Пример #1
        public List <string> GetGenericCatalogFinishCodeAndName()
            List <string> finishesList = new List <string>();

            _sceneAnalysis = new SceneAnalysis(this.GetArticleWithModel());

            if (_sceneAnalysis.Article != null)
                bool IsGenerik = _sceneAnalysis.GetGenericFinishes(out string[] generikFinishTypes, out string[] generikFinishes);
                if (IsGenerik)
                    for (int fin = 0; fin < generikFinishTypes.Length; fin++)
                        int.TryParse(generikFinishTypes[fin], out int generikFinishType);
                        int.TryParse(generikFinishes[fin], out int generikFinish);
                        int    type        = _sceneAnalysis.GetFinishTypeNumber(generikFinishType);
                        string codeAndName = _sceneAnalysis.GetCatalogFinishCodeAndName(generikFinishType, generikFinish);

                        finishesList.Add(codeAndName + KD.StringTools.Const.SemiColon + type);
Пример #2
 public OrderInformations(AppliComponent appli, int callParamsBlock, Articles articles)
     _currentAppli    = appli;
     _callParamsBlock = callParamsBlock;
     _articles        = articles;
     _sceneAnalysis   = new SceneAnalysis(this.GetArticleWithModel());
Пример #3
        public BScene OptimizeScene(BScene bScene)
            List <BInstance> newInstances = new List <BInstance>();

            // Create collections of meshes with similar materials
            using (SceneAnalysis analysis = new SceneAnalysis(bScene)) {
                int lastInstanceCount = newInstances.Count;
                if (ConvOAR.Globals.parms.P <bool>("SeparateInstancedMeshes"))
                    newInstances.AddRange(SeparateMeshInstances(bScene, analysis));
                // Any shared meshes have been gathered into instances in 'newInstances'
                //     and the meshes have been removed from the shared materials in the analysis.
                int instancesAdded = newInstances.Count - lastInstanceCount;
                ConvOAR.Globals.log.DebugFormat("{0} OptimizeScene: BInstances added by mesh instances = {1}", _logHeader, instancesAdded);

                lastInstanceCount = newInstances.Count;
                if (ConvOAR.Globals.parms.P <bool>("MergeSharedMaterialMeshes"))
                    newInstances.AddRange(MergeSharedMaterialMeshes(bScene, analysis));
                instancesAdded = newInstances.Count - lastInstanceCount;
                ConvOAR.Globals.log.DebugFormat("{0} OptimizeScene: BInstances added by material sharing = {1}", _logHeader, instancesAdded);

Пример #4
        // Return a new scene whos instances have been created by combining meshes that share
        //    materials.
        public BScene RebuildSceneBasedOnSharedMeshes(BScene bScene)
            List <BInstance> newInstances = new List <BInstance>();

            // Create collections of meshes with similar materials
            using (SceneAnalysis analysis = new SceneAnalysis(bScene)) {
                newInstances.AddRange(MergeSharedMaterialMeshes(bScene, analysis));

            BScene newScene = new BScene(bScene);

            newScene.instances = newInstances;

Пример #5
        private List <BInstance> SeparateMeshInstances(BScene bScene, SceneAnalysis analysis)
            List <BInstance> ret = new List <BInstance>();

            try {
                // If there are lots of instances of the same mesh, it is better to have multiple instances
                //    that point to the same mesh. If a mesh is not shared, consolidating the meshes
                //    into a single instance is best. It's a balance of transferring vertices vs fewer draws.

                // Any meshes that are used more than 'MeshShareThreshold' will be sent out with their
                //    instances rather than being combined.
                // The GLTF output code will not send out duplicate meshes and combining the meshes to
                //    share materials destroys the duplicatable mesh shapes.
                // The duplicated meshes usually share a material so pull them together into meshes
                //    in one instance.
                // Note: the 'SelectMany' is used to flatten the list of lists
                int meshShareThreshold = ConvOAR.Globals.parms.P <int>("MeshShareThreshold");
                ConvOAR.Globals.log.DebugFormat("{0} SeparateMeshes: Separating instanced meshes. threshold={1}",
                                                _logHeader, meshShareThreshold);

                 * foreach (BHash key in analysis.sharedMeshes.Keys) {     // DEBUG DEBUG
                 *  ConvOAR.Globals.log.DebugFormat("{0} SeparateMeshes: mesh hash {1} . meshes={2}",       // DEBUG DEBUG
                 *          _logHeader, key, analysis.sharedMeshes[key].Count);     // DEBUG DEBUG
                 * };      // DEBUG DEBUG

                ret.AddRange(analysis.sharedMeshes.Values.Where(val => val.Count > meshShareThreshold).SelectMany(meshList => {
                    // Creates Instances for the shared messes in this list and also takes the meshes out of 'meshByMaterial'
                    ConvOAR.Globals.log.DebugFormat("{0} MergeSharedMaterialMeshes: shared mesh hash: {1}/{2}, cnt={3}",
                                                    _logHeader, meshList.First().renderableMesh.mesh.GetBHash(),
                    // Since mesh will be in this group, remove it from the meshes with shared materials
            catch (Exception e) {
                ConvOAR.Globals.log.DebugFormat("{0} SeparateMeshInstances: exception: {1}", _logHeader, e);

Пример #6
        public List <string> GetFinishCodeAndName()//Article article)
            List <string> finishesList = new List <string>();

            _sceneAnalysis = new SceneAnalysis(this.Article);

            bool IsGenerik = _sceneAnalysis.GetFinishes(out string[] finishTypes, out string[] finishes);

            if (IsGenerik)
                for (int fin = 0; fin < finishTypes.Length; fin++)
                    int.TryParse(finishTypes[fin], out int finishType);
                    int.TryParse(finishes[fin], out int finish);
                    int type = _sceneAnalysis.GetFinishTypeNumber(finishType);
                    finishesList.Add(_sceneAnalysis.GetFinishCodeAndName(finishType, finish) +
                                     KD.StringTools.Const.SemiColon + type);
Пример #7
        private List <BInstance> MergeSharedMaterialMeshes(BScene bScene, SceneAnalysis analysis)
            List <BInstance> ret = new List <BInstance>();

            try {
                // 'analysis.meshByMaterial' has all meshes/instances grouped by material used
                // 'analysis.sharedMeshes' has all meshes grouped by the mesh
                ConvOAR.Globals.log.DebugFormat("{0} MergeShareMaterialHashes: number of materials = {1}",
                                                _logHeader, analysis.meshByMaterial.Count);

                // Merge the meshes and create an Instance containing the new mesh set
                ret.AddRange(analysis.meshByMaterial.Keys.SelectMany(materialHash => {
                    ConvOAR.Globals.log.DebugFormat("{0} MergeShareMaterialHashes: material hash {1} . meshes={2}",
                                                    _logHeader, materialHash, analysis.meshByMaterial[materialHash].Count);
                    return(CreateInstancesFromSharedMaterialMeshes(materialHash, analysis.meshByMaterial[materialHash]));
            catch (Exception e) {
                ConvOAR.Globals.log.DebugFormat("{0} MergeShareMaterialHashes: exception: {1}", _logHeader, e);
