public void AddRepeatField(uint handle, int nRepeat) { if (!this.m_bIsSet || (int)handle == 0) { return; } switch (this.eDataType) { case CPostItem.DataType.RepeatSTRING: this.sValue = StringManip.RemInvalidChar(this.sValue); this.GetLink().TablePOST_AddRecurringField_ValueString(handle, this.sLinkName, nRepeat, this.sValue); break; case CPostItem.DataType.RepeatLONG: this.GetLink().TablePOST_AddRecurringField_ValueI32(handle, this.sLinkName, nRepeat, this.nValue); break; case CPostItem.DataType.RepeatDOUBLE: this.GetLink().TablePOST_AddRecurringField_ValueDOUBLE(handle, this.sLinkName, nRepeat, this.dValue); break; case CPostItem.DataType.RepeatBOOL: this.GetLink().TablePOST_AddRecurringField_ValueBOOL(handle, this.sLinkName, nRepeat, this.bValue ? 1 : 0); break; } this.Clear(); }
public override void Run() { _IsRunning = true; // We need to run ConToSim first. When it has finished then we can // let the base class run APSIM. SimFileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), Path.GetDirectoryName(_ConFileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_ConFileName) + "." + _SimulationName + ".sim"); _ConFileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), _ConFileName); _ConToSimProcess = new ProcessCaller(Application.OpenForms[0]); if (Configuration.getArchitecture() == Configuration.architecture.unix) { _ConToSimProcess.FileName = "mono"; _ConToSimProcess.Arguments = StringManip.DQuote(Configuration.RemoveMacros(Path.Combine("%apsim%", "Model", "ConToSim.exe"))) + " " + StringManip.DQuote(_ConFileName) + " " + StringManip.DQuote(_SimulationName); } else { _ConToSimProcess.FileName = Configuration.RemoveMacros(Path.Combine("%apsim%", "Model", "ConToSim.exe")); _ConToSimProcess.Arguments = StringManip.DQuote(_ConFileName) + " " + StringManip.DQuote(_SimulationName); } _ConToSimProcess.AllFinished += OnConToSimExited; _ConToSimProcess.StdOutReceived += OnStdOut; _ConToSimProcess.StdErrReceived += OnStdError; _ConToSimProcess.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Create a job for each simulation in the specified .con file. /// </summary> private void CreateJobsFromCON(string FileName, string[] SimulationPaths, ref List <IJob> jobs) { // Run ConToSim first. string ConToSimExe = Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimBinDirectory(), "ConToSim.exe"); Process ConToSim = Utility.RunProcess(ConToSimExe, StringManip.DQuote(FileName), Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName)); Utility.CheckProcessExitedProperly(ConToSim); // If no paths were specified then get a list of all paths. if (SimulationPaths == null || SimulationPaths.Length == 0) { List <String> AllPaths = new List <String> (); AllPaths = ConFile.GetSimsInConFile(FileName); SimulationPaths = AllPaths.ToArray(); } // Create a series of jobs for each simulation in the .con file. foreach (string SimulationPath in SimulationPaths) { string SimFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName) + "." + SimulationPath + ".sim"); Job J = CreateJob(SimFileName, SimFileName.Replace(".sim", ".sum")); jobs.Add(J); J = CleanupJob(SimFileName, J.Name); jobs.Add(J); } }
public void OnInitialised() { co2 = 350; inputFile.Open(inputFilename); MaxTIndex = StringManip.IndexOfCaseInsensitive(inputFile.Headings, "Maxt"); MinTIndex = StringManip.IndexOfCaseInsensitive(inputFile.Headings, "Mint"); RadnIndex = StringManip.IndexOfCaseInsensitive(inputFile.Headings, "Radn"); RainIndex = StringManip.IndexOfCaseInsensitive(inputFile.Headings, "Rain"); if (MaxTIndex == -1) { throw new Exception("Cannot find MaxT in weather file: " + inputFilename); } if (MinTIndex == -1) { throw new Exception("Cannot find MinT in weather file: " + inputFilename); } if (RadnIndex == -1) { throw new Exception("Cannot find Radn in weather file: " + inputFilename); } if (RainIndex == -1) { throw new Exception("Cannot find Rain in weather file: " + inputFilename); } }
// ------------------------------------------------------------ // Read in all crop parameters from all crop sections in // specified file // ------------------------------------------------------------ static private void ReadCropSections(string SectionBit, string FileName, Soil NewSoil) { string[] Sections = ApsimFile.IniFile.INIReadAllSections(FileName); foreach (string Section in Sections) { if (ApsimFile.IniFile.INIRead(FileName, Section, "ll") != "") { // get the crop name StringCollection SectionBits = StringManip.SplitStringHonouringQuotes(Section, "."); if (SectionBits.Count == 3 && SectionBits[0].ToLower() == SectionBit.ToLower()) { string CropName = SectionBits[1]; NewSoil.AddCrop(CropName); double[] ll; string LLValue = GetStringValue(FileName, Section, "ll"); if (LLValue.ToLower() == "#ll") { ll = NewSoil.LL15; } else { ll = GetDoubleValues(FileName, Section, "ll"); } NewSoil.SetCrop(CropName, ll, GetDoubleValues(FileName, Section, "kl"), GetDoubleValues(FileName, Section, "xf")); } } } }
/// <summary> /// A function for reading the filenames in a patch and returning their revision number. /// </summary> public static string[] FilesInPatch(string PatchFileName, string RootDirectory) { List <string> FileNames = new List <string>(); StreamReader Patch = new StreamReader(PatchFileName); // Go looking for lines like: // --- Tests/RunAllPlant2Tests.txt (revision 1790) while (!Patch.EndOfStream) { string Line = Patch.ReadLine(); if (Line.Contains("--- ")) { Line = Line.Remove(0, 4); string FileName = Line; string BracketedValue = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref FileName, '(', ')'); string[] RevisionBits = BracketedValue.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (RevisionBits.Length == 2) { FileName = Path.Combine(RootDirectory, FileName); FileName = FileName.Replace("/", "\\"); // get rid of yucky unix slashes. FileNames.Add(FileName); } } } Patch.Close(); return(FileNames.ToArray()); }
public void GetField(uint handle) { object szValue = new object(); if ((int)handle == 0) { return; } this.m_bIsSet = false; switch (this.eDataType) { case CPostItem.DataType.STRING: this.GetLink().TableGET_RecordField_ValueString(handle, this.sLinkName, "", ref szValue); this.sValue = szValue.ToString(); this.sValue = StringManip.RemInvalidChar(this.sValue); this.m_bIsSet = true; break; case CPostItem.DataType.LONG: this.nValue = this.GetLink().TableGET_RecordField_ValueI32(handle, this.sLinkName); this.m_bIsSet = true; break; case CPostItem.DataType.DOUBLE: this.dValue = this.GetLink().TableGET_RecordField_ValueDOUBLE(handle, this.sLinkName); this.m_bIsSet = true; break; case CPostItem.DataType.BOOL: this.bValue = this.GetLink().TableGET_RecordField_ValueBOOL(handle, this.sLinkName) != 0; this.m_bIsSet = true; break; } }
private void ReadApsimHeaderLines(StreamReaderRandomAccess In, ref StringCollection ConstantLines, ref StringCollection HeadingLines) { string PreviousLine = ""; string Line = In.ReadLine(); while (Line != "" || !In.EndOfStream) { int PosEquals = Line.IndexOf('='); if (PosEquals != -1) { // constant found. ConstantLines.Add(Line); } else { char[] whitespace = { ' ', '\t' }; int PosFirstNonBlankChar = StringManip.IndexNotOfAny(Line, whitespace); if (PosFirstNonBlankChar != -1 && Line[PosFirstNonBlankChar] == '(') { HeadingLines.Add(PreviousLine); HeadingLines.Add(Line); break; } } PreviousLine = Line; Line = In.ReadLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// Look for a "kind" attribute on the specified node and return an /// equivalent c# type name. Returns blank on error. /// </summary> private static string GetDotNetType(XmlNode Node) { if (Node != null) { string CMPTypeName = XmlHelper.Attribute(Node, "kind"); switch (CMPTypeName) { case "boolean": CMPTypeName = "Boolean"; break; case "single": CMPTypeName = "Single"; break; case "double": CMPTypeName = "Double"; break; case "integer4": CMPTypeName = "Int32"; break; case "string": CMPTypeName = "String"; break; default: return(StringManip.CamelCase(CMPTypeName + "Type")); } if (XmlHelper.Attribute(Node, "array").ToLower() == "t") { CMPTypeName += "[]"; } return(CMPTypeName); } return(""); }
private void AddFieldNameToAxisTitle(Steema.TeeChart.Axis Axis, string FieldName) { // Add the specified fieldname to the specified axis. Axis.Visible = true; if (Axis.Title.Text.Length > 0 && Axis.Title.Text[0] == '[' && FieldName != "") { string St = Axis.Title.Text; string Title = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref St, '[', ']'); string[] FieldNames = Title.Split(",".ToCharArray()); if (FieldName != "seriesname") { bool Found = false; foreach (string F in FieldNames) { if (F.Trim().ToLower() == FieldName.ToLower()) { Found = true; } } if (!Found) { if (Title != "") { Title = Title + ", "; } Title = Title + FieldName; Axis.Title.Text = "[" + Title + "]"; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Add our constants to every row in the specified table beginning with the specified StartRow. /// </summary> public void AddConstantsToData(DataTable Table) { const string VersionName = "ApsimVersion"; // We want to treat ApsimVersion as a string, not a numeric, to versions like "7.10" display correctly foreach (APSIMConstant Constant in Constants) { Type ColumnType = StringManip.DetermineType(Constant.Value, ""); if (Constant.Name.Equals(VersionName)) { ColumnType = typeof(String); } if (Table.Columns.IndexOf(Constant.Name) == -1) { Table.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(Constant.Name, ColumnType)); } for (int Row = 0; Row < Table.Rows.Count; Row++) { double Value; if (ColumnType != typeof(String) && Double.TryParse(Constant.Value, NumberStyles.Float, new CultureInfo("en-US"), out Value)) { Table.Rows[Row][Constant.Name] = Value; } else { Table.Rows[Row][Constant.Name] = Constant.Value; } } } }
public static void InsertClassCodeIntoDotNetProxyFile(string ClassName, string ClassSourceCode) { if (ClassSourceCode != "") { ClassName = StringManip.CamelCase(ClassName); // Go open the proxy source file and read it's contents. string Contents = ""; if (File.Exists(WriteableBaseProxyFileName)) { StreamReader In = new StreamReader(WriteableBaseProxyFileName); Contents = In.ReadToEnd(); In.Close(); } if (Contents == "") { Contents = "using System;\r\n" + "using System.Collections.Generic;\r\n" + "using System.Text;\r\n" + "using System.Runtime.InteropServices;\r\n" + "#pragma warning disable 67 // Suppress warning messages about unused events\r\n" + "namespace ModelFramework {\r\n" + "}\r\n"; } // See if we can find an existing class in the source code. int PosStartClass = Contents.IndexOf("public class " + ClassName + " "); if (PosStartClass != -1) { int PosStartAttribute = Contents.LastIndexOf("[ComponentType", PosStartClass); int PosOpenBracket = Contents.IndexOf("{", PosStartClass); int PosEndClass = StringManip.FindMatchingClosingBracket(Contents, PosStartClass, '{', '}'); if (PosEndClass != -1) { if (PosStartAttribute != -1) { PosStartClass = PosStartAttribute; } Contents = Contents.Remove(PosStartClass, PosEndClass - PosStartClass + 5); // also removes 2 x \r\n } } // Remove the last curly bracket - namespace bracket. We'll add it in later. int PosLastBracket = Contents.LastIndexOf('}'); if (PosLastBracket == -1) { throw new Exception("Cannot find namespace in DotNetProxies.cs"); } Contents = Contents.Remove(PosLastBracket); // Now add in our class and closing bracket for namespace. Contents = Contents + ClassSourceCode + "\r\n}"; // Write contents back to proxy file StreamWriter Out = new StreamWriter(WriteableBaseProxyFileName); Out.Write(Contents); Out.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Transfer a single parameter value (as specified by oldnode and oldpath) to a new /// node and path. /// </summary> private static void TransferParameter(XmlNode OldNode, string OldPath, XmlNode NewNode, string NewPath) { string Value = XmlHelper.Value(OldNode, OldPath); StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Value, '(', ')'); XmlHelper.SetValue(NewNode, NewPath, Value); }
/// <summary> /// User has clicked ok - create patch. /// </summary> private void OnOKButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { try { string DirectoryName = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); bool SomeAreOutOfDate = false; string RevisionsFileName = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "patch.revisions"); StreamWriter Revisions = new StreamWriter(RevisionsFileName); List <string> FileNames = new List <string>(); FileNames.Add(Path.GetFileName(RevisionsFileName)); foreach (ListViewItem Item in ListView.Items) { if (Item.Checked) { string Status = Item.SubItems[3].Text; if (Status != "Deleted") { FileNames.Add(Item.Text); } Revisions.WriteLine(StringManip.DQuote(Item.Text) + " " + Status + " " + Item.SubItems[4].Text); if (Item.SubItems[3].Text == "OutOfDate") { SomeAreOutOfDate = true; } } } Revisions.Close(); saveSelections(); if (SomeAreOutOfDate) { MessageBox.Show("Some of the selected files are out of date. You need to do an SVN update before submitting a patch to Bob.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { // Zip all files. Zip.ZipFilesWithDirectories(FileNames, SaveFileDialog.FileName, ""); if (MessageBox.Show("Patch file successfully created. Upload to Bob?", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { Process.Start(""); } Close(); } } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
/// <summary> /// Setup the grid as a water grid. /// </summary> private void AddCropColumns() { Color[] CropColors = { Color.FromArgb(173, 221, 142), Color.FromArgb(247, 252, 185) }; Color[] PredictedCropColors = { Color.FromArgb(233, 191, 255), Color.FromArgb(244, 226, 255) }; // DataGridViewColumn SAT = Grid.Columns["SAT\r\n(mm/mm)"]; // SAT.Frozen = true; Grid.Columns[Grid.ColumnCount - 1].Frozen = true; int CropIndex = 0; int PredictedCropIndex = 0; foreach (string CropName in Soil.CropNames.Union(Soil.PredictedCropNames, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { SoilCrop Crop = Soil.Crop(CropName); bool IsReadonly; Color CropColour; Color ForeColour = Color.Black; if (Crop.LLMetadata != null && Crop.LLMetadata.First() == "Estimated") { CropColour = PredictedCropColors[PredictedCropIndex]; ForeColour = Color.Gray; IsReadonly = true; PredictedCropIndex++; if (PredictedCropIndex >= PredictedCropColors.Length) { PredictedCropIndex = 0; } } else { CropColour = CropColors[CropIndex]; IsReadonly = false; CropIndex++; if (CropIndex >= CropColors.Length) { CropIndex = 0; } } double[] PAWCmm = MathUtility.Multiply(Soil.PAWCCropAtWaterThickness(CropName), Soil.Water.Thickness); DataGridViewColumn LL = GridUtility.AddColumn(Grid, CropName + " LL\r\n(mm/mm)", Crop.LL, "f3", CropColour, ForeColour, ToolTips: Crop.LLMetadata, ReadOnly: IsReadonly); DataGridViewColumn PAWC = GridUtility.AddColumn(Grid, CropName + " PAWC\r\n", PAWCmm, "f1", CropColour, Color.Gray, ReadOnly: true, ToolTips: StringManip.CreateStringArray("Calculated from crop LL and DUL", PAWCmm.Length)); DataGridViewColumn KL = GridUtility.AddColumn(Grid, CropName + " KL\r\n(/day)", Crop.KL, "f2", CropColour, ForeColour, ToolTips: Crop.KLMetadata, ReadOnly: IsReadonly); DataGridViewColumn XF = GridUtility.AddColumn(Grid, CropName + " XF\r\n(0-1)", Crop.XF, "f1", CropColour, ForeColour, ToolTips: Crop.XFMetadata, ReadOnly: IsReadonly); PAWC.ToolTipText = "Calculated from crop LL and DUL"; PAWC.ReadOnly = true; UpdateTotal(PAWC); } }
private static Type DetermineTypeOfColumn(SheetView Grid, int Col) { for (int Row = 0; Row != Grid.Rows.Count; Row++) { if (Grid.Cells[Row, Col].Text != "") { return(StringManip.DetermineType(Grid.Cells[Row, Col].Text, "")); } } return(typeof(string)); }
private static Type DetermineTypeOfColumn(DataGridView Grid, int Col) { for (int Row = 0; Row != Grid.Rows.Count; Row++) { if (Grid.Rows[Row].Cells[Col].Value != null) { return(StringManip.DetermineType(Grid.Rows[Row].Cells[Col].Value.ToString(), "")); } } return(typeof(string)); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (args is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args)); } //string code = "Drysdale Chivhanga"; Console.WriteLine(StringManip.GetRandomAlphaNumeralString(26)); }
/// <summary> /// Remove comments and units from the specified string. /// </summary> private static string RemoveComment(string Value) { int PosComment = Value.IndexOf('!'); if (PosComment != -1) { Value = Value.Remove(PosComment); } StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Value, '(', ')'); return(Value); }
/// <summary> /// Import from specified par file and returns valid soil XML file. /// </summary> static public string Import(string FileName) { if (!File.Exists(FileName)) { throw new Exception("Cannot import file " + FileName + ". File doesn't exist"); } string[] Sections = IniFile.INIReadAllSections(FileName); // import all water sections. string XmlForAllSoils = ""; foreach (string Section in Sections) { if (GetStringValue(FileName, Section, "dlayer") != "") { StringCollection SectionBits = StringManip.SplitStringHonouringQuotes(Section, "."); if (SectionBits.Count == 3) { if (SectionBits[1].ToLower() == "soilwat2") { string SoilName = SectionBits[0]; Soil NewSoil = new Soil(); NewSoil.Name = SoilName; // Add in a soil sample node. Sample NewSample = new Sample(); NewSample.Thickness = new double[] { 100 }; NewSample.SW = new double[] { 0 }; NewSample.NO3 = new double[] { 0 }; NewSample.NH4 = new double[] { 0 }; NewSoil.Samples.Add(NewSample); // Add in a phosphorus node. NewSoil.Phosphorus = new Phosphorus(); NewSoil.Phosphorus.Thickness = new double[] { 100 }; NewSoil.Phosphorus.LabileP = new double[] { 5 }; NewSoil.Phosphorus.Sorption = new double[] { 50 }; NewSoil.Phosphorus.BandedP = new double[] { 0 }; NewSoil.Phosphorus.RockP = new double[] { 0 }; double[] Thickness = ReadWaterSection(SoilName, FileName, NewSoil); NewSoil.Water.Thickness = Thickness; ReadNitrogenSection(SoilName, FileName, NewSoil, Thickness); ReadCropSections(SoilName, FileName, NewSoil, Thickness); ReadPhosphorusSection(SoilName, FileName, NewSoil, Thickness); XmlForAllSoils += NewSoil.ToXml(); } } } } return(XmlForAllSoils); }
/// <summary> /// Convert the specified words to the specified column types and return their values. /// </summary> private object[] ConvertWordsToObjects(StringCollection Words, Type[] ColumnTypes) { object[] Values = new object[Words.Count]; for (int w = 0; w != Words.Count; w++) { try { Words[w] = Words[w].Trim(); if (Words[w] == "?" || Words[w] == "*" || Words[w] == "") { Values[w] = DBNull.Value; } else if (ColumnTypes[w] == typeof(DateTime)) { // Need to get a sanitised date e.g. d/M/yyyy string DateFormat = Units[w].ToLower(); DateFormat = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref DateFormat, '(', ')'); DateFormat = DateFormat.Replace("mmm", "MMM"); DateFormat = DateFormat.Replace("mm", "m"); DateFormat = DateFormat.Replace("dd", "d"); DateFormat = DateFormat.Replace("m", "M"); if (DateFormat == "") { DateFormat = "d/M/yyyy"; } DateTime Value = DateTime.ParseExact(Words[w], DateFormat, null); Values[w] = Value; } else if (ColumnTypes[w] == typeof(System.Double)) { double Value; if (double.TryParse(Words[w], out Value)) { Values[w] = Value; } else { Values[w] = DBNull.Value; } } else { Values[w] = Words[w]; } } catch (Exception) { Values[w] = DBNull.Value; } } return(Values); }
/// <summary> /// Return the PH units from the specified row on the specified table. /// </summary> private static Analysis.PHUnitsEnum GetPHUnits(DataTable Table, int Row) { if (Table.Columns.Contains("PHCode")) { string Code = GetStringValue(Table, Row, "PHCode"); string Units = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Code, '(', ')'); if (Units == "CaCl2") { return(Analysis.PHUnitsEnum.CaCl2); } } return(Analysis.PHUnitsEnum.Water); }
/// <summary> /// Return the OC units from the specified row on the specified table. /// </summary> private static SoilOrganicMatter.OCUnitsEnum GetOCUnits(DataTable Table, int Row) { if (Table.Columns.Contains("OCCode")) { string Code = GetStringValue(Table, Row, "OCCode"); string Units = StringManip.SplitOffBracketedValue(ref Code, '(', ')'); if (Units == "Walkley Black %") { return(SoilOrganicMatter.OCUnitsEnum.WalkleyBlack); } } return(SoilOrganicMatter.OCUnitsEnum.Total); }
public void SetConstant(string ConstantName, string ConstantValue) { // ------------------------------------- // Set a given constant's value. // ------------------------------------- foreach (APSIMConstant c in _Constants) { if (StringManip.StringsAreEqual(c.Name, ConstantName)) { c.Value = ConstantValue; } } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------- // Get string value from specified table for specified field. // ---------------------------------------------------------- static private string GetStringValue(string FileName, string SectionName, string Key) { string Value = ApsimFile.IniFile.INIRead(FileName, SectionName, Key); StringManip.SplitOffAfterDelimiter(ref Value, "!"); StringManip.SplitOffAfterDelimiter(ref Value, "("); Value = Value.Replace("\t", " "); if (Value.StartsWith("$")) { Value = ResolveVariableMacro(FileName, Value); } return(Value); }
/// <summary> /// delete a file after a job has finished /// </summary> private Job CleanupJob(string FileName, string JobName) { // create job and return it. Job J = new Job(); J.CommandLine = "%ComSpec% /c del " + StringManip.DQuote(FileName); J.CommandLineUnix = "/bin/rm -f " + StringManip.DQuote(FileName); J.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName); J.Name = "Delete " + FileName; J.DependsOn = new List <DependsOn> (); J.DependsOn.Add(new DependsOn(JobName)); return(J); }
/// <summary> /// Create and return a job to run APSIM. /// </summary> private Job CreateJob(string FileName, string SumFileName, string SimulationPath = null) { NumApsimRuns++; string Executable = Path.Combine(Configuration.ApsimBinDirectory(), "ApsimModel.exe"); // Create arguments string Arguments = StringManip.DQuote(FileName); if (SimulationPath != null) { Arguments += " " + StringManip.DQuote("Simulation=" + SimulationPath); } if (MaxLinesInSummaryFile > 0) { Arguments += " MaxOutputLines=" + MaxLinesInSummaryFile.ToString(); } // create job and return it. Job J = new Job(); J.CommandLine = StringManip.DQuote(Executable) + " " + Arguments; J.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName); // A UNC Path cannot be used as the working directory, // so test for this and use the LocalApplicationData folder instead. // This folder is reasonably likely to have a non-UNC path, since it is // intended to be "local". Uri URI = null; bool isUNC = Uri.TryCreate(J.WorkingDirectory, UriKind.Absolute, out URI) && URI.IsUnc; if (isUNC) { J.WorkingDirectory = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); } J.Name = FileName + ":"; if (SimulationPath == null) { J.Name += Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(SumFileName); } else { J.Name += SimulationPath; } J.IgnoreErrors = true; J.maxLines = MaxLinesInSummaryFile; J.StdOutFilename = SumFileName; return(J); }
public APSIMConstant Constant(string ConstantName) { // ------------------------------------- // Return a given constant to caller // ------------------------------------- foreach (APSIMConstant c in _Constants) { if (StringManip.StringsAreEqual(c.Name, ConstantName)) { return(c); } } return(null); }
public RunEntireApsimFileJob(string ApsimFileName, JobRunner JobRunner) : base(Path.GetFileName(ApsimFileName), JobRunner) { _ApsimFileName = ApsimFileName; if (Configuration.getArchitecture() == Configuration.architecture.unix) { _Executable = "mono"; _Arguments = StringManip.DQuote(_Executable) + " " + StringManip.DQuote(_ApsimFileName); } else { _Executable = Configuration.RemoveMacros(Path.Combine("%apsim%", "Model", "ApsimToSim.exe")); _Arguments = StringManip.DQuote(_ApsimFileName); } }
protected void WriteLogMessage() { Console.WriteLine("[" + _Status + "] " + Name + " [" + ElapsedTime.ToString() + "sec]"); if (Status == Status_t.Fail) { if (StdOut.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine(StringManip.IndentText(StdOut.ToString(), 4)); } if (StdErr.Length > 0) { Console.WriteLine(StringManip.IndentText(StdErr.ToString(), 4)); } } }