public void AnyAction_NotAuthentacated_Exception()
            var target = new SalesforceClient();

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing(new InvalidOperationException("Please, execute Authenticate method before call any REST API operation."), () =>
                target.Create("TESTE", "TESTE");

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing(new InvalidOperationException("Please, execute Authenticate method before call any REST API operation."), () =>
                target.Delete("TESTE", "TESTE");

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing(new InvalidOperationException("Please, execute Authenticate method before call any REST API operation."), () =>
                target.FindById <Exception>("TESTE", "TESTE");

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing(new InvalidOperationException("Please, execute Authenticate method before call any REST API operation."), () =>
                target.Query <Exception>("TESTE");

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing(new InvalidOperationException("Please, execute Authenticate method before call any REST API operation."), () =>
                target.Update("TESTE", "TESTE", "TESTE");
        public void Query_NullOrEmptyObjectName_Exception()
            var target = new SalesforceClient();

            ExceptionAssert.IsThrowing(new ArgumentException("Argument 'query' can't be empty.", "query"), () =>
                target.Query <Exception>("");
Пример #3
        static private InspectionJSONClass findInspectionbyOrderNumber(String orderNumber, SalesforceClient client)
            var record = client.Query <QueryforIDclass>("SELECT Id From Inspection__c WHERE Name='" + orderNumber + "'");

            if (record.Count != 1)
                return(client.FindById <InspectionJSONClass>("Inspection__c", record[0].Id));
Пример #4
        public void Publish_Package_InstalledAndRunning()
            var clientId = ConfigHelper.ReadAppSetting ("SalesforceSharp.FunctionalTests", "ClientId");
            var clientSecret = ConfigHelper.ReadAppSetting ("SalesforceSharp.FunctionalTests", "ClientSecret");
            var username = ConfigHelper.ReadAppSetting ("SalesforceSharp.FunctionalTests", "Username");
            var password = ConfigHelper.ReadAppSetting ("SalesforceSharp.FunctionalTests", "Password");
            var flow = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFlow (clientId, clientSecret, username, password);

            var client = new SalesforceClient();
            client.Authenticate (flow);

            var users = client.Query<UserStub> ("SELECT Username, Email FROM USER");

            Assert.That (users.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsFalse (String.IsNullOrEmpty (users [0].Username));
            Assert.IsFalse (String.IsNullOrEmpty (users [0].Email));
            Assert.IsTrue (String.IsNullOrEmpty (users [0].Alias));
Пример #5
        public void Publish_Package_InstalledAndRunning()
            var clientId     = ConfigHelper.ReadAppSetting("SalesforceSharp.FunctionalTests", "ClientId");
            var clientSecret = ConfigHelper.ReadAppSetting("SalesforceSharp.FunctionalTests", "ClientSecret");
            var username     = ConfigHelper.ReadAppSetting("SalesforceSharp.FunctionalTests", "Username");
            var password     = ConfigHelper.ReadAppSetting("SalesforceSharp.FunctionalTests", "Password");
            var flow         = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFlow(clientId, clientSecret, username, password);

            var client = new SalesforceClient();


            var users = client.Query <UserStub> ("SELECT Username, Email FROM USER");

            Assert.That(users.Count > 0);
            Assert.IsFalse(String.IsNullOrEmpty(users [0].Username));
            Assert.IsFalse(String.IsNullOrEmpty(users [0].Email));
            Assert.IsTrue(String.IsNullOrEmpty(users [0].Alias));
Пример #6
        public void SalesforceClientQueryValidatesNull()
            // Arrange
            var service = new SalesforceClient(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, RefreshToken);

            // Act
            // Assert
            Assert.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => service.Query<Account>(null));
Пример #7
        public void SalesforceClientQueryFail()
            // Arrange
            var service = new SalesforceClient(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, RefreshToken);

            // Act
            // Assert
            var exception =
                Assert.Throws<SalesforceException>(() => service.Query<Account>("SELECT id, name from NonExistingTable"));
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, exception.StatusCode);
Пример #8
        public void SalesforceClientQuery()
            // Arrange
            var service = new SalesforceClient(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, RefreshToken);

            // Act
            IList<Account> accounts = service.Query<Account>("SELECT id, name from Account");

            // Assert
            Assert.True(accounts.Count > 0);

            foreach (var account in accounts)
Пример #9
        public void ReadmeTest()
            // Instantiate the client using a RefreshToken
            var service = new SalesforceClient(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, RefreshToken);

            // Queries

            // Execute a SOQL query
            IList<Contact> contacts = service.Query<Contact>("SELECT id, name from Contact");

            // Iterate through the records returned.
            foreach (Contact account in contacts)

            // CRUD Operations

            // Add a new record using annonymous object
            var id = service.Add<Contact>(new { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" });

            // Add a new record using POCO object
            id = service.Add<Contact>(new Contact { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" });

            // Read a record
            Contact contact = service.Get<Contact>(id);

            // Update a record using POCO object (null values are not serialized)
            contact.Email = "*****@*****.**";

            // Update a record using annonymous object
            service.Update<Contact>(new { Email = "*****@*****.**" }, id);

            // Delete a record

            // Error Handling

                service.Add<Contact>(new { Name = "Read-only property" });
            catch (SalesforceException e)
                Console.WriteLine("ErrorCode={0}; StatusCode={1}; Message={2}",
                                   e.ErrorCode, e.StatusCode, e.Message);
                // Output:
                // ErrorCode=INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE;
                // StatusCode=BadRequest;
                // Message=Unable to create/update fields: Name. Please check the security settings of this field
                //         and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.

                // TODO: handle the exception
Пример #10
        static public List <OfficialInspectorClass> Longwork4(IProgress <string> progress, SalesforceClient client, List <OfficialInspectorClass> workingList, List <String> autoqueue)
            InspectionJSONClass currentInspection = new InspectionJSONClass();
            List <String>       assignedarray     = new List <String>();
            List <String>       skippedarray      = new List <String>();
            string inspectorAssign  = "";
            string inspectorAssign1 = "";

            //List<OfficialInspectorClass> tempList = new List<OfficialInspectorClass>();
            //List<OfficialInspectorClass> templist2 = new List<OfficialInspectorClass>();
            for (int i = 0; i < autoqueue.Count; i++)
                List <OfficialInspectorClass> tempList  = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();
                List <OfficialInspectorClass> templist2 = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();
                currentInspection = findInspectionbyOrderNumber(autoqueue[i].Substring(0, 6), client);

                if (currentInspection.Auto_Assign_Skip__c == false)
                    List <string> historyList = new List <string>();
                    inspectorAssign  = "";
                    inspectorAssign1 = "";

                    workingList = sortByDistance(client, workingList, currentInspection);
                    for (int j = 0; j < workingList.Count; j++)
                        if (workingList[j].currentDistance <= 500)
                    var history = client.Query <HistoryClass>("SELECT CreatedDate, Field, OldValue, NewValue From Inspection__History WHERE ParentId='" + currentInspection.Id + "' AND Field='Rep_ID_Inspector_history_tracking__c'");
                    for (int j = 0; j < history.Count; j++)
                        if (history[j].NewValue.Equals("-") && history[j].OldValue != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < tempList.Count; j++)
                        String compareString = tempList[j].Rep_ID__c + " - " + tempList[j].Name;
                        if (!historyList.Contains(compareString) && tempList[j].Status__c != "On Hold")
                    tempList  = templist2;
                    templist2 = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();
                    if (tempList.Count > 0)
                        inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                        inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                        updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                        UpdateInspectorClass updateInspector = new UpdateInspectorClass();
                        updateInspector.Inspector__c = inspectorAssign1;
                        assignedarray.Add((currentInspection.Name + ": " + inspectorAssign));
                        client.Update("Inspection__c", currentInspection.Id, updateInspector);
                        skippedarray.Add((currentInspection.Name + ": Skipped"));
                        UpdateAdhocClass repad = new UpdateAdhocClass();
                        if (currentInspection.ADHOC__c == null)
                            currentInspection.ADHOC__c = "";
                        if (!currentInspection.ADHOC__c.Contains("Rep Needed"))
                            repad.ADHOC__c = "Rep Needed " + currentInspection.ADHOC__c;
                            client.Update("Inspection__c", currentInspection.Id, repad);
                progress.Report("Orders Assigned: " + i + " of " + autoqueue.Count);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\Users\Public\S2 Inspections\HUD Assigned.txt", assignedarray);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\Users\Public\S2 Inspections\HUD Skipped.txt", skippedarray);
Пример #11
        public static List <OfficialInspectorClass> Longwork3(IProgress <string> progress, SalesforceClient client, List <OfficialInspectorClass> workingList, List <String> autoqueue)
            InspectionJSONClass currentInspection = new InspectionJSONClass();
            List <String>       assignedarray     = new List <String>();
            List <String>       skippedarray      = new List <String>();
            string inspectorAssign  = "";
            string inspectorAssign1 = "";
            List <OfficialInspectorClass> tempList  = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();
            List <OfficialInspectorClass> templist2 = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();

            //SortNumber = 0;
            //List<String> autoqueue = sortAssignQueue();
            //these two lines can test the logic for a specific order
            //List<String> autoqueue = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < autoqueue.Count; i++)
                tempList  = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();
                templist2 = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();
                String searchnumber = autoqueue[i].Substring(0, 6);
                currentInspection = findInspectionbyOrderNumber(searchnumber, client);
                if (currentInspection.ADHOC__c == null)
                    currentInspection.ADHOC__c = "";
                if (currentInspection.Auto_Assign_Skip__c == false)
                    List <string> historyList = new List <string>();
                    inspectorAssign  = "";
                    inspectorAssign1 = "";

                    workingList = sortByDistance(client, workingList, currentInspection);
                    for (int j = 0; j < workingList.Count; j++)
                        if (workingList[j].currentDistance <= Convert.ToInt32(workingList[j].Coverage_Area_Radius__c) && workingList[j].assignedInspections < workingList[j].Max_Insp_Count__c)
                    var history = client.Query <HistoryClass>("SELECT CreatedDate, Field, OldValue, NewValue From Inspection__History WHERE ParentId='" + currentInspection.Id + "' AND Field='Rep_ID_Inspector_history_tracking__c'");
                    for (int j = 0; j < history.Count; j++)
                        if (history[j].NewValue.Equals("-") && history[j].OldValue != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < tempList.Count; j++)
                        String compareString = tempList[j].Rep_ID__c + " - " + tempList[j].Name;
                        if (tempList[j].Blacklist__c == null)
                            tempList[j].Blacklist__c = "";
                        if (!historyList.Contains(compareString) && tempList[j].Status__c != "On Hold" && tempList[j].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c] != null && !tempList[j].Blacklist__c.Contains(currentInspection.Division__c))
                    tempList  = templist2;
                    templist2 = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();
                    if (tempList.Count > 0)
                        if (tempList.Count > 1)
                            for (int j = 0; j < tempList.Count; j++)
                                if (tempList[j].Status__c == "New Rep")
                            if (templist2.Count == 0)
                                //TOP REP LOGIC GOES HERE!!!
                                templist2 = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();
                                for (int j = 0; j < tempList.Count; j++)
                                    if (tempList[j].Status__c == "Top Rep")
                                if (templist2.Count == 0)
                                    tempList.Sort((x, y) => y.Inspector_Ranking__c.CompareTo(x.Inspector_Ranking__c));
                                    if (tempList[0].Inspector_Ranking__c == tempList[1].Inspector_Ranking__c)
                                        if (tempList[0].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c] < tempList[1].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c])
                                            inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                            inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                            updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                        else if (tempList[0].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c] > tempList[1].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c])
                                            inspectorAssign1 = tempList[1].contactID;
                                            inspectorAssign  = tempList[1].Name;
                                            updateInspectorCount(tempList[1].contactID, workingList);
                                            if (tempList[0].currentDistance < tempList[1].currentDistance)
                                                inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                                inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                                updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                            else if (tempList[0].currentDistance > tempList[1].currentDistance)
                                                inspectorAssign1 = tempList[1].contactID;
                                                inspectorAssign  = tempList[1].Name;
                                                updateInspectorCount(tempList[1].contactID, workingList);
                                                inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                                inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                                updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                        inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                        inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                        updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                else if (templist2.Count == 1)
                                    inspectorAssign1 = templist2[0].contactID;
                                    inspectorAssign  = templist2[0].Name;
                                    updateInspectorCount(templist2[0].contactID, workingList);
                                    tempList = templist2;
                                    tempList.Sort((x, y) => x.Inspector_Ranking__c.CompareTo(y.Inspector_Ranking__c));
                                    if (tempList[0].Inspector_Ranking__c == tempList[1].Inspector_Ranking__c)
                                        if (tempList[0].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c] < tempList[1].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c])
                                            inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                            inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                            updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                        else if (tempList[0].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c] > tempList[1].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c])
                                            inspectorAssign1 = tempList[1].contactID;
                                            inspectorAssign  = tempList[1].Name;
                                            updateInspectorCount(tempList[1].contactID, workingList);
                                            if (tempList[0].currentDistance < tempList[1].currentDistance)
                                                inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                                inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                                updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                            else if (tempList[0].currentDistance > tempList[1].currentDistance)
                                                inspectorAssign1 = tempList[1].contactID;
                                                inspectorAssign  = tempList[1].Name;
                                                updateInspectorCount(tempList[1].contactID, workingList);
                                                inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                                inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                                updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                        inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                        inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                        updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                            else if (templist2.Count == 1)
                                inspectorAssign1 = templist2[0].contactID;
                                inspectorAssign  = templist2[0].Name;
                                updateInspectorCount(templist2[0].contactID, workingList);
                                //NEW REP MULTIPLE GOES HERE
                                tempList = templist2;
                                tempList.Sort((x, y) => x.Inspector_Ranking__c.CompareTo(y.Inspector_Ranking__c));
                                if (tempList[0].Inspector_Ranking__c == tempList[1].Inspector_Ranking__c)
                                    if (tempList[0].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c] < tempList[1].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c])
                                        inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                        inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                        updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                    else if (tempList[0].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c] > tempList[1].feeDictionary[currentInspection.Fee_Type_Text__c])
                                        inspectorAssign1 = tempList[1].contactID;
                                        inspectorAssign  = tempList[1].Name;
                                        updateInspectorCount(tempList[1].contactID, workingList);
                                        if (tempList[0].currentDistance < tempList[1].currentDistance)
                                            inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                            inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                            updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                        else if (tempList[0].currentDistance > tempList[1].currentDistance)
                                            inspectorAssign1 = tempList[1].contactID;
                                            inspectorAssign  = tempList[1].Name;
                                            updateInspectorCount(tempList[1].contactID, workingList);
                                            inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                            inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                            updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                                    inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                                    inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                                    updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                            inspectorAssign1 = tempList[0].contactID;
                            inspectorAssign  = tempList[0].Name;
                            updateInspectorCount(tempList[0].contactID, workingList);
                        UpdateInspectorClass updateInspector = new UpdateInspectorClass();
                        updateInspector.Inspector__c = inspectorAssign1;
                        assignedarray.Add((currentInspection.Name + ": " + inspectorAssign));
                        client.Update("Inspection__c", currentInspection.Id, updateInspector);
                        skippedarray.Add((currentInspection.Name + ": Skipped"));
                        UpdateAdhocClass repad = new UpdateAdhocClass();
                        if (currentInspection.ADHOC__c == null)
                            currentInspection.ADHOC__c = "";
                        if (!currentInspection.ADHOC__c.Contains("Rep Needed"))
                            repad.ADHOC__c = "Rep Needed " + currentInspection.ADHOC__c;
                            client.Update("Inspection__c", currentInspection.Id, repad);
                        //currentInspection.ADHOC__c = "Rep Needed " + currentInspection.ADHOC__c; this code isn't even correct, make sure to fix
                //put progress here, end of for loop
                progress.Report("Orders Assigned: " + i + " of " + autoqueue.Count);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\Users\Public\S2 Inspections\Assigned.txt", assignedarray);
            System.IO.File.WriteAllLines(@"C:\Users\Public\S2 Inspections\Skipped.txt", skippedarray);
Пример #12
        //this function builds a database with a separate thread,
        public static void LongWork(IProgress <string> progress, SalesforceClient client, bool HUDmode)
            const String mapKey = "On5gRfRDnoozDkk8zKjo5GpXGbvYCycm";
            //this is the query that finds all records and builds them into an ilist
            IList <NewInspectorClass> records;

            if (!HUDmode)
                records = client.Query <NewInspectorClass>(
                    "SELECT Id, Name, BillingPostalCode, ShippingPostalCode, Rep_ID__C, Comments__c, HUD_Certified__c, FNMA_Certified__c, Freddie_Mac_Certified__c, Inspector_Ranking__c, Status__c, ShippingLatitude, ShippingLongitude, FNMA_4260__c, FNMA_4261__c, FNMA_4262__c, No_Contact__c, Inspector_Rush__c, CMSA_2__c, Exterior_1__c, FNMA_HC_MBA__c, Exterior_2__c, CME_HC__c, CME_MF__c, Freddie_MF_MBA__c, MBA__c, MBA_2__c, HUD_REAC__c, Freddie_HC_MBA__c, FNMA_MF_MBA__c, CMSA__c, Cap_Improv__c, Max_Insp_Count__c, Coverage_Area_Radius__c, Blacklist__c " +
                    "From Account " +
                    "WHERE Account_Inactive__c=false AND (HUD_Certified__c=false OR SicDesc!=null) AND Rep_ID__c!=null");
                //records.Add(client.FindById<NewInspectorClass>("Account", "0013700000W5oq8")); //this adds nc128 jessica jackson
                //records.Add(client.FindById<NewInspectorClass>("Account", "00137000009jaml"));
                records = client.Query <NewInspectorClass>(
                    "SELECT Id, Name, BillingPostalCode, ShippingPostalCode, Rep_ID__C, Comments__c, HUD_Certified__c, FNMA_Certified__c, Freddie_Mac_Certified__c, Inspector_Ranking__c, Status__c, ShippingLatitude, ShippingLongitude, FNMA_4260__c, FNMA_4261__c, FNMA_4262__c, No_Contact__c, Inspector_Rush__c, CMSA_2__c, Exterior_1__c, FNMA_HC_MBA__c, Exterior_2__c, CME_HC__c, CME_MF__c, Freddie_MF_MBA__c, MBA__c, MBA_2__c, HUD_REAC__c, Freddie_HC_MBA__c, FNMA_MF_MBA__c, CMSA__c, Cap_Improv__c, Coverage_Area_Radius__c, Max_Insp_Count__c " +
                    "From Account " +
                    "WHERE Account_Inactive__c=false AND HUD_Certified__c=TRUE AND Rep_ID__c!=null");
            //creates a regular list, excluding qc accounts
            List <OfficialInspectorClass> OfficialInspectorList = new List <OfficialInspectorClass>();
            List <int> missedSeconds = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < records.Count; i++)
                if (records[i].ShippingPostalCode != null)
                    OfficialInspectorClass addObject = new OfficialInspectorClass();
                    String compareId = records[i].Id;
                        var records2 = client.Query <TempInspectorClass>("SELECT Id, Assigned_Inspections__c, Name, Phone " +
                                                                         "From Contact " +
                                                                         "WHERE AccountId='" + compareId + "'");
                        addObject.contactID           = records2[0].Id;
                        addObject.assignedInspections = records2[0].Assigned_Inspections__c;
                        addObject.Name      = records2[0].Name;
                        addObject.accountId = records[i].Id;
                        if (records[i].BillingPostalCode.Length < 5)
                            addObject.BillingPostalCode = ("0" + records[i].BillingPostalCode);
                            addObject.BillingPostalCode = records[i].BillingPostalCode;
                        if (records[i].ShippingPostalCode.Length < 5)
                            addObject.ShippingPostalCode = ("0" + records[i].ShippingPostalCode);
                            addObject.ShippingPostalCode = records[i].ShippingPostalCode;
                        addObject.Blacklist__c            = records[i].Blacklist__c;
                        addObject.Coverage_Area_Radius__c = records[i].Coverage_Area_Radius__c;
                        addObject.Max_Insp_Count__c       = records[i].Max_Insp_Count__c;
                        addObject.Phone                    = records2[0].Phone;
                        addObject.HUD_Certified__c         = records[i].HUD_Certified__c;
                        addObject.Inspector_Ranking__c     = records[i].Inspector_Ranking__c;
                        addObject.Status__c                = records[i].Status__c;
                        addObject.Comments__c              = records[i].Comments__c;
                        addObject.Rep_ID__c                = records[i].Rep_ID__c;
                        addObject.FNMA_Certified__c        = records[i].FNMA_Certified__c;
                        addObject.Freddie_Mac_Certified__c = records[i].Freddie_Mac_Certified__c;
                        addObject.feeDictionary            = new Dictionary <string, double?>();
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("Cap. Improv.", records[i].Cap_Improv__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("CMSA", records[i].CMSA__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("FNMA / 4260", records[i].FNMA_4260__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("FNMA / 4261", records[i].FNMA_4261__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("FNMA / 4262", records[i].FNMA_4262__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("FNMA MF-MBA", records[i].FNMA_MF_MBA__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("Freddie HC-MBA", records[i].Freddie_HC_MBA__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("Freddie MF-MBA", records[i].Freddie_MF_MBA__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("HUD REAC", records[i].HUD_REAC__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("MBA", records[i].MBA__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("MBA-2", records[i].MBA_2__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("No Contact", records[i].No_Contact__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("Rush", records[i].Inspector_Rush__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("CMSA-2", records[i].CMSA_2__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("Exterior 1", records[i].Exterior_1__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("FNMA HC-MBA", records[i].FNMA_HC_MBA__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("Exterior 2", records[i].Exterior_2__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("CME - HC", records[i].CME_HC__c);
                        addObject.feeDictionary.Add("CME - MF", records[i].CME_MF__c);
                        String Json2 = "";

                        /*using (var client1 = new HttpClient())
                         * {
                         *  String restRequest = (""
                         + mapKey + "&location=" + addObject.ShippingPostalCode);
                         +  var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, restRequest);
                         +  request.Headers.Add("X-PrettyPrint", "1");
                         +  var response = client1.SendAsync(request).Result;
                         +  Json2 = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                         + }*/
                        //LatLngClass.RootObject coordinates = new LatLngClass.RootObject();
                        //coordinates = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LatLngClass.RootObject>(Json2);
                        //var array = coordinates.results.ToArray();
                        //var array2 = array[0].locations.ToArray();
                        if (records[i].ShippingLongitude != null & records[i].ShippingLatitude != null)
                            addObject.latitude  = records[i].ShippingLatitude;
                            addObject.longitute = records[i].ShippingLongitude;
                            using (var client1 = new HttpClient())
                                String restRequest = (""
                                                      + mapKey + "&location=" + addObject.ShippingPostalCode);
                                var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, restRequest);
                                request.Headers.Add("X-PrettyPrint", "1");
                                var response = client1.SendAsync(request).Result;
                                Json2 = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                            LatLngClass.RootObject coordinates = new LatLngClass.RootObject();
                            coordinates = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LatLngClass.RootObject>(Json2);
                            var array  = coordinates.results.ToArray();
                            var array2 = array[0].locations.ToArray();
                            addObject.latitude  = array2[0];
                            addObject.longitute = array2[0].displayLatLng.lng;
                            UpdateCoordinatesClass update5 = new UpdateCoordinatesClass();
                            update5.ShippingLatitude  = addObject.latitude;
                            update5.ShippingLongitude = addObject.longitute;
                            client.Update("Account", addObject.accountId, update5);
                    catch (Exception e)
                progress.Report("Records Processed: " + i + " of " + records.Count);
            //saves database to .bin file
            string saveFile;

            if (!HUDmode)
                saveFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\S2Inspections", "nonhudinspectors.bin");
                saveFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\S2Inspections", "hudinspectors.bin");
            using (Stream stream = File.Open(saveFile, FileMode.Create))
                var formatter = new System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter();
                formatter.Serialize(stream, OfficialInspectorList);
Пример #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // See the SalesforceSetupWalkthrough.doc for information on how to configure your SalesForce account

            // from your setup >> create >> apps >> connected apps settings in SalesForce
            const string sfdcConsumerKey = "3MVG9JZ_r.QzrS7gHCcJexYMP2UL45ZgzaagHsVXfYSjWwlhU7n2uaxzfsuBNvwjofV70lM9QtA_xYLTxXjgf";
            const string sfdcConsumerSecret = "2968907211720668629";

            // your user credentials in salesforce
            const string sfdcUserName = "******";
            const string sfdcPassword = "******";

            // your security token form salesforce.  Name >> My Settings >> Personal >>  Reset My Security Token
            const string sfdcToken = "w7UGcyJnOaWX8U7XRCEbIfLYw";

            var client = new SalesforceClient();
            var authFlow = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFlow(sfdcConsumerKey, sfdcConsumerSecret, sfdcUserName, sfdcPassword + sfdcToken);

            // all actions should be in a try-catch - i'll just do the authentication one for an example
            catch (SalesforceException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Authentication failed: {0} : {1}", ex.Error, ex.Message);

            // create a record using a class instance
            SFCaseUpdate myCase = new SFCaseUpdate();
            myCase.Subject = "This is the subject of my salesforce case";
            myCase.Description = "This is the description of my salesforce case";
            myCase.Rank__c = 5;
            client.Create("Case", myCase);

            // create a record using an anonymous class and returns the ID
            string resultID = client.Create("Case", new { Subject = "This is the subject of another salesforce case", Description = "This is the description of that other salesforce case", Rank__c = 5 });

            // query records
            var records = client.Query<SFCase>("SELECT id, CaseNumber, Subject, Description, Rank__c FROM Case");
            foreach (var r in records)
                Console.WriteLine("Query Records {0}: {1} {2}",, r.CaseNumber, r.Subject);

            // find the record we just added by the ID we captured above in resultID
            var record = client.FindById<SFCase>("Case", resultID);
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nRead this record {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\n\n",, record.CaseNumber, record.Subject, record.Description, record.Rank__c);

            // update that record and set the custom field rank to 1 using an anonymous class.
            client.Update("Case", resultID, new { Rank__c = 1 });

            // update that record and set the custom field rank to 9001 using a class instance, note that i have to fill in every property from the record or it will push back nulls
            SFCaseUpdate myupdate = new SFCaseUpdate();
            myupdate.Rank__c = 9001;
            myupdate.Description = record.Description;
            myupdate.Subject = record.Subject;
            client.Update("Case", resultID, myupdate);

            // re-read it to see if it updated correctly, rank should = 9001
            var record2 = client.FindById<SFCase>("Case", resultID);
            Console.WriteLine("Read this record again {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\n\n",, record2.CaseNumber, record2.Subject, record2.Description, record2.Rank__c);

            // now delete the record I added
            client.Delete("Case", resultID);

            Console.WriteLine("Hit Enter to Exit");
        public async Task QueryShouldReturnOnlyTwoThousandRecords()
            var results = await client.Query <Account>("SELECT Id, Name FROM Account");

            Assert.AreEqual(2000, results.Count);
Пример #15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // See the SalesforceSetupWalkthrough.doc for information on how to configure your SalesForce account

            // from your setup >> create >> apps >> connected apps settings in SalesForce
            const string sfdcConsumerKey    = "3MVG9JZ_r.QzrS7gHCcJexYMP2UL45ZgzaagHsVXfYSjWwlhU7n2uaxzfsuBNvwjofV70lM9QtA_xYLTxXjgf";
            const string sfdcConsumerSecret = "2968907211720668629";

            // your user credentials in salesforce
            const string sfdcUserName = "******";
            const string sfdcPassword = "******";

            // your security token form salesforce.  Name >> My Settings >> Personal >>  Reset My Security Token
            const string sfdcToken = "w7UGcyJnOaWX8U7XRCEbIfLYw";

            var client   = new SalesforceClient();
            var authFlow = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFlow(sfdcConsumerKey, sfdcConsumerSecret, sfdcUserName, sfdcPassword + sfdcToken);

            // all actions should be in a try-catch - i'll just do the authentication one for an example
            catch (SalesforceException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Authentication failed: {0} : {1}", ex.Error, ex.Message);

            // create a record using a class instance
            SFCaseUpdate myCase = new SFCaseUpdate();

            myCase.Subject     = "This is the subject of my salesforce case";
            myCase.Description = "This is the description of my salesforce case";
            myCase.Rank__c     = 5;
            client.Create("Case", myCase);

            // create a record using an anonymous class and returns the ID
            string resultID = client.Create("Case", new { Subject = "This is the subject of another salesforce case", Description = "This is the description of that other salesforce case", Rank__c = 5 });

            // query records
            var records = client.Query <SFCase>("SELECT id, CaseNumber, Subject, Description, Rank__c FROM Case");

            foreach (var r in records)
                Console.WriteLine("Query Records {0}: {1} {2}",, r.CaseNumber, r.Subject);

            // find the record we just added by the ID we captured above in resultID
            var record = client.FindById <SFCase>("Case", resultID);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nRead this record {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\n\n",, record.CaseNumber, record.Subject, record.Description, record.Rank__c);

            // update that record and set the custom field rank to 1 using an anonymous class.
            client.Update("Case", resultID, new { Rank__c = 1 });

            // update that record and set the custom field rank to 9001 using a class instance, note that i have to fill in every property from the record or it will push back nulls
            SFCaseUpdate myupdate = new SFCaseUpdate();

            myupdate.Rank__c     = 9001;
            myupdate.Description = record.Description;
            myupdate.Subject     = record.Subject;
            client.Update("Case", resultID, myupdate);

            // re-read it to see if it updated correctly, rank should = 9001
            var record2 = client.FindById <SFCase>("Case", resultID);

            Console.WriteLine("Read this record again {0} {1} {2} {3} {4}\n\n",, record2.CaseNumber, record2.Subject, record2.Description, record2.Rank__c);

            // now delete the record I added
            client.Delete("Case", resultID);

            Console.WriteLine("Hit Enter to Exit");