Пример #1
		public void CreateFromWithVersionIgnored()
			var store = new PhotoStore (new FSpotDatabaseConnection (database), true);
			var photoMock = PhotoMock.CreateWithVersion (uri, originalName, modifiedUri, modifiedName);

			var photo = store.CreateFrom (photoMock, true, 1);

			Assert.AreEqual (Catalog.GetString ("Original"), photo.DefaultVersion.Name);
			Assert.AreEqual (uri, photo.DefaultVersion.BaseUri);
			// CreateFrom ignores any versions except the default version
			Assert.AreEqual (1, photo.Versions.Count ());

			Assert.AreEqual (1, store.TotalPhotos);
Пример #2
		public void CreateFrom()
			var store = new PhotoStore (new FSpotDatabaseConnection (database), true);
			var photoMock = PhotoMock.Create (uri, originalName);

			var photo = store.CreateFrom (photoMock, true, 1);

			// default version name is ignored on import
			Assert.AreEqual (Catalog.GetString ("Original"), photo.DefaultVersion.Name);
			Assert.AreEqual (uri, photo.DefaultVersion.BaseUri);
			Assert.AreEqual (1, photo.Versions.Count ());

			Assert.AreEqual (1, store.TotalPhotos);
Пример #3
        void ImportPhoto(IPhoto item, DbItem roll)
            if (item is IInvalidPhotoCheck && (item as IInvalidPhotoCheck).IsInvalid)
                throw new Exception("Failed to parse metadata, probably not a photo");

            // Do duplicate detection
            if (DuplicateDetect && store.HasDuplicate(item))

            if (CopyFiles)
                var destinationBase = FindImportDestination(item, Global.PhotoUri);
                // Copy into photo folder.
                photo_file_tracker.CopyIfNeeded(item, destinationBase);

            // Import photo
            var photo = store.CreateFrom(item, false, roll.Id);

            bool needs_commit = false;

            // Add tags
            if (attach_tags.Count > 0)
                needs_commit = true;

            // Import XMP metadata
            needs_commit |= metadata_importer.Import(photo, item);

            if (needs_commit)

            // Prepare thumbnail (Import is I/O bound anyway)
            ThumbnailLoader.Default.Request(item.DefaultVersion.Uri, ThumbnailSize.Large, 10);

Пример #4
        public void CreateFromWithVersionIgnored()
            var databaseConnection = new FSpotDatabaseConnection(database);
            var dbMock             = new Mock <IDb> ();

            dbMock.Setup(m => m.Database).Returns(databaseConnection);
            var store     = new PhotoStore(null, null, dbMock.Object, true);
            var photoMock = PhotoMock.CreateWithVersion(uri, originalName, modifiedUri, modifiedName);

            var photo = store.CreateFrom(photoMock, true, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(Strings.Original, photo.DefaultVersion.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(uri, photo.DefaultVersion.BaseUri);
            // CreateFrom ignores any versions except the default version
            Assert.AreEqual(1, photo.Versions.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, store.TotalPhotos);
Пример #5
        public void CreateFrom()
            var databaseConnection = new FSpotDatabaseConnection(database);
            var dbMock             = new Mock <IDb> ();

            dbMock.Setup(m => m.Database).Returns(databaseConnection);
            var store     = new PhotoStore(null, null, dbMock.Object, true);
            var photoMock = PhotoMock.Create(uri, originalName);

            var photo = store.CreateFrom(photoMock, true, 1);

            // default version name is ignored on import
            Assert.AreEqual(Strings.Original, photo.DefaultVersion.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(uri, photo.DefaultVersion.BaseUri);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, photo.Versions.Count());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, store.TotalPhotos);
Пример #6
        public void CreateFromWithVersionAdded()
            var databaseConnection = new FSpotDatabaseConnection(database);
            var dbMock             = new Mock <IDb> ();

            dbMock.Setup(m => m.Database).Returns(databaseConnection);
            var store     = new PhotoStore(null, null, dbMock.Object, true);
            var photoMock = PhotoMock.CreateWithVersion(uri, originalName, modifiedUri, modifiedName);

            var photo = store.CreateFrom(photoMock, false, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(modifiedName, photo.DefaultVersion.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(modifiedUri, photo.DefaultVersion.BaseUri);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, photo.Versions.Count());
            // version id 1 is the first photo added - the original photo
            Assert.AreEqual(originalName, photo.GetVersion(1).Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(uri, photo.GetVersion(1).BaseUri);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, store.TotalPhotos);
Пример #7
        public bool Execute(PhotoStore store, Photo photo, Gtk.Window parent_window)
            string ok_caption = Catalog.GetString("De_tach");
            string msg        = String.Format(Catalog.GetString("Really detach version \"{0}\" from \"{1}\"?"), photo.DefaultVersion.Name, photo.Name.Replace("_", "__"));
            string desc       = Catalog.GetString("This makes the version appear as a separate photo in the library. To undo, drag the new photo back to its parent.");

            try {
                if (ResponseType.Ok == HigMessageDialog.RunHigConfirmation(parent_window, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
                                                                           MessageType.Warning, msg, desc, ok_caption))
                    Photo new_photo = store.CreateFrom(photo, photo.RollId);
                    photo.DeleteVersion(photo.DefaultVersionId, false, true);
                    store.Commit(new Photo[] { new_photo, photo });
            } catch (Exception e) {
                HandleException("Could not detach a version", e, parent_window);
Пример #8
        public bool Execute(PhotoStore store, Photo photo, Gtk.Window parent_window)
            string ok_caption = Strings.DetachButton;
            string msg        = Strings.ReallyDetachVersionXFromYQuestion(photo.DefaultVersion.Name, photo.Name.Replace("_", "__"));
            string desc       = Strings.ThisMakesTheVersionAppearAsASeperatePhotoInTheLibraryToUndoDragTheNewPhotoBackToItsParent;

            try {
                if (ResponseType.Ok == HigMessageDialog.RunHigConfirmation(parent_window, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
                                                                           MessageType.Warning, msg, desc, ok_caption))
                    var new_photo = store.CreateFrom(photo, true, photo.RollId);
                    photo.DeleteVersion(photo.DefaultVersionId, false, true);
                    store.Commit(new Photo[] { new_photo, photo });
            } catch (Exception e) {
                HandleException("Could not detach a version", e, parent_window);
Пример #9
        void ImportPhoto(Photo photo, bool copy)
            Log.WarningFormat("Importing {0}", photo.Name);
            PhotoStore to_store = to_db.Photos;

            string photo_path = photo.VersionUri(Photo.OriginalVersionId).AbsolutePath;

            while (!System.IO.File.Exists(photo_path))
                Log.Debug("Not found, trying the mappings...");
                foreach (string key in PathMap.Keys)
                    string path = photo_path;
                    path = path.Replace(key, PathMap [key]);
                    Log.DebugFormat("Replaced path {0}", path);
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                        photo_path = path;

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(photo_path))

                string [] parts = photo_path.Split(new char[] { '/' });
                if (parts.Length > 6)
                    string           folder     = String.Join("/", parts, 0, parts.Length - 4);
                    PickFolderDialog pfd        = new PickFolderDialog(mdd.Dialog, folder);
                    string           new_folder = pfd.Run();
                    if (new_folder == null)                     //Skip
                    Log.DebugFormat("{0} maps to {1}", folder, new_folder);

                    PathMap[folder] = new_folder;
                    Log.Debug("point me to the file");
                Log.DebugFormat("FNF: {0}", photo_path);

            string destination;
            Photo  newp;

            if (copy)
                destination = FindImportDestination(new Hyena.SafeUri(photo_path), photo.Time).AbsolutePath;
                destination = photo_path;
            var dest_uri = new SafeUri(photo_path);

            photo.DefaultVersionId   = 1;
            photo.DefaultVersion.Uri = dest_uri;

            if (photo.DefaultVersion.ImportMD5 == String.Empty)
                (photo.DefaultVersion as PhotoVersion).ImportMD5 = HashUtils.GenerateMD5(photo.DefaultVersion.Uri);

            if (photo_path != destination)
                System.IO.File.Copy(photo_path, destination);

                try {
                    File.SetAttributes(destination, File.GetAttributes(destination) & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly);
                    DateTime create = File.GetCreationTime(photo_path);
                    File.SetCreationTime(destination, create);
                    DateTime mod = File.GetLastWriteTime(photo_path);
                    File.SetLastWriteTime(destination, mod);
                } catch (IOException) {
                    // we don't want an exception here to be fatal.

            //FIXME simplify the following code by letting CreateFrom import all versions
            //      instead of looping over all versions here
            newp = to_store.CreateFrom(photo, true, roll_map [photo.RollId]);

            if (newp == null)

            foreach (Tag t in photo.Tags)
                Log.WarningFormat("Tagging with {0}", t.Name);
                newp.AddTag(tag_map [t.Id]);

            foreach (uint version_id in photo.VersionIds)
                if (version_id != Photo.OriginalVersionId)
                    PhotoVersion version = photo.GetVersion(version_id) as PhotoVersion;
                    uint         newv    = newp.AddVersion(version.BaseUri, version.Filename, version.Name, version.IsProtected);
                    if (version_id == photo.DefaultVersionId)
                        newp.DefaultVersionId = newv;

            //FIXME Import extra info (time, description, rating)
            newp.Time        = photo.Time;
            newp.Description = photo.Description;
            newp.Rating      = photo.Rating;

 public bool Execute(PhotoStore store, Photo photo, Gtk.Window parent_window)
     string ok_caption = Catalog.GetString ("De_tach");
     string msg = String.Format (Catalog.GetString ("Really detach version \"{0}\" from \"{1}\"?"), photo.DefaultVersion.Name, photo.Name.Replace("_", "__"));
     string desc = Catalog.GetString ("This makes the version appear as a separate photo in the library. To undo, drag the new photo back to its parent.");
     try {
         if (ResponseType.Ok == HigMessageDialog.RunHigConfirmation(parent_window, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
                                MessageType.Warning, msg, desc, ok_caption)) {
             Photo new_photo = store.CreateFrom (photo, photo.RollId);
             new_photo.CopyAttributesFrom (photo);
             photo.DeleteVersion (photo.DefaultVersionId, false, true);
             store.Commit (new Photo[] {new_photo, photo});
             return true;
     } catch (Exception e) {
         HandleException ("Could not detach a version", e, parent_window);
     return false;
Пример #11
		public void CreateFromWithVersionAdded()
			var store = new PhotoStore (new FSpotDatabaseConnection (database), true);
			var photoMock = PhotoMock.CreateWithVersion (uri, originalName, modifiedUri, modifiedName);

			var photo = store.CreateFrom (photoMock, false, 1);

			Assert.AreEqual (modifiedName, photo.DefaultVersion.Name);
			Assert.AreEqual (modifiedUri, photo.DefaultVersion.BaseUri);
			Assert.AreEqual (2, photo.Versions.Count ());
			// version id 1 is the first photo added - the original photo
			Assert.AreEqual (originalName, photo.GetVersion(1).Name);
			Assert.AreEqual (uri, photo.GetVersion(1).BaseUri);

			Assert.AreEqual (1, store.TotalPhotos);