Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Make end of sequence marker
 /// </summary>
 internal SymbolicRegexNode <S> MkWatchDog(int length)
     return(SymbolicRegexNode <S> .MkWatchDog(this, length));
Пример #2
        internal SymbolicRegexNode <S> Parse(string s, int i, out int i_next)
            switch (s[i])
            case '.':
                #region .
                i_next = i + 1;


            case '[':
                #region parse singleton
                int j    = s.IndexOf(']', i);
                var p    = solver.DeserializePredicate(s.Substring(i + 1, j - (i + 1)));
                var node = this.MkSingleton(p);
                //SymbolicRegexNode<S> node;
                //var seq_str = s.Substring(i + 1, j - (i + 1));
                //var preds_str = seq_str.Split(';');
                //var preds = Array.ConvertAll(preds_str, solver.DeserializePredicate);
                //node = this.MkSequence(preds);
                i_next = j + 1;


            case 'E':
                #region Epsilon
                i_next = i + 1;


            case 'L':     //L(l,u,body) for body{l,u} u may be *
                #region Loop
                int j     = s.IndexOf(',', i + 2);
                int lower = int.Parse(s.Substring(i + 2, j - (i + 2)));
                int upper = int.MaxValue;
                if (s[j + 1] == '*')
                    j = j + 3;
                    int k = s.IndexOf(',', j + 1);
                    upper = int.Parse(s.Substring(j + 1, k - (j + 1)));
                    j     = k + 1;
                int n;
                var body = Parse(s, j, out n);
                var node = SymbolicRegexNode <S> .MkLoop(this, body, lower, upper, false);

                i_next = n + 1;


            case 'Z':     //Z(l,u,body) for body{l,u}? u may be *
                #region Loop
                int j     = s.IndexOf(',', i + 2);
                int lower = int.Parse(s.Substring(i + 2, j - (i + 2)));
                int upper = int.MaxValue;
                if (s[j + 1] == '*')
                    j = j + 3;
                    int k = s.IndexOf(',', j + 1);
                    upper = int.Parse(s.Substring(j + 1, k - (j + 1)));
                    j     = k + 1;
                int n;
                var body = Parse(s, j, out n);
                var node = SymbolicRegexNode <S> .MkLoop(this, body, lower, upper, true);

                i_next = n + 1;


            case 'S':
                #region concatenation
                int n;
                SymbolicRegexNode <S>[] nodes = ParseSequence(s, i + 2, out n);
                var concat = this.MkConcat(nodes, false);
                i_next = n;


            case 'C':     //conjunction C(R1,R2,...,Rk)
                #region conjunction
                int n;
                SymbolicRegexNode <S>[] nodes = ParseSequence(s, i + 2, out n);
                var conj = SymbolicRegexNode <S> .MkAnd(this, nodes);

                i_next = n;


            case 'D':     //Disjunction D(R1,R2,...,Rk)
                #region disjunction
                int n;
                SymbolicRegexNode <S>[] nodes = ParseSequence(s, i + 2, out n);
                var disj = SymbolicRegexNode <S> .MkOr(this, nodes);

                i_next = n;


            case 'I':     //if then else I(x,y,z)
                #region ITE
                int n;
                var cond = Parse(s, i + 2, out n);
                int m;
                var first = Parse(s, n + 1, out m);
                int k;
                var second = Parse(s, m + 1, out k);
                var ite    = SymbolicRegexNode <S> .MkIfThenElse(this, cond, first, second);

                i_next = k + 1;


            case '^':
                #region start anchor
                i_next = i + 1;


            case '$':
                #region end anchor
                i_next = i + 1;


            case '#':
                #region end of sequence anchor
                int j      = s.IndexOf(')', i + 2);
                int length = int.Parse(s.Substring(i + 2, j - (i + 2)));
                i_next = j + 1;
                return(SymbolicRegexNode <S> .MkWatchDog(this, length));


                throw new NotImplementedException();