public static string activities() { Console.WriteLine("Days On Trail = " + daysOnTrail++); Console.WriteLine("Food = " + food - 5) if (food == 0 || food <= 5) pasngr0hlth - 5 pasngr1hlth - 5 pasngr2hlth - 5 pasngr3hlth - 5 wgnldrhealth - 5 Console.WriteLine(name + " health = " wgnldrhealth); Console.WriteLine(PassengerList.get[0] + " health = " pasngr0hlth); Console.WriteLine(PassengerList.get[1] + " health = " pasngr1hlth); Console.WriteLine(PassengerList.get[2] + " health = " pasngr2hlth); Console.WriteLine(PassengerList.get[3] + " health = " pasngr3hlth); for (int riversToCross =, 5); riversToCross != 0; riversToCross--) { Console.WriteLine(" You have come across a river, you have to cross it you can either wait 3 days for a ferry or try and float you wagon across! "); Console.WriteLine("Do you: float or wait?"); string riverOption = Console.ReadLine(); if (riverOption == " float" || "Float") { int sinkorswim =, 2); if (sinkorswim == 1) { Console.WriteLine("You tried to float your wagon and made it!"); Console.WriteLine(" Time to continue on the trail! "); } } if (riverOption == " wait" || "Wait") { food - 15 Console.WriteLine("you made it across the river!") Console.WriteLine(" Time to continue on the trail! "); } int badEvents =, 3); int personToDie =, 4); if (badEvents == 1) { Console.WriteLine(PassengerList.get[personToDie] + " died of dysentary"); PassengerList.Remove(personToDie); } if (badEvents == 2) { Console.WriteLine("your wagon broke!" + "use a box of parts to reapir it"); if (wagparts == 0) { Console.WriteLine("you have no wagon parts, you lose! :("); else{ wagparts--; } } if (badEvents == 3) { Console.WriteLine("You are being attacked by a tribe of indians "); Console.WriteLine(" you use your weapons to fend them off "); Console.WriteLine("However, the indians are better at fighting and " + PassengerList.get[personToDie] + " dies"); PassengerList.Remove(personToDie); weapons-- } int townStop =, 2); if (townStop == 1) Console.WriteLine("you are stopping in the town of"); } }