Пример #1
 public Player(string name, int number, Teams team, Roles role)
     _name = name.Replace(" ", "");
     Number = number;
     Team = team;
     Role = role;
Пример #2
        public Player(String name, Teams team)
            this._name = name;
            this._team = team;

Пример #3
 public override void InitialiseSpecial(float height)
     currentScale = new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0);
     transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,0);
     teams = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent<Teams>();
Пример #4
	public HUDData(string name, Teams team)
		this.name = name;
		this.team = team;

		isEmpty = false;
Пример #5
		private void ExecuteSwitchTeams()
			_currentTeam = (_currentTeam == Teams.Home) ? Teams.Away : Teams.Home;

			foreach (var p in Points)
				p.Team = _currentTeam;
Пример #6
		public PointViewModel(string id, double x, double y, Teams team)
			this.Id = id;
			this.X = x;
			this.Y = y;
			this.Team = team;
Пример #7
        public IStructure(float maxhp, StructureTypes type, Teams team, Rect rectangle)
			: base(maxhp)
			Type = type;
			Team = team;
			Rectangle = rectangle;
 private void Clean() {
     this.Sysid = null;
     this.Teamsysid = null;
     this.Tag = string.Empty;
     this.Createdate = null;
     this.Active = null;
     this.Teams = null;
Пример #9
 public Message(string sender, string contents, Teams team)
     Sender = sender;
     Contents = contents;
     Team = team;
     Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
     Type = MessageType.Chat;
Пример #10
 public Message(string contents)
     Sender = null;
     Contents = contents;
     Team = Teams.None;
     Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
     Type = MessageType.System;
Пример #11
 public Message(string contents, MessageType type)
     Sender = null;
     Contents = contents;
     Team = Teams.None;
     Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
     Type = type;
Пример #12
        public TeamStructures(Teams team, Vec2 baseTileIds, Vec2 baseTowerTileIds,
		                      Vec2 topTowerTileIds, Vec2 bottomTowerTileIds)
			Structures = Utilities.MakeList<IStructure>(
				Base = new Base(team, GetFeetPosForStructure(baseTileIds)),
				BaseTower = new Tower(StructureTypes.BaseTower, team, GetFeetPosForStructure(baseTowerTileIds)),
				TopTower = new Tower(StructureTypes.TopTower, team, GetFeetPosForStructure(topTowerTileIds)),
				BottomTower = new Tower(StructureTypes.BottomTower, team, GetFeetPosForStructure(bottomTowerTileIds)));
 private void Clean() {
     this.Sysid = null;
     this.Publicid = null;
     this._teamsysid = null;
     this.Keypath = string.Empty;
     this.Keyvalue = string.Empty;
     this.Active = null;
     this.Teams = null;
 private void Scenario6Reset(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     Teams teams = new Teams();
     var result = from t in teams
                  group t by t.City into g
                  orderby g.Key
                  select new { Key = g.Key, Items = g }; ;
     groupInfoCVS.Source = result;
Пример #15
		public ChampionSpawnInfo(ulong id, Vec2 spawn, ChampionTypes type, Teams team, float maxhp, float hp) 
			: this() // to be able to have automatic properties (http://stackoverflow.com/a/420441/395386)
			ID = id;
			SpawningPosition = spawn;
			Type = type;
			Team = team;
			MaxHealth = maxhp;
			Health = hp;
Пример #16
        public Base(Teams team, Vec2 feetPos)
			: base(HEALTH, StructureTypes.Base, team,
			       new Rect(
					feetPos.X - WIDTH / 2f,
					feetPos.Y - HEIGHT,
			Regen = new LifeRegenerator(this,
			                            RegenTick, HEALTH_REGEN);
Пример #17
        public ICharacter(ulong id, Vec2 position, ChampionTypes type, Teams team)
			: base(id, position,
			       100f, 26f, 40f)//TODO: stats by champion
			JumpForce = 800;
			HorizontalAcceleration = 9e-9f;

			Animation = ChampionAnimation.idle;
			FacingLeft = team == Teams.Right; // face the opposite team
			Team = team;
			Type = type;
        public void AddPoint(Teams team)
            if (team == Teams.Home)
                this.VolleyballMatch.SetsOfTheMatch[this.CurrentSet - 1].HomePoints++;

            if (team == Teams.Guest)
                this.VolleyballMatch.SetsOfTheMatch[this.CurrentSet - 1].GuestPoints++;
Пример #19
        public Tower(StructureTypes type, Teams team, Vec2 feetPos)
			: base(HEALTH,
			       new Rect(
				   	feetPos.X - WIDTH / 2f,
					feetPos.Y - HEIGHT,
			TimeOfLastShot = 0f;
			Preparing = false;
Пример #20
	Action<Hero> selectedHeroChanging; //Hero is the new selected hero, bool is true if Hero is from the team which is currently playing

	void Start()
		if (gameController != null && gameController != this) {
			Destroy (this.gameObject);
		gameController = this;

		gameState = GameStates.StandBy;

		turn = Teams.Red;
		UIController.UI.Initialize ();
    // saves data out to a file
    // could check if file already exists, and then merge the new data with the old data to just
    // save that! Probably would be easier since i don't wana have to re save thousands of ints each
    // time, i'd rather just save ones that changed...? is that actually better!
    public void Save(Teams[] allExistingTeams)
        // create a file and push data to it
        BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();        //playerInfo.dat is our file name!
        FileStream file = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/playerInfo.dat");

        PlayerData data = new PlayerData(); // instantiate a new instance of our class we are going to save!
         //   data.health = this.health;
         //   data.experience = this.experience;

        data.myTeams = allExistingTeams;

        bf.Serialize(file, data); // take the serializable class data and save it to our file
        file.Close(); // Close the file now that we have saved the data to it!
Пример #22
		public LinearSpell(ulong id, Teams team, Vec2 position, Vec2 target, SpellTypes type, ICharacter owner)
			: base(id, position,
			       SpellsHelper.Info(type).Width, SpellsHelper.Info(type).Width)
			Info = SpellsHelper.Info(type);

			IsSolid = Info.Solid;

			Type = type;
			Velocity = Vec2.Normalize(target - position) * MoveSpeed;
			StartPosition = (Vec2)position.Clone();
			Team = team;
			Owner = owner;
Пример #23
 public void AddBot(Teams team, Roles role)
     int botNumber = 0;
     string name = "";
     while (name == "") {
         for (int i = 0; i < Config.BotNames.Count; i++) {
             string tryName = Config.BotNames[i] + " Bot" + (botNumber == 0 ? "" : botNumber.ToString());
             bool found = false;
             foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Player> kvp in Players) {
                 if (tryName == kvp.Value.Name)
                     found = true;
             if (!found) {
                 name = tryName;
     Bot bot = new Bot(name, Config.Random.Next(0, 50), team, role);
Пример #24
 public PrintModul(PrintType dataGridInfo, dynamic detail = null)
     this.dataGridInfo = dataGridInfo;
     PrintType ch = dataGridInfo;
     // Entscheide was gedruckt werden soll
     switch (ch)
         case PrintType.Team: 
              Teams teams = new Teams(detail);
         case PrintType.Sponsor:
              Sponsor sponsor = new Sponsor(detail);
         case PrintType.Client:
              Client customer = new Client(detail);
         case PrintType.LopOffList:
              LopOffList lopOff = new LopOffList();
         case PrintType.Statistic:
              KöTaf.Utils.Printer.CSVExporter csv = new Utils.Printer.CSVExporter(detail);
              var header = csv.GetHeader();
              var content = csv.GetData();
              var csvFull = csv.GetCsv();
                  Libre_TeSpClConverter ooConv = new Libre_TeSpClConverter(PrintType.Statistic);  
              catch (Exception ex) {
                  throw ex;
              } break;
Пример #25
	private Position getValidSpawningPoint(Teams team)
		Position[] array;
		Position ret = null;

		if (team == Teams.Blue)
			array = blueSpawningPoints.ToArray();
		else if (team == Teams.Red)
			array = redSpawningPoints.ToArray();
		else {
			Debug.LogError ("Trying to get spawning point for a weird team");
			return null;

		for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) {
			ret = array [i];

			if (MapController.mapController.isPositionEmpty (ret))

		return ret;
Пример #26
    public static void RegisterTeam(string name, Teams currentTeam)
        if(teams.Count == 0)
           // print("teamCount is 0");
            teamCount = 1;

        print("RegisterPlayer " + name + " teamCount " + teamCount);
        string _playerID = name;
        teams.Add(_playerID, teamCount);
        currentTeam.team = teamCount;
        if (teamCount == 1)
            teamCount = 2;
           // print("newTeamCount = " + teamCount);
        else if(teamCount == 2)
            teamCount = 1;
            //print("newTeamCount = " + teamCount);
Пример #27
        public void TestEqualsMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("Inside " + GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
            bool test = true;

            Performance myPerformance1 = new Performance("A", "AA", 1.1m);
            Performance myPerformance2 = new Performance("B", "BB", 2.2m);
            Performance myPerformance3 = new Performance("C", "CC", 3.3m);
            Performance myPerformance4 = new Performance("D", "AA", 4.1m);
            Performance myPerformance5 = new Performance("E", "BB", 5.2m);
            Performance myPerformance6 = new Performance("F", "CC", 6.3m);

            List <Performance> myPerformancesA = new List <Performance>();


            List <Performance> myPerformancesB = new List <Performance>();


            List <Performance> myPerformancesC = new List <Performance>();


            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > myEventsA = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            myEventsA.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesA);
            myEventsA.Add("Boy's 200", myPerformancesB);

            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > myEventsB = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            myEventsB.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesA);
            myEventsB.Add("Boy's 200", myPerformancesB);

            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > myEventsC = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            myEventsC.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesB);
            myEventsC.Add("Boy's 200", myPerformancesC);

            Dictionary <string, string> boysNamesA = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            boysNamesA.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            boysNamesA.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            boysNamesA.Add("WHS", "Washington HS");

            Dictionary <string, string> boysNamesB = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            boysNamesB.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            boysNamesB.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            boysNamesB.Add("WHS", "Washington HS");

            Dictionary <string, string> boysNamesC = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            boysNamesC.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            boysNamesC.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            boysNamesC.Add("WHS", "Washington");

            Dictionary <string, string> boysNamesD = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            boysNamesD.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            boysNamesD.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            boysNamesD.Add("BHS", "Washington HS");

            Dictionary <string, string> girlsNamesA = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            girlsNamesA.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            girlsNamesA.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            girlsNamesA.Add("KCH", "Knoch");

            Dictionary <string, string> girlsNamesB = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            girlsNamesB.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            girlsNamesB.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            girlsNamesB.Add("KCH", "Knoch");

            Dictionary <string, string> girlsNamesC = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            girlsNamesC.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            girlsNamesC.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            girlsNamesC.Add("KCH", "Ohio HS");

            Dictionary <string, string> girlsNamesD = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            girlsNamesD.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            girlsNamesD.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            girlsNamesD.Add("KOH", "Knoch");

            Teams teams1 = new Teams(boysNamesA, girlsNamesA);
            Teams teams2 = new Teams(boysNamesB, girlsNamesB);
            Teams teams3 = new Teams(boysNamesC, girlsNamesA);
            Teams teams4 = new Teams(boysNamesA, girlsNamesC);
            Teams teams5 = new Teams(boysNamesD, girlsNamesA);
            Teams teams6 = new Teams(boysNamesA, girlsNamesD);

            //Meet to test
            Meet meet1 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams1, myEventsA);

            //Equal Meet
            Meet meet2 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams2, myEventsB);

            //Differnet Date
            Meet meet3 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 12), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams1, myEventsA);

            //Different Location
            Meet meet4 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Trinity HS", "Windy", teams1, myEventsA);

            //Different Weather Conditions
            Meet meet5 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Cloudy", teams1, myEventsA);

            //Different Boy's Teams
            Meet meet6 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams3, myEventsA);

            //Differnet Girls's Teams
            Meet meet7 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams4, myEventsA);

            //Different Boy's Abbr
            Meet meet8 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams5, myEventsA);

            //Different Girl's Abbr
            Meet meet9 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams6, myEventsA);

            //Different Results
            Meet meet10 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams1, myEventsC);

            //No Results
            Meet meet11 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams1);

            if (!meet1.Equals(meet2))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 does not equal meet2");
            if (meet1.Equals(meet3))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 equals meet3");
            if (meet1.Equals(meet4))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 equals meet4");
            if (meet1.Equals(meet5))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 equals meet5");
            if (meet1.Equals(meet6))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 equals meet6");
            if (meet1.Equals(meet7))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 equals meet7");
            if (meet1.Equals(meet8))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 equals meet8");
            if (meet1.Equals(meet9))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 equals meet9");
            if (meet1.Equals(meet10))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 equals meet10");
            if (meet1.Equals(meet11))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("meet1 equals meet11");

            Assert.True(test, GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Failed");
            Console.WriteLine(GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Passed");
Пример #28
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int          n      = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            List <Teams> roster = new List <Teams>();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                string[] teamsToRegister = Console.ReadLine().Split('-');
                string   teamLeader      = teamsToRegister[0];
                string   teamName        = teamsToRegister[1];

                if (roster.Any(x => x.TeamName == teamName))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Team {teamName} was already created!");
                if (roster.Any(x => x.TeamLeader == teamLeader))
                    Console.WriteLine($"{teamLeader} cannot create another team!");

                Teams team = new Teams(teamLeader, teamName);
                Console.WriteLine($"Team {teamName} has been created by {teamLeader}!");

            string[] addingMembers = Console.ReadLine().Split("->");

            while (addingMembers[0] != "end of assignment")
                string teamMember = addingMembers[0];
                string teamName   = addingMembers[1];

                if (!roster.Any(x => x.TeamName == teamName))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Team {teamName} does not exist!");
                    addingMembers = Console.ReadLine().Split("->");
                if (roster.Any(x => x.TeamMembers.Contains(teamMember)) ||
                    roster.Any(x => x.TeamLeader == teamMember && x.TeamName == teamName))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Member {teamMember} cannot join team {teamName}!");
                    addingMembers = Console.ReadLine().Split("->");

                int index = roster.FindIndex(x => x.TeamName == teamName);

                addingMembers = Console.ReadLine().Split("->");

            var disbanded = roster
                            .FindAll(x => x.TeamMembers.Count == 0)
                            .OrderBy(x => x.TeamName).ToList();

            var validTeams = roster.FindAll(x => x.TeamMembers.Count > 0)
                             .OrderBy(x => x.TeamName).ToList();

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (Teams item in validTeams.OrderByDescending(x => x.TeamMembers.Count))
                sb.AppendLine($"- {item.TeamLeader}");

                foreach (var member in item.TeamMembers.OrderBy(x => x))
                    sb.AppendLine($"-- {member}");

            sb.AppendLine("Teams to disband:");

            foreach (Teams item in disbanded)
Пример #29
 public CRRB_WFA(Teams team) : base(team)
     Type = PieceTypes.CRRBWFA;
Пример #30
 public RuntimeAnimatorController SetRuntimeAnimationController(Teams teamId, RuntimeAnimatorController runtimeAnimatorController)
     return(GetCharacter(teamId).runtimeAnimatorController = runtimeAnimatorController);
    public GameState Move(GameState gameState, Teams team, int currentMove)
        List <Tile> possibleTiles = new List <Tile>();

        for (int x = 0; x < gameState.Width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < gameState.Height; y++)
                if (gameState.Tiles[x, y].unit.team == team && gameState.Tiles[x, y].unit.energy > 0)
                    possibleTiles.Add(gameState.Tiles[x, y]);

        int chosenPos = Random.Range(0, possibleTiles.Count);
        //Debug.Log(chosenPos + "," + (possibleTiles.Count));
        Tile chosenTile = possibleTiles[chosenPos];

        gameState.SetPossibleMoves(chosenTile.x, chosenTile.y, team, chosenTile.unit.energy);

        List <Tile> possibleMoves = new List <Tile>();

        for (int x = 0; x < gameState.Width; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < gameState.Height; y++)
                if (gameState.Tiles[x, y].possibleMove == team)
                    possibleMoves.Add(gameState.Tiles[x, y]);
                    // Debug.Log("Possible x,y: " + x + ", " + y);

        if (possibleMoves.Count == 0)
            // Debug.Log("Blocked unit: " + team);
            if (chosenTile.unit.energy <= gameState.GetScore(team))
                // Debug.Log("Blocked Loss");
                Move(gameState, team, currentMove); // skip blocked units

        chosenPos = Random.Range(0, possibleMoves.Count);
        //Debug.Log(chosenPos + "," + (possibleMoves.Count));
        Tile moveToTile = possibleMoves[chosenPos];

        //Debug.Log("Chosen x,y: " + moveToTile.x + ", " + moveToTile.y);
        gameState.Move(moveToTile.x, moveToTile.y, true);
        //Debug.Log("Move gameState team: " + gameState.Tiles[moveToTile.x, moveToTile.y].unit.team);
Пример #32
 public ScoringEfficiency(Field field, Teams team, int turns) : this(field.GetScore(team) - field.GetScore(team.GetEnemyTeam()), turns)
Пример #33
    public void UpdateTeams(string oldName, string oldTeam)
        if (Team == oldTeam && Name == oldName)

        //Debug.Log("Call; oldName: '" + oldName + "' Name: '" + Name + "' oldTeam: '" + oldTeam + "' Team: " + Team);

        // Updates team and player data for the local Teams system.
        Teams t = Teams.I;

        if (Name != oldName)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldName))
                // We did not have an old name...
                // Check to see if we are on the system (we should not be!) and add the player
                if (!t.PlayerInSystem(Name))
                    t.AddPlayer(this, Team);
                    Debug.Log("Added player to system. Name: " + Name + ", Team: " + Team);
                // We have an old name, lets change names!
                if (t.PlayerInSystem(oldName))
                    t.ChangePlayerName(oldName, Name);
                    Debug.Log("Changed player name from '" + oldName + "' to '" + Name + "'");
                    t.AddPlayer(this, Team);

        if (Team != oldTeam)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldTeam))
                // Means that this must be first time commit, meaning that we have already been added to team!
                // Old team is not null, lets swap teams!
                if (t.PlayerInSystem(Name))
                    t.ChangePlayerTeam(Name, Team);
                    Debug.Log("Changed team of player '" + Name + "' from team '" + oldTeam + "' to '" + Team + "'");
                    t.AddPlayer(this, Team);
                    Debug.Log("Added player WHILE changing team: '" + Name + "' from team '" + oldTeam + "' to '" + Team + "'");
Пример #34
 public CRRB_FD(Teams team) : base(team)
     Type = PieceTypes.CRRBFD;
Пример #35
 public CRRB_Archbishop(Teams team) : base(team)
     Type = PieceTypes.CRRBArchBishop;
Пример #36
 public void Apply(TeamRemoved e)
     Teams.RemoveAll(x => x.Id.Equals(e.TeamId));
Пример #37
 public Trainer(Teams team, string name)
     Team = team; Name = name;
Пример #38
 public CRRB_Chancellor(Teams team) : base(team)
     Type = PieceTypes.CRRBChancellor;
Пример #39
        public void AddToGame(Client client, Teams team)
            LastAdded = team;
            exPlayer.Get(client).InSnowballGame = true;
            exPlayer.Get(client).SnowballGameSide = team;
            exPlayer.Get(client).SnowballGameInstance = this;
            exPlayer.Get(client).SnowballGameLives = PLAYERLIVES;
            if (team == Teams.Green) {
            } else if (team == Teams.Blue) {

            if (client != GameLeader) {
                Messenger.PlayerMsg(client, "You have joined the game! Wait until the leader starts the game!", Text.Yellow);
                Messenger.PlayerMsg(GameLeader, client.Player.Name + " has been added to the game!", Text.Yellow);
 public async Task <long> AddChild(string name, long parentId)
     return(User.Identity.RootTeamsProxy != null
         ? await User.Identity.RootTeamsProxy.AddChildNode(parentId, Teams.Set(p => p.Name, name))
         : await ClusterClient.Default.GetGrain <IUserGrain>(User.Identity.Name).PatchRootTeams(name));
Пример #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes client properties.
 /// </summary>
 private void Initialize()
     Devices        = new Devices(this);
     Notifications  = new Notifications(this);
     OrgInvitations = new OrgInvitations(this);
     DistributionGroupInvitations = new DistributionGroupInvitations(this);
     AppInvitations   = new AppInvitations(this);
     Sharedconnection = new Sharedconnection(this);
     DataSubjectRight = new DataSubjectRight(this);
     Users            = new Users(this);
     Releases         = new Releases(this);
     //Builds = new Builds(this);
     CodePushAcquisition = new CodePushAcquisition(this);
     DistibutionReleases = new DistibutionReleases(this);
     DistributionGroups  = new DistributionGroups(this);
     Teams             = new Teams(this);
     AzureSubscription = new AzureSubscription(this);
     Organization      = new Organization(this);
     Apps                     = new Apps(this);
     Organizations            = new Organizations(this);
     Invitations              = new Invitations(this);
     NpsSurvey                = new NpsSurvey(this);
     HappinessSurvey          = new HappinessSurvey(this);
     Webhooks                 = new Webhooks(this);
     Crashes                  = new Crashes(this);
     Test                     = new Test(this);
     Symbols                  = new Symbols(this);
     SymbolUploads            = new SymbolUploads(this);
     MissingSymbolGroups      = new MissingSymbolGroups(this);
     Repositories             = new Repositories(this);
     RepositoryConfigurations = new RepositoryConfigurations(this);
     Provisioning             = new Provisioning(this);
     ReleaseUploads           = new ReleaseUploads(this);
     Push                     = new Push(this);
     FileAssets               = new FileAssets(this);
     ExportConfigurations     = new ExportConfigurations(this);
     Errors                   = new Errors(this);
     StoreReleases            = new StoreReleases(this);
     Stores                   = new Stores(this);
     App = new App(this);
     CodePushDeploymentRelease  = new CodePushDeploymentRelease(this);
     DeploymentReleases         = new DeploymentReleases(this);
     CodePushDeploymentReleases = new CodePushDeploymentReleases(this);
     CodePushDeployments        = new CodePushDeployments(this);
     CodePushDeploymentMetrics  = new CodePushDeploymentMetrics(this);
     CrashGroups           = new CrashGroups(this);
     Commits               = new Commits(this);
     BugTracker            = new BugTracker(this);
     BranchConfigurations  = new BranchConfigurations(this);
     AppleMapping          = new AppleMapping(this);
     Analytics             = new Analytics(this);
     ApiTokens             = new ApiTokens(this);
     BaseUri               = new System.Uri("https://api.appcenter.ms");
     SerializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
         Formatting            = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented,
         DateFormatHandling    = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat,
         DateTimeZoneHandling  = Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc,
         NullValueHandling     = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore,
         ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize,
         ContractResolver      = new ReadOnlyJsonContractResolver(),
         Converters            = new  List <JsonConverter>
             new Iso8601TimeSpanConverter()
     DeserializationSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
         DateFormatHandling    = Newtonsoft.Json.DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat,
         DateTimeZoneHandling  = Newtonsoft.Json.DateTimeZoneHandling.Utc,
         NullValueHandling     = Newtonsoft.Json.NullValueHandling.Ignore,
         ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize,
         ContractResolver      = new ReadOnlyJsonContractResolver(),
         Converters            = new List <JsonConverter>
             new Iso8601TimeSpanConverter()
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <SharedConnectionRequest>("serviceType"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <SharedConnectionRequest>("serviceType"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <SharedConnectionResponse>("serviceType"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <SharedConnectionResponse>("serviceType"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <PrivateSharedConnectionResponse>("serviceType"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <PrivateSharedConnectionResponse>("serviceType"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <Log>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <Log>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <CustomProperty>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <CustomProperty>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <LogFlowLog>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <LogFlowLog>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <LogFlowCustomProperty>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <LogFlowCustomProperty>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <LogDiagnostics>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <LogDiagnostics>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <CustomPropertyDiagnostics>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <CustomPropertyDiagnostics>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <ExportConfiguration>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <ExportConfiguration>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <NotificationTarget>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <NotificationTarget>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <NotificationConfig>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <NotificationConfig>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <NotificationConfigResult>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <NotificationConfigResult>("type"));
     SerializationSettings.Converters.Add(new PolymorphicSerializeJsonConverter <AlertingBugtrackerSettings>("type"));
     DeserializationSettings.Converters.Add(new  PolymorphicDeserializeJsonConverter <AlertingBugtrackerSettings>("type"));
Пример #42
 private Teams setTeamTurn(Teams _team)
     teamsTurn = _team;
 public async Task <TeamV> GetTeam(Guid teamKey, DateTime viewDate)
     return((await Teams.SingleOrDefaultAsync(f => f.PrimaryKey == teamKey)).GetApprovedVersion(viewDate));
Пример #44
 public CRRB_Rose(Teams team) : base(team)
     Type = PieceTypes.CRRBRose;
Пример #45
        private async Task Loop(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var teams = new Teams
                Blue = ImmutableList.Create(MatchTesting.TestVenonatForOverlay),
                Red = ImmutableList.Create(MatchTesting.TestVenonatForOverlay),
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), cancellationToken);

            await ResetBalances(); //ensure everyone has money to bet before the betting period
            const int matchId = -1; // TODO
            IBettingShop<User> bettingShop = new DefaultBettingShop<User>(
                async user => await _pokeyenBank.GetAvailableMoney(user));
            bettingShop.BetPlaced += (_, args) => TaskToVoidSafely(_logger, () =>
                _overlayConnection.Send(new MatchPokeyenBetUpdateEvent
                    MatchId = matchId,
                    DefaultAction = "",
                    NewBet = new Bet { Amount = args.Amount, Team = args.Side, BetBonus = 0 },
                    NewBetUser = args.User,
                    Odds = bettingShop.GetOdds()
                }, cancellationToken));
            _bettingPeriod = new BettingPeriod<User>(_pokeyenBank, bettingShop);

            IMatchCycle match = new CoinflipMatchCycle(_loggerFactory.CreateLogger<CoinflipMatchCycle>());
            Task setupTask = match.SetUp(new MatchInfo(teams.Blue, teams.Red), cancellationToken);
            await _overlayConnection.Send(new MatchCreatedEvent(), cancellationToken);
            await _overlayConnection.Send(new MatchBettingEvent(), cancellationToken);
            await _overlayConnection.Send(new MatchModesChosenEvent(), cancellationToken); // TODO
            await _overlayConnection.Send(new MatchSettingUpEvent
                MatchId = 1234,
                Teams = teams,
                BettingDuration = _matchmodeConfig.DefaultBettingDuration.TotalSeconds,
                RevealDuration = 0,
                Gimmick = "speed",
                Switching = SwitchingPolicy.Never,
                BattleStyle = BattleStyle.Singles,
                InputOptions = new InputOptions
                    Moves = new MovesInputOptions
                        Policy = MoveSelectingPolicy.Always,
                        Permitted = ImmutableList.Create("a", "b", "c", "d")
                    Switches = new SwitchesInputOptions
                        Policy = SwitchingPolicy.Never,
                        Permitted = ImmutableList<string>.Empty,
                        RandomChance = 0
                    Targets = new TargetsInputOptions
                        Policy = TargetingPolicy.Disabled,
                        Permitted = ImmutableList<string>.Empty,
                        AllyHitChance = 0
                BetBonus = 35,
                BetBonusType = "bet",
            }, cancellationToken);

            Duration bettingBeforeWarning = _matchmodeConfig.DefaultBettingDuration - _matchmodeConfig.WarningDuration;
            await Task.Delay(bettingBeforeWarning.ToTimeSpan(), cancellationToken);
            await _overlayConnection.Send(new MatchWarningEvent(), cancellationToken);

            await Task.Delay(_matchmodeConfig.WarningDuration.ToTimeSpan(), cancellationToken);
            await setupTask;
            Task<MatchResult> performTask = match.Perform(cancellationToken);
            await _overlayConnection.Send(new MatchPerformingEvent { Teams = teams }, cancellationToken);

            MatchResult result = await performTask;
            await _overlayConnection.Send(new MatchOverEvent { MatchResult = result }, cancellationToken);

            // TODO log matches
            Dictionary<User, long> changes = await _bettingPeriod.Resolve(matchId, result, cancellationToken);
            await _overlayConnection.Send(
                new MatchResultsEvent
                    PokeyenResults = new PokeyenResults
                        Transactions = changes.ToImmutableDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key.Id,
                            kvp => new Transaction { Change = kvp.Value, NewBalance = kvp.Key.Pokeyen })
                }, cancellationToken);

            await Task.Delay(_matchmodeConfig.ResultDuration.ToTimeSpan(), cancellationToken);
            await _overlayConnection.Send(new ResultsFinishedEvent(), cancellationToken);
Пример #46
        public void TestValidateMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("Inside " + GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
            bool test = true;

            Performance myPerformance1 = new Performance("A", "AA", 1.1m);
            Performance myPerformance2 = new Performance("B", "BB", 2.2m);
            Performance myPerformance3 = new Performance("C", "CC", 3.3m);
            Performance myPerformance4 = new Performance("D", "DD", 4.1m);
            Performance myPerformance5 = new Performance("", "DD", 4.1m);

            List <Performance> myPerformancesA = new List <Performance>();


            List <Performance> myPerformancesB = new List <Performance>();


            List <Performance> myPerformancesC = new List <Performance>();


            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > myEventsA = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            myEventsA.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesA);
            myEventsA.Add("Boy's 200", myPerformancesB);

            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > myEventsB = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            myEventsB.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesA);
            myEventsB.Add("Boy's 200", myPerformancesB);
            myEventsB.Add("Boy's 400", myPerformancesC);

            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > myEventsC = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            myEventsC.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesA);
            myEventsC.Add("200", myPerformancesB);

            //Team Names
            Dictionary <string, string> boysNamesA = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            boysNamesA.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            boysNamesA.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            boysNamesA.Add("WHS", "Washington HS");

            Dictionary <string, string> dupBoysNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dupBoysNames.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            dupBoysNames.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            dupBoysNames.Add("BLD", "Baldwin");

            Dictionary <string, string> boysNamesC = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            boysNamesC.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            boysNamesC.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            boysNamesC.Add("", "Washinton HS");

            Dictionary <string, string> girlsNamesA = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            girlsNamesA.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            girlsNamesA.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            girlsNamesA.Add("KCH", "Knoch");

            Dictionary <string, string> dupGirlsNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            dupGirlsNames.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            dupGirlsNames.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            dupGirlsNames.Add("PM", "Plum");

            Dictionary <string, string> girlsNamesC = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            girlsNamesC.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            girlsNamesC.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            girlsNamesC.Add("KCH", "");

            Dictionary <string, string> overAbbr = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            overAbbr.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            overAbbr.Add("GATE", "Gateway");
            overAbbr.Add("KCH", "Kiski");

            Teams teams1 = new Teams(boysNamesA, girlsNamesA);
            Teams teams2 = new Teams(dupBoysNames, girlsNamesA);
            Teams teams3 = new Teams(boysNamesC, girlsNamesA);
            Teams teams4 = new Teams(boysNamesA, girlsNamesC);
            Teams teams5 = new Teams(boysNamesA, dupGirlsNames);
            Teams teams6 = new Teams(overAbbr, girlsNamesA);
            Teams teams7 = new Teams(boysNamesA, overAbbr);

            Meet validMeet          = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams1, myEventsA);
            Meet validNoEventsMeet  = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams1);
            Meet invalidDateTime    = new Meet(DateTime.MinValue, "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams1, myEventsA);
            Meet invalidLocation1   = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), null, "Windy", teams1, myEventsA);
            Meet invalidWeather1    = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", null, teams1, myEventsA);
            Meet invalidLocation2   = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "", "Windy", teams1, myEventsA);
            Meet invalidWeather2    = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "", teams1, myEventsA);
            Meet dupBoysNameMeet    = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams2, myEventsA);
            Meet dupGirlsNameMeet   = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams5, myEventsA);
            Meet overBoysAbbrMeet   = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams6, myEventsA);
            Meet overGirlsAbbrMeet  = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams7, myEventsA);
            Meet invalidBoysName    = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams3, myEventsA);
            Meet invalidGirlsName   = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams4, myEventsA);
            Meet invalidPerformance = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams1, myEventsB);
            Meet invalidEventName   = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams1, myEventsC);

            if (!validMeet.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("validMeet failed");
            if (!validNoEventsMeet.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("validNoEventsMeet failed");
            if (invalidDateTime.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("invalidDateTime was valid");
            if (invalidLocation1.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("invalidLocation1 was valid");
            if (invalidLocation2.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("invalidLocation2 was valid");
            if (invalidWeather1.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("invalidWeather1 was valid");
            if (invalidWeather2.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("invalidWeather2 was valid");
            if (dupBoysNameMeet.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("dupBoysNameMeet was valid");
            if (dupGirlsNameMeet.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("dupGirlsNameMeet was valid");
            if (overBoysAbbrMeet.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("overBoysAbbrMeet was valid");
            if (overGirlsAbbrMeet.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("overGirlsAbbrMeet was valid");
            if (invalidBoysName.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("invalidBoysName was valid");
            if (invalidGirlsName.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("invalidGirlsName was valid");
            if (invalidPerformance.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("invalidPerformance was valid");
            if (invalidEventName.validate())
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("invalidEventName was valid");
                Console.WriteLine("TestValidateMethod Passed!");

            Assert.True(test, GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Failed");
            Console.WriteLine(GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Passed");
Пример #47
		public ServerChampion(ulong id, Vec2 pos, ChampionTypes type, Teams team)
			: base(id, pos, type, team)
Пример #48
        public void TestToStringMethod()
            Console.WriteLine("Inside " + GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
            Performance myPerformance1 = new Performance("A", "AA", 1.1m);
            Performance myPerformance2 = new Performance("B", "BB", 2.2m);
            Performance myPerformance3 = new Performance("C", "CC", 3.3m);
            Performance myPerformance4 = new Performance("D", "DD", 4.1m);

            List <Performance> myPerformancesA = new List <Performance>();


            List <Performance> myPerformancesB = new List <Performance>();


            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > myEventsA = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            myEventsA.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesA);
            myEventsA.Add("Boy's 200", myPerformancesB);

            Dictionary <string, string> boysNamesA = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            boysNamesA.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            boysNamesA.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            boysNamesA.Add("WHS", "Washington HS");

            Dictionary <string, string> girlsNamesA = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            girlsNamesA.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            girlsNamesA.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            girlsNamesA.Add("KCH", "Knoch");

            Teams teams = new Teams(boysNamesA, girlsNamesA);

            Meet myMeet = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams, myEventsA);

            string strMeet = myMeet.ToString();

            Console.WriteLine("My string:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            Console.WriteLine(strMeet + Environment.NewLine);

            Console.WriteLine("Expecting:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
            Console.WriteLine("Date: 04/13/2017" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Location: " + "Baldwin HS" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Weather Conditions: " + "Windy" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Teams:" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Boys:" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Baldwin - BLN" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Thomas Jefferson - TJ" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Washington HS - WHS" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Girls:" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Plum - PLM" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Gateway - GWY" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Knoch - KCH" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Event: " + "Boy's 100" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Name: " + "A" + ", " + "AA" + " - " + 1.1 + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Name: " + "B" + ", " + "BB" + " - " + 2.2 + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Event: " + "Boy's 200" + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Name: " + "C" + ", " + "CC" + " - " + 3.3 + Environment.NewLine +
                              "Name: " + "D" + ", " + "DD" + " - " + 4.1);

            Assert.AreEqual(strMeet, "Date: 04/13/2017" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Location: " + "Baldwin HS" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Weather Conditions: " + "Windy" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Teams:" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Boys:" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Baldwin - BLN" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Thomas Jefferson - TJ" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Washington HS - WHS" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Girls:" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Plum - PLM" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Gateway - GWY" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Knoch - KCH" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Event: " + "Boy's 100" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Name: " + "A" + ", " + "AA" + " - " + 1.1 + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Name: " + "B" + ", " + "BB" + " - " + 2.2 + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Event: " + "Boy's 200" + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Name: " + "C" + ", " + "CC" + " - " + 3.3 + Environment.NewLine +
                            "Name: " + "D" + ", " + "DD" + " - " + 4.1,
                            GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Failed");

            Console.WriteLine(GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Passed");
Пример #49
 public void SetUnityNetworkPrefab(Teams teamId, GameObject unetPrefab)
Пример #50
 public ArenaTeam GetTeam(PlayerMobile pm)
     return(Teams.FirstOrDefault(team => team.Contains(pm)));
Пример #51
	public void NextTurn()
		if (turn == Teams.Red)
			turn = Teams.Blue;
			turn = Teams.Red;

		gameState = GameStates.StandBy;

		Debug.Log (turn.ToString () + " team's turn");

Пример #52
        public void TestParameterizedConstructor()
            Console.WriteLine("Inside " + GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);
            bool test = true;

            Performance myPerformance1 = new Performance("A", "AA", 1.1m);
            Performance myPerformance2 = new Performance("B", "BB", 2.2m);
            Performance myPerformance3 = new Performance("C", "CC", 3.3m);
            Performance myPerformance4 = new Performance("D", "AA", 4.1m);
            Performance myPerformance5 = new Performance("E", "BB", 5.2m);
            Performance myPerformance6 = new Performance("F", "CC", 6.3m);

            List <Performance> myPerformancesA = new List <Performance>();


            List <Performance> myPerformancesB = new List <Performance>();


            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > myPerformances = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            myPerformances.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesA);
            myPerformances.Add("Boy's 200", myPerformancesB);

            Dictionary <string, string> boysNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            boysNames.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            boysNames.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            boysNames.Add("WHS", "Washington HS");

            Dictionary <string, string> girlsNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            girlsNames.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            girlsNames.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            girlsNames.Add("KCH", "Knoch");

            Teams teams = new Teams(boysNames, girlsNames);

            Meet myMeetNoEvents = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams);

            if (myMeetNoEvents.dateOfMeet != new DateTime(2017, 04, 13))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("myMeetNoEvents - Invalid date");
            if (myMeetNoEvents.location != "Baldwin HS")
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("myMeetNoEvents - Invalid location");
            if (myMeetNoEvents.weatherConditions != "Windy")
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("myMeetNoEvents - Invalid weather conditions");
            if (!myMeetNoEvents.schoolNames.Equals(teams))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("myMeetNoEvents - Invalid Teams object");

            Meet myMeetWithEvents = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams, myPerformances);

            if (myMeetWithEvents.dateOfMeet != new DateTime(2017, 04, 13))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("myMeetWithEvents - Invalid date");
            if (myMeetWithEvents.location != "Baldwin HS")
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("myMeetWithEvents - Invalid location");
            if (myMeetWithEvents.weatherConditions != "Windy")
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("myMeetWithEvents - Invalid weather conditions");
            if (!myMeetWithEvents.schoolNames.Equals(teams))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("myMeetWithEvents - Invalid Teams object");
            if (!myMeetWithEvents.performances.SequenceEqual(myPerformances))
                test = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid performances");

            Assert.True(test, GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Failed");
            Console.WriteLine(GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Passed");
Пример #53
        public void TestAddNewIndividualPerformance()
            Console.WriteLine("Inside " + GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name);

            Dictionary <string, string> boysNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            boysNames.Add("BLN", "Baldwin");
            boysNames.Add("TJ", "Thomas Jefferson");
            boysNames.Add("WHS", "Washington HS");

            Dictionary <string, string> girlsNames = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            girlsNames.Add("PLM", "Plum");
            girlsNames.Add("GWY", "Gateway");
            girlsNames.Add("KCH", "Knoch");

            Teams teams = new Teams(boysNames, girlsNames);

            Performance myPerformance1 = new Performance("A", "AA", 1.1m);
            Performance myPerformance2 = new Performance("B", "BB", 2.2m);
            Performance myPerformance3 = new Performance("C", "CC", 3.3m);
            Performance myPerformance4 = new Performance("D", "AA", 4.1m);
            Performance myPerformance5 = new Performance("E", "BB", 5.2m);
            Performance myPerformance6 = new Performance("F", "CC", 6.3m);
            Performance myPerformance7 = new Performance("G", "DD", 4.4m);

            List <Performance> myPerformancesA = new List <Performance>();


            List <Performance> myPerformancesB = new List <Performance>();


            List <Performance> myPerformancesC = new List <Performance>();


            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > originalList = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            originalList.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesA);
            originalList.Add("Boy's 200", myPerformancesB);

            Dictionary <string, List <Performance> > newComparableList = new Dictionary <string, List <Performance> >();

            newComparableList.Add("Boy's 100", myPerformancesA);
            newComparableList.Add("Boy's 200", myPerformancesB);
            newComparableList.Add("Boy's 400", myPerformancesC);

            Meet meet1 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams, originalList);
            Meet meet2 = new Meet(new DateTime(2017, 04, 13), "Baldwin HS", "Windy", teams, newComparableList);

            DataEntrySvcImpl DESI = new DataEntrySvcImpl();

            meet1.performances = DESI.AddPerformanceToEvent(meet1.performances, "Boy's 400", myPerformancesC);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Performance> > kvp in originalList)
                foreach (Performance i in kvp.Value)
                    Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}, Value = {1}", kvp.Key, i.ToString());
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <Performance> > kvp in newComparableList)
                foreach (Performance i in kvp.Value)
                    Console.WriteLine("Key = {0}, Value = {1}", kvp.Key, i.ToString());

            bool test = meet1.Equals(meet2);

            Assert.True(test, GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Failed");
            Console.WriteLine(GetType().Name + " - " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name + " Passed");
Пример #54
 public CRRB_SuperKnight(Teams team) : base(team)
     Type = PieceTypes.CRRBSuperKnight;
Пример #55
 public RSR ClearTeams()
Пример #56
 public SoccerQuery(ITeamsProvider teamsProvider, IStatsProvider statsProvider)
     Teams.Add(teamsProvider, this);
     Stats.Add(statsProvider, this);
     WinnigStats.Add(statsProvider, this);
 public async Task Update(long id, string name)
     await User.Identity.RootTeamsProxy.UpdateNode(id, Teams.Set(p => p.Name, name));
Пример #58
    protected void cmdCreate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        panAlert.Visible = true;
        if (txtLocation.Text == "")
            lblAlert.Text = "Please enter a location";
        else if (txtWeather.Text == "")
            lblAlert.Text = "Please enter weather conditions";
        else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam1.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr1.Text))
            lblAlert.Text = "Please enter team name information for boy's team #1";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam2.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr2.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam2.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr2.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for boy's team #2";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam3.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr3.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam3.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr3.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for boy's team #3";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam4.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr4.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam4.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr4.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for boy's team #4";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam5.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr5.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam5.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr5.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for boy's team #5";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam6.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr6.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysTeam6.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBoysAbbr6.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for boy's team #6";
        else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam1.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr1.Text))
            lblAlert.Text = "Please enter team name information for girl's team #1";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam2.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr2.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam2.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr2.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for girl's team #2";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam3.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr3.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam3.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr3.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for girl's team #3";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam4.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr4.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam4.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr4.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for girl's team #4";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam5.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr5.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam5.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr5.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for girl's team #5";
        else if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam6.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr6.Text)) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsTeam6.Text) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtGirlsAbbr6.Text)))
            lblAlert.Text = "Invalid name information for girl's team #6";
            string meetLocation = txtLocation.Text;

            int month = 1;
            if (ddlMonth.Text == "February")
                month = 2;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "March")
                month = 3;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "April")
                month = 4;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "May")
                month = 5;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "June")
                month = 6;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "July")
                month = 7;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "August")
                month = 8;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "September")
                month = 9;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "October")
                month = 10;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "November")
                month = 11;
            else if (ddlMonth.Text == "December")
                month = 12;

            DateTime meetDateTime   = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.Text), month, Convert.ToInt32(ddlDay.Text));
            string   meetWeather    = txtWeather.Text;
            string   boysTeam1Abbr  = txtBoysAbbr1.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam1Name  = txtBoysTeam1.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam2Abbr  = txtBoysAbbr2.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam2Name  = txtBoysTeam2.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam3Abbr  = txtBoysAbbr3.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam3Name  = txtBoysTeam3.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam4Abbr  = txtBoysAbbr4.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam4Name  = txtBoysTeam4.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam5Abbr  = txtBoysAbbr5.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam5Name  = txtBoysTeam5.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam6Abbr  = txtBoysAbbr6.Text.Trim();
            string   boysTeam6Name  = txtBoysTeam6.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam1Abbr = txtGirlsAbbr1.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam1Name = txtGirlsTeam1.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam2Abbr = txtGirlsAbbr2.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam2Name = txtGirlsTeam2.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam3Abbr = txtGirlsAbbr3.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam3Name = txtGirlsTeam3.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam4Abbr = txtGirlsAbbr4.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam4Name = txtGirlsTeam4.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam5Abbr = txtGirlsAbbr5.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam5Name = txtGirlsTeam5.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam6Abbr = txtGirlsAbbr6.Text.Trim();
            string   girlsTeam6Name = txtGirlsTeam6.Text.Trim();

            List <string> boysNames = new List <string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam1Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam2Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam3Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam4Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam5Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam6Name))

            List <string> boysAbbrs = new List <string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam1Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam2Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam3Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam4Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam5Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam6Abbr))

            List <string> girlsNames = new List <string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam1Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam2Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam3Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam4Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam5Name))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam6Name))

            List <string> girlsAbbrs = new List <string>();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam1Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam2Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam3Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam4Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam5Abbr))
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam6Abbr))

            if (boysNames.Distinct().Count() != boysNames.Count())
                lblAlert.Text = "All Boy's names must be unique";
            else if (boysAbbrs.Distinct().Count() != boysAbbrs.Count())
                lblAlert.Text = "All Boy's abbrs must be unique";
            else if (girlsNames.Distinct().Count() != girlsNames.Count())
                lblAlert.Text = "All Girl's names must be unique";
            else if (girlsAbbrs.Distinct().Count() != girlsAbbrs.Count())
                lblAlert.Text = "All Girl's abbrs must be unique";
                Dictionary <string, string> boysTeams = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                boysTeams.Add(boysTeam1Abbr, boysTeam1Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam2Abbr))
                    boysTeams.Add(boysTeam2Abbr, boysTeam2Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam3Abbr))
                    boysTeams.Add(boysTeam3Abbr, boysTeam3Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam4Abbr))
                    boysTeams.Add(boysTeam4Abbr, boysTeam4Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam5Abbr))
                    boysTeams.Add(boysTeam5Abbr, boysTeam5Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(boysTeam6Abbr))
                    boysTeams.Add(boysTeam6Abbr, boysTeam6Name);

                Dictionary <string, string> girlsTeams = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                girlsTeams.Add(girlsTeam1Abbr, girlsTeam1Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam2Abbr))
                    girlsTeams.Add(girlsTeam2Abbr, girlsTeam2Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam3Abbr))
                    girlsTeams.Add(girlsTeam3Abbr, girlsTeam3Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam4Abbr))
                    girlsTeams.Add(girlsTeam4Abbr, girlsTeam4Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam5Abbr))
                    girlsTeams.Add(girlsTeam5Abbr, girlsTeam5Name);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(girlsTeam6Abbr))
                    girlsTeams.Add(girlsTeam6Abbr, girlsTeam6Name);

                Teams newTeams = new Teams(boysTeams, girlsTeams);

                newMeet = new Meet(meetDateTime, meetLocation, meetWeather, newTeams);

                if (newMeet.validate())
                    DatabaseMgr dm = new DatabaseMgr();
                    meetID = dm.FindMeetId(newMeet);

                    if (meetID < 0)
                        panAlert.GroupingText = "Problem loading meet database. Please try again later";
                        if (meetID == 0) //Meet does not exist in database
                            bool didAdd = dm.AddMeet(newMeet, Session["Username"].ToString());
                            if (didAdd)
                                Session["ActiveMeet"] = newMeet;

                                //Open MeetHub here
                                lblAlert.Text = "Problem addign meet to database, please try again later";
                            panAlert.Visible         = false;
                            panDatabaseAlert.Visible = true;

                            lblDatabaseAlert.Text = "Meet already exists, do you wish to overwrite existing meet, or open existing meet?";
                            cmdCreate.Visible     = false;
                    lblAlert.Text = "Unknown problem creating this meet. Data was invalid.";
Пример #59
        public void Init()
            BlueTeam = new List<Client>();
            GreenTeam = new List<Client>();

            PlayerCount = 0;

            GreenPoints = 0;
            BluePoints = 0;

            Random rand = new Random();
            LastAdded = (Teams)rand.Next(0, 2);
Пример #60
        public void Apply(TeamCreated e)
            var team = new Team(e, Id.Value);
