Пример #1
        public void KingdomDisplaysAllyCount()
            var allyCount = 3; //This is our expected value - We are sending messages to three kingdoms and all three will become Allies

            var kSpace = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Space", "Gorilla");

            var kAir  = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Air", "Owl");
            var kLand = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Land", "Panda");
            var kIce  = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Ice", "Mammoth");

            var m1 = "oaaawaala";
            var m2 = "a1d22n333a4444p";
            var m3 = "zmzmzmzaztzozh";

            kSpace.SendMessage(m1, kAir);
            kSpace.SendMessage(m2, kLand);
            kSpace.SendMessage(m3, kIce);

            var alliesOfSpace = kSpace.GetNumberOfAllies();

            Assert.AreEqual(allyCount, alliesOfSpace);
Пример #2
        public void ProcessAllegiance()
            var isAllyOf = "Space"; //This is our expected value - we simulate a situation where a given Kingdom becomes an Ally of Space Kingdom

            var space = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Space", "Gorilla");
            var air   = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Air", "Owl");

            air.ProcessAllegiance(true, space);
            var airIsAllyOf = air.IsAllyOf();

            Assert.AreEqual(isAllyOf, airIsAllyOf);
Пример #3
        public void TestMethod2()
            var found = false; //This is our Expected Value - the Test is supposed to return a False as the Message will not contain Symbol of the input Kingdom

            var emblemFinder = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.EmblemFinder();

            var message = "zmzmzmzaztzozh";
            var kingdom = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Air", "Owl");

            var foundForKingdom = emblemFinder.ProcessMessageForKingdom(message, kingdom);

            Assert.AreEqual(found, foundForKingdom);
Пример #4
        public void KingdomBecomesAlly()
            var isAlly = true; //This is our Expected Value - The Test is epected to return a True

            var kingdomOne = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Space", "Gorilla");
            var kingdomTwo = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Air", "Owl");

            var message = "oaaawaala";

            kingdomOne.SendMessage(message, kingdomTwo);
            var allegiance = kingdomTwo.IsAlly();

            Assert.AreEqual(isAlly, allegiance);
Пример #5
        public void RetrieveIncomingMessage()
            var incomingMessage = "Oaaawaala";

            var space = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Space", "Gorilla");
            var air   = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Air", "Owl");

            var message = "oaaawaala";

            space.SendMessage(message, air);
            var msg = air.GetIncomingMessage();

            Assert.AreEqual(incomingMessage.ToLower(), msg.ToLower());
Пример #6
        public void TestMethod1()
            var found = true; //This is our expected Value - The Test is expected to return a True as the input Message contains the Symbol of the input Kingdom

            var emblemFinder = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.EmblemFinder();

            //We can specify the message and required Kingdom here
            var message = "oaaawaala";
            var kingdom = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Air", "Owl");

            var foundForKingdom = emblemFinder.ProcessMessageForKingdom(message, kingdom);

            Assert.AreEqual(found, foundForKingdom);
Пример #7
        public void WhoIsAllyOfKingdom()
            var allyOf = "Space"; //This is our expected value - we are simulating a scenario where a given kingdom has become an Ally of Space

            var space = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Space", "Gorilla");
            var air   = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Air", "Owl");

            var message = "oaaawaala";

            space.SendMessage(message, air);
            //Air has become an Ally of Space, so this method is expected to return "Space"
            var ally = air.IsAllyOf();

            Assert.AreEqual(allyOf, ally);
Пример #8
        public void KingdomDisplaysAllyNames()
            var ally = "Air"; //This is our expected value - we are simulating a situation where the Air Kingdom becomes an Ally of a given Kingdom

            var space = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Space", "Gorilla");
            var air   = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Air", "Owl");

            var message = "oaaawaala";

            space.SendMessage(message, air);

            //Since we are testing only for one Ally - we take value from the first index of the Ally List. This can be extended to retrieve multiple values from the Ally List if required
            var allyName = space.GetAllyName(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(ally.ToLower(), allyName.ToLower());
Пример #9
        public void KingdomRejectsAllegiance()
            var isAlly = false; //This is our Expected value - The test is expected to return False

            var kingdomOne = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Space", "Gorilla");
            var kingdomTwo = new Set5Problem2_CSharp.Kingdom("Air", "Owl");

            var message = "oaaawaala";

            //Kingdom2 is competing for rulership, so it will not ackowledge any messages that contain its symbol

            kingdomOne.SendMessage(message, kingdomTwo);
            var allegiance = kingdomTwo.IsAlly();

            Assert.AreEqual(isAlly, allegiance);