocket will be used to recieve data from other UDP peer _dataSocket.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 0; // start the thread to listen for data from other UDP peer ThreadStart threadFunction = new ThreadStart(ReceiveThreadFunction); _receiveDataThread = new Thread(threadFunction); _receiveDataThread.Start(); // got this far, so we received a response from player 2 StatusTextBox = StatusTextBox + DateTime.Now + ":" + " Other UDP peer has joined the session.\n"; HelpText = "Enter text in the Me box and hit the Send button."; SendEnabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Write any object to the log, string is the recommended default though /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="IncomingMessage"></param> /// <param name="MessageLocation"></param> public static void WriteLog <T>(T IncomingMessage) { string Message = IncomingMessage.ToString(); LastWriteTime = DateTime.Now; //Same message is now only written to the log 'MaxLineSequence' times in sequence if (LastLine.Equals(Message)) { LineCounter++; } else { LineCounter = 0; } if (FileMonitorThread == null || !FileMonitorThread.IsAlive) { ThreadStart threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(Logger.CloseLogAndThread); FileMonitorThread = new Thread(threadDelegate); FileMonitorThread.Start(); } if (LineCounter < MaxLineSequence) { LastLine = Message; try { if (!Directory.Exists(LocalLogPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(LocalLogPath); } if (file == null) { try { file = File.AppendText(LocalLogPath + LogName); } catch (Exception) { file = File.AppendText(LocalLogPath + "_" + LogName); } } file.WriteLineAsync($"{DateTime.Now.ToString(@"yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm:ss")} : {Message}"); if (Message.ToLower().Contains("error") || Message.ToLower().Contains("warning")) { //UploadLogs(); } } catch (Exception) { } } else if (LineCounter == MaxLineSequence) { if (file == null) { file = File.AppendText(LocalLogPath + LogName); } file.WriteLineAsync($"{DateTime.Now.ToString(@"yyyy.MM.dd. HH:mm:ss")} : ..."); } }
public void TestBlockingQueue() { Initialize(); BlockingQueue <int> queue = new BlockingQueue <int>(); ItemDelegate <int> addToQueue = delegate(int numberToAdd) { for (int i = 0; i < numberToAdd; ++i) { queue.Enqueue(1); } this.IncrementEnqueued(numberToAdd); this.IncrementExpectedDequeued(numberToAdd); }; addToQueue(100000); ThreadStart start = delegate() { while (true) { int next; bool queueEmpty = !queue.Dequeue(out next); if (queueEmpty) { if (_stopThreads) { break; } } else { this.IncrementDequeued(1); } Thread.Sleep(0); } }; List <Thread> threads = new List <Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < _threadCount; ++i) { Thread thread = new Thread(start); thread.Start(); threads.Add(thread); } //continually add to the queue a bit. int numberTimesAdded = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _threadCount; ++i) { addToQueue(100000); Thread.Sleep(5); } //'pulse' the queue by letting it go empty, then adding more. numberTimesAdded = 0; while (true) { if (queue.Count == 0) { if (++numberTimesAdded <= _threadCount) { addToQueue(100000); } else { //the real test of exiting the queue is when it's empty, not when it's non-empty. queue.ContinueBlocking = false; break; } } Thread.Sleep(5); } _stopThreads = true; foreach (Thread thread in threads) { thread.Join(); } threads.Clear(); Assert.AreEqual(_expectedDequeued, _dequeued, "expectedValue != numberDequeued"); }
/// <summary> /// Invoke the specified callback in a medium trusted context /// </summary> public static void MediumTrustInvoke(ThreadStart callback) { SecurityTemplate template = new SecurityTemplate(true); template.PartialTrustInvoke(PERMISSIONSET_MEDIUMTRUST, callback); }
public ThreadStartTestMethodAdapter(ThreadStart threadStart) { Assert.IsNotNull(threadStart); this.threadStart = threadStart; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new SynchronizedThread with the given function /// </summary> /// <param name="threadFunction">Thread delegate</param> public SynchronizedThread(ThreadStart threadFunction) { _thread = new Thread(RunThread); _threadFunction = threadFunction; }
/// <summary> /// 检查更新 /// </summary> public void CheckUpdate() { ThreadStart start = delegate() { Thread.Sleep(3000); string url = $""; var returnDatastr = NetHelper.HttpCall(url, null, HttpEnum.Get); var returnDataObject = JsonHelper.Deserialize <ReturnData <VersionData> >(returnDatastr); var VersionData =; var ThisPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;// 当前目录 var VsrsionDataPath = ThisPath + "VersionData.json"; using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(VsrsionDataPath)) { try { JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer(); serializer.Converters.Add(new JavaScriptDateTimeConverter()); serializer.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore; //构建Json.net的读取流 JsonReader reader = new JsonTextReader(sr); //对读取出的Json.net的reader流进行反序列化,并装载到模型中 var version = serializer.Deserialize <VersionData>(reader); localVersion = version.Version; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.AddLog(ex); return; } } Mainthread.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate()// 异步更新界面 { if (returnDataObject.code != 0) { } else { StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder(); stb.AppendLine("版本更新"); stb.AppendLine($@"当前版本:{localVersion}"); stb.AppendLine($@"最新版本:{VersionData.Version}"); stb.AppendLine("请选择是否要更新"); if (localVersion != VersionData.Version) { UpdateTipsWindow update = new UpdateTipsWindow("更新提示", stb.ToString()); update.Show(); } } // 线程结束后的操作 }); }; new Thread(start).Start(); // 启动线程 }
private void cmdSort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int speed = 100 - tbSpeed.Value; string alg1 = ""; string alg2 = ""; if (cboAlg1.SelectedItem != null) { alg1 = cboAlg1.SelectedItem.ToString(); } if (cboAlg2.SelectedItem != null) { alg2 = cboAlg2.SelectedItem.ToString(); } SortAlgorithm sa = new SortAlgorithm(array1, pnlSort1, true, txtOutputFolder.Text, speed, alg1); SortAlgorithm sa2 = new SortAlgorithm(array2, pnlSort2, true, txtOutputFolder.Text, speed, alg2); ThreadStart ts = delegate() { try { switch (alg1) { case "BiDirectional Bubble Sort": sa.BiDerectionalBubbleSort(array1); break; case "Bubble Sort": sa.BubbleSort(array1); break; case "Bucket Sort": sa.BucketSort(array1); break; case "Comb Sort": sa.CombSort(array1); break; case "Cycle Sort": sa.CycleSort(array1); break; case "Gnome Sort": sa.GnomeSort(array1); break; case "Heap Sort": sa.HeapSort(array1); break; case "Insertion Sort": sa.InsertionSort(array1); break; case "Merge Sort": sa.MergeSort(array1, 0, array1.Count - 1); break; case "Odd-Even Sort": sa.OddEvenSort(array1); break; case "Quick Sort": sa.QuickSort(array1, 0, array1.Count - 1); break; case "Quick Sort with Bubble Sort": sa.QuickSortWithBubbleSort(array1, 0, array1.Count - 1); break; case "Selection Sort": sa.SelectionSort(array1); break; case "Shell Sort": sa.ShellSort(array1); break; case "Pigeon Hole Sort": sa.PigeonHoleSort(array1); break; } if (chkAnimation.Checked) { sa.CreateAnimation(); } MessageBox.Show("Finish"); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } }; ThreadStart ts2 = delegate() { try { switch (alg2) { case "BiDirectional Bubble Sort": sa2.BiDerectionalBubbleSort(array2); break; case "Bubble Sort": sa2.BubbleSort(array2); break; case "Bucket Sort": sa2.BucketSort(array2); break; case "Comb Sort": sa2.CombSort(array2); break; case "Cycle Sort": sa2.CycleSort(array2); break; case "Gnome Sort": sa2.GnomeSort(array2); break; case "Heap Sort": sa2.HeapSort(array2); break; case "Insertion Sort": sa2.InsertionSort(array2); break; case "Merge Sort": sa2.MergeSort(array2, 0, array2.Count - 1); break; case "Odd-Even Sort": sa2.OddEvenSort(array2); break; case "Quick Sort": sa2.QuickSort(array2, 0, array2.Count - 1); break; case "Quick Sort with Bubble Sort": sa2.QuickSortWithBubbleSort(array2, 0, array2.Count - 1); break; case "Selection Sort": sa2.SelectionSort(array2); break; case "Shell Sort": sa2.ShellSort(array2); break; case "Pigeon Hole Sort": sa2.PigeonHoleSort(array2); break; } if (chkAnimation.Checked) { sa2.CreateAnimation(); } MessageBox.Show("Finish"); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } }; if (alg1 != "") { Thread t = new Thread(ts); t.Start(); } if (alg2 != "") { Thread t2 = new Thread(ts2); t2.Start(); } }
public void RunInSTA(ThreadStart userDelegate) { Run(userDelegate, ApartmentState.STA); }
private void cmdOnlineView_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { var btn = sender as ToggleButton; if (btn.IsChecked.Value) { _connectionDictionary = new ObservableDictionary <string, PLCConnection>(); var conns = from rw in varTabRows group rw by rw.ConnectionName; foreach (var conn in conns) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conn.Key)) { _connectionDictionary.Add(conn.Key, new PLCConnection(conn.Key)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DefaultConnection) && !_connectionDictionary.ContainsKey(DefaultConnection)) { _connectionDictionary.Add(DefaultConnection, new PLCConnection(DefaultConnection)); } lblStatus.Content = ""; foreach (var varTabRowWithConnection in varTabRows) { //Register Notify Changed Handler vor <connected Property var conn = varTabRowWithConnection.Connection; if (conn != null) { conn.Configuration.ConnectionName = conn.Configuration.ConnectionName; } } Parallel.ForEach(_connectionDictionary, plcConnection => { try { plcConnection.Value.AutoConnect = false; plcConnection.Value.Connect(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }); var st = new ThreadStart(BackgroundReadingProc); BackgroundReadingThread = new Thread(st); BackgroundReadingThread.Name = "Background Reading Thread"; BackgroundReadingThread.Start(); ProgressBarOnlineStatus.IsIndeterminate = true; IsOnline = true; } else { this.StopOnlineView(); } } catch (Exception ex) { lblStatus.Content = ex.Message; } }
public void StopProcessing() { _queueProcessThread.Abort(); _queueProcessThread = null; _queueProcessThreadStart = null; }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private Methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void ParseFiles() { SortedList <DateTime, DeviceData> kromeks = new SortedList <DateTime, DeviceData>(); // Start Thread that archives .N42 files ThreadStart threadStart = new ThreadStart(ArchiveFiles); Thread thread = new Thread(threadStart); thread.Start(); // Parse spe files int filesCompleted = 0; foreach (string filePath in filePaths) { Invoke_ParsingUpdate((float)filesCompleted++ / (float)filePaths.Count()); // Check if background file string fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath); // Clear data Clear(); // Deserialize file to N42 object if (DeserializeN42(filePath) == false) { continue; } // Create RadSeeker and set FileName deviceData = new DeviceData(DeviceInfo.Type.KromekD3SDhs); deviceData.FileName = fileName; // Parse data from N42 object if (ParseN42File() == false) { continue; } // Add to other parsed if (kromeks.ContainsKey(deviceData.StartDateTime)) { continue; } kromeks.Add(deviceData.StartDateTime, deviceData); } // Number all the events int trailNumber = 1; foreach (KeyValuePair <DateTime, DeviceData> device in kromeks) { device.Value.TrialNumber = trailNumber++; } if (ErrorsOccurred) { StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); errorBuilder.AppendLine("The files listed below failed to parse.."); int errorIndex; for (errorIndex = 0; errorIndex < fileErrors.Count && errorIndex < 8; errorIndex += 1) { errorBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("\t{0}", fileErrors[errorIndex].Key)); } if (errorIndex < fileErrors.Count) { errorBuilder.AppendLine(string.Format("\tand {0} others", fileErrors.Count - errorIndex)); } MessageBox.Show(errorBuilder.ToString(), "Parsing Error"); } ClearErrors(); // Wait for thread to zip files thread.Join(); deviceDatasParsed = kromeks.Values.ToList(); }
public static Task <RegistrySDSP> Parse(string fileName) { RegistrySDSP sdsp = new RegistrySDSP(); TaskCompletionSource <RegistrySDSP> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <RegistrySDSP>(); ThreadStart listenThread = delegate() { try { ExcelXmlWorkbook book = ExcelXmlWorkbook.Import("data.xml"); var r = book.SheetCount; Worksheet sheet = book[0]; int columnCount = sheet.ColumnCount; if (columnCount <= 0) { throw new InvalidDataException("В рабочем листе недопустимое количество колонок."); } int rowCount = sheet.RowCount; if (rowCount <= 3) { throw new InvalidDataException("В рабочем листе недопустимое количество строк."); } String departament = null; RegistryCollector collector = null; // количество счётчиков очередной системы int collectorMetersCount = 0; // количество счётчиков для обработки int countMetersToParse = 0; #region парсер // пропускаем название таблицы и шапку таблицы for (int rowIndex = 2; rowIndex < sheet.RowCount; rowIndex++) { Row row = sheet[rowIndex]; int cellCount = row.CellCount; // имеются ли данные в строке bool hasData = false; for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < row.CellCount; colIndex++) { if (!row[colIndex].IsEmpty()) { hasData = true; break; } } if (hasData == false) { continue; } // первая ячейка в строке, это не первая ячейка в строке листа EXCEL ! Cell firstCell = row[0]; ContentType meterNameCellContentType = row[4].ContentType; // если это какая-то категория if (firstCell.ContentType == ContentType.None & meterNameCellContentType == ContentType.None) { // если это новая - добавляем предыдущую в список if (departament != null) { sdsp.Departaments.Add(departament); } departament = String.Empty; StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < row.CellCount; i++) { if (row[i].ContentType == ContentType.String) { data.Append(row[i].Value); } } departament = data.ToString(); } // тогда если это данные else { if (meterNameCellContentType == ContentType.UnresolvedValue) { U.L(LogLevel.Error, "EDITOR PARSER", String.Format("Не обнаружены данные:\nНомер строки таблицы {0}", rowIndex)); throw new InvalidDataException("Не обнаружены данные."); } if (meterNameCellContentType == ContentType.String) { RegistryCounter counter = new RegistryCounter(); // имеется более одного счётчика? collectorMetersCount = firstCell.RowSpan; if (collectorMetersCount > 1) { countMetersToParse = collectorMetersCount; } // если значение в первом столбце имеется и является числовым значением if (firstCell.ContentType == ContentType.Number) { collector = new RegistryCollector(); try { // номер по-порядку collector.NumberOfOrder = row[0].GetValue <uint>(); // фидер collector.House = row[1].Value == null ? "<???>" : row[1].GetValue <string>(); // тип модема collector.ModemType = row[2].Value == null ? "<???>" : row[2].GetValue <string>(); // номер gsm collector.GsmNumber = row[3].Value == null ? "<???>" : row[3].Value.ToString(); // место установки collector.Street = row[10].Value == null ? "<???>" : row[10].GetValue <string>(); // примечание и номер договора if (row[11].ContentType == ContentType.String) { collector.Description += "Договор №" + Environment.NewLine + row[11].GetValue <string>(); } collector.Description += row[12].GetValue <string>(); collector.Departament = departament; //collector.CreationDate = row[13].Value == null ? "<?>" : row[13].GetValue<string>(); } catch (Exception ex) { var s = ex.Message; } } try { // присоединение counter.Name = row[4].Value == null ? "<???>" : row[4].GetValue <string>(); // состояние // сетевой адрес counter.NetworkAddress = row[6].Value == null ? "<???>" : row[6].Value.ToString(); // тип счётчика counter.CounterType = row[7].Value == null ? "<???>" : row[7].GetValue <string>(); // номер счётчика counter.Number = row[8].Value == null ? "<???>" : row[8].Value.ToString(); // количество тарифов counter.TarifsCount = row[9].Value == null ? (byte)0 : row[9].GetValue <byte>(); } catch (Exception ex) { var s = ex.Message; } // countMetersToParse--; if (collector == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } if (collector.Counters == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } if (counter == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); } collector.Counters.Add(counter); if (countMetersToParse == 0) { sdsp.Collectors.Add(collector); collector = null; } } } } #endregion tcs.TrySetResult(sdsp); } catch (Exception e) { U.L(LogLevel.Error, "EDITOR", "Ошибка при импорте данных."); U.L(LogLevel.Error, "EDITOR", e.Message); } }; Thread l_thread = new Thread(listenThread); l_thread.Name = "Import data thread"; l_thread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; l_thread.Start(); return(tcs.Task); }
public static void ExecSharpCode(string sharpcode, string[] arguments, bool wait = true) { // Not available in .NET Core //Console.WriteLine("Not available in .NET Core version"); CSharpCodeProvider provider = new CSharpCodeProvider(); CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters(); parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.dll"); parameters.GenerateInMemory = true; parameters.GenerateExecutable = true; parameters.IncludeDebugInformation = false; CompilerResults results = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, sharpcode); if (results.Errors.HasErrors) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (CompilerError error in results.Errors) { sb.AppendLine(String.Format("Error ({0}): {1}", error.ErrorNumber, error.ErrorText)); } throw new InvalidOperationException(sb.ToString()); } Assembly a = results.CompiledAssembly; MethodInfo method = a.EntryPoint; object o = a.CreateInstance(method.Name); if (wait) { //Console.WriteLine("I wait for the assembly to finish..."); if (arguments.Length == 0) { method.Invoke(o, null); } else { object[] ao = { arguments }; method.Invoke(o, ao); } } else { //Console.WriteLine("I don't wait for the assembly to finish..."); // start as a thread if not waiting ThreadStart ths; if (arguments == null || arguments.Length == 0) { ths = new ThreadStart(() => method.Invoke(o, null)); } else { object[] ao = { arguments }; ths = new ThreadStart(() => method.Invoke(o, ao)); } Thread th = new Thread(ths); th.Start(); } return; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="action"></param> public void ThreadRun(ThreadStart action) { new Thread(action).Start(); }
public void Export(string filename) { DisplayAdvancement("Getting computer list"); List<string> computers = GetListOfComputerToExplore(); DisplayAdvancement(computers.Count + " computers to explore"); int numberOfThread = 50; BlockingQueue<string> queue = new BlockingQueue<string>(70); Thread[] threads = new Thread[numberOfThread]; Dictionary<string, string> SIDConvertion = new Dictionary<string, string>(); int record = 0; using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(filename)) { sw.WriteLine(GetCsvHeader()); try { ThreadStart threadFunction = () => { for (; ; ) { string computer = null; if (!queue.Dequeue(out computer)) break; Trace.WriteLine("Working on computer " + computer); Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); try { string s = GetCsvData(computer); if (s != null) { lock (_syncRoot) { record++; sw.WriteLine(s); if ((record % 20) == 0) sw.Flush(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { stopWatch.Stop(); Trace.WriteLine("Computer " + computer + " " + ex.Message + " after " + stopWatch.Elapsed); } } }; // Consumers for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThread; i++) { threads[i] = new Thread(threadFunction); threads[i].Start(); } // do it in parallele int j = 0; int smallstep = 25; int bigstep = 1000; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); foreach (string computer in computers) { j++; queue.Enqueue(computer); if (j % smallstep == 0) { string ETCstring = null; if (j > smallstep && (j - smallstep) % bigstep != 0) ClearCurrentConsoleLine(); if (j > bigstep) { long totalTime = ((long)(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds * computers.Count) / j); ETCstring = " [ETC:" + start.AddMilliseconds(totalTime).ToLongTimeString() + "]"; } DisplayAdvancement(j + " on " + computers.Count + ETCstring); } } queue.Quit(); Trace.WriteLine("insert computer completed. Waiting for worker thread to complete"); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThread; i++) { threads[i].Join(); } Trace.WriteLine("Done insert file"); } finally { queue.Quit(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThread; i++) { if (threads[i] != null) if (threads[i].ThreadState == System.Threading.ThreadState.Running) threads[i].Abort(); } } DisplayAdvancement("Done"); } }
/*! * Start up Vixen 3D display and event processing. * This function should not be called until the * underlying Window has been created and the * OS window handle is available. Vixen will display * the 3D content in this window. */ public virtual bool RunVixen() { SharedWorld world = SharedWorld.Get(); IntPtr windowHandle = Handle; Scene scene = null; try { if (windowHandle == null) { LogError("Cannot get window handle for parent window"); return(false); } if ((world != null) && world.IsRunning()) { return(false); } //world.SetDebugLevel(1); world.Run((uint)windowHandle); } catch (Exception ex) { LogError("exception starting 3D " + ex.Message); } if (world.IsRunning()) { ThreadStart eventloop = new ThreadStart(EventLoop); Thread thread = new Thread(eventloop); bool loadasync = World.DoAsyncLoad; if (MediaDir != null) { world.SetMediaDir(MediaDir); } if (ContentFile != null) { world.FileName = GetMediaPath(ContentFile); } else { loadasync = false; } thread.Start(); if (!loadasync) { try { scene = MakeScene(); if (scene != null) { world.SetScene(scene); } } catch (Exception ex) { SharedWorld.LogError("exception making initial scene " + ex.Message); } } scene = world.GetScene(); if (scene != null) { scene.OnResize(); } return(true); } return(false); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Console.Title = "Steam Cracker"; //checkIP(); //checkLicense(); Console.WriteLine("-----------------"); Console.WriteLine("--Steam-Cracker--"); Console.WriteLine("---HTTPS/SOCKS5--"); Console.WriteLine("----BY-qoble-----"); A: Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Choose bruteforce type:"); Console.WriteLine("'A' For User/Password list attack."); Console.WriteLine("'Z' For User:Pass Combo attack."); ArrayList Usernames = null; ArrayList Passwords = null; ArrayList Combinations = null; ArrayList Proxies = GetProxies(); string option = Console.ReadLine(); switch (option) { case "A": Usernames = GetUsernames(); Passwords = GetPasswords(); Console.WriteLine("Usernames: " + Usernames.Count); Console.WriteLine("Passwords: " + Passwords.Count); combo = false; break; case "Z": Combinations = GetCombinations(); Console.WriteLine("Combinations: " + Combinations.Count); combo = true; break; default: Console.WriteLine("No attack type selected!"); goto A; } Console.WriteLine("Proxies: " + Proxies.Count); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("How many threads?"); var threads = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine(""); Threadss = threads; var DecThreads = Convert.ToDecimal(Threadss); var DecUsernames = Convert.ToDecimal(Usernames.Count); var DecValueUsernames = DecUsernames / DecThreads; var DecProxies = Convert.ToDecimal(Proxies.Count); var DecValueProxies = DecProxies / DecThreads; Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Starting!"); Console.WriteLine(""); var ItemAt = 0; var ItemAt2 = 0; var Counter = 0; for (var I = 0; I < threads; I++) { var TempUsernames = new ArrayList(); var TempProxies = new ArrayList(); try { for (var Items = ItemAt; Items < (ItemAt + Math.Floor(DecValueUsernames)); Items++) { TempUsernames.Add(Usernames[Items].ToString()); } for (var Items2 = ItemAt2; Items2 < (ItemAt2 + Math.Floor(DecValueProxies)); Items2++) { TempProxies.Add(Proxies[Items2].ToString()); } ItemAt = ItemAt + Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(DecValueUsernames)); ItemAt2 = ItemAt2 + Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(DecValueProxies)); } catch { // ignored } var counter = Counter; ThreadStart Crack = delegate { Checker(TempUsernames, Passwords, TempProxies, counter); }; new Thread(Crack).Start(); Counter++; } Console.ReadLine(); }
// Setup server private void StartServer_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { _clientMode = false; if (_bluetoothAdapter != null) { _bluetoothServerSocket = _bluetoothAdapter.ListenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord(_myName, _myUUID); _serverThread = new BluetoothServer(this, _bluetoothServerSocket, _carouselPage); ThreadStart WaitForConnectionFunc = new ThreadStart(_serverThread.WaitForConnection); System.Threading.Thread waitForConnectThread = new System.Threading.Thread(WaitForConnectionFunc); waitForConnectThread.IsBackground = true; waitForConnectThread.Start(); ThreadStart myThreadDelegate = new ThreadStart(_serverThread.ListenForBTData); System.Threading.Thread myThread = new System.Threading.Thread(myThreadDelegate); myThread.IsBackground = true; myThread.Start(); #region Gartner For CIO's var GartnerForCIOs = new ContentPage(); var ContentGartnerForCIOs = new StackLayout(); ContentGartnerForCIOs.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; Label PP1 = new Label(); PP1.FontSize = _fontSizeMed; PP1.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Italic; PP1.HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Start; PP1.TextColor = Color.Teal; PP1.BackgroundColor = Color.Silver; PP1.Text = " Gartner for CIO's"; Label PP2 = new Label(); PP2.FontSize = _fontSizeSmall; PP2.HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Start; PP2.Text = " "; Label PP3 = new Label(); PP3.FontSize = _fontSizeLarge; PP3.HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Start; PP3.Text = " Cost Optimization Tools"; Label SpacerPay2 = new Label(); SpacerPay2.FontSize = _fontSizeMicro; SpacerPay2.HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Start; SpacerPay2.Text = " "; Label PP4 = new Label(); PP4.FontSize = _fontSizeLarge; PP4.HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Start; PP4.Text = " Contract Review Service"; Label SpacerPay3 = new Label(); SpacerPay3.FontSize = _fontSizeMicro; SpacerPay3.HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Start; SpacerPay3.Text = " "; Label PP5 = new Label(); PP5.FontSize = _fontSizeLarge; PP5.HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Start; PP5.Text = " Research Tools"; Label SpacerPay4 = new Label(); SpacerPay4.FontSize = _fontSizeMicro; SpacerPay4.HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Start; SpacerPay4.Text = " "; Label PP6 = new Label(); PP6.FontSize = _fontSizeLarge; PP6.HorizontalTextAlignment = Xamarin.Forms.TextAlignment.Start; PP6.Text = " Executive Partner"; ContentGartnerForCIOs.Children.Add(PP1); ContentGartnerForCIOs.Children.Add(PP2); ContentGartnerForCIOs.Children.Add(PP3); ContentGartnerForCIOs.Children.Add(SpacerPay2); ContentGartnerForCIOs.Children.Add(PP4); ContentGartnerForCIOs.Children.Add(SpacerPay3); ContentGartnerForCIOs.Children.Add(PP5); ContentGartnerForCIOs.Children.Add(SpacerPay4); ContentGartnerForCIOs.Children.Add(PP6); GartnerForCIOs.Content = ContentGartnerForCIOs; GartnerForCIOs.AnchorX = 4; int indexNavPage = _carouselPage.Children.IndexOf(_navigationPage); _carouselPage.Children.Remove(_navigationPage); _carouselPage.Children.Insert(indexNavPage, GartnerForCIOs); #endregion } }
public WorkerPool(string inSktAddr, string outSktAddr, ThreadStart worker, short workerCount) : base(inSktAddr, outSktAddr) { Start(); CreateWorkerThreads(worker, workerCount); }
//---- internal WidcommInquiry(WidcommBluetoothFactoryBase factory, ThreadStart stopInquiry) { m_factory = factory; _stopInquiry = stopInquiry; }
public IntPtr CreateWindow() { //TODO: possible race condition if CreateWindow is called from multiple threads. if (windowHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Only a single call to CreateWindow is allowed per WindowCreator instance."); } var windowCreatedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); var windowThreadStart = new ThreadStart(() => { // ideally, the HINSTANCE of this dll should be used, not the host application's. // we mitigate potential window class name collisions by 'randomizing' the name in the constructor. IntPtr instanceHandle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle; WNDCLASS windowClass = new WNDCLASS(); = 0; windowClass.lpfnWndProc = new WndProc(WndProcDelegate); windowClass.cbClsExtra = 0; windowClass.cbWndExtra = 0; windowClass.hInstance = instanceHandle; windowClass.hIcon = IntPtr.Zero; //LoadIcon(IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr((int)SystemIcons.IDI_APPLICATION)); windowClass.hCursor = IntPtr.Zero; //LoadCursor(IntPtr.Zero, (int)IdcStandardCursors.IDC_ARROW); windowClass.hbrBackground = IntPtr.Zero; //GetStockObject(StockObjects.WHITE_BRUSH); windowClass.lpszMenuName = null; windowClass.lpszClassName = windowClassName; ushort regResult = RegisterClass(ref windowClass); if (regResult == 0) { throw new Win32Exception(); } var hwnd = CreateWindowEx( WindowStylesEx.WS_EX_NOACTIVATE | WindowStylesEx.WS_EX_TRANSPARENT, new IntPtr((int)(uint)regResult), "Pluralinput.Sdk Window", WindowStyles.WS_DISABLED, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, instanceHandle, IntPtr.Zero); if (hwnd == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Win32Exception(); } windowHandle = hwnd; windowCreatedEvent.Set(); // no need to show a hidden window. //ShowWindow(hwnd, (int)ShowWindowCommands.Hide); UpdateWindow(hwnd); MSG msg; while (!isDisposed && GetMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0) != 0) { TranslateMessage(ref msg); DispatchMessage(ref msg); } }); var windowThread = new Thread(windowThreadStart) { Name = "PluralinputSDKBackgroundWindowThread" }; windowThread.Start(); windowCreatedEvent.WaitOne(); return(windowHandle); }
protected override IThread CreateThread(ThreadStart threadStart) { ThreadStartPassedToCreateThread = threadStart; return(FakeThread); }
public static void RunInNewThread(ThreadStart start) { var thread = new Thread(start); thread.Start(); }
public void PrefetchWithStats( string branchOrCommit, bool isBranch, bool hydrateFilesAfterDownload, out int matchedBlobCount, out int downloadedBlobCount, out int hydratedFileCount) { matchedBlobCount = 0; downloadedBlobCount = 0; hydratedFileCount = 0; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(branchOrCommit)) { throw new FetchException("Must specify branch or commit to fetch"); } GitRefs refs = null; string commitToFetch; if (isBranch) { refs = this.ObjectRequestor.QueryInfoRefs(branchOrCommit); if (refs == null) { throw new FetchException("Could not query info/refs from: {0}", this.Enlistment.RepoUrl); } else if (refs.Count == 0) { throw new FetchException("Could not find branch {0} in info/refs from: {1}", branchOrCommit, this.Enlistment.RepoUrl); } commitToFetch = refs.GetTipCommitId(branchOrCommit); } else { commitToFetch = branchOrCommit; } this.DownloadMissingCommit(commitToFetch, this.GitObjects); // For FastFetch only, examine the shallow file to determine the previous commit that had been fetched string shallowFile = Path.Combine(this.Enlistment.WorkingDirectoryBackingRoot, GVFSConstants.DotGit.Shallow); string previousCommit = null; // Use the shallow file to find a recent commit to diff against to try and reduce the number of SHAs to check. if (File.Exists(shallowFile)) { previousCommit = File.ReadAllLines(shallowFile).Where(line => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)).LastOrDefault(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(previousCommit)) { this.Tracer.RelatedError("Shallow file exists, but contains no valid SHAs."); this.HasFailures = true; return; } } BlockingCollection <string> availableBlobs = new BlockingCollection <string>(); //// // First create the pipeline // // diff ---> blobFinder ---> downloader ---> packIndexer // | | | | // ------------------------------------------------------> fileHydrator //// // diff // Inputs: // * files/folders // * commit id // Outputs: // * RequiredBlobs (property): Blob ids required to satisfy desired paths // * FileAddOperations (property): Repo-relative paths corresponding to those blob ids DiffHelper diff = new DiffHelper(this.Tracer, this.Enlistment, this.FileList, this.FolderList, includeSymLinks: false); // blobFinder // Inputs: // * requiredBlobs (in param): Blob ids from output of `diff` // Outputs: // * availableBlobs (out param): Locally available blob ids (shared between `blobFinder`, `downloader`, and `packIndexer`, all add blob ids to the list as they are locally available) // * MissingBlobs (property): Blob ids that are missing and need to be downloaded // * AvailableBlobs (property): Same as availableBlobs FindBlobsStage blobFinder = new FindBlobsStage(this.SearchThreadCount, diff.RequiredBlobs, availableBlobs, this.Tracer, this.Enlistment); // downloader // Inputs: // * missingBlobs (in param): Blob ids from output of `blobFinder` // Outputs: // * availableBlobs (out param): Loose objects that have completed downloading (shared between `blobFinder`, `downloader`, and `packIndexer`, all add blob ids to the list as they are locally available) // * AvailableObjects (property): Same as availableBlobs // * AvailablePacks (property): Packfiles that have completed downloading BatchObjectDownloadStage downloader = new BatchObjectDownloadStage(this.DownloadThreadCount, this.ChunkSize, blobFinder.MissingBlobs, availableBlobs, this.Tracer, this.Enlistment, this.ObjectRequestor, this.GitObjects); // packIndexer // Inputs: // * availablePacks (in param): Packfiles that have completed downloading from output of `downloader` // Outputs: // * availableBlobs (out param): Blobs that have completed downloading and indexing (shared between `blobFinder`, `downloader`, and `packIndexer`, all add blob ids to the list as they are locally available) IndexPackStage packIndexer = new IndexPackStage(this.IndexThreadCount, downloader.AvailablePacks, availableBlobs, this.Tracer, this.GitObjects); // fileHydrator // Inputs: // * workingDirectoryRoot (in param): the root of the working directory where hydration takes place // * blobIdsToPaths (in param): paths of all blob ids that need to be hydrated from output of `diff` // * availableBlobs (in param): blobs id that are available locally, from whatever source // Outputs: // * Hydrated files on disk. HydrateFilesStage fileHydrator = new HydrateFilesStage(Environment.ProcessorCount * 2, this.Enlistment.WorkingDirectoryRoot, diff.FileAddOperations, availableBlobs, this.Tracer); // All the stages of the pipeline are created and wired up, now kick them off in the proper sequence ThreadStart performDiff = () => { diff.PerformDiff(previousCommit, commitToFetch); this.HasFailures |= diff.HasFailures; }; if (hydrateFilesAfterDownload) { // Call synchronously to ensure that diff.FileAddOperations // is completely populated when fileHydrator starts performDiff(); } else { new Thread(performDiff).Start(); } blobFinder.Start(); downloader.Start(); if (hydrateFilesAfterDownload) { fileHydrator.Start(); } // If indexing happens during searching, searching progressively gets slower, so wait on searching before indexing. blobFinder.WaitForCompletion(); this.HasFailures |= blobFinder.HasFailures; packIndexer.Start(); downloader.WaitForCompletion(); this.HasFailures |= downloader.HasFailures; packIndexer.WaitForCompletion(); this.HasFailures |= packIndexer.HasFailures; availableBlobs.CompleteAdding(); if (hydrateFilesAfterDownload) { fileHydrator.WaitForCompletion(); this.HasFailures |= fileHydrator.HasFailures; } matchedBlobCount = blobFinder.AvailableBlobCount + blobFinder.MissingBlobCount; downloadedBlobCount = blobFinder.MissingBlobCount; hydratedFileCount = fileHydrator.ReadFileCount; if (!this.SkipConfigUpdate && !this.HasFailures) { this.UpdateRefs(branchOrCommit, isBranch, refs); if (isBranch) { this.HasFailures |= !this.UpdateRefSpec(this.Tracer, this.Enlistment, branchOrCommit, refs); } } if (!this.HasFailures) { this.SavePrefetchArgs(commitToFetch, hydrateFilesAfterDownload); } }
public AsyncTestMethod(int iterations, ThreadStart callback, params object[] args) : this(iterations, new TestMethod(new ThreadStartTestMethodAdapter(callback).Execute), args) { }
public static void RunInNewThread(ThreadStart start, int maxStackSize) { var thread = new Thread(start, maxStackSize); thread.Start(); }
public void StartProcessing() { _queueProcessThreadStart = new ThreadStart(ProcessThread); _queueProcessThread = new Thread(_queueProcessThreadStart); _queueProcessThread.Start(); }
private void Sub_Thread() { ThreadStart child = new ThreadStart(CallToChildThread); }