Пример #1
		public List<ENSessionFindNotesResult> FindNotes(ENNoteSearch noteSearch, ENNotebook notebook, SearchScope scope, SortOrder order, int maxResults)
			if (!IsAuthenticated)
				throw new ENAuthExpiredException();

			// App notebook scope is internally just an "all" search, because we don't a priori know where the app
			// notebook is. There's some room for a fast path in this flow if we have a saved linked record to a
			// linked app notebook, but that case is likely rare enough to prevent complexifying this code for.
			if (scope.HasFlag(SearchScope.AppNotebook))
				scope = SearchScope.All;

			// Validate the scope and sort arguments.
			if (notebook != null && scope != SearchScope.None)
				ENSDKLogger.ENSDKLogError("No search scope necessary if notebook provided.");
				scope = SearchScope.None;
			else if (notebook == null && scope == SearchScope.None)
				ENSDKLogger.ENSDKLogError("Search scope or notebook must be specified. Defaulting to personal scope.");
				scope = SearchScope.DefaultScope;

			bool requiresLocalMerge = false;
			if (scope != SearchScope.None)
				// Check for multiple scopes. Because linked scope can subsume multiple linked notebooks, that *always* triggers
				// the multiple scopes. If not, then both personal and business must be set together.
				if ((scope.HasFlag(SearchScope.Personal) && scope.HasFlag(SearchScope.Business)) || scope.HasFlag(SearchScope.PersonalLinked))
					// If we're asked for multiple scopes, relevance is not longer supportable (since we
					// don't know how to combine relevance on the client), so default to updated date,
					// which is probably the closest proxy to relevance.
					if (order.HasFlag(SortOrder.Relevance))
						ENSDKLogger.ENSDKLogError("Cannot sort by relevance across multiple search scopes. Using update date.");
						order = (EvernoteSDK.ENSession.SortOrder)EN_FLAG_CLEAR(order, SortOrder.Relevance);
						order = (EvernoteSDK.ENSession.SortOrder)EN_FLAG_SET(order, SortOrder.RecentlyUpdated);
					requiresLocalMerge = true;

			NotesMetadataResultSpec resultSpec = new NotesMetadataResultSpec();
			resultSpec.IncludeNotebookGuid = true;
			resultSpec.IncludeTitle = true;
			resultSpec.IncludeCreated = true;
			resultSpec.IncludeUpdated = true;
			resultSpec.IncludeUpdateSequenceNum = true;

			NoteFilter noteFilter = new NoteFilter();
			noteFilter.Words = noteSearch.SearchString;

			if (order.HasFlag(SortOrder.Title))
				noteFilter.Order = (System.Int32)NoteSortOrder.TITLE;
			else if (order.HasFlag(SortOrder.RecentlyCreated))
				noteFilter.Order = (System.Int32)NoteSortOrder.CREATED;
			else if (order.HasFlag(SortOrder.RecentlyUpdated))
				noteFilter.Order = (System.Int32)NoteSortOrder.UPDATED;
			else if (order.HasFlag(SortOrder.Relevance))
				noteFilter.Order = (System.Int32)NoteSortOrder.RELEVANCE;

			// "Normal" sort is ascending for titles, and descending for dates and relevance.
			bool sortAscending = order.HasFlag(SortOrder.Title) ? true : false;
			if (order.HasFlag(SortOrder.Reverse))
				sortAscending = !sortAscending;
			noteFilter.Ascending = sortAscending;

			if (notebook != null)
				noteFilter.NotebookGuid = notebook.Guid;

			// Set up context
			ENSessionFindNotesContext context = new ENSessionFindNotesContext();
			context.scopeNotebook = notebook;
			context.scope = scope;
			context.order = order;
			context.noteFilter = noteFilter;
			context.resultSpec = resultSpec;
			context.maxResults = maxResults;
			context.findMetadataResults = new List<NoteMetadata>();
			context.requiresLocalMerge = requiresLocalMerge;
			context.sortAscending = sortAscending;

			// If we have a scope notebook, we already know what notebook the results will appear in.
			// If we don't have a scope notebook, then we need to query for all the notebooks to determine
			// where to search.
			if (context.scopeNotebook == null)
				context = FindNotes_ListNotebooks(context);
				return context.results;

			context = FindNotes_FindInPersonalScope(context);
			return context.results;