Наследование: MonoBehaviour
        void AttachMirrorPlane(BabylonTexture babylonTexture, NovaObject novaObject)
            // Mirror plane
            int f1, f2, f3;

            if (novaObject.Is32bits)
                f1 = novaObject.Indices32[2];
                f2 = novaObject.Indices32[1];
                f3 = novaObject.Indices32[0];
                f1 = novaObject.Indices[2];
                f2 = novaObject.Indices[1];
                f3 = novaObject.Indices[0];
            Vector3 a = novaObject.PositionOnlyVertices[f1];
            Vector3 b = novaObject.PositionOnlyVertices[f2];
            Vector3 c = novaObject.PositionOnlyVertices[f3];

            var mainPlane = new Plane(a, b, c);

            Matrix matrix = Matrix.Invert(novaObject.WorldMatrix);
            matrix = Matrix.Transpose(matrix);
            Plane plane = Plane.Transform(mainPlane, matrix);

            babylonTexture.mirrorPlane = new[] { plane.Normal.X, plane.Normal.Y, plane.Normal.Z, plane.D };
Пример #2
    void Update()
        // Movement Input
        Vector3 moveInput = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));
        Vector3 moveVelocity = moveInput.normalized * moveSpeed;


        // Look/Aim Input
        Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        Plane groundPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);

        float rayDist;

        if(groundPlane.Raycast(ray, out rayDist))
            Vector3 point = ray.GetPoint(rayDist);
            Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, point, Color.red);

        // Shooting Input
    public static void TestPlaneConstructor()
        PlaneAttributes atts = new PlaneAttributes("badger50", 1, 5, 3, 7, 2000);
        Plane p = new Plane("acas-1200-badger50", atts);

        //A plane should have anything assigned to it in the constructor reflected in it immediately.

        //A new plane should have no position data within it.

        //A new plane with no position data should have a 'zero' velocity
        Vector3d vel = p.GetVelocity();
        vel.x.ShouldBe(0, .01);
        vel.y.ShouldBe(0, .01);
        vel.z.ShouldBe(0, .01);

        //Getting position from a newly constructed plane (with no position data)
        //should cause a NotSupportedException
        Exception ex = null;
        try {
            Vector3d pos = p.GetPosition();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            ex = e;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if curve is flipped to a plane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plane">
        /// The plane.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">
        /// The curve.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if the curve is flipped to the plane, false otherwise.
        /// </returns>
        public static bool MustFlipCurve(Plane plane, Curve curve)
            XYZ xVector = null;
            XYZ yVector = null;
            if (curve is Arc)
                Arc arc = curve as Arc;
                xVector = arc.XDirection;
                yVector = arc.YDirection;
            else if (curve is Ellipse)
                Ellipse ellipse = curve as Ellipse;
                xVector = ellipse.XDirection;
                yVector = ellipse.YDirection;
                return false;

            List<double> realListX = ConvertVectorToLocalCoordinates(plane, xVector);
            List<double> realListY = ConvertVectorToLocalCoordinates(plane, yVector);

            double dot = realListY[0] * (-realListX[1]) + realListY[1] * (realListX[0]);
            if (dot < -MathUtil.Eps())
                return true;

            return false;
Пример #5
    IEnumerator DragObject(float distance)
        var oldDrag = springJoint.connectedBody.drag;
        var oldAngularDrag = springJoint.connectedBody.angularDrag;
        springJoint.connectedBody.drag = drag;
        springJoint.connectedBody.angularDrag = angularDrag;
        var mainCamera = FindCamera();
        while (Input.GetMouseButton (0))
            Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.back, constraintPlaneObject.transform.position);
            Ray ray = mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
            float constraintPlaneDistance = 0.0f;
            plane.Raycast(ray, out constraintPlaneDistance);

            springJoint.transform.position = ray.GetPoint(constraintPlaneDistance);
            line.SetPosition(0, springJoint.transform.TransformPoint(springJoint.anchor));
            line.SetPosition(1, springJoint.transform.position);

            yield return null;
        if (springJoint.connectedBody)
            springJoint.connectedBody.drag = oldDrag;
            springJoint.connectedBody.angularDrag = oldAngularDrag;
            springJoint.connectedBody.freezeRotation = false;
            //springJoint.connectedBody = null;
    void Caminar()
        // Da seguimiento a la distancia entre este gameObject y posicionDestino.
        distanciaDestino = Vector3.Distance(posicionDestino, esteTransform.position);

        // Mueve al jugador si el click izquierdo del mouse fue clickeado.
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && GUIUtility.hotControl == 0) {
            Plane planoJugador = new Plane(Vector3.up, esteTransform.position);
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            //Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * 10, Color.yellow);
            float longitudRayo = 0.0f;

            // Obtenemos la longitud del rayo.
            if (planoJugador.Raycast(ray, out longitudRayo)) {

                posicionDestino = ray.GetPoint(longitudRayo); // Coordenada destino
                Quaternion rotacionDestino = Quaternion.LookRotation(posicionDestino - transform.position);
                esteTransform.rotation = rotacionDestino;

        // Evita que el codigo se ejecute si no es necesario.
        if(distanciaDestino > .5f){
            esteTransform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(esteTransform.position, posicionDestino, velocidad * Time.deltaTime);
Пример #7
    public static void BuildDecalForObject(DecalGenerator generator, Transform decal, Transform affectedObject)
        Mesh affectedMesh = affectedObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
        if (affectedMesh == null) return;

        float maxAngle = generator.maxAngle;

        Plane right = new Plane(Vector3.right, Vector3.right / 2f);
        Plane left = new Plane(-Vector3.right, -Vector3.right / 2f);

        Plane top = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.up / 2f);
        Plane bottom = new Plane(-Vector3.up, -Vector3.up / 2f);

        Plane front = new Plane(Vector3.forward, Vector3.forward / 2f);
        Plane back = new Plane(-Vector3.forward, -Vector3.forward / 2f);

        Vector3[] vertices = affectedMesh.vertices;
        int[] triangles = affectedMesh.triangles;
        int startVertexCount = bufVertices.Count;

        Matrix4x4 matrix = decal.worldToLocalMatrix * affectedObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Length; i += 3)
            int i1 = triangles[i];
            int i2 = triangles[i + 1];
            int i3 = triangles[i + 2];

            Vector3 v1 = matrix.MultiplyPoint(vertices[i1]);
            Vector3 v2 = matrix.MultiplyPoint(vertices[i2]);
            Vector3 v3 = matrix.MultiplyPoint(vertices[i3]);

            Vector3 side1 = v2 - v1;
            Vector3 side2 = v3 - v1;
            Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(side1, side2).normalized;

            if (Vector3.Angle(-Vector3.forward, normal) >= maxAngle) continue;

            DecalPolygon poly = new DecalPolygon(v1, v2, v3);

            poly = DecalPolygon.ClipPolygon(poly, right);
            if (poly == null) continue;
            poly = DecalPolygon.ClipPolygon(poly, left);
            if (poly == null) continue;

            poly = DecalPolygon.ClipPolygon(poly, top);
            if (poly == null) continue;
            poly = DecalPolygon.ClipPolygon(poly, bottom);
            if (poly == null) continue;

            poly = DecalPolygon.ClipPolygon(poly, front);
            if (poly == null) continue;
            poly = DecalPolygon.ClipPolygon(poly, back);
            if (poly == null) continue;

            AddPolygon(poly, normal);

        GenerateTexCoords(startVertexCount, generator.sprite);
Пример #8
    // =============================================================================
    // METHODS STATIC --------------------------------------------------------------
    public static void SetVanishingPoint( Camera cam, float offset, ClientCameraScreen screen )
        Transform t = cam.transform;
        NearPlane plane = new NearPlane();

        Vector3 nearCenter = t.position + t.forward*cam.nearClipPlane;
        Plane nearPlane = new Plane ( -t.forward, nearCenter );
        float distance = 0f;
        Vector3 direction;
        Ray ray;

        Vector3 screenTL = t.TransformPoint ( new Vector3 ( ( -screen.Width/2.0f ) + offset, screen.Height/2.0f, screen.Distance ) );
        direction = ( screenTL - t.position ).normalized;
        ray = new Ray ( t.position, direction );
        nearPlane.Raycast ( ray, out distance );
        Vector3 nearTL = -( t.InverseTransformPoint ( nearCenter ) - t.InverseTransformPoint ( ( t.position + direction*distance ) ) );

        Vector3 screenBR = t.TransformPoint ( new Vector3 ( ( screen.Width/2.0f ) + offset, -screen.Height/2.0f, screen.Distance ) );
        direction = ( screenBR - t.position ).normalized;
        ray = new Ray ( t.position, direction );
        nearPlane.Raycast ( ray, out distance );
        Vector3 nearBR = -( t.InverseTransformPoint ( nearCenter ) - t.InverseTransformPoint ( ( t.position + direction*distance ) ) );

        plane.left = nearTL.x;
        plane.top = nearTL.y;
        plane.right = nearBR.x;
        plane.bottom = nearBR.y;
        plane.near = cam.nearClipPlane;
        plane.far = cam.farClipPlane;
        cam.projectionMatrix = PerspectiveOffCenter ( plane );
Пример #9
	void Update () {
		// Movement input
		Vector3 moveInput = new Vector3 (Input.GetAxisRaw ("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxisRaw ("Vertical"));
		Vector3 moveVelocity = moveInput.normalized * moveSpeed;
		controller.Move (moveVelocity);

		// Look input
		Ray ray = viewCamera.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
		Plane groundPlane = new Plane (Vector3.up, Vector3.up * gunController.GunHeight);
		float rayDistance;

		if (groundPlane.Raycast(ray,out rayDistance)) {
			Vector3 point = ray.GetPoint(rayDistance);
			crosshairs.transform.position = point;
			if ((new Vector2(point.x, point.z) - new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z)).sqrMagnitude > 1) {

		// Weapon input
		if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) {
		if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) {
		if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.R)) {
Пример #10
    // converts a screen-space position to a world-space position constrained to the current drag plane type
    // returns false if it was unable to get a valid world-space position
    public bool ProjectScreenPointOnDragPlane( Vector3 refPos, Vector2 screenPos, out Vector3 worldPos )
        worldPos = refPos;

        if( DragPlaneCollider )
            Ray ray = RaycastCamera.ScreenPointToRay( screenPos );
            RaycastHit hit;

            if( !DragPlaneCollider.Raycast( ray, out hit, float.MaxValue ) )
                return false;

            worldPos = hit.point + DragPlaneOffset * hit.normal;
		else // DragPlaneType.Camera
            Transform camTransform = RaycastCamera.transform;

            // create a plane passing through refPos and facing toward the camera
            Plane plane = new Plane( -camTransform.forward, refPos );

            Ray ray = RaycastCamera.ScreenPointToRay( screenPos );

            float t = 0;
            if( !plane.Raycast( ray, out t ) )
                return false;

            worldPos = ray.GetPoint( t );
		return true;
Пример #11
	void Update()
		var plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, transform.position);
		var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
		float hit;
		if (plane.Raycast(ray, out hit))
			var aimDirection = Vector3.Normalize(ray.GetPoint(hit) - transform.position);
			var targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(aimDirection);
			transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, targetRotation, 360 * Time.deltaTime);

			if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
				bulletPrefab.Spawn(gun.position, gun.rotation);

		if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))

		if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))
Пример #12
 private void DoClick(object sender, ClickedEventArgs e)
     if (this.teleportOnClick)
         float y = this.reference.position.y;
         Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, -y);
         Ray ray = new Ray(base.transform.position, base.transform.forward);
         bool flag = false;
         float d = 0f;
         if (this.teleportType == SteamVR_Teleporter.TeleportType.TeleportTypeUseCollider)
             TerrainCollider component = Terrain.activeTerrain.GetComponent<TerrainCollider>();
             RaycastHit raycastHit;
             flag = component.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit, 1000f);
             d = raycastHit.distance;
         else if (this.teleportType == SteamVR_Teleporter.TeleportType.TeleportTypeUseCollider)
             RaycastHit raycastHit2;
             Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit2);
             d = raycastHit2.distance;
             flag = plane.Raycast(ray, out d);
         if (flag)
             Vector3 position = ray.origin + ray.direction * d - new Vector3(this.reference.GetChild(0).localPosition.x, 0f, this.reference.GetChild(0).localPosition.z);
             this.reference.position = position;
 /// <summary>
 /// Extends a plane into a plane surface so that the latter goes through a bounding box.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="plane">An original plane value.</param>
 /// <param name="box">A box to use for extension boundary.</param>
 /// <returns>A new plane surface on success, or null on error.</returns>
 /// <example>
 /// <code source='examples\vbnet\ex_splitbrepwithplane.vb' lang='vbnet'/>
 /// <code source='examples\cs\ex_splitbrepwithplane.cs' lang='cs'/>
 /// <code source='examples\py\ex_splitbrepwithplane.py' lang='py'/>
 /// </example>
 public static PlaneSurface CreateThroughBox(Plane plane, BoundingBox box)
   IntPtr ptr = UnsafeNativeMethods.RHC_RhinoPlaneThroughBox2(ref plane, ref box);
   if (IntPtr.Zero == ptr)
     return null;
   return new PlaneSurface(ptr, null);
Пример #14
		public Frustum()
			for (var planeIndex = 0; planeIndex < _planes.Length; planeIndex++)
				_planes[planeIndex] = new Plane();
Пример #15
 internal RobotCellUR(string name, RobotArm robot, IO io, Plane basePlane, Mesh environment) : base(name, Manufacturers.UR, io, basePlane, environment)
     this.Robot = robot as RobotUR;
     this.DisplayMesh = new Mesh();
Пример #16
    public void OnMouseMove( dfControl control, dfMouseEventArgs args )
        if( animating || !dragging )

        this.momentum = ( momentum + args.MoveDelta.Scale( 1, -1 ) ) * 0.5f;


        if( args.Buttons.IsSet( dfMouseButtons.Left ) )

            var ray = args.Ray;
            var distance = 0f;
            var direction = Camera.main.transform.TransformDirection( Vector3.back );
            var plane = new Plane( direction, lastPosition );
            plane.Raycast( ray, out distance );

            var pos = ( ray.origin + ray.direction * distance ).Quantize( control.PixelsToUnits() );
            var offset = pos - lastPosition;

            var transformPos = ( control.transform.position + offset ).Quantize( control.PixelsToUnits() );
            control.transform.position = transformPos;

            lastPosition = pos;

Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the mouse's position set in the in-game world plane.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mousePosition">Mouse's position on screen</param>
        /// <param name="camera">Camera object</param>
        /// <param name="device">Graphics device used in rendering</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Vector3 getMouseWorldPosition(Vector2 mousePosition,CameraAndLights camera,GraphicsDevice device)
            Vector3 nearsource = new Vector3(mousePosition,0f);
            Vector3 farsource = new Vector3(mousePosition,CameraAndLights.nearClip);

            Vector3 nearPoint = device.Viewport.Unproject(nearsource,

            Vector3 farPoint = device.Viewport.Unproject(farsource,

            // Create a ray from the near clip plane to the far clip plane.
            Vector3 direction = farPoint - nearPoint;
            Ray pickRay = new Ray(nearPoint,direction);

            Plane floor = new Plane(new Vector3(0f,1f,0f),0f);

            float denominator = Vector3.Dot(floor.Normal,pickRay.Direction);
            float numerator = Vector3.Dot(floor.Normal,pickRay.Position) + floor.D;
            float dist = -(numerator / denominator);

            Vector3 mouseWorldPos = nearPoint + direction * dist;

            return mouseWorldPos * new Vector3(1f,0f,1f);
Пример #18
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        int layerMask = 1 << 0;  // general

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) {
            if (!isMoving) {
                RaycastHit hit;

                Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);

                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask) && (hit.rigidbody != null) && (hit.rigidbody.gameObject.tag == "Item")) {
                    // move plane to initial hit position
                    hitDetectPlane = new Plane(Vector3.left, hit.rigidbody.transform.position);
                    movingObject = hit.rigidbody.gameObject;
                    isMoving = true;
            } else {
                //Debug.Log ("ismoving");
                Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                float rayDistance;
                if (hitDetectPlane.Raycast(ray, out rayDistance))
                    movingObject.transform.position = ray.GetPoint(rayDistance);

        } else {
            isMoving = false;
Пример #19
    void FixedUpdate()
        // Generate a plane that intersects the transform's position with an upwards normal.
        Plane playerPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, transform.position);

        // Generate a ray from the cursor position
        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);

        // Determine the point where the cursor ray intersects the plane.
        // This will be the point that the object must look towards to be looking at the mouse.
        // Raycasting to a Plane object only gives us a distance, so we'll have to take the distance,
        //   then find the point along that ray that meets that distance.  This will be the point
        //   to look at.
        float hitdist = 0.0f;
        // If the ray is parallel to the plane, Raycast will return false.
        if (playerPlane.Raycast (ray, out hitdist))
            // Get the point along the ray that hits the calculated distance.
            Vector3 targetPoint = ray.GetPoint(hitdist);

            // Determine the target rotation.  This is the rotation if the transform looks at the target point.
            Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(targetPoint - transform.position);

            // Smoothly rotate towards the target point.
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, speed * Time.time);
Пример #20
        public void PlaneEqualsTest()
            Plane a = new Plane(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);
            Plane b = new Plane(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f);

            // case 1: compare between same values
            object obj = b;

            bool expected = true;
            bool actual = a.Equals(obj);
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

            // case 2: compare between different values
            b.Normal = new Vector3(10.0f, b.Normal.Y, b.Normal.Z);

            obj = b;
            expected = false;
            actual = a.Equals(obj);
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

            // case 3: compare between different types.
            obj = new Quaternion();
            expected = false;
            actual = a.Equals(obj);
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

            // case 3: compare against null.
            obj = null;
            expected = false;
            actual = a.Equals(obj);
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #21
    void Update()
        // Movement input
        Vector3 moveInput = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));
        Vector3 moveVelocity = moveInput.normalized * moveSpeed;
        controller.Move (moveVelocity);

        // Look input
        Ray ray = viewCamera.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
        Plane groundPlane = new Plane (Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);
        float rayDistance;

        // out keyword assign a value to the rayDistance variable
        if (groundPlane.Raycast (ray, out rayDistance)) {
            Vector3 point = ray.GetPoint(rayDistance);
            // Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, point, Color.red);

        // Weapon input
        // left mouse button
        if(Input.GetMouseButton(0)) {
Пример #22
        internal void PlaneGetDistanceToIntersection()
            Plane testPlane = new Plane(Vector3.UnitZ, 10);
            bool hitFrontOfPlane;
            double distanceToHit;

            Ray lookingAtFrontOfPlane = new Ray(new Vector3(0, 0, 11), new Vector3(0, 0, -1));
            Assert.IsTrue(testPlane.RayHitPlane(lookingAtFrontOfPlane, out distanceToHit, out hitFrontOfPlane));
            Assert.IsTrue(distanceToHit == 1);

            Ray notLookingAtFrontOfPlane = new Ray(new Vector3(0, 0, 11), new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
            Assert.IsTrue(!testPlane.RayHitPlane(notLookingAtFrontOfPlane, out distanceToHit, out hitFrontOfPlane));
            Assert.IsTrue(distanceToHit == double.PositiveInfinity);

            Ray lookingAtBackOfPlane = new Ray(new Vector3(0, 0, 9), new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
            Assert.IsTrue(testPlane.RayHitPlane(lookingAtBackOfPlane, out distanceToHit, out hitFrontOfPlane));
            Assert.IsTrue(distanceToHit == 1);

            Ray notLookingAtBackOfPlane = new Ray(new Vector3(0, 0, 9), new Vector3(0, 0, -1));
            Assert.IsTrue(!testPlane.RayHitPlane(notLookingAtBackOfPlane, out distanceToHit, out hitFrontOfPlane));
            Assert.IsTrue(distanceToHit == double.PositiveInfinity);
Пример #23
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     Plane targetPlane = new Plane(transform.up, transform.position);
     foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches) {
         //Gets the ray at position where the screen is touched
         Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(touch.position);
         //Gets the position of ray along plane
         float dist = 0.0f;
         //Intersects ray with the plane. Sets dist to distance along the ray where intersects
         targetPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist);
         //Returns point dist along the ray.
         Vector3 planePoint = ray.GetPoint(dist);
         //Debug.Log("Point=" + planePoint);
         //True if finger touch began. If ray intersects collider, set pickedObject to transform
         //of collider object
         if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary) {
             player.transform.localPosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(playerPos, planePoint, 0.5F * Time.deltaTime);
             //playerPos = player.transform.position;
             playerPos = player.transform.localPosition;
         } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended){
Пример #24
        public void SetPrintLevelingEquation(Vector3 position0, Vector3 position1, Vector3 position2, Vector2 bedCenter)
            if (position0 == position1 || position1 == position2 || position2 == position0)

            Plane planeOfPoints = new Plane(position0, position1, position2);

            Ray ray = new Ray(new Vector3(bedCenter, 0), Vector3.UnitZ);
            bool inFront;
            double distanceToPlaneAtBedCenter = planeOfPoints.GetDistanceToIntersection(ray, out inFront);

            Matrix4X4 makePointsFlatMatrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(-bedCenter.x, -bedCenter.y, -distanceToPlaneAtBedCenter);
            makePointsFlatMatrix *= Matrix4X4.CreateRotation(planeOfPoints.planeNormal, Vector3.UnitZ);
            makePointsFlatMatrix *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(bedCenter.x, bedCenter.y, 0);//distanceToPlaneAtBedCenter);

            bedLevelMatrix = Matrix4X4.Invert(makePointsFlatMatrix);

                // test that the points come back as 0 zs
                Vector3 outPosition0 = Vector3.TransformPosition(position0, makePointsFlatMatrix);
                Vector3 outPosition1 = Vector3.TransformPosition(position1, makePointsFlatMatrix);
                Vector3 outPosition2 = Vector3.TransformPosition(position2, makePointsFlatMatrix);

                Vector3 printPosition0 = new Vector3(ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.GetPrintLevelSamplePosition(0), 0);
                Vector3 printPosition1 = new Vector3(ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.GetPrintLevelSamplePosition(1), 0);
                Vector3 printPosition2 = new Vector3(ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.GetPrintLevelSamplePosition(2), 0);

                Vector3 leveledPositon0 = Vector3.TransformPosition(printPosition0, bedLevelMatrix);
                Vector3 leveledPositon1 = Vector3.TransformPosition(printPosition1, bedLevelMatrix);
                Vector3 leveledPositon2 = Vector3.TransformPosition(printPosition2, bedLevelMatrix);
Пример #25
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) {
        if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")) {
            Vector3 move = Vector3.zero;
            move.x = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
            move.z = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
            trans.position += move * 0.1f;
            Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);
            float distance = 0;
            if (plane.Raycast(ray, out distance)){
                trans.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(ray.GetPoint(distance) - trans.position);

            Matrix4x4 ts = Matrix4x4.identity;
            ts.SetColumn (3, new Vector4(0.0f,0.0f,0.5f,1.0f));
            ts = Matrix4x4.Scale(new Vector3(5.0f, 5.0f, 10.0f)) * ts;
            blowMatrix = trans.localToWorldMatrix * ts;
Пример #26
    void Update()
        if (null != mirrorPlane) {
            if (null != objectBeforeMirror) {
                transform.position = objectBeforeMirror.transform.position;
                transform.rotation = objectBeforeMirror.transform.rotation;

                Vector3 positionInMirrorSpace = mirrorPlane.transform.InverseTransformPoint( objectBeforeMirror.transform.position );

                // move camera forward
                positionInMirrorSpace.y = -positionInMirrorSpace.y;
                positionInMirrorSpace.z = (positionInMirrorSpace.z)/2.5f;

                transform.position = mirrorPlane.transform.TransformPoint( positionInMirrorSpace );

                /** object is now in correct position, but looking in parallel look direction to original */
                /* So, cast a ray from the original object along look-direction until you hit the plane,
                 * then make the cloned object "look at" that position */
                Vector3 mirrorsNormal = mirrorPlane.transform.localRotation * new Vector3( 0f, 1, 0f ); // Unity planes always start with normal pointing up
                Plane planeOfMirror = new Plane(  mirrorsNormal, mirrorPlane.transform.position );
                float intersectionDistance;
                Ray rayToMirror = new Ray( objectBeforeMirror.transform.position, objectBeforeMirror.transform.forward );
                planeOfMirror.Raycast( rayToMirror, out intersectionDistance );
                Vector3 hitPoint = rayToMirror.GetPoint( intersectionDistance );

                transform.LookAt( hitPoint );
Пример #27
 internal bool Internal_RaycastRef(Ray ray, ref UIHotSpot.Hit hit)
     float single;
     Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2();
     if (this.radius == 0f)
         return false;
     Plane plane = new Plane(UIHotSpot.forward, this.center);
     if (!plane.Raycast(ray, out single))
         hit = new UIHotSpot.Hit();
         return false;
     hit.point = ray.GetPoint(single);
     hit.normal = (!plane.GetSide(ray.origin) ? UIHotSpot.backward : UIHotSpot.forward);
     vector2.x = hit.point.x - this.center.x;
     vector2.y = hit.point.y - this.center.y;
     float single1 = vector2.x * vector2.x + vector2.y * vector2.y;
     if (single1 >= this.radius * this.radius)
         return false;
     hit.distance = Mathf.Sqrt(single1);
     return true;
Пример #28
    Vector3 GetPositionTouch()
        //Create a Vector to store the position where the player will be moving to
        Vector3 moveTo = Vector3.zero;

        //Get the position where it was touched on the screen
        Vector3 positionTouch = Input.GetTouch(0).position;

        //Create a ray from the camera going through the position touched on the screen
        Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(positionTouch);

        //Create a plane perpendicular to the players's position
        Plane plane = new Plane(Vector3.up, transform.position);

        //Create variable to store distance between the camera and the plane
        float distance = 0;

        //Verify if it ray hits the plane
        if (plane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
            //Get the position where it was hit
            moveTo = ray.GetPoint(distance);
            return moveTo;
            return transform.position;
Пример #29
        public override unsafe void GenerateSortKey(RenderView renderView, RenderViewStage renderViewStage, SortKey* sortKeys)
            Matrix viewInverse = renderView.View;
            var plane = new Plane(viewInverse.Forward, Vector3.Dot(viewInverse.TranslationVector, viewInverse.Forward)); // TODO: Point-normal-constructor seems wrong. Check.

            var renderNodes = renderViewStage.RenderNodes;

            int distanceShift = 32 - distancePrecision;
            int stateShift = 32 - statePrecision;

            for (int i = 0; i < renderNodes.Count; ++i)
                var renderNode = renderNodes[i];

                var renderObject = renderNode.RenderObject;
                var distance = CollisionHelper.DistancePlanePoint(ref plane, ref renderObject.BoundingBox.Center);
                var distanceI = ComputeDistance(distance);
                if (reverseDistance)
                    distanceI = ~distanceI;

                // Compute sort key
                sortKeys[i] = new SortKey { Value = ((ulong)renderNode.RootRenderFeature.SortKey << 56) | ((ulong)(distanceI >> distanceShift) << distancePosition) | ((ulong)(renderObject.StateSortKey >> stateShift) << statePosition), Index = i };
Пример #30
	void Update(){
		guiIsActive = false;
		foreach(Canvas cn in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Canvas>()){
				guiIsActive = true;
		foreach(NpcActionsTemplateScript cn in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<NpcActionsTemplateScript>()){
				guiIsActive = true;
		if (!guiIsActive && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && GUIUtility.hotControl ==0) {
			Plane playerPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, transform.position);
			Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
			float hitdist = 0.0f;
			if (playerPlane.Raycast(ray, out hitdist)) {
				targetPos= ray.GetPoint(hitdist);
			agent.SetDestination (targetPos);

Пример #31
        protected override void PerformUpdate()
            if (!hasControl)
                vel = Vector3.zero;
                animator.SetFloat("speed", 0f);
                if (isFiring)

            // Movement
            if (!isGrounded)
                horizTangent = Vector3.right;
                vertTangent  = Vector3.forward;
            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + horizTangent, Color.red);
            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + vertTangent, Color.blue);
            vel = horizTangent * Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal") + vertTangent * Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
            vel *= speed;
            animator.SetFloat("speed", vel.magnitude);

            // Heading
            Ray        ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            RaycastHit hit;

            Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, ray.origin + ray.direction * 1000f, Color.green);
            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100f, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ground")))
                target = hit.point + Vector3.up;
                Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, target, Color.red);
                Plane playerPlane = new Plane(transform.position, transform.position + Vector3.forward, transform.position + Vector3.right);
                float distance;
                playerPlane.Raycast(ray, out distance);
                target = ray.origin + ray.direction * distance;
            transform.LookAt(new Vector3(target.x, transform.position.y, target.z));

            // Actions
            if (Input.GetButton("Select Spell 1"))
                SelectSpell(Spell.GetSpell(SpellType.Fireball, this));
            if (Input.GetButton("Select Spell 2") && SpellsManager.I.generalInstability > 0)
                SelectSpell(Spell.GetSpell(SpellType.IceSpike, this));
            if (Input.GetButton("Select Spell 3") && SpellsManager.I.generalInstability > 1)
                SelectSpell(Spell.GetSpell(SpellType.ElectricArc, this));
            if (Input.GetButton("Select Spell 4") && SpellsManager.I.generalInstability > 2)
                SelectSpell(Spell.GetSpell(SpellType.Tornado, this));
            if (Input.GetButton("Select Spell 5") && SpellsManager.I.generalInstability > 3)
                SelectSpell(Spell.GetSpell(SpellType.Beam, this));

            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
            if (Input.GetButton("Fire1"))
                SelectedSpell.target = target;
            if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
Пример #32
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     instance = this;
     myPlane  = new Plane(Vector3.up, new Vector3(0, 0.2f, 0));
Пример #33
    void UpdateParticles2()
        Plane movePlane = new Plane();

        for (int i = 1; i < m_Particles.Count; ++i)
            Particle p  = m_Particles[i];
            Particle p0 = m_Particles[p.m_ParentIndex];

            float restLen;
            if (p.m_Transform != null)
                restLen = (p0.m_Transform.position - p.m_Transform.position).magnitude;
                restLen = p0.m_Transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(p.m_EndOffset).magnitude;

            // keep shape
            float stiffness = Mathf.Lerp(1.0f, p.m_Stiffness, m_Weight);
            if (stiffness > 0 || p.m_Elasticity > 0)
                Matrix4x4 m0 = p0.m_Transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                m0.SetColumn(3, p0.m_Position);
                Vector3 restPos;
                if (p.m_Transform != null)
                    restPos = m0.MultiplyPoint3x4(p.m_Transform.localPosition);
                    restPos = m0.MultiplyPoint3x4(p.m_EndOffset);

                Vector3 d = restPos - p.m_Position;
                p.m_Position += d * p.m_Elasticity;

                if (stiffness > 0)
                    d = restPos - p.m_Position;
                    float len    = d.magnitude;
                    float maxlen = restLen * (1 - stiffness) * 2;
                    if (len > maxlen)
                        p.m_Position += d * ((len - maxlen) / len);

            // collide
            if (m_Colliders != null)
                float particleRadius = p.m_Radius * m_ObjectScale;
                for (int j = 0; j < m_Colliders.Count; ++j)
                    DynamicBoneCollider c = m_Colliders[j];
                    if (c != null && c.enabled)
                        c.Collide(ref p.m_Position, particleRadius);

            // freeze axis, project to plane
            if (m_FreezeAxis != FreezeAxis.None)
                switch (m_FreezeAxis)
                case FreezeAxis.X:
                    movePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(p0.m_Transform.right, p0.m_Position);

                case FreezeAxis.Y:
                    movePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(p0.m_Transform.up, p0.m_Position);

                case FreezeAxis.Z:
                    movePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(p0.m_Transform.forward, p0.m_Position);
                p.m_Position -= movePlane.normal * movePlane.GetDistanceToPoint(p.m_Position);

            // keep length
            Vector3 dd   = p0.m_Position - p.m_Position;
            float   leng = dd.magnitude;
            if (leng > 0)
                p.m_Position += dd * ((leng - restLen) / leng);
Пример #34
    // Token: 0x06003EFD RID: 16125 RVA: 0x000E59D8 File Offset: 0x000E3BD8
    private static int clipToPlane(Plane plane, global::dfClippingUtil.ClipTriangle triangle, global::dfClippingUtil.ClipTriangle[] dest, int destIndex)
        Vector3[] corner   = triangle.corner;
        int       num      = 0;
        int       num2     = 0;
        Vector3   normal   = plane.normal;
        float     distance = plane.distance;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            if (Vector3.Dot(normal, corner[i]) + distance > 0f)
                global::dfClippingUtil.inside[num++] = i;
                num2 = i;
        if (num == 3)
        if (num == 0)
        if (num == 1)
            int     num3    = global::dfClippingUtil.inside[0];
            int     num4    = (num3 + 1) % 3;
            int     num5    = (num3 + 2) % 3;
            Vector3 vector  = corner[num3];
            Vector3 vector2 = corner[num4];
            Vector3 vector3 = corner[num5];
            Vector2 vector4 = triangle.uv[num3];
            Vector2 vector5 = triangle.uv[num4];
            Vector2 vector6 = triangle.uv[num5];
            Color32 color   = triangle.color[num3];
            Color32 color2  = triangle.color[num4];
            Color32 color3  = triangle.color[num5];
            float   num6    = 0f;
            Vector3 vector7 = vector2 - vector;
            Ray     ray;
            ray..ctor(vector, vector7.normalized);
            plane.Raycast(ray, ref num6);
            float   num7    = num6 / vector7.magnitude;
            Vector3 vector8 = ray.origin + ray.direction * num6;
            Vector2 vector9 = Vector2.Lerp(vector4, vector5, num7);
            Color   color4  = Color.Lerp(color, color2, num7);
            vector7 = vector3 - vector;
            ray..ctor(vector, vector7.normalized);
            plane.Raycast(ray, ref num6);
            num7 = num6 / vector7.magnitude;
            Vector3 vector10 = ray.origin + ray.direction * num6;
            Vector2 vector11 = Vector2.Lerp(vector4, vector6, num7);
            Color   color5   = Color.Lerp(color, color3, num7);
            dest[destIndex].corner[0] = vector;
            dest[destIndex].corner[1] = vector8;
            dest[destIndex].corner[2] = vector10;
            dest[destIndex].uv[0]     = vector4;
            dest[destIndex].uv[1]     = vector9;
            dest[destIndex].uv[2]     = vector11;
            dest[destIndex].color[0]  = color;
            dest[destIndex].color[1]  = color4;
            dest[destIndex].color[2]  = color5;
        int     num8     = num2;
        int     num9     = (num8 + 1) % 3;
        int     num10    = (num8 + 2) % 3;
        Vector3 vector12 = corner[num8];
        Vector3 vector13 = corner[num9];
        Vector3 vector14 = corner[num10];
        Vector2 vector15 = triangle.uv[num8];
        Vector2 vector16 = triangle.uv[num9];
        Vector2 vector17 = triangle.uv[num10];
        Color32 color6   = triangle.color[num8];
        Color32 color7   = triangle.color[num9];
        Color32 color8   = triangle.color[num10];
        Vector3 vector18 = vector13 - vector12;
        Ray     ray2;

        ray2..ctor(vector12, vector18.normalized);
        float num11 = 0f;

        plane.Raycast(ray2, ref num11);
        float   num12    = num11 / vector18.magnitude;
        Vector3 vector19 = ray2.origin + ray2.direction * num11;
        Vector2 vector20 = Vector2.Lerp(vector15, vector16, num12);
        Color   color9   = Color.Lerp(color6, color7, num12);

        vector18 = vector14 - vector12;
        ray2..ctor(vector12, vector18.normalized);
        plane.Raycast(ray2, ref num11);
        num12 = num11 / vector18.magnitude;
        Vector3 vector21 = ray2.origin + ray2.direction * num11;
        Vector2 vector22 = Vector2.Lerp(vector15, vector17, num12);
        Color   color10  = Color.Lerp(color6, color8, num12);

        dest[destIndex].corner[0] = vector19;
        dest[destIndex].corner[1] = vector13;
        dest[destIndex].corner[2] = vector21;
        dest[destIndex].uv[0]     = vector20;
        dest[destIndex].uv[1]     = vector16;
        dest[destIndex].uv[2]     = vector22;
        dest[destIndex].color[0]  = color9;
        dest[destIndex].color[1]  = color7;
        dest[destIndex].color[2]  = color10;
        dest[destIndex].corner[0] = vector21;
        dest[destIndex].corner[1] = vector13;
        dest[destIndex].corner[2] = vector14;
        dest[destIndex].uv[0]     = vector22;
        dest[destIndex].uv[1]     = vector16;
        dest[destIndex].uv[2]     = vector17;
        dest[destIndex].color[0]  = color10;
        dest[destIndex].color[1]  = color7;
        dest[destIndex].color[2]  = color8;
Пример #35
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Ray   ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
        Plane xy  = new Plane(Vector3.forward, new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        float distance;

        xy.Raycast(ray, out distance);
        Vector3 mousePosition = ray.GetPoint(distance);

        Vector2 touchPos = new Vector2(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y);

         * Debug.Log(mousePosition);
         * Debug.Log(Input.mousePosition);

        if (!game_started)
        int i;

        //pressed first time
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            mouse_diff         = Vector3.zero;
            prev_mouseposition = mousePosition;
            if (manager.is_my_turn() || debug)
                get_clicked_on_3d(ref mouse_on, ref hit_game_object, mousePosition);
            if (mouse_on == clicked_on.good_tank)
                ui_background.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().enabled = false;

                 * Vector3 look_at_tank = new Vector3(hit_game_object.transform.position.x ,
                 *                                 hit_game_object.transform.position.y,
                 *                                 Camera.main.transform.position.z);
                 * Camera.main.transform.position = look_at_tank;
            //conitune to press.
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                if (manager.is_my_turn() == false)
                    if (mouse_on == clicked_on.good_tank)
                        lineRenderer.enabled = false;

                        ui_background.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().enabled = true;

                        mouse_on = clicked_on.nothing;
                        for (i = 0; i < max_amount_of_arrows; i++)
                    mouse_diff        += prev_mouseposition - mousePosition;
                    prev_mouseposition = mousePosition;

                    if ((mouse_on == clicked_on.good_tank) && (lineRenderer.enabled == false))
                        lineRenderer.enabled = true;
            //pick finger up
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                if (mouse_on == clicked_on.good_tank)
                    ui_background.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().enabled = true;

                mouse_on = clicked_on.nothing;
                for (i = 0; i < max_amount_of_arrows; i++)

                if (shot)
                    shot = false;

        //Debug.Log (mouse_on);

        if (mouse_on == clicked_on.background)
            mouse_diff = mouse_diff * fade_move_speed;
            if (mouse_diff.sqrMagnitude > 0.01)
                Camera.main.transform.position += (mouse_diff * (speed * Time.deltaTime));

        if (mouse_on == clicked_on.good_tank)
            lineRenderer.enabled = true;
            shot = true;

            new_mouse_pos = new Vector3(mousePosition.x, mousePosition.y, 9.0f);
            new_mouse_pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new_mouse_pos);

             * if camera is prespective
            new_mouse_pos = mousePosition;

            float   distnace         = Vector3.Distance(new_mouse_pos, good_tank.transform.position);
            int     amount_of_arrows = (int)(distnace / size_of_arrow);
            Vector3 diff             = good_tank.transform.position - new_mouse_pos;
            diff_norm = diff.normalized * -1;
            if (amount_of_arrows >= max_amount_of_arrows)
                distnace         = max_amount_of_arrows * size_of_arrow;
                amount_of_arrows = max_amount_of_arrows;

                new_mouse_pos = new Vector3(good_tank.transform.position.x + diff_norm.x * distnace,
                                            good_tank.transform.position.y + diff_norm.y * distnace,
                diff = good_tank.transform.position - new_mouse_pos;

            if (distnace < min_distance)
                shot = false;
                for (i = 0; i < amount_of_arrows; i++)
                lineRenderer.enabled = false;

            scale_circle(good_tank.transform.position, distnace);
            canon_angle = Mathf.Atan2(diff.y, diff.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

            good_tank_canon.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(canon_angle, Vector3.forward);
            for (i = 0; i < amount_of_arrows; i++)

                arrows[i].transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(canon_angle, Vector3.forward);

                Vector3 arrow_pos = new Vector3(new_mouse_pos.x + (diff.x * i) / amount_of_arrows, new_mouse_pos.y + (diff.y * i) / amount_of_arrows, 0f);
                arrows[i].transform.position = arrow_pos;
            for (; i < max_amount_of_arrows; i++)
            lineRenderer.enabled = false;
Пример #36
 private void Start()
     player          = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").transform;
     rg              = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     playGroundPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, -1);
Пример #37
        public SWIGTYPE_p_std__pairT_bool_float_t intersects(Plane p)
            SWIGTYPE_p_std__pairT_bool_float_t ret = new SWIGTYPE_p_std__pairT_bool_float_t(OgrePINVOKE.Ray_intersects__SWIG_0(swigCPtr, Plane.getCPtr(p)), true);

            if (OgrePINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending)
                throw OgrePINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve();
Пример #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new CoreFace for a specific Plane.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">Id of the face.</param>
 /// <param name="p">PLane representing the face of the Core.</param>
 public CoreFace(string id, Plane p)
     this.Coordinates = p;
     this.Id          = id;
Пример #39
 private Plane PrepareUpperPlane()
     upperPlane = new Plane(this, MeshType.Quad, ResourceType.CONCRETE_ID, Block.UP_FACE_INDEX, 0);
Пример #40
 public static bool Equal(Plane a, Plane b)
     return(Equal(a.Normal, b.Normal) && Equal(a.D, b.D));
Пример #41
        void Update()
            var position = Temtem.Players.LocalPlayerAvatar.nkqrjhelndm.qqhqkomhdoq;

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
                var obj = FindObjectsOfType <InGameMapUI>().FirstOrDefault();
                if (obj != null && obj.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                    var mapCenterOffset = -obj.GetField <Vector2>("hqkopqprqfl") / 10;
                    var mapZoom         = obj.GetField <Single>("mjmcenrnfli");
                    var newX            = (Input.mousePosition.x - Screen.width / 2) / 10 / mapZoom;
                    var newY            = (Input.mousePosition.y - Screen.height / 2) / 10 / mapZoom;
                    var newTarget       = new Vector3(position.x + newX + mapCenterOffset.x, position.y + 100, position.z + newY + mapCenterOffset.y);
                    UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit navHit;
                    UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.SamplePosition(newTarget, out navHit, 200, UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.AllAreas);
                    //Temtem.Network.NetworkLogic.nkqrjhelndm.elennjqknrp(Temtem.Network.NetworkLogic.nkqrjhelndm.npqcecmqpio, navHit.position);
                    typeof(LocalPlayerAvatar).GetField <LocalPlayerAvatar>().gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().cimqnlfephf(navHit.position);
                    var minimap = (MonoBehaviour)FindObjectsOfType <MinimapFogController>().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (minimap == null)
                        minimap = (MonoBehaviour)FindObjectsOfType <GenericMinimap>().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (minimap != null && minimap.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
                        var pos = Input.mousePosition;
                        pos.z = typeof(Temtem.Configuration.VisualSettings).GetField <Single>("cameraDistance");
                        var playerPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, position);
                        var ray         = Camera.allCameras[0].ScreenPointToRay(pos);
                        var hitdist     = 0.0f;
                        if (playerPlane.Raycast(ray, out hitdist))
                            var clickPosition = ray.GetPoint(hitdist);
                            UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit navHit;
                            UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.SamplePosition(clickPosition, out navHit, 200, UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.AllAreas);
                            //Temtem.Network.NetworkLogic.nkqrjhelndm.elennjqknrp(Temtem.Network.NetworkLogic.nkqrjhelndm.npqcecmqpio, navHit.position);
                            typeof(LocalPlayerAvatar).GetField <LocalPlayerAvatar>().gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().cimqnlfephf(navHit.position);
            var teleportDistance = 1;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad4))
                typeof(LocalPlayerAvatar).GetField <LocalPlayerAvatar>().gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().cimqnlfephf(new Vector3(position.x - teleportDistance, position.y, position.z));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad6))
                typeof(LocalPlayerAvatar).GetField <LocalPlayerAvatar>().gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().cimqnlfephf(new Vector3(position.x + teleportDistance, position.y, position.z));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad8))
                typeof(LocalPlayerAvatar).GetField <LocalPlayerAvatar>().gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().cimqnlfephf(new Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z + teleportDistance));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad2))
                typeof(LocalPlayerAvatar).GetField <LocalPlayerAvatar>().gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().cimqnlfephf(new Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z - teleportDistance));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad7))
                typeof(LocalPlayerAvatar).GetField <LocalPlayerAvatar>().gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().cimqnlfephf(new Vector3(position.x, position.y + teleportDistance, position.z));
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad1))
                typeof(LocalPlayerAvatar).GetField <LocalPlayerAvatar>().gameObject.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().cimqnlfephf(new Vector3(position.x, position.y - teleportDistance, position.z));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new swept blend form using arcs to
        /// define circular start and end profiles and an
        /// arc path. The NewSweptBlend method requires
        /// the input profiles to be in the XY plane.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateNewSweptBlendArc(Document doc)
                         "this method will only work in a family document");

            Application app = doc.Application;

            Autodesk.Revit.Creation.Application creapp
                = app.Create;

            Autodesk.Revit.Creation.FamilyItemFactory credoc
                = doc.FamilyCreate;

            #region Original code for Revit 2012
            XYZ           pnt1    = new XYZ(0, -1, 0);
            XYZ           pnt2    = new XYZ(1, 0, 0);
            XYZ           pnt3    = new XYZ(0, 1, 0);
            XYZ           pnt4    = new XYZ(-1, 0, 0);
            Arc           aArc1   = creapp.NewArc(pnt1, pnt3, pnt2);
            Arc           aArc2   = creapp.NewArc(pnt3, pnt1, pnt4);
            CurveArrArray arrarr1 = new CurveArrArray();

            SweepProfile bottomProfile
                = creapp.NewCurveLoopsProfile(arrarr1);

            CurveArray arr1 = new CurveArray();
            XYZ           pnt6    = new XYZ(0, -2, 0);
            XYZ           pnt7    = new XYZ(2, 0, 0);
            XYZ           pnt8    = new XYZ(0, 2, 0);
            XYZ           pnt9    = new XYZ(-2, 0, 0);
            Arc           aArc3   = creapp.NewArc(pnt6, pnt8, pnt7);
            Arc           aArc4   = creapp.NewArc(pnt8, pnt6, pnt9);
            CurveArrArray arrarr2 = new CurveArrArray();
            CurveArray    arr2    = new CurveArray();

            SweepProfile topProfile
                = creapp.NewCurveLoopsProfile(arrarr2);

            XYZ   pnt10   = new XYZ(0, 0, 0);
            XYZ   pnt11   = new XYZ(0, 5, 0);
            XYZ   pnt122  = new XYZ(2.5, 2.5, 0);
            Arc   testArc = creapp.NewArc(pnt10, pnt11, pnt122);
            Curve curve   = (Curve)testArc;

            Plane geometryPlane = creapp.NewPlane(
                XYZ.BasisZ, XYZ.Zero);

            SketchPlane sketchPlane = doc.NewSketchPlane(

            SweptBlend aSweptBlend = doc.NewSweptBlend(
                true, curve, sketchPlane, bottomProfile,
            #endregion // Original code for Revit 2012

            XYZ        px   = XYZ.BasisX;
            XYZ        py   = XYZ.BasisY;
            Arc        arc1 = Arc.Create(-px, px, -py);
            Arc        arc2 = Arc.Create(px, -px, py);
            CurveArray arr1 = new CurveArray();
            CurveArrArray arrarr1 = new CurveArrArray();

            SweepProfile bottomProfile
                = creapp.NewCurveLoopsProfile(arrarr1);

            px += px;
            py += py;
            Arc        arc3 = Arc.Create(-px, px, -py);
            Arc        arc4 = Arc.Create(px, -px, py);
            CurveArray arr2 = new CurveArray();
            CurveArrArray arrarr2 = new CurveArrArray();

            SweepProfile topProfile
                = creapp.NewCurveLoopsProfile(arrarr2);

            XYZ p0      = XYZ.Zero;
            XYZ p5      = 5 * XYZ.BasisY;
            XYZ pmid    = new XYZ(2.5, 2.5, 0);
            Arc testArc = Arc.Create(p0, p5, pmid);

            //Plane geometryPlane = creapp.NewPlane( XYZ.BasisZ, XYZ.Zero ); // 2016
            Plane geometryPlane = Plane.CreateByNormalAndOrigin(
                XYZ.BasisZ, XYZ.Zero); // 2017

            SketchPlane sketchPlane = SketchPlane.Create(
                doc, geometryPlane);

            SweptBlend aSweptBlend = credoc.NewSweptBlend(
                true, testArc, sketchPlane, bottomProfile,
Пример #43
        // This builds the geometry. Returns false when no geometry created.
        public override bool Setup()
            if (Sidedef.LongMiddleTexture == MapSet.EmptyLongName)

            Vector2D vl, vr;

            //mxd. lightfog flag support
            int  lightvalue;
            bool lightabsolute;

            GetLightValue(out lightvalue, out lightabsolute);

            Vector2D tscale = new Vector2D(Sidedef.Fields.GetValue("scalex_mid", 1.0f),
                                           Sidedef.Fields.GetValue("scaley_mid", 1.0f));
            Vector2D toffset = new Vector2D(Sidedef.Fields.GetValue("offsetx_mid", 0.0f),
                                            Sidedef.Fields.GetValue("offsety_mid", 0.0f));

            // Left and right vertices for this sidedef
            if (Sidedef.IsFront)
                vl = new Vector2D(Sidedef.Line.Start.Position.x, Sidedef.Line.Start.Position.y);
                vr = new Vector2D(Sidedef.Line.End.Position.x, Sidedef.Line.End.Position.y);
                vl = new Vector2D(Sidedef.Line.End.Position.x, Sidedef.Line.End.Position.y);
                vr = new Vector2D(Sidedef.Line.Start.Position.x, Sidedef.Line.Start.Position.y);

            // Load sector data
            SectorData sd  = mode.GetSectorData(Sidedef.Sector);
            SectorData osd = mode.GetSectorData(Sidedef.Other.Sector);

            if (!osd.Updated)

            // Load texture
            if (Sidedef.LongMiddleTexture != MapSet.EmptyLongName)
                base.Texture = General.Map.Data.GetTextureImage(Sidedef.LongMiddleTexture);
                if (base.Texture == null || base.Texture is UnknownImage)
                    base.Texture         = General.Map.Data.UnknownTexture3D;
                    setuponloadedtexture = Sidedef.LongMiddleTexture;
                else if (!base.Texture.IsImageLoaded)
                    setuponloadedtexture = Sidedef.LongMiddleTexture;
                // Use missing texture
                base.Texture         = General.Map.Data.MissingTexture3D;
                setuponloadedtexture = 0;

            // Get texture scaled size
            Vector2D tsz = new Vector2D(base.Texture.ScaledWidth, base.Texture.ScaledHeight);

            tsz = tsz / tscale;

            // Get texture offsets
            Vector2D tof = new Vector2D(Sidedef.OffsetX, Sidedef.OffsetY);

            tof = tof + toffset;
            tof = tof / tscale;
            if (General.Map.Config.ScaledTextureOffsets && !base.Texture.WorldPanning)
                tof = tof * base.Texture.Scale;

            // Determine texture coordinates plane as they would be in normal circumstances.
            // We can then use this plane to find any texture coordinate we need.
            // The logic here is the same as in the original VisualMiddleSingle (except that
            // the values are stored in a TexturePlane)
            // NOTE: I use a small bias for the floor height, because if the difference in
            // height is 0 then the TexturePlane doesn't work!
            TexturePlane tp        = new TexturePlane();
            float        floorbias = (Sidedef.Sector.CeilHeight == Sidedef.Sector.FloorHeight) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
            float        geotop    = Math.Min(Sidedef.Sector.CeilHeight, Sidedef.Other.Sector.CeilHeight);
            float        geobottom = Math.Max(Sidedef.Sector.FloorHeight, Sidedef.Other.Sector.FloorHeight);
            float        zoffset   = Sidedef.Sector.CeilHeight - Sidedef.Other.Sector.CeilHeight;    //mxd

            // When lower unpegged is set, the middle texture is bound to the bottom
            if (Sidedef.Line.IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.LowerUnpeggedFlag))
                tp.tlt.y = tsz.y - (geotop - geobottom);

            if (zoffset > 0)
                tp.tlt.y -= zoffset;                                      //mxd
            tp.trb.x = tp.tlt.x + (float)Math.Round(Sidedef.Line.Length); //mxd. (G)ZDoom snaps texture coordinates to integral linedef length
            tp.trb.y = tp.tlt.y + (Sidedef.Sector.CeilHeight - (Sidedef.Sector.FloorHeight + floorbias));

            // Apply texture offset
            tp.tlt += tof;
            tp.trb += tof;

            // Transform pixel coordinates to texture coordinates
            tp.tlt /= tsz;
            tp.trb /= tsz;

            // Left top and right bottom of the geometry that
            tp.vlt = new Vector3D(vl.x, vl.y, Sidedef.Sector.CeilHeight);
            tp.vrb = new Vector3D(vr.x, vr.y, Sidedef.Sector.FloorHeight + floorbias);

            // Make the right-top coordinates
            tp.trt = new Vector2D(tp.trb.x, tp.tlt.y);
            tp.vrt = new Vector3D(tp.vrb.x, tp.vrb.y, tp.vlt.z);

            // Keep top and bottom planes for intersection testing
            top    = sd.Ceiling.plane;
            bottom = sd.Floor.plane;

            // Create initial polygon, which is just a quad between floor and ceiling
            WallPolygon poly = new WallPolygon();

            poly.Add(new Vector3D(vl.x, vl.y, sd.Floor.plane.GetZ(vl)));
            poly.Add(new Vector3D(vl.x, vl.y, sd.Ceiling.plane.GetZ(vl)));
            poly.Add(new Vector3D(vr.x, vr.y, sd.Ceiling.plane.GetZ(vr)));
            poly.Add(new Vector3D(vr.x, vr.y, sd.Floor.plane.GetZ(vr)));

            // Determine initial color
            int lightlevel = lightabsolute ? lightvalue : sd.Ceiling.brightnessbelow + lightvalue;

            //mxd. This calculates light with doom-style wall shading
            PixelColor wallbrightness = PixelColor.FromInt(mode.CalculateBrightness(lightlevel, Sidedef));
            PixelColor wallcolor      = PixelColor.Modulate(sd.Ceiling.colorbelow, wallbrightness);

            fogfactor  = CalculateFogFactor(lightlevel);
            poly.color = wallcolor.WithAlpha(255).ToInt();

            // Cut off the part below the other floor and above the other ceiling
            CropPoly(ref poly, osd.Ceiling.plane, true);
            CropPoly(ref poly, osd.Floor.plane, true);

            // Determine if we should repeat the middle texture
            repeatmidtex = Sidedef.IsFlagSet("wrapmidtex") || Sidedef.Line.IsFlagSet("wrapmidtex");             //mxd
            if (!repeatmidtex)
                // First determine the visible portion of the texture
                float textop;

                // Determine top portion height
                if (Sidedef.Line.IsFlagSet(General.Map.Config.LowerUnpeggedFlag))
                    textop = geobottom + tof.y + Math.Abs(tsz.y);
                    textop = geotop + tof.y;

                // Calculate bottom portion height
                float texbottom = textop - Math.Abs(tsz.y);

                // Create crop planes (we also need these for intersection testing)
                topclipplane    = new Plane(new Vector3D(0, 0, -1), textop);
                bottomclipplane = new Plane(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), -texbottom);

                // Crop polygon by these heights
                CropPoly(ref poly, topclipplane, true);
                CropPoly(ref poly, bottomclipplane, true);

            //mxd. In(G)ZDoom, middle sidedef parts are not clipped by extrafloors of any type...
            List <WallPolygon> polygons = new List <WallPolygon> {

            //ClipExtraFloors(polygons, sd.ExtraFloors, true); //mxd
            //ClipExtraFloors(polygons, osd.ExtraFloors, true); //mxd

            //if(polygons.Count > 0)
            // Keep top and bottom planes for intersection testing
            top    = osd.Ceiling.plane;
            bottom = osd.Floor.plane;

            // Process the polygon and create vertices
            List <WorldVertex> verts = CreatePolygonVertices(polygons, tp, sd, lightvalue, lightabsolute);

            if (verts.Count > 2)
                // Apply alpha to vertices
                byte alpha = SetLinedefRenderstyle(true);
                if (alpha < 255)
                    for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count; i++)
                        WorldVertex v = verts[i];
                        v.c      = PixelColor.FromInt(v.c).WithAlpha(alpha).ToInt();
                        verts[i] = v;


            base.SetVertices(null);             //mxd
Пример #44
 protected abstract bool ShouldOrNotFire(Plane plane);
Пример #45
 ///<description>Fire bullet</description>
 public void FireBullet(Plane plane)
Пример #46
    /// <summary>
    /// Given the widget's corners, convert the given screen coordinates to world coordinates.
    /// </summary>

    static public bool ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector3[] corners, Vector2 screenPos, out Vector3 worldPos)
        Plane p = new Plane(corners[0], corners[1], corners[3]);

        return(ScreenToWorldPoint(p, screenPos, out worldPos));
Пример #47
    void Update()
        //topdown behaviour
        if (PlayerBehaviour == Type.TopDown)
            //Move Input
            if (InputDirection == DirectionType.Global)
                moveDirection = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0f, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")).normalized;
            if (InputDirection == DirectionType.Camera)
                moveDirection        = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0f, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical")).normalized;
                cameraBasedDirection = cam.transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);
                moveDirection        = new Vector3(cameraBasedDirection.x, moveDirection.y, cameraBasedDirection.z);

            //Aim Input
            float distance;
            Plane aimPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);
            Ray   ray      = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            if (aimPlane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
                Vector3 hitPoint = ray.origin + ray.direction * distance;
                Debug.DrawLine(cam.transform.position, hitPoint);
                transform.LookAt(new Vector3(hitPoint.x, transform.position.y, hitPoint.z));

        //firstperson behaviour
        if (PlayerBehaviour == Type.FirstPerson)
            EquippedGun.transform.forward = Camera.main.transform.forward;
            //EquippedGun.transform.LookAt(Camera.main.transform.forward * 1000f);
            //Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            //RaycastHit hit;
            //if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, MaskToIgnore))
            //    print(":)");
            //    Debug.DrawLine(ray.origin, hit.point);
            //    EquippedGun.transform.LookAt(hit.point);

        //Shoot Input
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(shootInput) && EquippedGun)

        if (moveDirection == Vector3.zero)
            IsMoving = false;
            IsMoving = true;
Пример #48
    // Input handling:
    public override void OnInput(POINTER_INFO ptr)
        if (!m_controlIsEnabled)

        if (inputDelegate != null)
            inputDelegate(ref ptr);

// Only check for out-of-viewport input if such is possible
// (i.e. if we aren't on a hardware device where it is
// impossible to have input outside the viewport)
        // See if the input should be considered a move-off
        // because it is outside the viewport:
        if (ptr.devicePos.x < 0 ||
            ptr.devicePos.y < 0 ||
            ptr.devicePos.x > ptr.camera.pixelWidth ||
            ptr.devicePos.y > ptr.camera.pixelHeight)
            if (m_panelState == STATE.OVER)

            // Only continue if we are dragging the panel:
            if (m_panelState != STATE.DRAGGING)

        // Change the state if necessary:
        switch (ptr.evt)
            if (m_panelState != STATE.OVER)

            if (draggable && !ptr.callerIsControl)
                // Early out:
                if (ptr.inputDelta.sqrMagnitude == 0)

                float   dist;
                Vector3 pt1, pt2;
                Plane   plane = default(Plane);

                plane.SetNormalAndPosition(transform.forward * -1f, transform.position);

                plane.Raycast(ptr.ray, out dist);
                pt1 = ptr.ray.origin + ptr.ray.direction * dist;

                plane.Raycast(ptr.prevRay, out dist);
                pt2 = ptr.prevRay.origin + ptr.prevRay.direction * dist;

                pt1 = transform.position + (pt1 - pt2);

                if (constrainDragArea)
                    pt1.x = Mathf.Clamp(pt1.x, dragBoundaryMin.x, dragBoundaryMax.x);
                    pt1.y = Mathf.Clamp(pt1.y, dragBoundaryMin.y, dragBoundaryMax.y);
                    pt1.z = Mathf.Clamp(pt1.z, dragBoundaryMin.z, dragBoundaryMax.z);

                transform.position = pt1;


//              if (!ptr.callerIsControl)
//                  SetPanelState(STATE.NORMAL);
//              else
        {                               // Else do a raycast to see if we're
                                        // still under the pointer and one of
                                        // our child controls is just catching
                                        // the hit instead:
            RaycastHit hit;
            if (collider != null)
                if (!collider.Raycast(ptr.ray, out hit, ptr.rayDepth))
                    if (ptr.evt == POINTER_INFO.INPUT_EVENT.MOVE_OFF)
                        // Change the event to a MOVE so that any
                        // parent panel doesn't try its own raycast
                        // and fail since the pointer is over us
                        // instead:
                        ptr.evt = POINTER_INFO.INPUT_EVENT.MOVE;
                        ptr.evt = POINTER_INFO.INPUT_EVENT.RELEASE;

Пример #49
    // Get raw makes it stop really fast, without a slope
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // Quit game function
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

        // Setting the position for the camera with and without the screenshake.
        if (cameraShake)
            mainCamera.transform.position = new Vector3((transform.position.x - shakeAmount) + Random.Range(0, shakeAmount * 2), transform.position.y + 15, ((transform.position.z - shakeAmount) + Random.Range(0, shakeAmount * 2)) - 4);
            //shake -= Time.deltaTime * decreaseFactor;

        if (!cameraShake)
            mainCamera.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 15, transform.position.z - 4);

        // Moving around with the traditional keys

        moveInput = new Vector3(Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal"), 0f, Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical"));

        // Setting running controls
        if (running)
            moveVelocity = moveInput * moveSpeed * 1.5f;

        if (!running)
            moveVelocity = moveInput * moveSpeed;

        // Ray is a beam coming out of a point. The plane is a mathematical plane, not a physical object in the gameworld.
        // Rotating with the mouse below.

        if (!useController)
            Ray   cameraRay   = mainCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
            Plane groundPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);
            float rayLength;

            if (groundPlane.Raycast(cameraRay, out rayLength))
                Vector3 pointToLook = cameraRay.GetPoint(rayLength);
                //Debug.DrawLine(cameraRay.origin, pointToLook, Color.blue);

                transform.LookAt(new Vector3(pointToLook.x, transform.position.y, pointToLook.z));

            // Mouse button 0 is left, 1 is right, 2 is middle.
            if (Input.GetAxis("Fire1") > 0)
                theGun.isFiring = true;

            if (Input.GetAxis("Fire1") <= 0)
                theGun.isFiring = false;

            // Running controls
            if (Input.GetAxis("Run") > 0)
                running = true;

            if (Input.GetAxis("Run") <= 0)
                running = false;

            // Jumping controls
            if (Input.GetAxis("Jump") > 0 && jumpCooldown <= 0 && Input.GetAxis("Jetpack") <= 0)
                transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 0.5f, transform.position.z);
                jumpThrust        += 1f;
                jumpCooldown      += 0.8f;

            if (jumpThrust > 0)
                transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 0.4f, transform.position.z);
                jumpThrust        -= Time.deltaTime * 7;

            if (jumpCooldown > 0)
                jumpCooldown -= Time.deltaTime;

            // Jumping controls
            if (Input.GetAxis("Jetpack") > 0)
                transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 0.3f, transform.position.z);

        // Includes the Shake amount set for camera.
        if (theGun.isFiring)
            cameraShake = true;

        if (!theGun.isFiring)
            cameraShake = false;

        // Rotate with a controller.
        if (useController)
            Vector3 playerDirection = Vector3.right * Input.GetAxisRaw("RHorizontal") + Vector3.forward * -Input.GetAxisRaw("RVertical");

            if (playerDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0.0f)
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(playerDirection, Vector3.up);

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Joystick1Button5))
                theGun.isFiring = true;

            if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Joystick1Button5))
                theGun.isFiring = false;
Пример #50
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for an IfcHalfSpaceSolid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The shape edit scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        /// <returns>A list containing one geometry for the IfcHalfSpaceSolid.</returns>
        protected virtual IList <GeometryObject> CreateGeometryInternal(
            IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform unscaledLcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            IFCPlane ifcPlane = BaseSurface as IFCPlane;
            Plane    plane    = ifcPlane.Plane;
            XYZ      origin   = plane.Origin;
            XYZ      xVec     = plane.XVec;
            XYZ      yVec     = plane.YVec;

            // Set some huge boundaries for now.
            const double largeCoordinateValue = 100000;

            XYZ[] corners = new XYZ[4] {
                unscaledLcs.OfPoint((xVec * -largeCoordinateValue) + (yVec * -largeCoordinateValue) + origin),
                unscaledLcs.OfPoint((xVec * largeCoordinateValue) + (yVec * -largeCoordinateValue) + origin),
                unscaledLcs.OfPoint((xVec * largeCoordinateValue) + (yVec * largeCoordinateValue) + origin),
                unscaledLcs.OfPoint((xVec * -largeCoordinateValue) + (yVec * largeCoordinateValue) + origin)

            IList <CurveLoop> loops = new List <CurveLoop>();
            CurveLoop         loop  = new CurveLoop();

            for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++)
                if (AgreementFlag)
                    loop.Append(Line.CreateBound(corners[(5 - ii) % 4], corners[(4 - ii) % 4]));
                    loop.Append(Line.CreateBound(corners[ii], corners[(ii + 1) % 4]));

            XYZ          normal       = unscaledLcs.OfVector(AgreementFlag ? -plane.Normal : plane.Normal);
            SolidOptions solidOptions = new SolidOptions(GetMaterialElementId(shapeEditScope), shapeEditScope.GraphicsStyleId);
            Solid        baseSolid    = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry(loops, normal, largeCoordinateValue, solidOptions);

            if (BaseBoundingCurve != null)
                CurveLoop polygonalBoundary = BaseBoundingCurve.CurveLoop;

                Transform unscaledTotalTransform = unscaledLcs.Multiply(BaseBoundingCurveTransform);
                Transform scaledTotalTransform   = scaledLcs.Multiply(BaseBoundingCurveTransform);

                // Make sure this bounding polygon extends below base of half-space soild.
                Transform moveBaseTransform = Transform.Identity;
                moveBaseTransform.Origin = new XYZ(0, 0, -largeCoordinateValue);

                unscaledTotalTransform = unscaledTotalTransform.Multiply(moveBaseTransform);
                scaledTotalTransform   = scaledTotalTransform.Multiply(moveBaseTransform);

                CurveLoop         transformedPolygonalBoundary = IFCGeometryUtil.CreateTransformed(polygonalBoundary, Id, unscaledTotalTransform, scaledTotalTransform);
                IList <CurveLoop> boundingLoops = new List <CurveLoop>();

                Solid boundingSolid = GeometryCreationUtilities.CreateExtrusionGeometry(boundingLoops, unscaledTotalTransform.BasisZ, 2.0 * largeCoordinateValue,
                baseSolid = IFCGeometryUtil.ExecuteSafeBooleanOperation(Id, BaseBoundingCurve.Id, baseSolid, boundingSolid, BooleanOperationsType.Intersect, null);

            IList <GeometryObject> returnList = new List <GeometryObject>();

Пример #51
        protected virtual void CanvasRaycast(Ray ray, PointerEventData eventData)
            float         distance              = 0;
            float         closestDistance       = physicsHitDistance;
            RectTransform closestCanvasRect     = null;
            Plane         closestCanvasPlane    = new Plane();
            Vector3       closestIntersectPoint = Vector3.zero;

            foreach (var canvas in CanvasTracker.GetCanvasSet(EventMask.value))
                if (!canvas.canvas)

                Plane canvasPlane = new Plane(canvas.worldCorners[1], canvas.worldCorners[2], canvas.worldCorners[3]);

                if (ignoreReversedGraphics && !canvasPlane.GetSide(transform.position))

                if (canvasPlane.Raycast(ray, out distance))
                    Vector3 intersectionPoint   = transform.position + transform.forward * distance;
                    Vector3 localIntersectPoint = canvas.canvasRect.InverseTransformPoint(intersectionPoint);

                    if (canvas.canvasRect.rect.Contains(localIntersectPoint) && distance < closestDistance)
                        closestDistance       = distance;
                        closestCanvasRect     = canvas.canvasRect;
                        closestCanvasPlane    = canvasPlane;
                        closestIntersectPoint = intersectionPoint;

            // We've determined the closest Canvas we're pointing at, if any. Check graphic compponents for hits.

            if (closestCanvasRect != null)
                var canvas = closestCanvasRect.GetComponent <Canvas>();

                if (graphicsToAppend == null)
                    graphicsToAppend = new List <Graphic>();

                graphicsToAppend = GraphicRegistry.GetGraphicsForCanvas(canvas).ToList()
                                   .Where(graphic => graphic.depth > -1 &&
                                          graphic.raycastTarget &&
                                          graphic.isActiveAndEnabled &&
                                   .OrderByDescending(graphic => graphic.depth)

                foreach (Graphic graphic in graphicsToAppend)
                    var castResult = new RaycastResult
                        gameObject     = graphic.gameObject,
                        module         = this,
                        distance       = closestDistance,
                        screenPosition = graphic.transform.InverseTransformPoint(closestIntersectPoint),
                        index          = raycastHits.Count,
                        depth          = graphic.depth,
                        sortingLayer   = canvas.sortingLayerID,
                        sortingOrder   = canvas.sortingOrder,
                        worldPosition  = closestIntersectPoint,
                        worldNormal    = closestCanvasPlane.normal

Пример #52
 override public void Load(System.IO.Stream fs, Plane sblock)
     base.Load(fs, sblock);
     lodgersCount = (byte)fs.ReadByte();
Пример #53
 private Plane PrepareBottomPlane()
     bottomPlane = new Plane(this, MeshType.Quad, ResourceType.CONCRETE_ID, Block.DOWN_FACE_INDEX, 0);
Пример #54
        // Returns 'true' if the OBB intersects (or is inside) the frustum, 'false' otherwise.
        public static bool Overlap(OrientedBBox obb, Frustum frustum, int numPlanes, int numCorners)
            bool overlap = true;

            // Test the OBB against frustum planes. Frustum planes are inward-facing.
            // The OBB is outside if it's entirely behind one of the frustum planes.
            // See "Real-Time Rendering", 3rd Edition, 16.10.2.
            for (int i = 0; overlap && i < numPlanes; i++)
                Vector3 n = frustum.planes[i].normal;
                float   d = frustum.planes[i].distance;

                // Max projection of the half-diagonal onto the normal (always positive).
                float maxHalfDiagProj = obb.extentX * Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(n, obb.right))
                                        + obb.extentY * Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(n, obb.up))
                                        + obb.extentZ * Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(n, obb.forward));

                // Positive distance -> center in front of the plane.
                // Negative distance -> center behind the plane (outside).
                float centerToPlaneDist = Vector3.Dot(n, obb.center) + d;

                // outside = maxHalfDiagProj < -centerToPlaneDist
                // outside = maxHalfDiagProj + centerToPlaneDist < 0
                // overlap = overlap && !outside
                overlap = overlap && (maxHalfDiagProj + centerToPlaneDist >= 0);

            if (numCorners == 0)

            // Test the frustum corners against OBB planes. The OBB planes are outward-facing.
            // The frustum is outside if all of its corners are entirely in front of one of the OBB planes.
            // See "Correct Frustum Culling" by Inigo Quilez.
            // We can exploit the symmetry of the box by only testing against 3 planes rather than 6.
            Plane[] planes = new Plane[3];

            planes[0].normal   = obb.right;
            planes[0].distance = obb.extentX;
            planes[1].normal   = obb.up;
            planes[1].distance = obb.extentY;
            planes[2].normal   = obb.forward;
            planes[2].distance = obb.extentZ;

            for (int i = 0; overlap && i < 3; i++)
                Plane plane = planes[i];

                // We need a separate counter for the "box fully inside frustum" case.
                bool outsidePos = true; // Positive normal
                bool outsideNeg = true; // Reversed normal

                // Merge 2 loops. Continue as long as all points are outside either plane.
                for (int j = 0; j < numCorners; j++)
                    float proj = Vector3.Dot(plane.normal, frustum.corners[j] - obb.center);
                    outsidePos = outsidePos && (proj > plane.distance);
                    outsideNeg = outsideNeg && (-proj > plane.distance);

                overlap = overlap && !(outsidePos || outsideNeg);

Пример #55
    public void Cut(Plane cutPlane)
        int avoidInfCount = 0;

        Vector3 p1, p2, p3;
        bool    p1Bool, p2Bool, p3Bool;
        //カットした後の2つのオブジェクトに対応するuv,vertices, triangles, normals
        var uvs1       = new List <Vector2>();
        var uvs2       = new List <Vector2>();
        var vertices1  = new List <Vector3>();
        var vertices2  = new List <Vector3>();
        var triangles1 = new List <int>();
        var triangles2 = new List <int>();
        var normals1   = new List <Vector3>();
        var normals2   = new List <Vector3>();
        var crossVertices = new List <Vector3>();
        int numLimit      = 3000;


        for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i += 3)
            if (bool2)
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    vertices1.Add(vertices[triangles[i + k]]);
                    triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);
                p1 = vertices[triangles[i]];
                p2 = vertices[triangles[i + 1]];
                p3 = vertices[triangles[i + 2]];

                p1Bool = cutPlane.GetSide(p1);
                p2Bool = cutPlane.GetSide(p2);
                p3Bool = cutPlane.GetSide(p3);

                if (p1Bool && p2Bool && p3Bool)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                        vertices1.Add(vertices[triangles[i + k]]);
                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);
                else if (!p1Bool && !p2Bool && !p3Bool)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                        vertices2.Add(vertices[triangles[i + k]]);
                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);
                    Vector3 p, c1, c2;
                    int     n1, n2, n3;
                    if ((p1Bool && !p2Bool && !p3Bool) || (!p1Bool && p2Bool && p3Bool))
                        p  = p1;
                        c1 = p2;
                        c2 = p3;
                        n1 = 0;
                        n2 = 1;
                        n3 = 2;
                    else if ((!p1Bool && p2Bool && !p3Bool) || (p1Bool && !p2Bool && p3Bool))
                        p  = p2;
                        c1 = p3;
                        c2 = p1;
                        n1 = 1;
                        n2 = 2;
                        n3 = 0;
                        p  = p3;
                        c1 = p1;
                        c2 = p2;
                        n1 = 2;
                        n2 = 0;
                        n3 = 1;

                    Vector3 cross1 = (p + (c1 - p) * (cutPlane.distance + Vector3.Dot(cutPlane.normal, p)) / Vector3.Dot(cutPlane.normal, p - c1));
                    Vector3 cross2 = (p + (c2 - p) * (cutPlane.distance + Vector3.Dot(cutPlane.normal, p)) / Vector3.Dot(cutPlane.normal, p - c2));


                    if ((p1Bool && !p2Bool && !p3Bool) || (!p1Bool && p2Bool && !p3Bool) || (!p1Bool && !p2Bool && p3Bool))
                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);

                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);

                        vertices1.Add(vertices[triangles[i + n1]]);
                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);

                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);

                        vertices2.Add(vertices[triangles[i + n2]]);
                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);

                        vertices2.Add(vertices[triangles[i + n3]]);
                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);

                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);

                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);

                        vertices2.Add(vertices[triangles[i + n2]]);
                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);
                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);

                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);

                        vertices2.Add(vertices[triangles[i + n1]]);
                        triangles2.Add(vertices2.Count - 1);

                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);

                        vertices1.Add(vertices[triangles[i + n2]]);
                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);

                        vertices1.Add(vertices[triangles[i + n3]]);
                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);

                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);

                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);

                        vertices1.Add(vertices[triangles[i + n2]]);
                        triangles1.Add(vertices1.Count - 1);
        for (int i = 0; i < crossVertices.Count; i++)
            Instantiate(point, crossVertices[i], Quaternion.identity);

        var verticeIndices = new List <int>();
        var pVertices      = new List <Vector3>();
        var pNormals       = new List <Vector3>();
        var pUvs           = new List <Vector2>();

        //Debug.Log ("-------");
        int numCur = 10;


        for (int i = 0; i < vertices1.Count; i += 3)
            uvs1.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));
            uvs1.Add(new Vector2(0, 1));
            uvs1.Add(new Vector2(1, 0));
            normals1.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, -1).normalized);
            normals1.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, -1).normalized);
            normals1.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, -1).normalized);

        for (int i = 0; i < vertices2.Count; i += 3)
            uvs2.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));
            uvs2.Add(new Vector2(0, 1));
            uvs2.Add(new Vector2(1, 0));
            normals2.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, -1).normalized);
            normals2.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, -1).normalized);
            normals2.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, -1).normalized);

        if (bool1)
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices1.Count; i += 3)
                for (int j = i + 3; j < vertices1.Count; j += 3)
                    //	Debug.Log(Vector3.Dot (Vector3.Cross (vertices1 [i + 1] - vertices1 [i], vertices1 [i + 1] - vertices1 [i + 2]).normalized, Vector3.Cross (vertices1 [j + 1] - vertices1 [j], vertices1 [j + 1] - vertices1 [j + 2]).normalized));
                    //	Debug.Log(Vector3.Dot (Vector3.Cross (vertices1 [i + 1] - vertices1 [i], vertices1 [i +2] - vertices1 [i + 1]).normalized, Vector3.Cross (vertices1 [j + 1] - vertices1 [j], vertices1 [j + 2] - vertices1 [j + 1]).normalized));
                    //if (Vector3.Dot (Vector3.Cross ((10^numCur)*vertices1 [i + 1] - (10^numCur)*vertices1 [i],  (10^numCur)*vertices1 [i + 2]-(10^numCur)*vertices1 [i + 1]).normalized, Vector3.Cross ((10^numCur)*vertices1 [j + 1] - (10^numCur)*vertices1 [j],  (10^numCur)*vertices1 [j + 2]-(10^numCur)*vertices1 [j + 1] ).normalized)>1-delta2) {
                    //if (Vector3.Dot (Vector3.Cross (vertices1 [i + 1] - vertices1 [i], vertices1 [i +2] - vertices1 [i + 1]).normalized, Vector3.Cross (vertices1 [j + 1] - vertices1 [j], vertices1 [j + 2] - vertices1 [j + 1]).normalized)>1-delta2) {
                    if (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross((numCur) * vertices1[i + 1] - (numCur) * vertices1[i], (numCur) * vertices1[i + 2] - (numCur) * vertices1[i + 1]).normalized, Vector3.Cross((numCur) * vertices1[j + 1] - (numCur) * vertices1[j], (numCur) * vertices1[j + 2] - (numCur) * vertices1[j + 1]).normalized) > 1 - delta2)
                    if (j == vertices1.Count - 3)
                        if (verticeIndices.Count > 1)
                            for (int k = 0; k < verticeIndices.Count; k++)
                                for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                                    pVertices.Add(vertices1[verticeIndices[k] + l]);
                                    pNormals.Add(normals1[verticeIndices[k] + l]);
                                    pUvs.Add(uvs1[verticeIndices[k] + l]);

                                    pVertices.Add(vertices1[verticeIndices[k] + numRep(l + 1)]);
                                    pNormals.Add(normals1[verticeIndices[k] + numRep(l + 1)]);
                                    pUvs.Add(uvs1[verticeIndices[k] + numRep(l + 1)]);

                        for (int k = 0; k < pVertices.Count; k += 2)
                            for (int l = k + 2; l < pVertices.Count; l += 2)
                                if (((pVertices[l + 1] - pVertices[k]).magnitude < delta) && ((pVertices[l] - pVertices[k + 1]).magnitude < delta))
                                    pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                    pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                    pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                    pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                    pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                    pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                    k -= 2;


                                    if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)

                        for (int l = 0; l < pVertices.Count; l += 2)
                            for (int k = l + 2; k < pVertices.Count; k += 2)
                                if (Vector3.Dot(((numCur) * pVertices[l] - (numCur) * pVertices[l + 1]).normalized, ((numCur) * pVertices[k] - (numCur) * pVertices[k + 1]).normalized) > 1 - delta2)
                                    if ((pVertices[l + 1] - pVertices[k]).magnitude < delta)
                                        //Debug.Log ("1done");

                                        pVertices.Add(pVertices[k + 1]);
                                        pNormals.Add(pNormals[k + 1]);
                                        pUvs.Add(pUvs[k + 1]);

                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);

                                        l -= 2;
                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                    else if ((pVertices[l] - pVertices[k + 1]).magnitude < delta)
                                        //	Debug.Log ("2done");
                                        pVertices.Add(pVertices[l + 1]);
                                        pNormals.Add(pNormals[l + 1]);
                                        pUvs.Add(pUvs[l + 1]);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);

                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                        l -= 2;
                                    else if ((pVertices[l + 1] - pVertices[k + 1]).magnitude < delta)
                                        //	Debug.Log ("3done");
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);

                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                        l -= 2;
                                    else if ((pVertices[l] - pVertices[k]).magnitude < delta)
                                        //		Debug.Log ("4done");
                                        pVertices.Add(pVertices[k + 1]);
                                        pVertices.Add(pVertices[l + 1]);
                                        pNormals.Add(pNormals[k + 1]);
                                        pNormals.Add(pNormals[l + 1]);
                                        pUvs.Add(pUvs[k + 1]);
                                        pUvs.Add(pUvs[l + 1]);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        l -= 2;
                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)

                        for (int k = 0; k < pVertices.Count; k++)
                            for (int l = k + 1; l < pVertices.Count; l++)
                                if ((pVertices[k] - pVertices[l]).magnitude < delta)
                                    if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)

                        for (int k = 2; k < pVertices.Count; k++)
                            for (int l = k + 1; l < pVertices.Count; l++)
                                if (System.Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot((pVertices[0] - pVertices[1]).normalized, (pVertices[0] - pVertices[k]).normalized)) >= System.Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot((pVertices[0] - pVertices[1]).normalized, (pVertices[0] - pVertices[l]).normalized)))
                                    if (System.Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot((pVertices[0] - pVertices[1]).normalized, (pVertices[0] - pVertices[k]).normalized)) == System.Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot((pVertices[0] - pVertices[1]).normalized, (pVertices[0] - pVertices[l]).normalized)))
                                        if ((pVertices[0] - pVertices[k]).magnitude > (pVertices[0] - pVertices[l]).magnitude)
                                            pVertices.Insert(0, pVertices[l]);
                                            pVertices.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                            pNormals.Insert(0, pNormals[l]);
                                            pNormals.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                            pUvs.Insert(0, pUvs[l]);
                                            pUvs.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                            pVertices.Insert(0, pVertices[k]);
                                            pVertices.RemoveAt(k + 1);
                                            pNormals.Insert(0, pNormals[k]);
                                            pNormals.RemoveAt(k + 1);
                                            pUvs.Insert(0, pUvs[k]);
                                            pUvs.RemoveAt(k + 1);

                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                            avoidInfCount = 0;
                                        k = 1;

                                    pVertices.Insert(k, pVertices[l]);
                                    pVertices.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                    pNormals.Insert(k, pNormals[l]);
                                    pNormals.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                    pUvs.Insert(k, pUvs[l]);
                                    pUvs.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                    if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                        avoidInfCount = 0;

                                    k = 1;

                        Debug.Log("	pVertices.Count");
                        for (int k = 1; k < pVertices.Count - 1; k++)
                            vertices1.Insert(0, pVertices[0]);
                            normals1.Insert(0, pNormals[0]);
                            uvs1.Insert(0, pUvs[0]);
                            triangles1.Insert(0, (pVertices.Count - 2) * 3 - (3 * k));

                            vertices1.Insert(1, pVertices[k]);
                            normals1.Insert(1, pNormals[k]);
                            uvs1.Insert(1, pUvs[k]);
                            triangles1.Insert(1, (pVertices.Count - 2) * 3 - (3 * k - 1));

                            vertices1.Insert(2, pVertices[k + 1]);
                            normals1.Insert(2, pNormals[k + 1]);
                            uvs1.Insert(2, pUvs[k + 1]);
                            triangles1.Insert(2, (pVertices.Count - 2) * 3 - (3 * k - 2));

                            if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                        //	古い三角形を消す
                        for (int k = verticeIndices.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                            vertices1.RemoveRange(verticeIndices[k] + 3 * (pVertices.Count - 2), 3);
                            normals1.RemoveRange(verticeIndices[k] + 3 * (pVertices.Count - 2), 3);
                            uvs1.RemoveRange(verticeIndices[k] + 3 * (pVertices.Count - 2), 3);
                            triangles1.RemoveRange(verticeIndices[k] + 3 * (pVertices.Count - 2), 3);
                            if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)

                        for (int k = 0; k < triangles1.Count; k++)
                            triangles1[k] = k;
                            //Debug.Log (triangles1 [k]);

                        i = vertices1.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices2.Count; i += 3)
                for (int j = i + 3; j < vertices2.Count; j += 3)
                    //	Debug.Log(Vector3.Dot (Vector3.Cross (vertices2 [i + 1] - vertices2 [i], vertices2 [i + 1] - vertices2 [i + 2]).normalized, Vector3.Cross (vertices2 [j + 1] - vertices2 [j], vertices2 [j + 1] - vertices2 [j + 2]).normalized));
                    //	Debug.Log(Vector3.Dot (Vector3.Cross (vertices2 [i + 1] - vertices2 [i], vertices2 [i +2] - vertices2 [i + 1]).normalized, Vector3.Cross (vertices2 [j + 1] - vertices2 [j], vertices2 [j + 2] - vertices2 [j + 1]).normalized));
                    //if (Vector3.Dot (Vector3.Cross ((10^numCur)*vertices2 [i + 1] - (10^numCur)*vertices2 [i],  (10^numCur)*vertices2 [i + 2]-(10^numCur)*vertices2 [i + 1]).normalized, Vector3.Cross ((10^numCur)*vertices2 [j + 1] - (10^numCur)*vertices2 [j],  (10^numCur)*vertices2 [j + 2]-(10^numCur)*vertices2 [j + 1] ).normalized)>1-delta2) {
                    //if (Vector3.Dot (Vector3.Cross (vertices2 [i + 1] - vertices2 [i], vertices2 [i +2] - vertices2 [i + 1]).normalized, Vector3.Cross (vertices2 [j + 1] - vertices2 [j], vertices2 [j + 2] - vertices2 [j + 1]).normalized)>1-delta2) {
                    if (Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross((numCur) * vertices2[i + 1] - (numCur) * vertices2[i], (numCur) * vertices2[i + 2] - (numCur) * vertices2[i + 1]).normalized, Vector3.Cross((numCur) * vertices2[j + 1] - (numCur) * vertices2[j], (numCur) * vertices2[j + 2] - (numCur) * vertices2[j + 1]).normalized) > 1 - delta2)
                    if (j == vertices2.Count - 3)
                        if (verticeIndices.Count > 1)
                            for (int k = 0; k < verticeIndices.Count; k++)
                                for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
                                    pVertices.Add(vertices2[verticeIndices[k] + l]);
                                    pNormals.Add(normals2[verticeIndices[k] + l]);
                                    pUvs.Add(uvs2[verticeIndices[k] + l]);

                                    pVertices.Add(vertices2[verticeIndices[k] + numRep(l + 1)]);
                                    pNormals.Add(normals2[verticeIndices[k] + numRep(l + 1)]);
                                    pUvs.Add(uvs2[verticeIndices[k] + numRep(l + 1)]);

                        for (int k = 0; k < pVertices.Count; k += 2)
                            for (int l = k + 2; l < pVertices.Count; l += 2)
                                if (((pVertices[l + 1] - pVertices[k]).magnitude < delta) && ((pVertices[l] - pVertices[k + 1]).magnitude < delta))
                                    pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                    pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                    pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                    pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                    pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                    pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                    k -= 2;


                                    if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)

                        for (int l = 0; l < pVertices.Count; l += 2)
                            for (int k = l + 2; k < pVertices.Count; k += 2)
                                if (Vector3.Dot(((numCur) * pVertices[l] - (numCur) * pVertices[l + 1]).normalized, ((numCur) * pVertices[k] - (numCur) * pVertices[k + 1]).normalized) > 1 - delta2)
                                    if ((pVertices[l + 1] - pVertices[k]).magnitude < delta)
                                        //Debug.Log ("1done");

                                        pVertices.Add(pVertices[k + 1]);
                                        pNormals.Add(pNormals[k + 1]);
                                        pUvs.Add(pUvs[k + 1]);

                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);

                                        l -= 2;
                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                    else if ((pVertices[l] - pVertices[k + 1]).magnitude < delta)
                                        //	Debug.Log ("2done");
                                        pVertices.Add(pVertices[l + 1]);
                                        pNormals.Add(pNormals[l + 1]);
                                        pUvs.Add(pUvs[l + 1]);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);

                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                        l -= 2;
                                    else if ((pVertices[l + 1] - pVertices[k + 1]).magnitude < delta)
                                        //	Debug.Log ("3done");
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);

                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                        l -= 2;
                                    else if ((pVertices[l] - pVertices[k]).magnitude < delta)
                                        //		Debug.Log ("4done");
                                        pVertices.Add(pVertices[k + 1]);
                                        pVertices.Add(pVertices[l + 1]);
                                        pNormals.Add(pNormals[k + 1]);
                                        pNormals.Add(pNormals[l + 1]);
                                        pUvs.Add(pUvs[k + 1]);
                                        pUvs.Add(pUvs[l + 1]);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pVertices.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pNormals.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(k, 2);
                                        pUvs.RemoveRange(l, 2);
                                        l -= 2;
                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)

                        for (int k = 0; k < pVertices.Count; k++)
                            for (int l = k + 1; l < pVertices.Count; l++)
                                if ((pVertices[k] - pVertices[l]).magnitude < delta)
                                    if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)

                        for (int k = 2; k < pVertices.Count; k++)
                            for (int l = k + 1; l < pVertices.Count; l++)
                                if (System.Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot((pVertices[0] - pVertices[1]).normalized, (pVertices[0] - pVertices[k]).normalized)) >= System.Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot((pVertices[0] - pVertices[1]).normalized, (pVertices[0] - pVertices[l]).normalized)))
                                    if (System.Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot((pVertices[0] - pVertices[1]).normalized, (pVertices[0] - pVertices[k]).normalized)) == System.Math.Acos(Vector3.Dot((pVertices[0] - pVertices[1]).normalized, (pVertices[0] - pVertices[l]).normalized)))
                                        if ((pVertices[0] - pVertices[k]).magnitude > (pVertices[0] - pVertices[l]).magnitude)
                                            pVertices.Insert(0, pVertices[l]);
                                            pVertices.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                            pNormals.Insert(0, pNormals[l]);
                                            pNormals.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                            pUvs.Insert(0, pUvs[l]);
                                            pUvs.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                            pVertices.Insert(0, pVertices[k]);
                                            pVertices.RemoveAt(k + 1);
                                            pNormals.Insert(0, pNormals[k]);
                                            pNormals.RemoveAt(k + 1);
                                            pUvs.Insert(0, pUvs[k]);
                                            pUvs.RemoveAt(k + 1);

                                        if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                            avoidInfCount = 0;
                                        k = 1;

                                    pVertices.Insert(k, pVertices[l]);
                                    pVertices.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                    pNormals.Insert(k, pNormals[l]);
                                    pNormals.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                    pUvs.Insert(k, pUvs[l]);
                                    pUvs.RemoveAt(l + 1);
                                    if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                                        avoidInfCount = 0;

                                    k = 1;

                        Debug.Log("	pVertices.Count");
                        for (int k = 1; k < pVertices.Count - 1; k++)
                            vertices2.Insert(0, pVertices[0]);
                            normals2.Insert(0, pNormals[0]);
                            uvs2.Insert(0, pUvs[0]);
                            triangles2.Insert(0, (pVertices.Count - 2) * 3 - (3 * k));

                            vertices2.Insert(1, pVertices[k]);
                            normals2.Insert(1, pNormals[k]);
                            uvs2.Insert(1, pUvs[k]);
                            triangles2.Insert(1, (pVertices.Count - 2) * 3 - (3 * k - 1));

                            vertices2.Insert(2, pVertices[k + 1]);
                            normals2.Insert(2, pNormals[k + 1]);
                            uvs2.Insert(2, pUvs[k + 1]);
                            triangles2.Insert(2, (pVertices.Count - 2) * 3 - (3 * k - 2));

                            if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)
                        //	古い三角形を消す
                        for (int k = verticeIndices.Count - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                            vertices2.RemoveRange(verticeIndices[k] + 3 * (pVertices.Count - 2), 3);
                            normals2.RemoveRange(verticeIndices[k] + 3 * (pVertices.Count - 2), 3);
                            uvs2.RemoveRange(verticeIndices[k] + 3 * (pVertices.Count - 2), 3);
                            triangles2.RemoveRange(verticeIndices[k] + 3 * (pVertices.Count - 2), 3);
                            if (avoidInfCount > numLimit)

                        for (int k = 0; k < triangles2.Count; k++)
                            triangles2[k] = k;
                            //Debug.Log (triangles2 [k]);

                        i = vertices2.Count;


        for (int i = 0; i < vertices1.Count; i += 3)
            uvs1.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));
            uvs1.Add(new Vector2(0, 1));
            uvs1.Add(new Vector2(1, 0));

        for (int i = 0; i < vertices2.Count; i += 3)
            uvs2.Add(new Vector2(0, 0));
            uvs2.Add(new Vector2(0, 1));
            uvs2.Add(new Vector2(1, 0));

        GameObject obj  = new GameObject("cut obj", typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer));
        var        mesh = new Mesh();

        mesh.vertices  = vertices1.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = triangles1.ToArray();
        mesh.uv        = uvs1.ToArray();
        mesh.normals   = normals1.ToArray();
        obj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh        = mesh;
        obj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials;
        obj.tag = "obj";

        GameObject obj2  = new GameObject("cut obj", typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer));
        var        mesh2 = new Mesh();

        mesh2.vertices  = vertices2.ToArray();
        mesh2.triangles = triangles2.ToArray();
        mesh2.uv        = uvs2.ToArray();
        mesh2.normals   = normals2.ToArray();
        obj2.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh        = mesh2;
        obj2.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().materials;
        obj2.tag = "obj";
        // obj.transform.position = transform.position;
        // obj.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
        // obj.transform.localScale = transform.localScale;
        // //	obj.GetComponent<MeshCut>().Start();

        // GameObject obj2 = new GameObject ("cut obj", typeof(MeshFilter), typeof(MeshRenderer), typeof(MeshCollider), typeof(Rigidbody), typeof(MeshCut));

        // var mesh2 = new Mesh ();
        // mesh2.vertices = vertices2.ToArray ();
        // mesh2.triangles = triangles2.ToArray ();
        // mesh2.uv = uvs2.ToArray ();
        // mesh2.normals = normals2.ToArray ();
        // obj2.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh = mesh2;
        // obj2.GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().materials = GetComponent<MeshRenderer> ().materials;
        // obj2.GetComponent<MeshCollider> ().sharedMesh = mesh2;
        // obj2.GetComponent<MeshCollider> ().inflateMesh = true;
        // obj2.GetComponent<MeshCollider> ().skinWidth = skinWidth;
        // obj2.GetComponent<MeshCollider> ().convex = true;
        // obj2.GetComponent<MeshCollider> ().material = GetComponent<Collider> ().material;
        // obj2.transform.position = transform.position;
        // obj2.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
        // obj2.transform.localScale = transform.localScale;
        // obj2.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().velocity = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().velocity;
        // obj2.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().angularVelocity = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().angularVelocity;
        // obj2.GetComponent<MeshCut> ().skinWidth = skinWidth;
        // obj2.tag = "obj";
        // //	obj2.GetComponent<MeshCut>().Start();

        //Destroy (gameObject);
Пример #56
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the Tagalong needs to move based on the provided
        /// position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fromPosition">Where the Tagalong is.</param>
        /// <param name="toPosition">Where the Tagalong needs to go.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the Tagalong needs to move to satisfy requirements; false otherwise.</returns>
        protected virtual bool CalculateTagalongTargetPosition(Vector3 fromPosition, out Vector3 toPosition)
            // Check to see if any part of the Tagalong's BoxCollider's bounds is
            // inside the camera's view frustum. Note, the bounds used are an Axis
            // Aligned Bounding Box (AABB).
            bool      needsToMove     = !GeometryUtility.TestPlanesAABB(frustumPlanes, tagalongCollider.bounds);
            Transform cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform;

            // If we already know we don't need to move, bail out early.
            if (!needsToMove)
                toPosition = fromPosition;

            // Calculate a default position where the Tagalong should go. In this
            // case TagalongDistance from the camera along the gaze vector.
            toPosition = cameraTransform.position + cameraTransform.forward * TagalongDistance;

            // Create a Ray and set it's origin to be the default toPosition that
            // was calculated above.
            Ray   ray            = new Ray(toPosition, Vector3.zero);
            Plane plane          = new Plane();
            float distanceOffset = 0f;

            // Determine if the Tagalong needs to move to the right or the left
            // to get back inside the camera's view frustum. The normals of the
            // planes that make up the camera's view frustum point inward.
            bool moveRight = frustumPlanes[frustumLeft].GetDistanceToPoint(fromPosition) < 0;
            bool moveLeft  = frustumPlanes[frustumRight].GetDistanceToPoint(fromPosition) < 0;

            if (moveRight)
                // If the Tagalong needs to move to the right, that means it is to
                // the left of the left frustum plane. Remember that plane and set
                // our Ray's direction to point towards that plane (remember the
                // Ray's origin is already inside the view frustum.
                plane         = frustumPlanes[frustumLeft];
                ray.direction = -cameraTransform.right;
            else if (moveLeft)
                // Apply similar logic to above for the case where the Tagalong
                // needs to move to the left.
                plane         = frustumPlanes[frustumRight];
                ray.direction = cameraTransform.right;
            if (moveRight || moveLeft)
                // If the Tagalong needed to move in the X direction, cast a Ray
                // from the default position to the plane we are working with.
                plane.Raycast(ray, out distanceOffset);

                // Get the point along that ray that is on the plane and update
                // the x component of the Tagalong's desired position.
                toPosition.x = ray.GetPoint(distanceOffset).x;

            // Similar logic follows below for determining if and how the
            // Tagalong would need to move up or down.
            bool moveDown = frustumPlanes[frustumTop].GetDistanceToPoint(fromPosition) < 0;
            bool moveUp   = frustumPlanes[frustumBottom].GetDistanceToPoint(fromPosition) < 0;

            if (moveDown)
                plane         = frustumPlanes[frustumTop];
                ray.direction = cameraTransform.up;
            else if (moveUp)
                plane         = frustumPlanes[frustumBottom];
                ray.direction = -cameraTransform.up;
            if (moveUp || moveDown)
                plane.Raycast(ray, out distanceOffset);
                toPosition.y = ray.GetPoint(distanceOffset).y;

            // Create a ray that starts at the camera and points in the direction
            // of the calculated toPosition.
            ray = new Ray(cameraTransform.position, toPosition - cameraTransform.position);

            // Find the point along that ray that is the right distance away and
            // update the calculated toPosition to be that point.
            toPosition = ray.GetPoint(TagalongDistance);

            // If we got here, needsToMove will be true.
Пример #57
 public CirTri(Plane basePlane, double r, Boolean Mirr)
     Radius    = r;
     BasePlane = basePlane;
     Mirror    = Mirr;
 private void Awake()
     groundPlane = new Plane(Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);
     parent      = GetComponent <Player>();
Пример #59

        public static Plane Transform(this Plane plane, TransformMatrix transform)
            return(new Plane {
                Origin = plane.Origin.Transform(transform), Normal = plane.Normal.Transform(transform).Normalise()