private void ModifButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string sqlExpression = "Insert into Modification Values((select TOP 1 ID_Auto from Automobile Where Mark_Auto = '" + СhooseMarkModifCB.Text + "' AND Model_auto = '" + ChooseModelModifCB.Text + "'),'" + ColorModifCB.Text + "','" + ComplectModifCB.Text + "','" + SpecsModifCB.Text + "'," + Convert.ToInt32(YearTB.Text) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(PriceTB.Text) + ", NULL)"; ExecuteQuery(sqlExpression); sqlExpression = "insert into Storage Values((select max(ID_Modification) From Modification), NULL)"; ExecuteQuery(sqlExpression); ColorModif.Hide(); EngineModif.Hide(); ComplectationModif.Hide(); YearModif.Hide(); YearTB.Hide(); Pricelbl.Hide(); PriceTB.Hide(); ModifButton.Hide(); ColorModifCB.Hide(); SpecsModifCB.Hide(); ComplectModifCB.Hide(); СhooseMarkModifCB.Items.Clear(); sqlExpression = "SELECT Distinct Mark_auto FROM Automobile"; CBquery(sqlExpression, СhooseMarkModifCB); ChooseModelModifCB.Items.Clear(); sqlExpression = "SELECT Model_auto FROM Automobile"; CBquery(sqlExpression, ChooseModelModifCB); }
private void ChooseModelModifCB_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { СhooseMarkModifCB.Items.Clear(); string sqlExpression = "SELECT Mark_auto FROM Automobile Where Model_auto = '" + ChooseModelModifCB.Text + "'"; CBquery(sqlExpression, СhooseMarkModifCB); if (!Model) { ++countChosenauto; Model = true; } if (countChosenauto == 2) { countChosenauto = 0; ColorModif.Show(); EngineModif.Show(); ComplectationModif.Show(); YearModif.Show(); YearTB.Show(); Pricelbl.Show(); PriceTB.Show(); ModifButton.Show(); ColorModifCB.Show(); sqlExpression = "SELECT Colour FROM Automobile_colour Where _ID_Auto IN(select ID_Auto from Automobile Where Mark_Auto = '" + СhooseMarkModifCB.Text + "' AND Model_auto = '" + ChooseModelModifCB.Text + "')"; CBquery(sqlExpression, ColorModifCB); SpecsModifCB.Show(); sqlExpression = "SELECT Engine_type FROM Automobile_Specification Where _ID_Auto IN(select ID_Auto from Automobile Where Mark_Auto = '" + СhooseMarkModifCB.Text + "' AND Model_auto = '" + ChooseModelModifCB.Text + "')"; CBquery(sqlExpression, SpecsModifCB); ComplectModifCB.Show(); sqlExpression = "SELECT Equipment FROM Automobile_Complectation Where _ID_Auto IN(select ID_Auto from Automobile Where Mark_Auto = '" + СhooseMarkModifCB.Text + "' AND Model_auto = '" + ChooseModelModifCB.Text + "')"; CBquery(sqlExpression, ComplectModifCB); Model = false; } }
private void SunStoreDisconnectedModefrm_Load_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadIDs(); LoadData(); ProductIDcbx.Hide(); ProductsIDlbl.Hide(); ProductNametxt.Hide(); ProductNamelbl.Hide(); Pricetxt.Hide(); Pricelbl.Hide(); btn.Hide(); btn.Text = ""; }
private void Searchbtn_CheckedChanged_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Searchbtn.Checked == true) { ProductIDcbx.Hide(); ProductsIDlbl.Hide(); ProductNametxt.Show(); ProductNamelbl.Show(); Pricetxt.Show(); Pricelbl.Show(); btn.Show(); btn.Text = "Search"; } }
private void DELradiobtn_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DELradiobtn.Checked == true) { ProductIDcbx.Show(); ProductsIDlbl.Show(); ProductNametxt.Hide(); ProductNamelbl.Hide(); Pricetxt.Hide(); Pricelbl.Hide(); btn.Show(); btn.Text = "Delete"; } }
private void UPDradiobtn_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UPDradiobtn.Checked == true) { ProductIDcbx.Show(); ProductsIDlbl.Show(); ProductNametxt.Show(); ProductNamelbl.Show(); Pricetxt.Show(); Pricelbl.Show(); btn.Show(); btn.Text = "Edit"; } }