Пример #1
    public static RazorHtmlDocument GetHtmlDocument(RazorCodeDocument codeDocument)
        var options = codeDocument.GetCodeGenerationOptions();

        if (options == null || !options.DesignTime)
            // Not needed in run time. This pass generates the backing HTML document that is used to provide HTML intellisense.

        var writer     = new RazorHtmlWriter(codeDocument.Source);
        var syntaxTree = codeDocument.GetSyntaxTree();


        var generatedHtml = writer.Builder.ToString();

            writer.Source.Length == writer.Builder.Length,
            $"The backing HTML document should be the same length as the original document. Expected: {writer.Source.Length} Actual: {writer.Builder.Length}");

        var razorHtmlDocument = new DefaultRazorHtmlDocument(generatedHtml, options);

        protected override void ExecuteCore(RazorCodeDocument codeDocument, DocumentIntermediateNode documentNode)
            if (codeDocument == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(codeDocument));

            if (documentNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentNode));

            var codeGenerationOptions = codeDocument.GetCodeGenerationOptions();

            if (codeGenerationOptions == null || !codeGenerationOptions.SuppressPrimaryMethodBody)

            var method = documentNode.FindPrimaryMethod();

            if (method == null)


            // After we clear all of the method body there might be some unused fields, which can be
            // blocking if compiling with warnings as errors. Suppress this warning so that it doesn't
            // get annoying in VS.
            documentNode.Children.Insert(documentNode.Children.IndexOf(documentNode.FindPrimaryNamespace()), new CSharpCodeIntermediateNode()
                Children =
                    // Field is assigned but never used
                    new IntermediateToken()
                        Content = "#pragma warning disable 0414" + Environment.NewLine,
                        Kind    = TokenKind.CSharp,

                    // Field is never assigned
                    new IntermediateToken()
                        Content = "#pragma warning disable 0649" + Environment.NewLine,
                        Kind    = TokenKind.CSharp,

                    // Field is never used
                    new IntermediateToken()
                        Content = "#pragma warning disable 0169" + Environment.NewLine,
                        Kind    = TokenKind.CSharp,
Пример #3
    // In general documents will have a relative path (relative to the project root).
    // We can only really compute a nice namespace when we know a relative path.
    // However all kinds of thing are possible in tools. We shouldn't barf here if the document isn't
    // set up correctly.
    public static bool TryComputeNamespace(this RazorCodeDocument document, bool fallbackToRootNamespace, out string @namespace)
        if (document == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(document));

        var filePath = document.Source.FilePath;

        if (filePath == null || document.Source.RelativePath == null || filePath.Length < document.Source.RelativePath.Length)
            @namespace = null;

        // If the document or it's imports contains a @namespace directive, we want to use that over the root namespace.
        var baseNamespace         = string.Empty;
        var appendSuffix          = true;
        var lastNamespaceContent  = string.Empty;
        var lastNamespaceLocation = SourceSpan.Undefined;
        var importSyntaxTrees     = document.GetImportSyntaxTrees();

        if (importSyntaxTrees != null)
            // ImportSyntaxTrees is usually set. Just being defensive.
            foreach (var importSyntaxTree in importSyntaxTrees)
                if (importSyntaxTree != null && NamespaceVisitor.TryGetLastNamespaceDirective(importSyntaxTree, out var importNamespaceContent, out var importNamespaceLocation))
                    lastNamespaceContent  = importNamespaceContent;
                    lastNamespaceLocation = importNamespaceLocation;

        var syntaxTree = document.GetSyntaxTree();

        if (syntaxTree != null && NamespaceVisitor.TryGetLastNamespaceDirective(syntaxTree, out var namespaceContent, out var namespaceLocation))
            lastNamespaceContent  = namespaceContent;
            lastNamespaceLocation = namespaceLocation;

        StringSegment relativePath = document.Source.RelativePath;

        // If there are multiple @namespace directives in the heirarchy,
        // we want to pick the closest one to the current document.
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastNamespaceContent))
            baseNamespace = lastNamespaceContent;
            var directiveLocationDirectory = NormalizeDirectory(lastNamespaceLocation.FilePath);

            var sourceFilePath = new StringSegment(document.Source.FilePath);
            // We're specifically using OrdinalIgnoreCase here because Razor treats all paths as case-insensitive.
            if (!sourceFilePath.StartsWith(directiveLocationDirectory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                sourceFilePath.Length <= directiveLocationDirectory.Length)
                // The most relevant directive is not from the directory hierarchy, can't compute a suffix.
                appendSuffix = false;
                // We know that the document containing the namespace directive is in the current document's heirarchy.
                // Let's compute the actual relative path that we'll use to compute the namespace suffix.
                relativePath = sourceFilePath.Subsegment(directiveLocationDirectory.Length);
        else if (fallbackToRootNamespace)
            var options = document.GetCodeGenerationOptions() ?? document.GetDocumentIntermediateNode()?.Options;
            baseNamespace = options?.RootNamespace;
            appendSuffix  = true;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseNamespace))
            // There was no valid @namespace directive and we couldn't compute the RootNamespace.
            @namespace = null;

        var builder = new StringBuilder();

        // Sanitize the base namespace, but leave the dots.
        var segments = new StringTokenizer(baseNamespace, NamespaceSeparators);
        var first    = true;

        foreach (var token in segments)
            if (token.IsEmpty)

            if (first)
                first = false;

            CSharpIdentifier.AppendSanitized(builder, token);

        if (appendSuffix)
            // If we get here, we already have a base namespace and the relative path that should be used as the namespace suffix.
            segments = new StringTokenizer(relativePath, PathSeparators);
            var previousLength = builder.Length;
            foreach (var token in segments)
                if (token.IsEmpty)

                previousLength = builder.Length;

                CSharpIdentifier.AppendSanitized(builder, token);

            // Trim the last segment because it's the FileName.
            builder.Length = previousLength;

        @namespace = builder.ToString();


        // We want to normalize the path of the file containing the '@namespace' directive to just the containing
        // directory with a trailing separator.
        // Not using Path.GetDirectoryName here because it doesn't meet these requirements, and we want to handle
        // both 'view engine' style paths and absolute paths.
        // We also don't normalize the separators here. We expect that all documents are using a consistent style of path.
        // If we can't normalize the path, we just return null so it will be ignored.
        StringSegment NormalizeDirectory(string path)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))