Пример #1
        public int CreateTables()
            try {
                int result = 0;
                using (DbConnection = new SQLitePersistence(DbConnectionSettings)) {
                    if (DbConnection.IsConnected()) {
                        using (DbCommand = new SQLiteCommand()) {
                            string sql = "CREATE TABLE if not exists  HostSettings " +
                                         " (" +
                                         "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, " +
                                         "DataSource VARCHAR(200)  NULL, " +
                                         "DatabaseName VARCHAR(100)  NULL, " +
                                         "UserLogin VARCHAR(30)  NULL," +
                                         "Password VARCHAR(30)  NULL," +
                                         "SALogin VARCHAR(30)  NULL," +
                                         "SAPassword VARCHAR(30)  NULL," +
                                         "BaseKey TEXT  NULL" +
                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            result = DbConnection.ExecuteCommand(DbCommand);

                            // Build HostOptions Table
                            sql = "CREATE TABLE if not exists  HostOptions " +
                                  " (" +
                                  "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, " +
                                  "SessionTimeout int  NULL," +
                                  "LockTimeout int  NULL" +
                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            result = DbConnection.ExecuteCommand(DbCommand);

                            // Build HostOptions Table
                            sql = "CREATE TABLE if not exists Accounting" +
                                  " (" +
                                  "InterfaceId int  NULL," +
                                  "Setting1 TEXT  NULL," +
                                  "Setting2 TEXT  NULL," +
                                  "Setting3 TEXT  NULL," +
                                  "Setting4 TEXT  NULL," +
                                  "Setting5 TEXT  NULL" +
                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            result = DbConnection.ExecuteCommand(DbCommand);

                            // Remains Last to indicate setup complete
                            // Insert Defaults
                            sql = "SELECT COUNT(ID) AS COUNT FROM HostOptions";
                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            int count = Convert.ToInt32(DbConnection.ExecuteScalar(DbCommand));
                            if (count <= 0) {
                                sql = "insert into HostOptions (SessionTimeout, LockTimeout) Values(480,30);";
                                DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                                result = DbConnection.ExecuteCommand(DbCommand);
                return result;
            }catch {
Пример #2
        public int SaveHostSettings(IHostSettings hostSettings)
            try {
                int result = -1;
                string sql;
                using (DbConnection = new SQLitePersistence(DbConnectionSettings)) {
                    if (DbConnection.IsConnected()) {
                        using (DbCommand = new SQLiteCommand()) {
                            if (hostSettings.Id <= 0) {
                                sql =
                                     "INSERT INTO HostSettings " +
                                     "(datasource, databasename, userlogin, password, salogin, sapassword,basekey) " +
                                     "Values(@DataSource,@DatabaseName,@UserLogin, @Password, @SaLogin, @SaPassword, @BaseKey);";

                                DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BaseKey", Security.GetSha2Hash(hostSettings.BaseKey, Crc32.Compute(hostSettings.BaseKey).ToString()));
                            }else {
                                sql =
                                     "UPDATE HostSettings " +
                                     "SET datasource = @DataSource, databasename = @DatabaseName, userlogin = @UserLogin, password = @Password, salogin = @SaLogin, sapassword = @SaPassword " +
                                     "WHERE id = @ID";
                                DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", hostSettings.Id);
                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DataSource", hostSettings.DataSource);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DatabaseName", hostSettings.DatabaseName);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserLogin", hostSettings.UserLogin);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", hostSettings.Password);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SaLogin", hostSettings.SALogin);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SaPassword", hostSettings.SAPassword);

                            result = DbConnection.ExecuteCommand(DbCommand);
                    }else {
                        throw new Exception("Unable to Connect");
                return result;
            }catch {
Пример #3
        public bool VerifySetup()
            try {
                bool result = false;
                using (DbConnection = new SQLitePersistence(DbConnectionSettings)) {
                    if (DbConnection.IsConnected()) {
                        using (DbCommand = new SQLiteCommand()) {
                            string sql =
                                "SELECT DatabaseName from HostSettings WHERE id = 1";

                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            DataTable returnDT = DbConnection.ExecuteQuery(DbCommand);
                            if (returnDT.Rows.Count == 1) {
                                DataRow row = returnDT.Rows[0];
                                result = row["DatabaseName"] != DBNull.Value;
                                row = null;
                            returnDT = null;
                    }else {
                        throw new Exception("Unable to Connect");
                return result;
            }catch {
Пример #4
        public int SaveHostOptions(HostOptions hostOptions)
            try {
                int result = -1;
                using (DbConnection = new SQLitePersistence(DbConnectionSettings)) {
                    if (DbConnection.IsConnected()) {
                        using (DbCommand = new SQLiteCommand()) {
                            string sql =
                                        "UPDATE HostOptions " +
                                        "SET sessiontimeout = @SessionTimeout, locktimeout = @LockTimeout " +
                                        "WHERE id = 1";

                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SessionTimeout", hostOptions.SessionTimeout);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LockTimeout", hostOptions.LockTimeout);
                            result = DbConnection.ExecuteCommand(DbCommand);
                    }else {
                        throw new Exception("Unable to Connect");
                return result;
            }catch {
Пример #5
        public int SaveAccountingSettings(AccountingSettings accountingSettings)
            try {
                int result = -1;
                bool isNew = true;
                using (DbConnection = new SQLitePersistence(DbConnectionSettings)) {
                    if (DbConnection.IsConnected()) {
                        using (DbCommand = new SQLiteCommand()) {
                            string sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM Accounting ";

                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            isNew = Convert.ToBoolean(DbConnection.ExecuteCommand(DbCommand));

                            if (isNew) {
                                sql = "insert into Accounting (InterfaceId,Setting1,Setting2,Setting3,Setting4,Setting5) Values(@InterfaceId,@Setting1,@Setting2,@Setting3,@Setting4,@Setting5)";
                            }else {
                                sql =
                                    @"UPDATE Accounting
                                    SET InterfaceId = @InterfaceId, Setting1 = @Setting1,Setting2 = @Setting2,Setting3 = @Setting3,Setting4 = @Setting4,Setting5 = @Setting5

                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@InterfaceId", accountingSettings.InterfaceId);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Setting1", accountingSettings.Setting1 ?? string.Empty);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Setting2", accountingSettings.Setting2 ?? string.Empty);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Setting3", accountingSettings.Setting3 ?? string.Empty);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Setting4", accountingSettings.Setting4 ?? string.Empty);
                            DbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Setting5", accountingSettings.Setting5 ?? string.Empty);
                            result = DbConnection.ExecuteCommand(DbCommand);
                    }else {
                        throw new Exception("Unable to Connect");
                return result;
            }catch {
Пример #6
        public IHostSettings GetHostSettings()
            try {
                IHostSettings result = new HostSettings();
                using (DbConnection = new SQLitePersistence(DbConnectionSettings)) {
                    if (DbConnection.IsConnected()) {
                        using (DbCommand = new SQLiteCommand()) {
                            string sql =
                                        "SELECT Id, DataSource,DatabaseName, UserLogin, Password, SALogin, SAPassword, BaseKey from HostSettings " +
                                        "WHERE Id = 1";

                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            DataTable returnDT = DbConnection.ExecuteQuery(DbCommand);
                            if (returnDT.Rows.Count == 1) {
                                DataRow row = returnDT.Rows[0];
                                result.Id = Convert.ToInt32(row["Id"]);
                                result.DataSource = row["DataSource"].ToString();
                                result.DatabaseName = row["DatabaseName"].ToString();
                                result.UserLogin = row["UserLogin"].ToString();
                                result.Password = row["Password"].ToString();
                                result.SALogin = row["SALogin"].ToString();
                                result.SAPassword = row["SAPassword"].ToString();
                                result.BaseKey = row["BaseKey"].ToString();
                                row = null;
                            returnDT = null;
                    }else {
                        throw new Exception("Unable to Connect");
                return result;
            }catch {
Пример #7
        public HostOptions GetHostOptions()
            try {
                HostOptions result = new HostOptions();
                using (DbConnection = new SQLitePersistence(DbConnectionSettings)) {
                    if (DbConnection.IsConnected()) {
                        using (DbCommand = new SQLiteCommand()) {
                            string sql =
                                "SELECT SessionTimeout, LockTimeout from HostOptions";

                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            DataTable returnDT = DbConnection.ExecuteQuery(DbCommand);
                            if (returnDT.Rows.Count == 1) {
                                DataRow row = returnDT.Rows[0];
                                result.SessionTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(row["SessionTimeout"]);
                                result.LockTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(row["LockTimeout"]);
                                row = null;
                            returnDT = null;
                    }else {
                        throw new Exception("Unable to Connect");
                return result;
            }catch {
Пример #8
        public AccountingSettings GetAccountingSettings()
            try {
                AccountingSettings result = new AccountingSettings();
                using (DbConnection = new SQLitePersistence(DbConnectionSettings)) {
                    if (DbConnection.IsConnected()) {
                        using (DbCommand = new SQLiteCommand()) {
                            string sql =
                                "SELECT InterfaceId, Setting1, Setting2, Setting3, Setting4, Setting5 from Accounting";

                            DbCommand.CommandText = sql;
                            DataTable returnDT = DbConnection.ExecuteQuery(DbCommand);
                            if (returnDT.Rows.Count > 0) {
                                DataRow row = returnDT.Rows[0];
                                result.InterfaceId = Convert.ToInt32(row["InterfaceId"]);
                                result.Setting1 = row["Setting1"].ToString();
                                result.Setting2 = row["Setting2"].ToString();
                                result.Setting3 = row["Setting3"].ToString();
                                result.Setting4 = row["Setting4"].ToString();
                                result.Setting5 = row["Setting5"].ToString();
                                row = null;
                            returnDT = null;
                    }else {
                        throw new Exception("Unable to Connect");
                return result;
            }catch {