Пример #1
            // try the VS Express version first, since it's free
            var registryKey = @"Microsoft\VCExpress\9.0\Projects";

            if (Bam.Core.Win32RegistryUtilities.Does32BitLMSoftwareKeyExist(registryKey))
                vsEdition = "Express";
                registryKey = @"Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\Projects";
                if (Bam.Core.Win32RegistryUtilities.Does32BitLMSoftwareKeyExist(registryKey))
                    vsEdition = "Professional";
                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("VisualStudio C++ 2008 (Express or Professional) was not installed");

            using (var key = Bam.Core.Win32RegistryUtilities.Open32BitLMSoftwareKey(registryKey))
                if (null == key)
                    throw new Bam.Core.Exception("VisualStudio C++ {0} 2008 was not installed", vsEdition);

                var subKeyNames = key.GetSubKeyNames();
                foreach (var subKeyName in subKeyNames)
                    using (var subKey = key.OpenSubKey(subKeyName))
                        var projectExtension = subKey.GetValue("DefaultProjectExtension") as string;
                        if (null != projectExtension)
                            if (projectExtension == "vcproj")
                                ProjectTypeGuid = new System.Guid(subKeyName);
                        var defaultValue = subKey.GetValue("") as string;
                        if (null != defaultValue)
                            if ("Solution Folder Project" == defaultValue)
                                SolutionFolderTypeGuid = new System.Guid(subKeyName);

            if (0 == ProjectTypeGuid.CompareTo(System.Guid.Empty))
                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Unable to locate VisualC project GUID for VisualStudio 2008 {0}", vsEdition);

#if false
            // Note: do this instead of (null == Guid) to satify the Mono compiler
            // see CS0472, and something about struct comparisons
            if ((System.Nullable <System.Guid>)null == (System.Nullable <System.Guid>)ProjectTypeGuid)
                throw new Bam.Core.Exception("Unable to locate VisualC project GUID for VisualStudio 2008");