Пример #1
        public void importFile(string path, bool withNumbersOnly)
            /* Read the initial time. */
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            TextReader tr     = new StreamReader(path);
            string     output = "";
            int        count  = 0;

            //Get number of lines so we can update the progress bar
            output = tr.ReadLine();
            while (output != null)
                output = tr.ReadLine();
            //after "count" should be the total number of lines in the contacts file

            //display Progress Bar form
            loader.miLoaderProgress.Maximum = count;
            loader.miLoaderProgress.Step    = 1;

            // create reader & open file //tofix try catch
            tr = new StreamReader(path);

            // read a line of text
            output = tr.ReadLine();
            // set the header
            Regex regexAdditionals = new Regex(":::", RegexOptions.None);
            Regex regex            = new Regex(",", RegexOptions.None);

            string[] headers = regex.Split(output);
            // Next Line
            output = tr.ReadLine();

            ContactManager     contactManager = new ContactManager(_connectionString, _provider);
            PhoneNumberManager phoneManager   = new PhoneNumberManager(_connectionString, _provider);

            while (output != null)
                string name = "", email = "", numbers = "", desc = "";
                List <contactNumber> contactNumbers = new List <contactNumber>();

                //get the current line output
                string[] csv = regex.Split(output);

                for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++)
                    if (csv[i] != String.Empty)
                        if (headers[i] == "Name")
                            name = csv[i] + " ";
                        else if (headers[i].StartsWith("E-mail") && headers[i].EndsWith("Value"))
                            if (csv[i].Contains(":::"))
                                string[] splitEmails = regexAdditionals.Split(csv[i]);
                                foreach (string eAddress in splitEmails)
                                    email += eAddress + ", ";
                                email += csv[i];
                        //Phone numbers
                        else if ((headers[i].StartsWith("Phone")) && (headers[i].EndsWith("Type")))
                            if (csv[i + 1].Contains(":::"))
                                string[] splitNumbers = regexAdditionals.Split(csv[i + 1]);
                                foreach (string number in splitNumbers)
                                    if (csv[i] != String.Empty)
                                        contactNumbers.Add(new contactNumber(csv[i], number));
                                    numbers += " " + csv[i] + ": " + number;
                                if (csv[i] != String.Empty)
                                    contactNumbers.Add(new contactNumber(csv[i], csv[i + 1]));
                                numbers += " " + csv[i] + ": " + csv[i + 1];
                        //description info
                        else if ((headers[i] == "Organization 1 - Name") || (headers[i] == "Organization 1 - Title") || (headers[i] == "Notes"))
                            if (desc == String.Empty)
                                desc += csv[i];
                                desc += " - " + csv[i];

                //Clean the data
                name  = name.Trim().Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", "");
                desc  = desc.Trim().Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", "");
                email = email.Trim().Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", "");

                //Create a new Contact
                List <ValidationError> errors = new List <ValidationError>();

                // Add the contact into the database
                if ((!withNumbersOnly) || (contactNumbers.Count > 0))
                    errors = contactManager.AddContact(name, desc, email);

                //tofix throw errors


                foreach (contactNumber cont in contactNumbers)
                    cont.id   = contactManager._lastid;
                    cont.type = "External";

                    //#### Option 1 - 23.73 seconds
                    //ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(phoneManager.AddPhoneNumberNoReturn), cont);

                    //#### Option 2 - 20.76 seconds
                        errors = phoneManager.AddPhoneNumber(cont.id, cont.number, cont.description, cont.type);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        errors.Add(new ValidationError(ex.ToString()));

                    if (errors.Count > 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("Error occured when importing the phone numbers");
                        foreach (ValidationError err in errors)
                    //#### Option 3 - 22.93 seconds
                    //ThreadedContactAdder fetcher = new ThreadedContactAdder(cont,_connectionString,_provider);
                    //new Thread(new ThreadStart(fetcher.AddNumber)).Start();

                // Next Line
                output = tr.ReadLine();

            /* Read the end time. */
            DateTime stopTime = DateTime.Now;

            /* Compute the duration between the initial and the end time. */
            TimeSpan duration = stopTime - startTime;


            // close the stream
Пример #2
        public List <ValidationError> ReadCsv(string path, bool withNumbersOnly)
            /* Read the initial time. */
            DateTime startTime            = DateTime.Now;
            List <ValidationError> errors = new List <ValidationError>();

            int _i = 0;

            // open the file "data.csv" which is a CSV file with headers
            using (CsvReader csv = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(path), true))
                int      fieldCount = csv.FieldCount;
                string[] headers    = csv.GetFieldHeaders();

                Regex regexAdditionals = new Regex(":::", RegexOptions.None);

                loader.miLoaderProgress.Maximum = fieldCount;
                loader.miLoaderProgress.Step    = 1;
                ContactManager     contactManager = new ContactManager(_connectionString, _provider);
                PhoneNumberManager phoneManager   = new PhoneNumberManager(_connectionString, _provider);

                while (csv.ReadNextRecord())
                    string name = "", email = "", numbers = "", desc = "";
                    List <contactNumber> contactNumbers = new List <contactNumber>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
                        //Console.Write(string.Format("{0} = {1};", headers[i], csv[i]));
                        _i = i;
                        if (csv[i] != String.Empty)
                            if (headers[i] == "Name")
                                name = csv[i] + " ";
                            else if (headers[i].StartsWith("E-mail") && headers[i].EndsWith("Value"))
                                if (csv[i].Contains(":::"))
                                    string[] splitEmails = regexAdditionals.Split(csv[i]);
                                    foreach (string eAddress in splitEmails)
                                        email += eAddress + ", ";
                                    email += csv[i];
                            //Phone numbers
                            else if ((headers[i].StartsWith("Phone")) && (headers[i].EndsWith("Type")))
                                if (csv[i + 1].Contains(":::"))
                                    string[] splitNumbers = regexAdditionals.Split(csv[i + 1]);
                                    foreach (string number in splitNumbers)
                                        if (csv[i] != String.Empty)
                                            contactNumbers.Add(new contactNumber(csv[i], number));
                                        numbers += " " + csv[i] + ": " + number;
                                    if (csv[i] != String.Empty)
                                        contactNumbers.Add(new contactNumber(csv[i], csv[i + 1]));
                                    numbers += " " + csv[i] + ": " + csv[i + 1];
                            //description info
                            else if ((headers[i] == "Organization 1 - Name") || (headers[i] == "Organization 1 - Title") || (headers[i] == "Notes"))
                                if (desc == String.Empty)
                                    desc += csv[i];
                                    desc += " - " + csv[i];

                    //Clean the data
                    name  = name.Trim().Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", "");
                    desc  = desc.Trim().Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", "");
                    email = email.Trim().Replace("\"", "").Replace("'", "");

                    // Add the contact into the database
                    if ((!withNumbersOnly) || (contactNumbers.Count > 0))
                        //Create a new error list
                        List <ValidationError> contactErrors = new List <ValidationError>();
                            contactErrors = contactManager.AddContact(name, desc, email);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            contactErrors.Add(new ValidationError(ex.ToString()));

                        if (errors.Count > 0)
                            foreach (ValidationError err in contactErrors)
                            foreach (contactNumber cont in contactNumbers)
                                cont.id   = contactManager._lastid;
                                cont.type = "External";
                                if (cont.id != String.Empty)
                                    List <ValidationError> newErrors = phoneManager.AddPhoneNumber(cont.id, cont.number, cont.description, cont.type);
                                    if (newErrors.Count > 0)
                                        foreach (ValidationError err in newErrors)
                    //tofix throw errors

            /* Read the end time. */
            DateTime stopTime = DateTime.Now;

            /* Compute the duration between the initial and the end time. */
            TimeSpan duration = stopTime - startTime;

            loader.showMsg(duration.ToString() + "  and i=" + _i);
