public IActionResult Recommend_Restaurant([FromRoute] int id)
            var activeuser = _userProfileService.Get_User_details(id);

            List <(int RestaurantId, float score)> ratings = new List <(int restaurantId, float score)>();

            RestaurantPrediction restaurantPrediction = null;
            List <Restaurant>    Best_Restaurants     = _restaurantService.GetBestRestaurants;

            foreach (var restaurant in Best_Restaurants)
                // To determine the possible results of visiting the best restaurants generated
                restaurantPrediction = _machine_model.GetPredictionEngine("Restaurant_Recommendation_Model").Predict(new RestaurantRating
                    userId       = id,
                    restaurantId = restaurant.RestaurantId

                // Using a range of between 1 and 5 to predict the possible results outcome
                float _score = (float)Math.Round(restaurantPrediction.PredictedRating, 1);

                // using the _score to create a recommendation for each restaurant in the best restaurant list
                ratings.Add((restaurant.RestaurantId, _score));

            var results = new List <Restaurant_Recommendation_Results>();

            foreach (var item in ratings)
                results.Add(new Restaurant_Recommendation_Results()
                    Restaurant_Name = Best_Restaurants
                                      .FirstOrDefault(x => x.RestaurantId == item.RestaurantId).RestaurantName,
                    Restaurant_Type = Best_Restaurants
                                      .FirstOrDefault(x => x.RestaurantId == item.RestaurantId).RestaurantType,
                    Restaurant_Rating = item.score
Пример #2
        public void Predict(string inputData)
            //1. Akin to what was done in the Trainer class, we verify that the model exists
            //prior to reading it
            if (!File.Exists(ModelPath))
                Console.WriteLine($"Failed to find model at {ModelPath}");


            //2. Then, we define the ITransformer object
            //This object will contain our model once we load via the Model.Load method
            ITransformer mlModel;

            using (var stream = new FileStream(ModelPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                mlModel = MlContext.Model.Load(stream, out _);

            if (mlModel == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to load model");


            //3. Next, create a PredictionEngine object given the model we loaded earlier
            PredictionEngine <RestaurantFeedback, RestaurantPrediction> predictionEngine = MlContext.Model.CreatePredictionEngine <RestaurantFeedback, RestaurantPrediction>(mlModel);

            //4. Then, call the Predict method on the PredictionEngine class
            RestaurantPrediction prediction = predictionEngine.Predict(new RestaurantFeedback {
                Text = inputData

            //5. Finally, display the prediction output along with the probability
            Console.WriteLine($"Based on \"{inputData}\", the feedback is predicted to be:{Environment.NewLine}{(prediction.Prediction ? "Negative" : "Positive")} at a {prediction.Probability:P0} confidence");