Пример #1
    /// <summary>
    /// This method retuns a vector of  direction that was gien and given the speed it returns a vetor to move in that direction
    ///  and shortens it if it will collide with someting in the given distance
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="rayCount">This is the number of rays that will ge cast to check for collision</param>
    /// <param name="direction">This is the direction of where you want the raycast</param>
    /// <param name="bounds">This is the bound of your collider</param>
    /// <param name="vs">This is the vertical speed, to move with</param>
    /// <param name="hs">This is the horizontal speed to move with</param>
    /// <param name="tf">This is the transform of the object</param>
    /// <param name="useDeltaTime">If the ditance should be miltuplied by deltaTime</param>
    /// <returns>Returns a vector of the max movement vector (gievn deltaTime) to translate to</returns>
    private Vector3 CalculateMoveVectorCollision(int rayCount, RayDirectionSearch direction, Bounds bounds, float vs, float hs, Transform tf, bool useDeltaTime = true)
        float   distance;
        Vector3 rayDirection, rayJump, startPos;

        CalculateNecesaryValues(rayCount, direction, bounds, vs, hs, tf, useDeltaTime, out distance, out rayDirection, out rayJump, out startPos);
        Vector3      moveVector;
        RaycastHit2D tmp;

        DoRaycast(rayCount, direction, distance, rayDirection, rayJump, startPos, out moveVector, out tmp);
        if (tmp.collider != null)
Пример #2
    private RaycastHit2D DoRaycast(int rayCount, RayDirectionSearch direction, float distance, Vector3 rayDirection, Vector3 rayJump, Vector3 startPos, out Vector3 moveVector, out RaycastHit2D tmp, string searchTag = null)
        RaycastHit2D rch = new RaycastHit2D();

        moveVector = rayDirection * distance;
        float minDistance = Mathf.Infinity;

        tmp = new RaycastHit2D();
        for (int i = 0; i < rayCount; i++)
            Debug.DrawRay(startPos, rayDirection * distance, Color.green);
            RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(startPos, rayDirection, distance, collisionMask);
            if (hit.collider != null)
                if (searchTag != null)
                    if (hit.collider.tag.Equals(searchTag))
                        Debug.Log("The tag of the hit target and the tag of the earch: " + hit.collider.tag + " : " + searchTag);
                        rch = hit;
                if (direction == RayDirectionSearch.DOWN || direction == RayDirectionSearch.UP)
                    if (minDistance > hit.distance)
                        minDistance  = hit.distance;
                        moveVector.y = hit.distance * rayDirection.y;
                        tmp          = hit;
                    if (minDistance > hit.distance)
                        minDistance  = hit.distance;
                        moveVector.x = hit.distance * rayDirection.x;
            startPos += rayJump;
Пример #3
    private static void CalculateNecesaryValues(int rayCount, RayDirectionSearch direction, Bounds bounds, float vs, float hs, Transform tf, bool useDeltaTime, out float distance, out Vector3 rayDirection, out Vector3 rayJump, out Vector3 startPos)
        float   jumpLength;
        Vector3 startPosOffset = Vector3.zero;
        float   percentOffset  = 0.02f;

        // calculate the jumpdistance dpending on the number of rays and direktion
        if (direction == RayDirectionSearch.DOWN || direction == RayDirectionSearch.UP)
            jumpLength = (float)(bounds.extents.x * 2 * (1 - percentOffset)) / (rayCount - 1);
            if (useDeltaTime)
                distance = vs * Time.deltaTime;
                distance = vs;
            startPosOffset.x = bounds.extents.x * 2 * (percentOffset / 2);
            jumpLength = (float)(bounds.extents.y * 2 * (1 - percentOffset)) / (rayCount - 1);
            if (useDeltaTime)
                distance = hs * Time.deltaTime;
                distance = hs;
            startPosOffset.y = bounds.extents.y * 2 * (percentOffset / 2);
        rayJump = Vector3.zero;
        // setup the ray search direktion, a vector for jumping and start position depending on the
        // search direktion
        switch (direction)
        case RayDirectionSearch.UP:
            rayDirection = tf.up;
            rayJump.x    = jumpLength;
            startPos     = new Vector3(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.y, 0) + startPosOffset;

        case RayDirectionSearch.DOWN:
            rayDirection = tf.up * (-1);
            rayJump.x    = jumpLength;
            startPos     = new Vector3(bounds.min.x, bounds.min.y, 0) + startPosOffset;

        case RayDirectionSearch.LEFT:
            rayDirection = tf.right * (-1);
            rayJump.y    = jumpLength * (-1);
            startPos     = new Vector3(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.y, 0) - startPosOffset;

            rayDirection = tf.right;
            rayJump.y    = jumpLength * (-1);
            startPos     = new Vector3(bounds.max.x, bounds.max.y, 0) - startPosOffset;