protected override void OnUpdateControl(GameTime gameTime)
            if (!ShouldUpdate())

            var actualDrawPosition = new Vector2(DrawPositionWithParentOffset.X + 34,
                                                 DrawPositionWithParentOffset.Y + 25);

            if (_lastPosition != actualDrawPosition)
                _characterRenderer.SetAbsoluteScreenPosition((int)actualDrawPosition.X, (int)actualDrawPosition.Y);

            if (((CurrentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && PreviousMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) ||
                 (CurrentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Released && PreviousMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) &&
                DrawAreaWithParentOffset.ContainsPoint(CurrentMouseState.X, CurrentMouseState.Y))
                var nextDirectionInt = (int)RenderProperties.Direction + 1;
                var nextDirection    = (EODirection)(nextDirectionInt % 4);
                RenderProperties = RenderProperties.WithDirection(nextDirection);


            _lastPosition = actualDrawPosition;
Пример #2
 public MaterialInfo(string name, Bitmap texture, RenderProperties renderProperties, MaterialBehavior materialBehavior)
     Name             = name;
     Texture          = texture;
     RenderProperties = renderProperties;
     MaterialBehavior = materialBehavior;
Пример #3
        public override bool Render(RenderProperties rp)
            List <ShapeBBInformation> transportRectangleList = new List <ShapeBBInformation>();
            StringBuilder             dispString             = new StringBuilder();
            SolidBrush brush          = new SolidBrush(config.ExPntLayerPointColor);
            SolidBrush highlightBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);

            layerManager.generatePointList(ref transportRectangleList);
            int displayCharacterCount = config.ExPntLayerDisplayCommentMaxLength;

            if (transportRectangleList.Count != 0)
                IShape shape;

                for (int i = 0; i < transportRectangleList.Count; i++)
                    shape = transportRectangleList[i].Shape;

                    if (shape.Visible)
                        // draw the outline
                        if (shape.IsHighlighted)
                            rp.G.FillEllipse(highlightBrush, transportRectangleList[i].BoundingBox);
                            rp.G.FillEllipse(brush, transportRectangleList[i].BoundingBox);

                        if (config.ExPntLayerDisplayComments)
                            dispString.Remove(0, dispString.Length);
                            if (dispString.Length > 0)
                                if (dispString.Length > displayCharacterCount)
                                                      dispString.Length - displayCharacterCount);

                                SizeF stringSize = rp.G.MeasureString(dispString.ToString(), CommentFont);
                                shape.StringSize = stringSize;

                                                CommentFont, brush,
                                                new Rectangle(
                                                    transportRectangleList[i].BoundingBox.Right + 2,
                                                    transportRectangleList[i].BoundingBox.Bottom + 2,
Пример #4
        public RenderProperties GetRenderProperties()
            var    renderProperties = new RenderProperties();
            object r = renderProperties;

            ReadNode(_treeView.Nodes, ref r);
Пример #5
        public override bool Render(RenderProperties rp)
            //if (this.Visible && Style.Enabled && this.Style.MaxVisible >= absoluteZoom && this.Style.MinVisible <= absoluteZoom)
            //    if (this.DataSource == null)
            //        throw (new ApplicationException("DataSource property not set on layer '" + this.LayerName + "'"));

Пример #6
        public override bool Render(RenderProperties rp)
            double xOff = rp.DX / rp.Scale;
            double yOff = rp.DY / rp.Scale;

            if (Changed)
                recalculateData(rp.AbsoluteZoom, rp.Scale, xOff, yOff);

            IntPtr hDC = rp.G.GetHdc();

            MapPanelBindings.GDALDrawImage(layermanager.CGDALContainer, hDC,
                                           xOff, yOff, this.layerID);
Пример #7
        public override bool Render(RenderProperties rp)
            // clip everything outside drawingArea
            // in this case this means, draw nothing
            if (isInDrawingArea(p, rp.DrawingArea))
                SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(config.GpsLayerPointColor);
                p = CoordCalculator.calculateDisplayCoords(
                    gkToRender, rp.DX, rp.DY, this.mainControler.LayerManager.Scale);
                rp.G.FillEllipse(brush, new Rectangle(

        void Awake()
            fogEffect = FindObjectOfType<FogEffect>();
            renderProperties = FindObjectOfType<RenderProperties>();

            var tmp = new Texture2D(4096, 4096);
            var pixels = tmp.GetPixels();

            cubemap = new Cubemap(4096, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
            cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.NegativeX);
            cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.NegativeY);
            cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.NegativeZ);
            cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.PositiveX);
            cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.PositiveY);
            cubemap.SetPixels(pixels, CubemapFace.PositiveZ);
Пример #9
    private void OnResolutionChanged(int width, int height)
        if (screen.Width == width && screen.Height == height)


        playerTex      = new RenderTexture(width, height, 32); = "Player Render";

        PlayerCamera.targetTexture = playerTex;

        cellsTexture      = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0, GraphicsFormat.R8_UNorm); = "Cells Visualization Texture";

        SplitLineMaterial.SetTexture(SHADER_CELLS_STENCIL_TEX, cellsTexture);
        SplitLineMaterial.SetFloat(SHADER_LINE_THICKNESS, (float)height / 200);

        screen = new RenderProperties(width, height);
        private string RenderTableHeaderRow(int tabPos, RenderProperties renderProperties)
            var txt = string.Empty;

            RenderLine(ref txt, ++tabPos, "<tr style=\"background-color:black;color:white;font-size:1em;text-align:left;\">");

            if (renderProperties.Count)
                RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "#");

            var nugetProperties            = renderProperties.NugetProperties;
            var packageProperties          = renderProperties.PackageProperties;
            var projectReferenceProperties = renderProperties.ProjectReferenceProperties;

            if (nugetProperties != null)
                if (nugetProperties.Id)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Library");
                if (nugetProperties.Version)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Version");
                if (nugetProperties.Description)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Description");
                if (nugetProperties.LicenseUrl)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, nugetProperties.LicenseType ? "License url" : "License");
                if (nugetProperties.LicenseType)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, nugetProperties.LicenseUrl ? "License type" : "License");
                if (nugetProperties.Authors)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Authors");
                if (nugetProperties.Owners)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Owners");
                if (nugetProperties.ProjectUrl)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Project Url");

            if (packageProperties != null)
                if (packageProperties.Id)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Package name");
                if (packageProperties.Version)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Package version");
                if (packageProperties.TargetFramework)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Package target framework");

            if (projectReferenceProperties != null)
                if (projectReferenceProperties.Name)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference name");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.Version)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference version");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.Culture)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference culture");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.PublicKeyToken)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference public key token");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.ProcessorArchitecture)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference processor architecture");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.Location)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference location");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.Private)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference is private");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.ProjectGuid)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference project guid");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.LicenseFiles)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference license files");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.ParentProjectName)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference parent project name");
                if (projectReferenceProperties.ParentProjectPath)
                    RenderColumnHeaderTag(ref txt, tabPos, "Reference parent project path");

            RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos--, "</tr>");
        void Update()
            if (timer == null)
                timer = GetComponent<Timer>();

            if (light == null)
                var lights = FindObjectsOfType<Light>();
                foreach (var _light in lights)
                    if (_light.type == LightType.Directional)
                        light = _light;

            if (renderProperties == null)
                renderProperties = FindObjectOfType<RenderProperties>();

            RenderSettings.ambientMode = AmbientMode.Flat;
            RenderSettings.ambientIntensity = GlobalAmbientIntensity;
            RenderSettings.ambientGroundColor = GetAmbientColorByTimeOfDay(timer.TimeOfDay, timer.T);
            RenderSettings.ambientLight =;
            RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = GetAmbientColorByTimeOfDay(timer.TimeOfDay, timer.T);
            RenderSettings.customReflection = null;

            renderProperties.m_ambientLight = RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor;
            renderProperties.m_fogColor = GetFogColorByTimeOfDay(timer.TimeOfDay, timer.T);
            renderProperties.m_volumeFogColor = GetFogColorByTimeOfDay(timer.TimeOfDay, timer.T);
              //  renderProperties.m_pollutionFogColor = GetFogColorByTimeOfDay(timer.TimeOfDay, timer.T);
            light.color = GetSunColorByTimeOfDay(timer.TimeOfDay, timer.T);
            renderProperties.m_inscatteringColor = light.color;

            light.intensity = GlobalSunIntensity;

            var sunDirection = GetSunDirectionByTimeOfDay(timer.TimeOfDay, timer.T);
            light.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(sunDirection, Vector3.up);
Пример #12
         * private ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion sSAOC;
         * private ScreenSpaceAmbientObscurance sSAOB;
         * private EdgeDetection edgeDetection;
         * private CreaseShading creaseShading;
        /* Fog */

         * private float m_3DFogAmount = 0f;
         * private float m_3DFogAmountMax = 1f;
         * private float m_3DFogStart  = 0f;
         * private float m_3DFogStartMax = 1f;
         * private float m_3DFogDistance = 0;
         * private float m_3DFogDistanceMax = 100000f;
         * private float m_3DNoiseStepSize = 0f;
         * private float m_3DNoiseStepSizeMax = 120f;
         * private float m_3DNoiseScale = 0;
         * private float m_3DNoiseScaleMax = 1f;
        //private bool useButtons;
        //private bool useCollision;
        // Use this for initialization
        void Start()
            fullScreen = Screen.fullScreen;

             * //Rendering
             * antiAliasing = QualitySettings.antiAliasing;
             * anisotropicFilt = QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering;
             * textureQuality = QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit;
             * pixelLightCount = QualitySettings.pixelLightCount;
             * //Shadow
             * shadowProjection = QualitySettings.shadowProjection;
             * shadowDistance = QualitySettings.shadowDistance;
             * shadowCascade = QualitySettings.shadowCascades;
             * //Other
             * vSync = QualitySettings.vSyncCount;
             * particleRaycastBudget = QualitySettings.particleRaycastBudget;
             * frameRate = Application.targetFrameRate;
             * LoDLevel = QualitySettings.maximumLODLevel;
             * LoDBias = QualitySettings.lodBias;*/
            frameUpdateTimer           = new Timer(refreshRateMS);
            frameUpdateTimer.Elapsed  += new ElapsedEventHandler(frameUpdateTimer_Elapsed);
            frameUpdateTimer.AutoReset = true;
            optionWindowRect = new Rect((Screen.width / 2) - (optionWindowRect.width / 2), (Screen.height / 2) - (optionWindowRect.height / 2), optionWindowRect.width, optionWindowRect.height);
            cameraBehaviours = Camera.main.GetComponents <MonoBehaviour>() as MonoBehaviour[];
            //Get MonoBehaviours here.
            foreach (var t in FindObjectsOfType <MonoBehaviour>())
                var properties = t as RenderProperties;
                if (properties != null)
                    this.renderProperties = properties;
                var properties1 = t as DayNightProperties;
                if (properties1 != null)
                    this.dayNightProperties = properties1;
                var properties2 = t as DayNightCloudsProperties;
                if (properties2 != null)
                    this.dayNightCloudsProperties = properties2;
                var properties3 = t as FogProperties;
                if (properties3 != null)
                    this.fogProperties = properties3;

            //m_fogHeight = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_fogHeight");

             * m_fogHeight = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_fogHeight");
             * EUtils.SetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_fogHeight",m_fogHeight);
             * m_edgeFogDistance = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_edgeFogDistance");
             * EUtils.SetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_edgeFogDistance",m_edgeFogDistance);
             * m_useVolumeFog = (bool)EUtils.GetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_useVolumeFog");
             * EUtils.SetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_useVolumeFog",m_useVolumeFog);
             * m_volumeFogDensity = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_volumeFogDensity");
             * EUtils.SetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_volumeFogDensity",m_volumeFogDensity);
             * m_volumeFogStart = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_volumeFogStart");
             * EUtils.SetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_volumeFogStart",m_volumeFogStart);
             * m_volumeFogDistance = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_volumeFogDistance");
             * EUtils.SetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_volumeFogDistance",m_volumeFogDistance);
             * m_pollutionFogIntensity = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_pollutionFogIntensity");
             * EUtils.SetFieldValue(renderProperties,"m_pollutionFogIntensity",m_pollutionFogIntensity);
            /* Fog */

             * m_3DFogAmount =  (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(GetCameraBehaviour("FogEffect"),"m_3DFogAmount");
             * m_3DFogStart  = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(GetCameraBehaviour("FogEffect"),"m_3DFogStart");
             * m_3DFogDistance = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(GetCameraBehaviour("FogEffect"),"m_3DFogDistance");
             * m_3DNoiseStepSize = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(GetCameraBehaviour("FogEffect"),"m_3DNoiseStepSize");
             * m_3DNoiseScale = (float)EUtils.GetFieldValue(GetCameraBehaviour("FogEffect"),"m_3DNoiseScale");

            //Added Effects

             * sSAOC = Camera.main.gameObject.AddComponent<ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion>();
             * sSAOB = Camera.main.gameObject.AddComponent<ScreenSpaceAmbientObscurance>();
             * edgeDetection = Camera.main.gameObject.AddComponent<EdgeDetection>();
             * creaseShading = Camera.main.gameObject.AddComponent<CreaseShading>();
             * sSAOC.enabled = false;
             * sSAOB.enabled = false;
             * edgeDetection.enabled = false;
             * creaseShading.enabled = false;*/

            //QugetFileLoader Alpha.
            filePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "\\qMoreOptionsConfig.qgt";
            QLoader qLoader = new QLoader(filePath);

            qData = qLoader.qData;
            if (qData == null)
                qData = new QData();

            if (qData.GetValueByKey("DONT_REMOVE_THIS") == null)
                qData.AddToValues("DONT_REMOVE_THIS", "ELSE_IT_RESETS!");
                antiAliasing = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { antiAliasing }));
                //anisotropicFilt = Load(saveTag + GetName (new { anisotropicFilt }));
                float anisoFloat = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { anisotropicFilt }));
                if (anisoFloat == 0)
                    anisotropicFilt = AnisotropicFiltering.Disable;
                if (anisoFloat == 1)
                    anisotropicFilt = AnisotropicFiltering.Enable;
                if (anisoFloat == 2)
                    anisotropicFilt = AnisotropicFiltering.ForceEnable;

                textureQuality  = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { textureQuality }));
                pixelLightCount = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { pixelLightCount }));
                float shadowProjFloat = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { shadowProjection }));
                if (shadowProjFloat == 0)
                    shadowProjection = ShadowProjection.CloseFit;
                if (shadowProjFloat == 1)
                    shadowProjection = ShadowProjection.StableFit;
                maxShadowDistance = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { shadowDistance = maxShadowDistance }));
                shadowCascade     = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { shadowCascade }));
                vSync = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { vSync }));
                particleRaycastBudget = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { particleRaycastBudget }));
                frameRate             = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { frameRate }));

                LoDLevel = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { LoDLevel }));
                LoDBias  = Load(saveTag + GetName(new { LoDBias }));

                QualitySettings.antiAliasing         = (int)antiAliasing;
                QualitySettings.anisotropicFiltering = anisotropicFilt;
                QualitySettings.masterTextureLimit   = (int)textureQuality;
                QualitySettings.pixelLightCount      = (int)pixelLightCount;
                QualitySettings.shadowProjection = shadowProjection;

                QualitySettings.shadowDistance = maxShadowDistance;
                QualitySettings.shadowCascades = (int)shadowCascade;
                QualitySettings.vSyncCount            = (int)vSync;
                QualitySettings.particleRaycastBudget = (int)particleRaycastBudget;
                Application.targetFrameRate           = (int)frameRate;

                QualitySettings.maximumLODLevel = (int)LoDLevel;
                QualitySettings.lodBias         = LoDBias;
                Configuration.instance.fogClassic = Configuration.defaults.fogClassic;
Пример #13
        public override bool Render(RenderProperties rp)
            if (this.shapeType != ShapeLib.ShapeType.NullShape && NumberOfShapes > 0)
                if (Changed || rp.ScreenChanged)
                    int tempPointSize = layerManager.PointSize;
                    Pen layerPen      = this.vectorInfo.LayerPen;

                    if (rp.AbsoluteZoom > constZoomLevelLimit || bOutOfMemory)
                        // if we are switching to this "mode" (e.g. calculating all the points
                        // again on every change) we must initialize the bitmapList with drawingArea
                        // sized bitmaps since we do not want to create them all the time from scratch
                        if (prepareBitmap)
                            bitmap = new Bitmap(rp.DrawingArea.Width,
                            prepareBitmap = false;

                        // this is done because multiplication is faster than division
                        double invAbsZoom = 1.0 / rp.AbsoluteZoom;

                        Rectangle collideRec = new Rectangle(1, 1,
                                                             (int)(Math.Ceiling(rp.DrawingArea.Width * invAbsZoom)),
                                                             (int)(Math.Ceiling(rp.DrawingArea.Height * invAbsZoom)));
                        //Rectangle collideRec = new Rectangle(1, 1,
                        //    (int)(Math.Ceiling(rp.ClipRectangle.Width * invAbsZoom)),
                        //    (int)(Math.Ceiling(rp.ClipRectangle.Height * invAbsZoom)));

                        Graphics gx = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

                        // clip the collide rectanlge

                        // TODO: kann man das nicht irgendwie zusammenfassen / beschleunigen?
                        collideRec.X = (int)(rp.DX * invAbsZoom - BoundingBox.Left * rp.Scale * invAbsZoom);
                        collideRec.Y = (int)(-(rp.DY * invAbsZoom - BoundingBox.Top * rp.Scale * invAbsZoom));
                        //collideRec.X = (int)(  (rp.DX + rp.ClipRectangle.X) * invAbsZoom - BoundingBox.Left * rp.Scale * invAbsZoom);
                        //collideRec.Y = (int)(-((rp.DY + rp.ClipRectangle.Y) * invAbsZoom - BoundingBox.Top * rp.Scale * invAbsZoom));

                        long relativeDiffX = Convert.ToInt64(rp.DX - BoundingBox.Left * rp.Scale);
                        //int relativeDiffX = Convert.ToInt32(rp.DX);
                        long relativeDiffY = Convert.ToInt64(BoundingBox.Top * rp.Scale - rp.DY);
                        //int relativeDiffY = Convert.ToInt32(-rp.DY);

                        List <PointList> pl = new List <PointList>();
                        partGrid.CollidingPoints(collideRec, ref pl);
                        if (!isPoint)
                            Point[] temp;

                            // treat polygons special since they can be filled
                            if (this.shapeType == MapTools.ShapeLib.ShapeType.Polygon && vectorInfo.Fill)
                                Brush layerBrush = new SolidBrush(this.vectorInfo.FillColor);

                                for (int pointList = 0; pointList < pl.Count; pointList++)
                                    temp = new Point[pl[pointList].Length];
                                    for (int p = 0; p < temp.Length; p++)
                                        temp[p].X = (int)(pl[pointList].getDispPoint(p).X - relativeDiffX);
                                        temp[p].Y = (int)(pl[pointList].getDispPoint(p).Y - relativeDiffY);
                                    gx.FillPolygon(layerBrush, temp);

                                    gx.DrawLines(layerPen, temp);
                            else if (this.shapeType != MapTools.ShapeLib.ShapeType.MultiPoint)
                                for (int pointList = 0; pointList < pl.Count; pointList++)
                                    temp = new Point[pl[pointList].Length];

                                    for (int p = 0; p < temp.Length; p++)
                                        temp[p].X = (int)(pl[pointList].getDispPoint(p).X - relativeDiffX);
                                        temp[p].Y = (int)(pl[pointList].getDispPoint(p).Y - relativeDiffY);

                                    gx.DrawLines(layerPen, temp);
                                Rectangle drawRect       = new Rectangle();
                                Brush     tempPointBrush = new SolidBrush(this.VectorInfo.LayerPen.Color);

                                for (int pointList = 0; pointList < pl.Count; pointList++)
                                    temp = new Point[pl[pointList].Length];
                                    for (int p = 0; p < temp.Length; p++)
                                        temp[p].X = (int)(pl[pointList].getDispPoint(p).X - relativeDiffX);
                                        temp[p].Y = (int)(pl[pointList].getDispPoint(p).Y - relativeDiffY);

                                    drawRect = new Rectangle();

                                    for (int p = 0; p < temp.Length; p++)
                                        drawRect.X      = (int)(temp[p].X - (tempPointSize >> 1)); // >>1 is faster thatn *2
                                        drawRect.Y      = (int)(temp[p].Y - (tempPointSize >> 1));
                                        drawRect.Width  = tempPointSize;
                                        drawRect.Height = tempPointSize;
                                        gx.FillEllipse(tempPointBrush, drawRect);
                        else // only one point in shape
                            gx.DrawEllipse(VectorInfo.LayerPen, new Rectangle((int)(_boundingBox.Left - relativeDiffX),
                                                                              (int)(_boundingBox.Bottom - relativeDiffY), tempPointSize, tempPointSize));
                    { // we rendered the image
                        if (Changed)

                            {   //try: drawing Points
                                bitmap = new Bitmap(
                                    Convert.ToInt32(Width * rp.Scale + tempPointSize * 0.5 + 1),
                                    Convert.ToInt32(Height * rp.Scale + tempPointSize * 0.5 + 1),
                            catch (OutOfMemoryException)
                                // jump over to resuce plan B :P
                                bOutOfMemory  = true;
                                prepareBitmap = true;

                            Graphics gx = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

                            if (shapeType == MapTools.ShapeLib.ShapeType.MultiPoint)
                                Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle();

                                Brush   tempPointBrush = new SolidBrush(VectorInfo.LayerPen.Color);
                                Point[] intPL;
                                for (int pointList = 0; pointList < polyLinePointList.Length; pointList++)
                                    intPL      = polyLinePointList[pointList].displayPointList;
                                    drawRect.X = (int)(intPL[0].X - (tempPointSize >> 1)); // >>1 is faster than *2
                                    drawRect.Y = (int)(intPL[0].Y - (tempPointSize >> 1));
                                    if (drawRect.X < 0)
                                        drawRect.X = 0;
                                    if (drawRect.Y < 0)
                                        drawRect.Y = 0;
                                    drawRect.Width  = tempPointSize;
                                    drawRect.Height = tempPointSize;
                                    gx.FillEllipse(tempPointBrush, drawRect);
                                if (vectorInfo.Fill)
                                    Brush layerBrush = new SolidBrush(vectorInfo.FillColor);

                                    for (int pointList = 0; pointList < polyLinePointList.Length; pointList++)
                                        gx.FillPolygon(layerBrush, polyLinePointList[pointList].displayPointList);
                                        gx.DrawLines(VectorInfo.LayerPen, polyLinePointList[pointList].displayPointList);
                                    for (int pointList = 0; pointList < polyLinePointList.Length; pointList++)
                                        gx.DrawLines(VectorInfo.LayerPen, polyLinePointList[pointList].displayPointList);

                            if (isPoint)
                                double tempScale = layerManager.Scale;
                                Brush  tempBrush = new SolidBrush(VectorInfo.LayerPen.Color);
                                               new Rectangle(
                                                   (int)((_boundingBox.Left) * tempScale),
                                                   (int)((_boundingBox.Bottom) * tempScale),
                                                   tempPointSize, tempPointSize));
                            Changed = false;

                Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle(rp.DrawingArea.X, rp.DrawingArea.Y,
                                                   bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);

                if (rp.AbsoluteZoom <= constZoomLevelLimit && !bOutOfMemory)
                    destRect.X += Convert.ToInt32(BoundingBox.Left * rp.Scale - rp.DX);
                    destRect.Y += Convert.ToInt32(rp.DY - BoundingBox.Top * rp.Scale);

                rp.G.DrawImage(bitmap, destRect, 0, 0,
                               GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttributes);

                #region Feature highlighting

                // this has to be drawn directly to screen since we do not
                // want to change the stored image
                if (rp.Highlight && selectedItems != null)
                    int      tempPointSize = layerManager.PointSize;
                    Point[]  intPL;
                    Graphics g            = rp.G;
                    int      drawingAreaX = rp.DrawingArea.X;
                    int      drawingAreaY = rp.DrawingArea.Y;
                    Pen      highlightPen = new Pen(Color.Red, this.vectorInfo.LayerPen.Width + 2);

                    if (rp.AbsoluteZoom > constZoomLevelLimit || bOutOfMemory)
                        #region "direct draw" case
                        //long relativeDiffX = Convert.ToInt64(dX - relativeLeft * absoluteZoom);
                        //long relativeDiffY = Convert.ToInt64(-(dY + relativeTop * absoluteZoom));

                        long relativeDiffX = Convert.ToInt64(rp.DX - BoundingBox.Left * rp.Scale);
                        long relativeDiffY = Convert.ToInt64(BoundingBox.Top * rp.Scale - rp.DY);

                        PointList myPl;

                        if (IsWellDefined)
                            for (int i = selectedItems.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                myPl = polyLinePointList[selectedItems[i]];

                                intPL = new Point[myPl.Length];
                                for (int p = 0; p < intPL.Length; p++)
                                    intPL[p].X = (int)(myPl.getDispPoint(p).X - relativeDiffX);
                                    intPL[p].Y = (int)(myPl.getDispPoint(p).Y - relativeDiffY);
                                if (this.shapeType != ShapeLib.ShapeType.MultiPoint)
                                    g.DrawLines(highlightPen, intPL);
                                    Rectangle drawRect       = new Rectangle();
                                    Brush     tempPointBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);

                                    for (int p = 0; p < intPL.Length; p++)
                                        drawRect.X      = (int)(intPL[p].X - tempPointSize / 2);
                                        drawRect.Y      = (int)(intPL[p].Y - tempPointSize / 2);
                                        drawRect.Width  = tempPointSize;
                                        drawRect.Height = tempPointSize;
                                        g.FillEllipse(tempPointBrush, drawRect);
                        # region Bitmap drawing case
                        if (IsWellDefined)
                            if (this.shapeType != ShapeLib.ShapeType.MultiPoint)
                                for (int i = selectedItems.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                    intPL = (Point[])(polyLinePointList[selectedItems[i]].displayPointList.Clone());
                                    for (int j = intPL.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                                        intPL[j].X += destRect.X;
                                        intPL[j].Y += destRect.Y;
                                    g.DrawLines(highlightPen, intPL);
                                Rectangle drawRect       = new Rectangle();
                                Brush     tempPointBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);

                                for (int i = selectedItems.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                    intPL          = (Point[])(polyLinePointList[selectedItems[i]].displayPointList.Clone());
                                    drawRect.X     = (int)(intPL[0].X - tempPointSize * 0.5 + destRect.X);
                                    drawRect.Y     = (int)(intPL[0].Y - tempPointSize * 0.5 + destRect.Y);
                                    drawRect.Width = drawRect.Height = tempPointSize;
                                    g.FillEllipse(tempPointBrush, drawRect);
Пример #14
 public abstract bool Render(RenderProperties rp);
Пример #15
        public override bool Render(RenderProperties rp)
            double newsize = size / rp.AbsoluteZoom;

            double CurrentxPos = (xPos + rp.DX / rp.AbsoluteZoom) * (newsize / Height);
            double CurrentyPos = (rp.DY / rp.AbsoluteZoom - yPos) * (newsize / Height);

            IntPtr hDC = rp.G.GetHdc();

                cMandelbrot, hDC,
                rp.DX, rp.DY,


            //Color[] cs = new Color[256];
            //// Fills cs with the colors from the current ColorMap file
            //cs = GetColors(ColMaps[CurColMap]);
            //// Creates the Bitmap we draw to
            //Bitmap b = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height);
            //// From here on out is just converted from the c++ version.
            //double x, y, x1, y1, xx, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 0.0;

            //int looper, s, z = 0;
            //double intigralX, intigralY = 0.0;
            //xmin = Sx; // Start x value, normally -2.1
            //ymin = Sy; // Start y value, normally -1.3
            //xmax = Fx; // Finish x value, normally 1
            //ymax = Fy; // Finish y value, normally 1.3
            //intigralX = (xmax - xmin) / this.Width; // Make it fill the whole window
            //intigralY = (ymax - ymin) / this.Height;
            //x = xmin;

            //for (s = 1; s < this.Width; s++)
            //    y = ymin;
            //    for (z = 1; z < this.Height; z++)
            //    {
            //        x1 = 0;
            //        y1 = 0;
            //        looper = 0;
            //        while (looper < 100 && Math.Sqrt((x1 * x1) + (y1 * y1)) < 2)
            //        {
            //            looper++;
            //            xx = (x1 * x1) - (y1 * y1) + x;
            //            y1 = 2 * x1 * y1 + y;
            //            x1 = xx;
            //        }

            //        // Get the percent of where the looper stopped
            //        double perc = looper / (100.0);
            //        // Get that part of a 255 scale
            //        int val = ((int)(perc * 255));
            //        // Use that number to set the color
            //        b.SetPixel(s, z, cs[val]);
            //        y += intigralY;
            //    }
            //    x += intigralX;
            //bq = b; // bq is a globally defined bitmap
            //this.BackgroundImage = (Image)bq; // Draw it to the form
 public void NextHairColor()
     RenderProperties = RenderProperties.WithHairColor((byte)((RenderProperties.HairColor + 1) % 10));
 public void NextHairStyle()
     RenderProperties = RenderProperties.WithHairStyle((byte)((RenderProperties.HairStyle + 1) % 21));
 public async Task <string> RenderToString(RenderProperties renderProperties, SolutionList solutionList, string titleText, string headerText)
     return(await Render(renderProperties, solutionList, titleText, headerText));
        private async Task <string> Render(RenderProperties renderProperties, SolutionList solutionList, string titleText, string headerText, string outputPath = null, string indexFileName = null)
            var createFile = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(outputPath) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexFileName);

            var packageReferences = solutionList.GetPackageReferences(!renderProperties.IncludeDuplicates, !renderProperties.IncludePackageDependencies, "<br>");

            if (packageReferences.Any())
                if (createFile && !Directory.Exists(outputPath))

                var tabPos = 0;

                string txt = string.Empty;
                RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, "<html>");
                RenderLine(ref txt, ++tabPos, "<head>");
                RenderLine(ref txt, ++tabPos, $"<title>{titleText}</title>");

                if (renderProperties.PageAutomaticRefresh)
                    RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5\">");

                RenderLine(ref txt, --tabPos, "</head>");
                RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, "<body style=\"font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:8pt;\">");
                RenderLine(ref txt, ++tabPos, $"<h1>{headerText}</h1>");

                if (renderProperties.IncludeSolutionInformation)
                    solutionList.ForEach(s =>
                        RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, $"<b>{s.Name}</b><br>");
                        RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, $"<ul>");

                        s.Projects.ForEach(p =>
                            RenderLine(ref txt, ++tabPos, $"<li>{p.Name}<br></li>");

                        RenderLine(ref txt, --tabPos, $"</ul>");
                        RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, $"<br>");

                    RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, $"<br>");

                if (createFile)
                    RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, "<button onclick=\"createMarkdown();\">Markdown to clipboard</button>");

                RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, $"<table id=\"mainTable\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"3\" style=\"font-size:8pt;\">");

                txt += RenderTableHeaderRow(tabPos, renderProperties);
                txt += await RenderTableRows(tabPos, renderProperties, packageReferences, outputPath, createFile);

                RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos--, "</table>");

                if (createFile)
                    txt += AddMarkdownScript(tabPos);
                    txt += "<textarea type=\"text\" id=\"hiddenInput\" style=\"position:absolute;left:-100px;top:-100px;width:10px;height:10px;\"></textarea>";

                RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos--, "</body>");
                RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos, "</html>");

                if (createFile)
                    var file = Path.Combine(outputPath, indexFileName);
                    await _fileUtilities.CreateFile(file, txt);


Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the view of a given Renderer as if it were through another renderer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="camera">The origin camera</param>
        /// <param name="material">The Material to modify</param>
        /// <param name="sourceRenderer">The Source renderer</param>
        /// <param name="targetRenderer">The Target renderer</param>
        /// <param name="mesh">The Mesh of the source Renderer</param>
        /// <param name="obliquePlane">Will the projection matrix be clipped at the near plane?</param>
        /// <param name="is3d">Is the renderer not being treated as two-dimenstional?</param>
        /// <param name="isMirror">Is the renderer rendering through itself?</param>
        public void RenderIntoMaterial(Camera camera, Material material, MeshRenderer sourceRenderer, MeshRenderer targetRenderer, Mesh mesh, bool obliquePlane = true, bool is3d = false, bool isMirror = false, bool isSSR = false)
            _renderData = RenderData;
            if (!Initialized)
#if !SKS_Portals
            //if (camera.transform.parent == transform.parent)
            //    return;

            bool   firstRender     = false;
            Camera renderingCamera = RecursionCams[CurrentDepth];
            Camera currentCamera   = camera;

            //Render Placeholder if max depth hit
            if (CurrentDepth > SKSGlobalRenderSettings.RecursionNumber)

            RenderTexture renderTarget = camera.targetTexture;
            CameraMarker  marker       = CameraMarker.GetMarker(camera);

            if (marker)
                // marker.CurrentRenderer = sourceRenderer;
                if (marker.Owner == OtherCamera)


            //Sets up the Render Properties for this render
            RenderProperties renderProps = new RenderProperties();

            //Is this the first time that the IsMirror is being rendered this frame?
            if (camera == Camera.main)
                firstRender = true;
            GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
            style.normal.textColor =;
            renderProps           |= firstRender ? RenderProperties.FirstRender : 0;
            renderProps           |= RenderProperties.Optimize;
            renderProps           |= (CurrentDepth < 1) ? (obliquePlane ? RenderProperties.ObliquePlane : 0) : RenderProperties.ObliquePlane;
            renderProps           |= isMirror ? RenderProperties.Mirror : 0;
            renderProps           |= isSSR ? RenderProperties.IsSSR : 0;
            renderProps           |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.CustomSkybox ? RenderProperties.RipCustomSkybox : 0;
            renderProps           |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.AggressiveRecursionOptimization
                ? RenderProperties.AggressiveOptimization
                : 0;
            if (firstRender)
                renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.Inverted ? RenderProperties.InvertedCached : 0;
                renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.UvFlip ? RenderProperties.UvFlipCached : 0;

#if SKS_VR
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.VR;
            renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.SinglePassStereo ? RenderProperties.SinglePass : 0;


            //Renders the IsMirror itself to the rendertexture


            renderingCamera.renderingPath   = camera.renderingPath;
            renderingCamera.cullingMask     = camera.cullingMask;
            renderingCamera.stereoTargetEye = StereoTargetEyeMask.None;
            renderingCamera.enabled         = false;

            //Set up the RenderData for the current frame
            RenderData.Camera          = camera;
            RenderData.RenderingCamera = renderingCamera;
            RenderData.CurrentDepth    = CurrentDepth;

#if SKS_VR
            //Stereo Rendering
            if (camera.stereoTargetEye == StereoTargetEyeMask.Both)
                RenderingCameraParent.rotation = DestinationTransform.rotation *
                                                 (Quaternion.Inverse(OriginTransform.rotation) *

                RenderData tempDataLeft  = RenderData.Clone();
                RenderData tempDataRight = RenderData.Clone();

                //Left eye

                tempDataLeft.Position         = -SKVREyeTracking.EyeOffset(camera);
                tempDataLeft.ProjectionMatrix = camera.GetStereoProjectionMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Left);
                tempDataLeft.TextureName      = "_LeftEyeTexture";
                tempDataLeft.RenderProperties = renderProps;
                tempDataLeft.Eye = false;

                //Right eye

                tempDataRight.Position         = SKVREyeTracking.EyeOffset(camera);
                tempDataRight.ProjectionMatrix = camera.GetStereoProjectionMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Right);
                tempDataRight.TextureName      = "_RightEyeTexture";
                tempDataRight.RenderProperties = renderProps;
                tempDataRight.Eye = true;
                if (!SKSGlobalRenderSettings.SinglePassStereo)
                    renderingCamera.stereoTargetEye = StereoTargetEyeMask.Right;

                //Non-VR rendering with VR enabled

                RenderData tempData = RenderData.Clone();
                renderProps &= ~RenderProperties.SinglePass;
                renderProps &= ~RenderProperties.VR;

                tempData.RenderProperties          = renderProps;
                renderingCamera.transform.rotation = DestinationTransform.rotation *
                                                     (Quaternion.Inverse(OriginTransform.rotation) *

                tempData.ProjectionMatrix = camera.projectionMatrix;
                tempData.Position         = renderingCamera.transform.position;

                if (renderingCamera.stereoTargetEye == StereoTargetEyeMask.Left)
                    tempData.TextureName = "_LeftEyeTexture";
                    tempData.Eye         = false;
                    tempData.TextureName = "_RightEyeTexture";
                    tempData.Eye         = true;
            //Non-stereo rendering
            //RenderData.Position = camera.transform.position;
            RenderData tempData = RenderData.Clone();

            tempData.ProjectionMatrix = camera.projectionMatrix;
            tempData.TextureName      = "_RightEyeTexture";
            tempData.RenderProperties = renderProps;

            tempData.Eye = true;

            renderingCamera.transform.rotation = DestinationTransform.rotation * (Quaternion.Inverse(OriginTransform.rotation) * (camera.transform.rotation));

            if (RenderingCameras.Count == 0)
                try {
                catch (NullReferenceException e) {
                    Debug.LogWarning("Attempted to render without proper setup");
Пример #21
        private void OnWillRenderObject()
            if (!(Selection.activeGameObject == gameObject))

            if (!TargetController || !PortalMaterial ||
                !Mask || !SKSGlobalRenderSettings.Preview ||
                !this || Application.isPlaying)

            MeshRenderer previewRenderer = PreviewRoot.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            previewRenderer.sharedMaterial = PortalMaterial;
            //previewRenderer.enabled = true;

            SKSRenderLib lib = PreviewCamera.GetComponent <SKSRenderLib>();
            PreviewCamera.transform.localPosition =;

            Camera sceneCam = SceneView.GetAllSceneCameras()[0];

            Camera cam = PreviewCamera;

            GL.Clear(true, true,;

            RenderProperties renderProps = new RenderProperties();

            //renderState |= RenderState.FirstRender;
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.Optimize;
            renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.Inverted ? RenderProperties.InvertedCached : 0;
            renderProps |= !SKSGlobalRenderSettings.UvFlip ? RenderProperties.UvFlipCached : 0;
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.ObliquePlane;
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.FirstRender;
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.RipCustomSkybox;

            MeshRenderer rend  = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            MeshRenderer rend2 = TargetController.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
            Mesh         mesh  = PreviewRoot.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
            //TargetController.PreviewRoot.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
            //TargetController.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
            cam.transform.localPosition =;
            TargetController.PreviewRoot.transform.localPosition =;

            cam.transform.rotation = TargetController.PreviewRoot.transform.rotation *
                                     (Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) *

            TargetController.PreviewRoot.transform.localScale =;

            if (renderData == null)
                renderData = new RenderData(renderProps, cam, sceneCam,
                                            sceneCam.transform.position, sceneCam.projectionMatrix, "_RightEyeTexture",
                                            PortalMaterial, new Vector2(Screen.currentResolution.width,
                                                                        Screen.currentResolution.height), previewRenderer, rend2, mesh, 1, 0, false, false);
                renderData.Position         = sceneCam.transform.position;
                renderData.ProjectionMatrix = sceneCam.projectionMatrix;
                renderData.ScreenSize       = new Vector2(Screen.currentResolution.width,
                renderData.RenderingCamera = PreviewCamera;
                renderData.SourceRenderer  = previewRenderer;


            MaterialPropertyBlock block = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
            RenderTexture output = (RenderTexture)block.GetTexture("_RightEyeTexture");
            //RenderTexture cachedOutput = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(output.width, output.height, output.depth, output.format);
            //Graphics.CopyTexture(output, cachedOutput);
            if (output)
                previewRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_RightEyeTexture", output);
            if (output)
                previewRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture("_LeftEyeTexture", output);
            if (output)
                block.SetTexture("_LeftEyeTexture", output);
            //PortalController.PortalMaterial.SetVector("_LeftDrawPos", PortalController.PortalMaterial.GetVector("_RightDrawPos"));

Пример #22
        public override bool Render(RenderProperties rp)
            List <PolyShapeBBInformation> transportPointList = new List <PolyShapeBBInformation>();
            StringBuilder dispString   = new StringBuilder();
            Pen           pen          = new Pen(config.ExPLineLayerLineColor, config.exPLineLayerLineWidth);
            Pen           hihglightPen = new Pen(Color.Red, config.exPLineLayerLineWidth);

            hihglightPen.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dash;
            SolidBrush brush      = new SolidBrush(config.ExPLineLayerLineColor);
            SolidBrush brushPoint = new SolidBrush(config.ExPLineLayerPointColor);
            SolidBrush hlBrush    = new SolidBrush(Color.Red);

            Graphics g        = rp.G;
            double   scale    = rp.Scale;
            double   dX       = rp.DX;
            double   dY       = rp.DY;
            int      pntWidth = config.ExPLineLayerPointWidth;

            IShape vertex = null;

            layermanager.generatePolylineList(ref transportPointList);

            if (transportPointList.Count != 0)
                IShape shape;

                for (int i = transportPointList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    shape = transportPointList[i].Shape;
                    if (shape.Visible)
                        // draw the outline
                        if (shape.IsHighlighted)
                            rp.G.DrawLines(hihglightPen, transportPointList[i].Pointlist);
                            rp.G.DrawLines(pen, transportPointList[i].Pointlist);

                        for (int j = shape.PointCount - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                            vertex = shape.getElement(j);

                            // draw highlighted vertices
                            if (vertex.IsHighlighted)
                                g.FillEllipse(hlBrush, vertex.getDisplayBoundingBox(dX, dY,
                                                                                    pntWidth, scale, 1));
                                // draw the vertices
                                if (pntWidth > 0)
                                    g.FillEllipse(brushPoint, vertex.getDisplayBoundingBox(dX, dY,
                                                                                           pntWidth, scale, 0));

                        if (config.ExPLineLayerDisplayComments)
                            dispString.Remove(0, dispString.Length);
                            if (dispString.Length > 0)
                                if (dispString.Length > displayCharacterCount)
                                                      dispString.Length - this.displayCharacterCount);

                                SizeF stringSize = rp.G.MeasureString(dispString.ToString(), commentFont);
                                shape.StringSize = stringSize;
                                             this.commentFont, brush,
                                             new Rectangle(
                                                 transportPointList[i].BoundingBox.Right + 2,
                                                 transportPointList[i].BoundingBox.Bottom + 2,
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        ///     Handles scenveview rendering of portal previews and related editor utilities
        /// </summary>
        private void OnWillRenderObject() {
            if (!(Selection.activeGameObject == gameObject)) return;

            if (!TargetController || !PortalMaterial ||
                !Mask || !SKSGlobalRenderSettings.Preview ||
                !this || Application.isPlaying)

            var previewRenderer = PreviewRoot.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
            previewRenderer.sharedMaterial = PortalMaterial;
            //previewRenderer.enabled = true;

            var lib = PreviewCamera.GetComponent<SKSRenderLib>();
            PreviewCamera.transform.localPosition =;

            var sceneCam = SceneView.GetAllSceneCameras()[0];

            var cam = PreviewCamera;

            GL.Clear(true, true,;

            var renderProps = new RenderProperties();

            //renderState |= RenderState.FirstRender;
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.Optimize;
            renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.Inverted ? RenderProperties.InvertedCached : 0;
            renderProps |= !SKSGlobalRenderSettings.UvFlip ? RenderProperties.UvFlipCached : 0;
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.ObliquePlane;
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.FirstRender;
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.RipCustomSkybox;

            var rend = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
            var rend2 = TargetController.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
            var mesh = PreviewRoot.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
            //TargetController.PreviewRoot.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
            //TargetController.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = false;
            cam.transform.localPosition =;
            TargetController.PreviewRoot.transform.localPosition =;

            cam.transform.rotation = TargetController.PreviewRoot.transform.rotation *
                                     (Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) *

            TargetController.PreviewRoot.transform.localScale =;

            if (renderData == null) {
                renderData = new RenderData(renderProps, cam, sceneCam,
                    sceneCam.projectionMatrix, TextureTargetEye.Right,
                    PortalMaterial, new Vector2(Screen.currentResolution.width,
                        Screen.currentResolution.height), previewRenderer, rend2, null, null, mesh, 1, 0, false, 0);
            else {
                renderData.Position = sceneCam.transform.position;
                renderData.ProjectionMatrix = sceneCam.projectionMatrix;
                renderData.ScreenSize = new Vector2(Screen.currentResolution.width,
                renderData.RenderingCamera = PreviewCamera;
                renderData.SourceRenderer = previewRenderer;

            try {
            catch {
                //Doesn't really matter what happened here, unity editor strangeness sometimes hucks issues

            var block = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

            var output = (RenderTexture) block.GetTexture(TextureTargetEye.Right.Name());
            if (output)
                previewRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture(TextureTargetEye.Right.Name(), output);
            if (output)
                previewRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture(TextureTargetEye.Left.Name(), output);
            if (output)
                block.SetTexture(TextureTargetEye.Left.Name(), output);

 public void NextGender()
     RenderProperties = RenderProperties.WithGender((byte)((RenderProperties.Gender + 1) % 2));
 public void NextRace()
     RenderProperties = RenderProperties.WithRace((byte)((RenderProperties.Race + 1) % 6));
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        ///     Renders the view of a given Renderer as if it were through another renderer. Returns true if successful.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="headCam">The origin camera</param>
        /// <param name="material">The Material to modify</param>
        /// <param name="sourceRenderer">The Source renderer</param>
        /// <param name="targetRenderer">The Target renderer</param>
        /// <param name="mesh">The Mesh of the source Renderer</param>
        /// <param name="obliquePlane">Will the projection matrix be clipped at the near plane?</param>
        /// <param name="is3d">Is the renderer not being treated as two-dimenstional?</param>
        /// <param name="isMirror">Is the renderer rendering through itself?</param>
        /// <param name="isSSR">Is the renderer a low quality effect renderer, similar to ssr?</param>
        public bool RenderIntoMaterial(Camera headCam, Material material, MeshRenderer sourceRenderer,
                                       MeshRenderer targetRenderer, Mesh mesh, bool obliquePlane = true, bool is3d = false, bool isMirror = false,
                                       bool isSSR = false)
            if (!Initialized)
#if !SKS_VR
            headCam.stereoTargetEye = StereoTargetEyeMask.None;

            _renderDataTemplate           = RenderDataTemplate;
            RenderDataTemplate.ScreenSize = new Vector2(MainCamera.pixelWidth, MainCamera.pixelHeight);
//if (camera.transform.parent == transform.parent)
//    return;

            var firstRender     = false;
            var renderingCamera = RecursionCams[CurrentDepth];

            //Render Placeholder if max depth hit
            if (CurrentDepth > SKSGlobalRenderSettings.RecursionNumber)

            var renderTarget = headCam.targetTexture;
            var marker       = CameraMarker.GetMarker(headCam);

            if (marker)
                if (marker.Owner == OtherCamera)


            //Sets up the Render Properties for this render
            var renderProps = new RenderProperties();

            //Is this the first time that the IsMirror is being rendered this frame?
            if (headCam == MainCamera)
                firstRender = true;

            renderProps |= firstRender ? RenderProperties.FirstRender : 0;
            //todo: reenable
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.Optimize;
            renderProps |= CurrentDepth < 1
                ? (obliquePlane ? RenderProperties.ObliquePlane : 0)
                : RenderProperties.ObliquePlane;
            renderProps |= isMirror ? RenderProperties.Mirror : 0;
            renderProps |= isSSR ? RenderProperties.IsSSR : 0;
            renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.CustomSkybox ? RenderProperties.RipCustomSkybox : 0;
            renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.AggressiveRecursionOptimization
                ? RenderProperties.AggressiveOptimization
                : 0;
            if (firstRender)
                renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.Inverted ? RenderProperties.InvertedCached : 0;
                renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.UvFlip ? RenderProperties.UvFlipCached : 0;

#if SKS_VR
            renderProps |= RenderProperties.VR;
            renderProps |= SKSGlobalRenderSettings.SinglePassStereo ? RenderProperties.SinglePass : 0;
            //renderProps &= ~RenderProperties.Optimize;

            //Renders the IsMirror itself to the rendertexture


            renderingCamera.renderingPath = headCam.renderingPath;
            renderingCamera.cullingMask   = headCam.cullingMask;
            renderingCamera.cullingMask  |= 1 << Keywords.Layers.CustomRendererOnly;

            renderingCamera.stereoTargetEye = StereoTargetEyeMask.None;

            renderingCamera.enabled = false;

            //Set up the RenderData for the current frame
            RenderDataTemplate.OriginCamera    = headCam;
            RenderDataTemplate.RenderingCamera = renderingCamera;
            RenderDataTemplate.CurrentDepth    = CurrentDepth;

            //Copy per-frame values
            for (var i = 0; i < (int)TextureTargetEye.Count; i++)
#if SKS_VR
//Stereo Rendering
            if (headCam.stereoTargetEye == StereoTargetEyeMask.Both)
                RenderingCameraParent.rotation = DestinationTransform.rotation *
                                                 (Quaternion.Inverse(OriginTransform.rotation) *

                //Todo: Figure out why this optimization doesn't work in VR mode
                //var tempDataLeft = RenderDataTemplate.RenderDataCache[(int)TextureTargetEye.Left];
                //var tempDataRight = RenderDataTemplate.RenderDataCache[(int)TextureTargetEye.Right];
                var tempDataLeft  = RenderDataTemplate.Clone();
                var tempDataRight = RenderDataTemplate.Clone();

                //Left eye
                tempDataLeft.Position         = -SkvrEyeTracking.EyeOffset(headCam);
                tempDataLeft.ProjectionMatrix = headCam.GetStereoProjectionMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Left);
                tempDataLeft.TargetEye        = TextureTargetEye.Left;
                tempDataLeft.RenderProperties = renderProps;
                Debug.DrawRay(tempDataLeft.Position, headCam.transform.forward, Color.magenta, 1);
                //Right eye
                tempDataRight.Position         = SkvrEyeTracking.EyeOffset(headCam);
                tempDataRight.ProjectionMatrix = headCam.GetStereoProjectionMatrix(Camera.StereoscopicEye.Right);
                tempDataRight.TargetEye        = TextureTargetEye.Right;
                tempDataRight.RenderProperties = renderProps;
                //Debug.DrawRay(tempDataRight.Position, headCam.transform.forward, Color.cyan, 1);

                if (!SKSGlobalRenderSettings.SinglePassStereo)
                    renderingCamera.stereoTargetEye = StereoTargetEyeMask.Right;

                //Non-VR rendering with VR enabled
                //Todo: Figure out why this optimization doesn't work in VR mode

                 * var tempData =
                 *  RenderDataTemplate.RenderDataCache[
                 *      (int)TextureTargetEyeMethods.StereoTargetToTextureTarget(
                 *          renderingCamera.stereoTargetEye
                 *          )
                 *  ];*/
                var tempData = RenderDataTemplate.Clone();

                renderProps &= ~RenderProperties.SinglePass;
                renderProps &= ~RenderProperties.VR;

                tempData.RenderProperties          = renderProps;
                renderingCamera.transform.rotation = DestinationTransform.rotation *
                                                     (Quaternion.Inverse(OriginTransform.rotation) *

                tempData.ProjectionMatrix = headCam.projectionMatrix;
                tempData.Position         = renderingCamera.transform.position;

                if (renderingCamera.stereoTargetEye == StereoTargetEyeMask.Left)
                    tempData.TargetEye = TextureTargetEye.Left;
                    tempData.TargetEye = TextureTargetEye.Right;
            //Non-stereo rendering
            //RenderData.Position = camera.transform.position;
            var tempData = RenderDataTemplate.RenderDataCache[(int)TextureTargetEye.Right];
            tempData.ProjectionMatrix          = headCam.projectionMatrix;
            tempData.RenderProperties          = renderProps;
            renderingCamera.transform.rotation = DestinationTransform.rotation *
                                                 (Quaternion.Inverse(OriginTransform.rotation) *

            if (RenderingCameras.Count == 0)
                try {
                catch (NullReferenceException e) {
                    Debug.LogWarning("Attempted to render without proper setup");

        private async Task <string> RenderTableRows(int tabPos, RenderProperties renderProperties, ProjectReferenceList packageReferences, string outputPath, bool createFile)
            var txt                        = string.Empty;
            var i                          = 1;
            var renderCount                = renderProperties.Count;
            var nugetProperties            = renderProperties.NugetProperties;
            var packageProperties          = renderProperties.PackageProperties;
            var projectReferenceProperties = renderProperties.ProjectReferenceProperties;

            foreach (var packageReference in packageReferences)
                RenderLine(ref txt, ++tabPos, i % 2 == 0 ? "<tr style=\"background-color:#e9e9e9\">" : "<tr>");

                if (renderCount)
                    RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, i.ToString());

                var nugetValues = packageReference.NugetPackage;

                if (nugetProperties != null && nugetValues != null)
                    if (nugetProperties.Id)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, nugetValues.Id);
                    if (nugetProperties.Version)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, nugetValues.Version);
                    if (nugetProperties.Description)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, nugetValues.Description);
                    if (nugetProperties.LicenseUrl)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, $"<a href=\"{nugetValues.LicenseUrl}\" target=\"blank\">{nugetValues.LicenseUrl}</a>");

                    if (nugetProperties.LicenseType)
                        var fallbackText = nugetProperties.LicenseUrl ? string.Empty : nugetValues.LicenseUrl;
                        var licenseType  = await _licenseMapper.GetLicenseType(nugetValues.LicenseUrl, fallbackText);

                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, $"<a href=\"{nugetValues.LicenseUrl}\" target=\"blank\">{licenseType}</a>");

                    if (nugetProperties.Authors)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, nugetValues.Authors);
                    if (nugetProperties.Owners)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, nugetValues.Owners);
                    if (nugetProperties.ProjectUrl)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, $"<a href=\"{nugetValues.ProjectUrl}\" target=\"blank\">{nugetValues.ProjectUrl}</a>");

                var packageValues = packageReference.Package;

                if (packageProperties != null && packageValues != null)
                    if (packageProperties.Id)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageValues.Id);
                    if (packageProperties.Version)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageValues.Version);
                    if (packageProperties.TargetFramework)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageValues.TargetFramework);

                if (projectReferenceProperties != null)
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.Name)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.Name);
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.Version)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.Version);
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.Culture)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.Culture);
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.PublicKeyToken)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.PublicKeyToken);
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.ProcessorArchitecture)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.ProcessorArchitecture);
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.Location)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.Location);
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.Private)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.Private.ToString());
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.ProjectGuid)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.ProjectGuid);
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.LicenseFiles)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, await RenderLicenseLinks(packageReference, outputPath, createFile));
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.ParentProjectName)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.ParentProjectName);
                    if (projectReferenceProperties.ParentProjectPath)
                        RenderColumnTag(ref txt, tabPos, packageReference.ParentProjectPath);

                RenderLine(ref txt, tabPos--, "</tr>");
