Пример #1
        private void StoreInDatabase(StudentEvent studentEvent)
            DatabaseConnect connect = new DatabaseConnect();

Пример #2
        public async Task ProcessEvents(string callRecordId)
            var callRecordString = await _graphHelper.GetCallRecordSessions(callRecordId);

            var callRecord = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Entities.CallRecord>(callRecordString);

            var organizerId = (callRecord != null ? callRecord.Organizer.User.Id : null);
            var joinWebUrl  = (callRecord != null ? callRecord.JoinWebUrl : null);

            if (joinWebUrl != null && _courseCatalog.CheckJoinWebURLExist(joinWebUrl))
                await _courseCatalog.UpdateInMemoryMapping();

                string targetCourseID = _courseCatalog.GetCourseIDForJoinWebURL(joinWebUrl);
                foreach (Session session in callRecord.Sessions)
                    var caller = session.Caller;
                    var user   = await _graphHelper.GetUserAsync(caller.Identity.User.Id);

                    if (user != null && user.Id != organizerId)
                        StudentEvent studentEvent = new StudentEvent
                            CourseID     = targetCourseID.ToUpper(),
                            Timestamp    = ((DateTimeOffset)session.StartDateTime).UtcDateTime,
                            EventType    = EventType.Attendance,
                            ActivityType = "Meeting",
                            ActivityName = "Weekly Lecture",
                            Student      = new Student
                                Email     = user.Mail,
                                FirstName = user.GivenName,
                                LastName  = user.Surname,
                                ID        = user.Id
                        _logger.LogDebug("Student to be processed: " + studentEvent.ToString());
                        await _eventAggregator.ProcessEvent(studentEvent);