Пример #1
        public void TestAsIntGood()
            var i = new PyInt(5);
            var a = PyInt.AsInt(i);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, a.ToInt32());
Пример #2
        public void TestAsIntBad()
            var   s = new PyString("Foo");
            PyInt a = null;

            var ex = Assert.Throws <PythonException>(() => a = PyInt.AsInt(s));

            StringAssert.StartsWith("invalid literal for int", ex.Message);
Пример #3
        public dynamic Get(string name_in)
            using (Py.GIL())
                dynamic result;
                string  name = name_in;

                RunString("__" + name + "__type = str(type(" + name + "))");
                string type = (string)Local.GetItem("__" + name + "__type").AsManagedObject(typeof(string));
                if (type == "<class 'numpy.ndarray'>")
                    // If the array is not contiguous in memory, copy it first.
                    // This overwrites the array (but obviously the contents stay the same).
                        "if (" + name + ".__array_interface__['strides'] is not None):\n" +
                        "    " + name + " = copy.deepcopy(" + name + ")"
                    RunString("__" + name + "__ptr = " + name + ".__array_interface__['data'][0]");
                    RunString("__" + name + "__nbytes = " + name + ".nbytes");
                    RunString("__" + name + "__shape = " + name + ".shape");
                    RunString("__" + name + "__dtype = str(" + name + ".dtype)");
                    System.IntPtr ptr    = (System.IntPtr)PyInt.AsInt(Local.GetItem("__" + name + "__ptr")).ToInt32();
                    int           nbytes = PyInt.AsInt(Local.GetItem("__" + name + "__nbytes")).ToInt32();
                    string        dtype  = (string)Local.GetItem("__" + name + "__dtype").AsManagedObject(typeof(string));
                    long[]        shape  = (long[])Local.GetItem("__" + name + "__shape").AsManagedObject(typeof(long[]));

                    byte[] data = new byte[nbytes];
                    Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, nbytes);

                    System.Type result_type;
                    if (dtype == "float64")
                        result_type = typeof(double);
                    else if (dtype == "int32")
                        result_type = typeof(int);
                    else if (dtype == "int64")
                        result_type = typeof(long);
                    else if (dtype == "uint8")
                        result_type = typeof(byte);
                        throw new PythonException("type not supported!");
                    result = System.Array.CreateInstance(result_type, shape);
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, result, 0, nbytes);

                    RunString("del __" + name + "__ptr");
                    RunString("del __" + name + "__nbytes");
                    RunString("del __" + name + "__dtype");
                    RunString("del __" + name + "__shape");
                    System.Type result_type;
                    if (type == "<class 'float'>")
                        result_type = typeof(double);
                    else if (type == "<class 'str'>")
                        result_type = typeof(string);
                    else if (type == "<class 'int'>")
                        result_type = typeof(long); // on a 64bit-system just "int" does not work!
                        throw new PythonException("type not supported!");
                    result = Local.GetItem(name).AsManagedObject(result_type);

                RunString("del __" + name + "__type");
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows to set variables in the python context. Allowed types are simple types (int, double, string, etc.) and
        /// arrays of those types.
        /// Numpy must be loaded before trying to pass arrays!
        /// TODO: Implement Marshal.Copy for input of arrays...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="content"></param>
        public void Set(string name, dynamic content)
            using (Py.GIL())
                System.Type ValueType = content.GetType();
                // Arrays are always converted to python lists
                if (ValueType.IsArray)
                    if (!NumpyLoaded)
                        throw new PythonException("numpy must be loaded for array conversion.");

                    // BlockCopy possibly multidimensional array of arbitrary type to onedimensional byte array
                    System.Type ElementType = ValueType.GetElementType();
                    int         nbytes      = content.Length * Marshal.SizeOf(ElementType);
                    byte[]      data        = new byte[nbytes];
                    System.Buffer.BlockCopy(content, 0, data, 0, nbytes);

                    // Create an python tuple with the dimensions of the input array
                    PyObject[] lengths = new PyObject[content.Rank];
                    for (int i = 0; i < content.Rank; i++)
                        lengths[i] = new PyInt(content.GetLength(i));
                    PyTuple shape = new PyTuple(lengths);

                    // Create an empty numpy array in correct shape and datatype
                    dynamic dtype;
                    if (ElementType == typeof(int))
                        dtype = np.int32;
                    else if (ElementType == typeof(double))
                        dtype = np.float64;
                        throw new System.Exception("Datatype not supported!");
                    dynamic pydata = np.empty(shape, dtype);

                    // Copy the data to that array
                    System.IntPtr ptr = (System.IntPtr)PyInt.AsInt(pydata.__array_interface__["data"][0]).ToInt32();
                    Marshal.Copy(data, 0, ptr, nbytes);

                    // Push the variable to local dictionary
                    UpdateLocals(name, pydata);
                    if (ValueType == typeof(int))
                        UpdateLocals(name, new PyInt(content));
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(string))
                        UpdateLocals(name, new PyString(content));
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(double))
                        UpdateLocals(name, new PyFloat(content));
                    else if (ValueType == typeof(bool))
                        UpdateLocals(name, new PyInt(System.Convert.ToInt32(content)));
                        RunStringTry(name + " = (" + name + " == 1)");
                        throw new PythonException("Datatype not supported!");