Пример #1
        public void TestSerializeMessageSet()
            using (var serialized = new ReusableMemoryStream(null))
                var set = new PartitionData
                    Partition        = 42,
                    CompressionCodec = CompressionCodec.None,
                    Messages         = new[]
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                set.Serialize(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArraySerializers);
                serialized.Position = 0;

                Assert.AreEqual(42, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized));                        // Partition
                Assert.AreEqual(serialized.Length - 4 - 4, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized)); // MessageSet size
                Assert.AreEqual(0, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(serialized));                         // First message offset
                int firstMsgSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized);
                serialized.Position += firstMsgSize;
                Assert.AreEqual(0, BigEndianConverter.ReadInt64(serialized)); // First message offset
                int secondMsgSize = BigEndianConverter.ReadInt32(serialized);
                serialized.Position += secondMsgSize;
                Assert.AreEqual(serialized.Length, serialized.Position);
Пример #2
        public void TestDeserializeMessageSet(CompressionCodec codec)
            using (var serialized = Pool.Reserve())
                var set = new PartitionData
                    Partition        = 42,
                    CompressionCodec = codec,
                    Messages         = new[]
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                set.Serialize(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArraySerializers);
                serialized.Position = 4;

                var deserialized = FetchPartitionResponse.DeserializeMessageSet(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArrayDeserializers);
                Assert.AreEqual(2, deserialized.Count);
                foreach (var msg in deserialized)
                    Assert.AreEqual(0, msg.Offset);
                    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Key, msg.Message.Key as byte[]);
                    CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Value, msg.Message.Value as byte[]);
Пример #3
 public PLTGenertorFactory(PartitionData PD, COLCollection _COLSet, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSamplingSettings, DateTime _start, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     Start            = _start;
     End              = _start.AddYears(6);
     pData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSamplingSettings);
     GeneratorFactory = new GUInputGeneratorFactory(pData, _COLSet, _timestyle, _lossstyle);
Пример #4
 public PLTGenertorFactory(PartitionData PD, HashSet <string> _subperils, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSamplingSettings, DateTime _start, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     Start            = _start;
     End              = _start.AddYears(6);
     pData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSamplingSettings);
     GeneratorFactory = new GUInputGeneratorFactory(pData, _subperils, _timestyle, _lossstyle);
Пример #5
        public void TestBadCompression()
            using (var serialized = Pool.Reserve())
                var set = new PartitionData
                    Partition        = 42,
                    CompressionCodec = CompressionCodec.Gzip,
                    Messages         = new[]
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                set.Serialize(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArraySerializers);

                // corrupt compressed data
                serialized[37] = 8;

                // recompute crc
                var crc = (int)Crc32.Compute(serialized, 24, serialized.Length - 24);
                serialized.Position = 20;
                BigEndianConverter.Write(serialized, crc);

                // go
                serialized.Position = 4;
                Assert.That(() => FetchPartitionResponse.DeserializeMessageSet(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArrayDeserializers), Throws.InstanceOf <UncompressException>());
        /// <summary>
        /// MANIFOLD use
        /// </summary>
        public FetchResponseWrapper FetchAndGetDetail(string clientId, string topic, int correlationId, int partitionId, long fetchOffset, int fetchSize
                                                      , int maxWaitTime, int minWaitSize)
            FetchResponse response = this.Fetch(clientId,

            if (response == null)
                throw new KafkaConsumeException(string.Format("FetchRequest returned null FetchResponse,fetchOffset={0},leader={1},topic={2},partition={3}",
                                                              fetchOffset, this.Config.Broker, topic, partitionId));
            PartitionData partitionData = response.PartitionData(topic, partitionId);

            if (partitionData == null)
                throw new KafkaConsumeException(string.Format("PartitionData int FetchResponse is null,fetchOffset={0},leader={1},topic={2},partition={3}",
                                                              fetchOffset, this.Config.Broker, topic, partitionId));
            if (partitionData.Error != ErrorMapping.NoError)
                string s = string.Format("Partition data in FetchResponse has error. {0}  {1} fetchOffset={2},leader={3},topic={4},partition={5}"
                                         , partitionData.Error, KafkaException.GetMessage(partitionData.Error)
                                         , fetchOffset, this.Config.Broker, topic, partitionId);
                throw new KafkaConsumeException(s, partitionData.Error);
            return(new FetchResponseWrapper(partitionData.GetMessageAndOffsets(), response.Size, response.CorrelationId, topic, partitionId));
Пример #7
        public PartitionDataAdpator(PartitionData _PData, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting _subSamplingSettings)
            PData   = _PData;
            expData = new Dictionary <long, ExposureDataAdaptor>();

            JSParser            = new JavascriptParser(GetParserSettings());
            SubSamplingSettings = _subSamplingSettings;
Пример #8
 public GUInputGeneratorFactory(PartitionData PD, HashSet <string> _subperils, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSmaplingSettings, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     PData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSmaplingSettings);
     NeedDisposePData = true;
     subperils        = _subperils;
     timestyle        = _timestyle;
     lossstyle        = _lossstyle;
Пример #9
 public GUInputGeneratorFactory(PartitionData PD, COLCollection _COLSet, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSmaplingSettings, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
     PData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSmaplingSettings);
     NeedDisposePData = true;
     subperils        = _COLSet.GetSubperils();
     timestyle        = _timestyle;
     lossstyle        = _lossstyle;
Пример #10
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases\NewRL131_RMS_EDM_FinMod_Automation_RL131_72514_PortID_120_1000002113_1\4248\2050305\635447355784670000\rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases\PerRisk_RMS_EDM_FinMod_Automation_RL131_72514_PortID_896_1000002164_1\4438\2142576\635447551688220000\rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases\PerRisk_RMS_EDM_FinMod_Automation_RL131_72514_PortID_1013_1000002151_1\4413\2142553\635447537560220000\rites_batch0.dat";
            // string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases Overlap Max Ded\NewRL131_RMS_EDM_FinMod_Automation_RL131_BT4IT4Aug30thNGtoRLAndInvalidationScriptsRanOnThisEDM_PortID_923_1000001480_1\6611\11352686\635416896292050000\rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases Overlap Max Ded\PerRisk_RMS_EDM_FinMod_Automation_RL13_BT4IT4Aug30thNGtoRLAndInvalidationScriptsRanOnThisEDM_PortID_958_1000001574_1\7066\11353699\635417441336090000\rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases Overlap Max Ded\EDM_RLFM_RL13_BT4IT4Aug30thNGtoRLAndInvalidationScriptsRanOnThisEDM_PortID_132_1000001835_1\8170\11366277\635419079253350000\rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases Overlap Max Ded\RMS_RLFM_EDM2_ForPlatformQA_PortID_1_1000001611_1\7239\11360603\635417579575500000\rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases\PerRisk_RMS_EDM_FinMod_Automation_RL131_72514_PortID_1021_1000002108_1\4233\2050284\635447346491010000\rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases\MTH_200_rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\MTH Cases\rites_batch0_MTH1.dat";
            //string filepath = @" C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\Large Extracts\rites_batch62001_PerRisk.dat";
            //string filepath = @"D:\Nina_Automation_Testing\NTA_EDS_Extract\PerRisk_RMS_EDM_FinMod_Automation_RL13_BT4IT4Aug30thNGtoRLAndInvalidationScriptsRanOnThisEDM_PortID_897_1000001508_1\6752\11353141\635417040157160000\rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"D:\Matrix_Prototype_Storage\EDS Extract\JPTY_Multibuilding_PerRisk.dat";
            string filepath = @"D:\Nina_Automation_Testing\Treaties\NoHoursClause\No_Reinstatement_NoAgg\From_Slava\rites_batch0_FromSlava.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\From Swapna\rites_batch260197453_swapna_profile_case_Updated.dat";

            //string filepath1 = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\Version2\rites_batch1.dat";
            //string filepath1 = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\Version2\rites_SingleBuilding_overlap_subperil.dat";
            // string filepath1 = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\Version2\rites_FixedGraph1.dat";
            //string filepath1 = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\Version2\rites_FixedGraphOverlap.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\Version2\rites_batch0.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\Version2\rites_batch0_SingleBuilding_overlap.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\Version2\rites_batch0_SingleBuilding.dat";  //step policy
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\SunnyCreated\TreatyTestCaseWithPositions.dat";
            //string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\FromRain\Version2\Test1EQ_StepPGU_CDL.dat";
            //       string filepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\SunnyCreated\TreatyTestCaseWithPositions.dat";
            PartitionData pd = GetPDFromPath(filepath);

            UpdateCDLFOrGUSublimits(pd, 0);

            long conID = 11331;
            //long conID = 42586728;
            //long conID = 2050306;

            //TestMatrixHDFM(pd, conID);
            COLCollection COLSet = new COLCollection(new HashSet <string>()
            });                                                                         //{ "EQ", "WS" });

            //COLCollection COLSet = new COLCollection(new HashSet<string>() { "CSWT" });   //{ "EQ", "WS" });
            //TestRITEMap(pd, conID);
            //TestGULossVector(pd, conID);
            //TestReference(GraphType.FixedGraph1, pd, (int)conID, COLSet);  //CDL: 3
            //TestReference(GraphType.FixedGraphOverlap, pd, (int)conID, COLSet);  //CDL:6
            //TestReference(GraphType.FixedGraphOverlapSubperil, pd, (int)conID, COLSet); //CDL: 7
            //TestReference(GraphType.FixedGraphOverlapSubperil2, pd, (int)conID, COLSet); //CDL: 8
            //TestReference(GraphType.StepPolicyGraph, pd, (int)conID, COLSet); //CDL: 10
            TestReference(GraphType.Auto, pd, (int)conID, COLSet); //CDL: 10
            //TestReferenceWithPeriods(GraphType.Auto, pd, (int)conID, COLSet); /
            //TestReferenceSpeed(GraphType.Auto, pd, (int)conID, COLSet);
            //TestExposureDataAdaptor(pd, (int)conID);
Пример #11
        public ReferencePrototype(PartitionData PD, ModuleSettingsProvider _moduleSettings, JavascriptContext JSContext)

            RAPSettings _rapsettings = GetRAPSettings(_moduleSettings);
            SubSamplingAnalysisSetting _subSamplingSettings = GetSubSamplingSettings(_moduleSettings);

            InitilizePrototype(PD, _rapsettings, _subSamplingSettings, JSContext);
Пример #12
        private static void UpdateEDSExtractWithCDL(string CDl, string filepath, int ConIndex)
            PartitionData PD = Deserialize(filepath);

            PD.Exposures[ConIndex].Contract.CDLString = CDl;

            string newfilepath = @"C:\LocalNGFM\EDS Extracts\From Swapna\rites_batch260197453_swapna_profile_case_Updated.dat";

            Serialize(PD, newfilepath);
Пример #13
        public void Prepare(PartitionData partitionData, bool append = false, bool OnlyBuildCOM = false)
            JavaScriptHarness.Construct(underscore_js, grammar_ast_js);

            Initialize(partitionData, append);


Пример #14
        //RITE.ID -> numBldgs -> <timestamp -> list of loss>

        public GUInputGenerator(PartitionData PD, long conID, COLCollection _COLSet, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle)
            PartitionDataAdpator PData = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD);

            expData   = PData.GetExposureAdaptor(conID);
            COLSet    = _COLSet;
            timestyle = _timestyle;
            lossstyle = _lossstyle;
            //    Dictionary<long, Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, List<float>>>> GULosses = new Dictionary<long, Dictionary<int, Tuple<int, List<float>>>>();
Пример #15
        public async Task OpenConnection(string subscription, string resourceGroup, string ehNamespace, PartitionContext partitionContext)
            var partitionData = new PartitionData()
                Name            = partitionContext.PartitionId,
                Sequence        = partitionContext.RuntimeInformation.LastSequenceNumber,
                RetrievalTime   = partitionContext.RuntimeInformation.RetrievalTime,
                LastEnqueueTime = partitionContext.RuntimeInformation.LastEnqueuedTimeUtc

            _ = _content.AddOrUpdate(ehNamespace, new EhNamespaceData()
                Namespace     = ehNamespace,
                Subscription  = subscription,
                ResourceGroup = resourceGroup,
                Ehs           = new Dictionary <string, EhData>()
                    { partitionContext.EventHubPath, new EhData()
                          Name       = partitionContext.EventHubPath,
                          Partitions = new Dictionary <string, PartitionData>()
                              { partitionContext.PartitionId, partitionData }
                      } }
            }, (e, newValue) =>
                var b = partitionData;
                if (newValue.Ehs.ContainsKey(partitionContext.EventHubPath))
                    if (newValue.Ehs[partitionContext.EventHubPath].Partitions.ContainsKey(partitionContext.PartitionId))
                        newValue.Ehs[partitionContext.EventHubPath].Partitions[partitionContext.PartitionId] = partitionData;
                        newValue.Ehs[partitionContext.EventHubPath].Partitions.Add(partitionContext.PartitionId, partitionData);
                    newValue.Ehs.Add(partitionContext.EventHubPath, new EhData()
                        Name       = partitionContext.EventHubPath,
                        Partitions = new Dictionary <string, PartitionData>()
                            { partitionContext.PartitionId, partitionData }
            await hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("updateData", _content);
Пример #16
        public PullResponse(PartitionData pData)
            this.Partition = pData.Partition;
            this.Error     = pData.Error;

            this.Payload = new List <byte[]>();
            foreach (MessageAndOffset m in pData.MessageSet)
Пример #17
        private static void UpdateCDLFOrGUSublimits(PartitionData pd, int ConIndex)
            Regex  regex     = new Regex(Regex.Escape("Declarations\r\n"));
            string cdlString = pd.Exposures[ConIndex].Contract.CDLString;
            //string NewCDL = regex.Replace(cdlString, "Declarations\r\n    Claims Adjustment Options Are (SUBLIMITS ARE GROUND UP)\r\n", 1);
            //string NewCDL = regex.Replace(cdlString, "Declarations\r\n    Claims Adjustment Options Are (Deductibles are , Sublimits are Net of Deductible)\r\n", 1);
            string NewCDL = regex.Replace(cdlString, "Declarations\r\n    Claims Adjustment Options Are (Deductibles are absorbable,SUBLIMITS ARE GROUND UP)\r\n", 1);

            //string NewCDL = regex.Replace(cdlString, "Declarations\r\n    Claims Adjustment Options Are (Sublimits are Net of Deductible)\r\n", 1);
            pd.Exposures[ConIndex].Contract.CDLString = NewCDL;
Пример #18
        public PLTGenerator(PartitionData _PD, long _conID, int pid, COLCollection _COLSet, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossStyle, DateTime _start, DateTime _end)
            PartitionDataAdpator PData = new PartitionDataAdpator(_PD);

            expData   = PData.GetExposureAdaptor(conID);
            PD        = _PD;
            conID     = _conID;
            COLSet    = _COLSet;
            timestyle = _timestyle;
            lossStyle = _lossStyle;
            PLT       = new PeriodLossTable(pid, _COLSet, _timestyle, _lossStyle, _start, _end);
Пример #19
        public PullResponseExt(PartitionData pData)
            this.Partition = pData.Partition;
            this.Error     = pData.Error;

            this.OffsetsAndPayLoads = new List <Tuple <long, byte[]> >();

            foreach (MessageAndOffset m in pData.MessageSet)
                this.OffsetsAndPayLoads.Add(new Tuple <long, byte[]>(m.Message.Offset, m.Message.Payload));
Пример #20
        private static void TestRITEMap(PartitionData pd, long conID)
            //Default SubSampling Settings
            SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSamplingSettings = new SubSamplingAnalysisSetting(false, 1, 0, 250, "", "");

            PartitionDataAdpator PDataAdap    = new PartitionDataAdpator(pd, subSamplingSettings);
            ExposureDataAdaptor  expData      = PDataAdap.GetExposureAdaptor(conID);
            ISubPerilConfig      subperilInfo = new RMSSubPerilConfig();

            RITEmapper1 mapper = new RITEmapper1(expData, new RAPSettings(new HashSet <string> {
            }), subperilInfo);
Пример #21
        public VectorGUInputGeneratorFactory(PartitionData PD, HashSet <string> _subperils, TimeStyle _timestyle, LossStyle _lossstyle, bool UseAggregatedRITEs, SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSamplingSettings)
            subperils = _subperils;
            bool subperilsSupported = subperils.All(sp => subperilConfig.GetSubPerilList().Contains(sp));

            if (!subperilsSupported)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Subperils specified cannot be supported at this time");

            pData            = new PartitionDataAdpator(PD, subSamplingSettings);
            GeneratorFactory = new GUInputGeneratorFactory(pData, subperils, _timestyle, _lossstyle);
Пример #22
 public static void Serialize(PartitionData pData, string file)
     using (var wc = new WebClient().OpenWrite(file))
             ProtoBuf.Serializer.Serialize <PartitionData>(wc, pData);
         catch (ProtoBuf.ProtoException p)
             //Log.Fatal("Error Writing of protobuf to file" + p.Message);
             Console.WriteLine("Error Writing of protobuf to file \"{0}\": {1}", file, p.Message);
Пример #23
        public void Prepare(string[] ContractExposuresProtobufExtractFiles)
            string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);



            foreach (string file in Utilities.GetExtantFiles(ContractExposuresProtobufExtractFiles))
                if (file.EndsWith(".dat"))
                    PartitionData partitionData = Utilities.DeserializePartitionData(file);
Пример #24
        private static void Write(MemoryStream stream, PartitionData partition)
            BigEndianConverter.Write(stream, partition.Partition);
            if (partition.CompressionType == CompressionType.None)
                var messageArray   = partition.Messages.ToArray(); // make sure linq evaluation happen just once
                var messageSetSize = EstimateMessageSetSize(messageArray);
                BigEndianConverter.Write(stream, messageSetSize);

                Write(stream, partition.Messages);
                var compressedMessage = Compress(partition.CompressionType, partition.Messages);
                WriteCompressedMessageSet(stream, compressedMessage, partition.CompressionType);
Пример #25
        public static PartitionData DeserializePartitionData(string[] files, CancellationTokenSource ct)
            List <PartitionData> PDs = new List <PartitionData>();

            foreach (var f in GetExtantFiles(files))
                if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                var pd = DeserializePartitionData(f);
                if (pd != null)
            return((PDs.Count > 0) ? PartitionData.Merge(PDs) : null);
Пример #26
        public static PartitionData Deserialize(string file)
            PartitionData result = null;

            using (var wc = new WebClient().OpenRead(file))
                    result = ProtoBuf.Serializer.Deserialize <PartitionData>(wc);
                catch (ProtoBuf.ProtoException p)
                    //Log.Fatal("Error Reading a protobuf file" + p.Message);
                    Console.WriteLine("Error Reading a protobuf file \"{0}\": {1}", file, p.Message);
Пример #27
        private void Initialize(PartitionData partitionData, bool append = false)


            _ReferencePrototype = null;
            UseReference        = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseReference"]);
            if (UseReference)
                //Sunny hack... need to change to read from Model Setings Provider from the DLM..
                RAPSettings RapSettings = new RAPSettings(new HashSet <string> {
                    "WS", "WI", "WA"
                SubSamplingAnalysisSetting subSamplingSetiings = new SubSamplingAnalysisSetting(false, 1, 0, 250, "", "");

                if (RapSettings != null || subSamplingSetiings != null)
                    _ReferencePrototype = new ReferencePrototype(partitionData, RapSettings, subSamplingSetiings);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot run in Array Mode and have null RapSettings or null SubSampling Settings!");


            if (null != partitionData && null != partitionData.Exposures)
                foreach (ContractExposure ce in partitionData.Exposures)
                    if ((ce.ContractType != null) && ce.ContractType.IsReinsuranceContract())
                    { //Treaty Contract
                        ContractExposureDataIndex.TryAdd(ce.ExposureID, new TreatyContractExposureData(JavaScriptHarness, false, ce));
                    else if (null != ce.ContractSubjectExposures && null != ce.Subschedules)
                    { // Primary Contract
                        ContractExposureDataIndex.TryAdd(ce.ExposureID, new PrimaryContractExposureData(JavaScriptHarness, false, ce, "", _ReferencePrototype));
Пример #28
        public void TestUnsupportedMagicByte()
            using (var serialized = new ReusableMemoryStream(null))
                var set = new PartitionData
                    Partition        = 42,
                    CompressionCodec = CompressionCodec.None,
                    Messages         = new[]
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                set.Serialize(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArraySerializers);
                serialized[24]      = 8; // set non supported magic byte
                serialized.Position = 4;

                Assert.That(() => FetchPartitionResponse.DeserializeMessageSet(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArrayDeserializers), Throws.InstanceOf <UnsupportedMagicByteVersion>());
Пример #29
        public void TestBadCrc()
            using (var serialized = new ReusableMemoryStream(null))
                var set = new PartitionData
                    Partition        = 42,
                    CompressionCodec = CompressionCodec.None,
                    Messages         = new[]
                        new Message {
                            Key = Key, Value = Value
                set.Serialize(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArraySerializers);
                serialized[20]      = 8; // change crc
                serialized.Position = 4;

                Assert.That(() => FetchPartitionResponse.DeserializeMessageSet(serialized, SerializationConfig.ByteArrayDeserializers), Throws.InstanceOf <CrcException>());
            // Gets the table column names and rows, removing data from the table as it is returned.
            public PartitionData Flush(string[] distinctValues)
                // Put the columns in order of { Key0, Key1, ..., KeyN, Col1, Col2, ..., ColN } where the key columns are in the order
                // specified, and the non-key columns follow in alphabetical order
                _sortedColumns = new KeyValuePair <string, LinkedList <ColumnSegment> > [_columns.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < _keyNames.Length; ++i)
                    _sortedColumns[i] = new KeyValuePair <string, LinkedList <ColumnSegment> >(_keyNames[i], _columns[_keyNames[i]]);
                Array.Copy(_columns.ToArray(), 0, _sortedColumns, _keyNames.Length, _sortedColumns.Length - _keyNames.Length);
                _columns.Clear(); // No longer need
                var sortingFunc = Comparer <KeyValuePair <string, LinkedList <ColumnSegment> > > .Create((x, y) => x.Key.CompareTo(y.Key));

                Array.Sort(_sortedColumns, _keyNames.Length, _sortedColumns.Length - _keyNames.Length, sortingFunc); // Sort non-key columns

                var result = new PartitionData {
                    ColumnNames = _sortedColumns.Select(col => col.Key).ToArray(),
                    Rows        = get_rows(distinctValues)

Пример #31
	// 既存バージョン情報から作成したデータから、比較用ハッシュ作成
	static private string CreateHashStringFromVersionPartitionData(PartitionData partitionData) {
		string versionHashString = "";
		foreach (var rowData in partitionData.rowDataList) {
			versionHashString += rowData.Hash;
		string hashString = CreateMD5Hash(versionHashString);

		// 結果出力
		Debug.Log("hashString : ↓");

		return hashString;
Пример #32
	// バージョンファイルのデータを見て、新しいバージョン情報を取得する
	static private string GetUpdatedVersionString(PartitionData partitionData) {
		string versionString = "";
		if (partitionData.dataVersion == "start") {
			versionString = "1";
		} else {
			int versionNumber = int.Parse(partitionData.dataVersion);
			versionString = versionNumber.ToString();

		// 結果出力
		Debug.Log("versionString : ↓");
		return versionString;
Пример #33
	// バージョン情報から、その状態のバージョン文字列を作成
	static private string CreateCurrentPartitionString(PartitionData partitionData, int partitionNumber) {
		string outputString = "";
		string dataCount = partitionData.rowDataList.Count.ToString();
		string rowDataDetail = String.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", 

		outputString += rowDataDetail;
		outputString += Environment.NewLine;

		string temp = "";
		foreach (var rowData in partitionData.rowDataList) {
			temp += String.Format("{0},{1}", rowData.AssetBundleName, rowData.Hash);
			temp += Environment.NewLine;

		outputString += temp;
		// 結果出力
		Debug.Log("outputString : ↓");

		return outputString;
Пример #34
	// 既存バージョンファイルから、差分確認用ディクショナリーを作成
	static private Dictionary<int, PartitionData> CreateCheckDifferenceDictionaryFromPrevVersionFile(string versionFileSource) {
		Dictionary<int, PartitionData> partitionDataDict = new Dictionary<int, PartitionData>();

		// 改行で分けた文字列
		string[] tempList = versionFileSource.Split(Environment.NewLine[0]);
		ArrayList lineList = new ArrayList();

		// 空データの削除
		for (int i = 0; i < tempList.Length; i++) {
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tempList[i]) != true) {

		int index = 0;
		while (index < lineList.Count) {
			string line = lineList[index] as string;
			string[] rowDetail = line.Split(","[0]);
			string version		 = rowDetail[1];
			string dataCount	   = rowDetail[2];
			string partitionNumber = rowDetail[3];

			PartitionData partitionData = new PartitionData();
			partitionData.dataVersion = version;
			for (int i = 0; i < int.Parse(dataCount); i++) {
				line = lineList[index+1+i] as string;// 詳細情報の次のデータから参照する為の+1
				string[] parameter = line.Split(","[0]);

				RowData rowData = new RowData();
				rowData.AssetBundleName =   parameter[0];
				rowData.Hash			=   parameter[1];

			partitionDataDict.Add(int.Parse(partitionNumber), partitionData);
			index += (int.Parse(dataCount) + 1);// バージョン詳細の分

		// 結果出力
		Debug.Log("versionFileSource : ↓");
		Debug.Log("partitionDataDict : ↓");
		foreach(var partitionData in partitionDataDict) {
			Debug.Log("KEY : " + partitionData.Key);
			Debug.Log("VALUE.dataVersion : " + partitionData.Value.dataVersion);
			Debug.Log("VALUE.rowDataList : ↓");
			foreach(var rowData in partitionData.Value.rowDataList) {
				Debug.Log("rowData.AssetBundleName : " + rowData.AssetBundleName);
				Debug.Log("rowData.Hash : " + rowData.Hash);

		return partitionDataDict;
        public void GetBytesValidStructure()
            string topicName = "topic";
            int correlationId = 1;
            string clientId = "TestClient";
            short requiredAcks = 5;
            int ackTimeout = 345;

            var partition = 2;
            short error = 0;
            var payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("testMessage");
            BufferedMessageSet messageSet = new BufferedMessageSet(new List<Message>() { new Message(payload) }, 0);

            var partitionData = new PartitionData(partition, ErrorMapper.ToError(error), messageSet);

            var topicData = new TopicData(topicName, new List<PartitionData>() { partitionData });

            var request = new ProducerRequest(correlationId, clientId, requiredAcks, ackTimeout, new List<TopicData>() { topicData });

            int requestSize = 2 + //request type id
                              2 + //versionId
                              4 + //correlation id
                              request.GetShortStringWriteLength(clientId) + // actual client id
                              2 + //required acks
                              4 + //ack timeout
                              4 + //data count
                                  //=== data part
                              request.GetShortStringWriteLength(topicName) + //topic
                              4 + //partition data count
                              4 + //partition id
                              4 + //messages set size

            var ms = new MemoryStream();
            byte[] bytes = ms.ToArray();

            // add 4 bytes for the length of the message at the beginning
            Assert.AreEqual(requestSize + 4, bytes.Length);

            // first 4 bytes = the message length
            Assert.AreEqual(requestSize, BitConverter.ToInt32(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Take(4).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 2 bytes = the request type
            Assert.AreEqual((short)RequestTypes.Produce, BitConverter.ToInt16(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(4).Take(2).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 2 bytes = the version id
            Assert.AreEqual((short)ProducerRequest.CurrentVersion, BitConverter.ToInt16(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(6).Take(2).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 2 bytes = the correlation id
            Assert.AreEqual(correlationId, BitConverter.ToInt32(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(8).Take(4).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 2 bytes = the client id length
            Assert.AreEqual((short)clientId.Length, BitConverter.ToInt16(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(12).Take(2).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next few bytes = the client id
            Assert.AreEqual(clientId, Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes.Skip(14).Take(clientId.Length).ToArray<byte>()));

            // next 2 bytes = the required acks
            Assert.AreEqual((short)requiredAcks, BitConverter.ToInt16(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(14 + clientId.Length).Take(2).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 4 bytes = the ack timeout
            Assert.AreEqual(ackTimeout, BitConverter.ToInt32(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(16 + clientId.Length).Take(4).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 4 bytes = the data count
            Assert.AreEqual(1, BitConverter.ToInt32(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(20 + clientId.Length).Take(4).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 2 bytes = the tppic length
            Assert.AreEqual((short)topicName.Length, BitConverter.ToInt16(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(24 + clientId.Length).Take(2).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next few bytes = the topic
            Assert.AreEqual(topicName, Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes.Skip(26 + clientId.Length).Take(topicName.Length).ToArray<byte>()));

            // next 4 bytes = the partition data count
            Assert.AreEqual(topicData.PartitionData.Count(), BitConverter.ToInt32(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(26 + clientId.Length + topicName.Length).Take(4).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // next 4 bytes = the partition
            Assert.AreEqual(partition, BitConverter.ToInt32(BitWorks.ReverseBytes(bytes.Skip(30 + clientId.Length + topicName.Length).Take(4).ToArray<byte>()), 0));

            // skipping MessageSet check - this could be done separately in another unit test
Пример #36
 public static PartitionData GetPartition(double[] data, int nClasses)
     if ((data == null) || (nClasses < 1))
         return null;
     int n = data.Length;
     if (n < 2)
         return null;
     if ((nClasses % 2) == 0)
     double vMin = (from x in data select x).Min();
     double vMax = (from x in data select x).Max();
     if (vMin >= vMax)
         return null;
     double vMean = (from x in data select x).Average();
     PartitionData oRet = new PartitionData();
     oRet.ClassesCount = nClasses;
     oRet.Limits = new double[nClasses + 1];
     oRet.Classes = new int[n];
     double dn = (double)2.5;
     double deltaSup = (double)((vMax - vMean) / dn);
     double deltaInf = (double)((vMean - vMin) / dn);
     int iSup = nClasses;
     int iInf = 0;
     double fMin = vMin;
     double fMax = vMax;
     while (iInf < iSup)
         oRet.Limits[iInf++] = fMin;
         oRet.Limits[iSup--] = fMax;
         fMin = (double)(fMin + deltaInf);
         fMax = (double)(fMax - deltaSup);
     }// while
     int zMax = nClasses - 1;
     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         double x = data[i];
         if (x <= vMin)
             oRet.Classes[i] = 0;
         else if (x >= vMax)
             oRet.Classes[i] = zMax;
             for (int j = 0; j < nClasses; ++j)
                 if ((x >= oRet.Limits[j]) && (x < oRet.Limits[j + 1]))
                     oRet.Classes[i] = j;
             }// j
     }// i
     return oRet;
Пример #37
 public static PartitionData GetPartition(String[] data)
     if (data == null)
         return null;
     Dictionary<String, int> oDict = new Dictionary<string, int>();
     int n = data.Length;
     int iCur = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         String s = data[i];
         if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
             s = s.Trim().ToLower();
             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                 if (!oDict.ContainsKey(s))
                     oDict[s] = iCur++;
     }// i
     if (iCur < 2)
         return null;
     PartitionData oRet = new PartitionData();
     oRet.ClassesCount = iCur;
     oRet.Classes = new int[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         String s = data[i];
         if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
             s = s.Trim().ToLower();
             if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                 if (!oDict.ContainsKey(s))
                     oRet.Classes[i] = -1;
                     oRet.Classes[i] = oDict[s];
     }// i
     return oRet;
Пример #38
 public static PartitionData GetPartition(bool[] data)
     if (data == null)
         return null;
     int n = data.Length;
     if (n < 2)
         return null;
     PartitionData oRet = new PartitionData();
     oRet.ClassesCount = 2;
     oRet.Classes = new int[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         if (data[i])
             oRet.Classes[i] = 1;
             oRet.Classes[i] = 0;
     }// i
     return oRet;