Пример #1
        protected static FR_Bool Execute(DbConnection Connection, DbTransaction Transaction, P_L6LR_CCRFE_1340 Parameter, CSV2Core.SessionSecurity.SessionSecurityTicket securityTicket = null)
            #region UserCode
            var returnValue = new FR_Bool();
            //Put your code here

            returnValue.Result = true;

            //if (Parameter.Events != null)
            //    foreach (var Event in Parameter.Events)
            //    {
            //        var  structureEvenQuery = new ORM_CMN_STR_SCE_StructureCalendarEvent.Query();
            //        structureEvenQuery.Tenant_RefID = securityTicket.TenantID;
            //        structureEvenQuery.IsDeleted = false;
            //        structureEvenQuery.CMN_CAL_Event_RefID = Event.EventID;

            //        var structCelEventRes = ORM_CMN_STR_SCE_StructureCalendarEvent.Query.Search(Connection, Transaction, structureEvenQuery);

            //        if (structCelEventRes != null && structCelEventRes.Count == 1)
            //        {
            //            ORM_CMN_STR_SCE_StructureCalendarEvent structEventItem = structCelEventRes[0];

            //            P_L3EV_GSEFSE_1102 eventParam = new P_L3EV_GSEFSE_1102();
            //            eventParam.StructureEventID = structEventItem.CMN_STR_SCE_StructureCalendarEventID;
            //            var structEventRes = cls_Get_StructureEvent_For_StructureEventID.Invoke(Connection, Transaction, eventParam, securityTicket).Result;

            //            Guid structureID = Guid.Empty;

            //            var officeQuery = new ORM_CMN_STR_Office.Query();
            //            officeQuery.CMN_CAL_CalendarInstance_RefID = structEventRes.CalendarInstance_RefID;
            //            officeQuery.Tenant_RefID = securityTicket.TenantID;
            //            officeQuery.IsDeleted = false;

            //            var officeRes = ORM_CMN_STR_Office.Query.Search(Connection, Transaction, officeQuery);

            //            if (officeRes == null || officeRes.Count == 0)
            //            {
            //                var workAreaQuery = new ORM_CMN_STR_PPS_WorkArea.Query();
            //                workAreaQuery.CMN_CAL_CalendarInstance_RefID = structEventRes.CalendarInstance_RefID;
            //                workAreaQuery.Tenant_RefID = securityTicket.TenantID;
            //                workAreaQuery.IsDeleted = false;

            //                var workAreaRes = ORM_CMN_STR_PPS_WorkArea.Query.Search(Connection, Transaction, workAreaQuery);
            //                if (workAreaRes == null || workAreaRes.Count == 0)
            //                {
            //                    var workPlaceQuery = new ORM_CMN_STR_PPS_Workplace.Query();
            //                    workPlaceQuery.CMN_CAL_CalendarInstance_RefID = structEventRes.CalendarInstance_RefID;
            //                    workPlaceQuery.Tenant_RefID = securityTicket.TenantID;
            //                    workPlaceQuery.IsDeleted = false;

            //                    var workPlaceRes = ORM_CMN_STR_PPS_Workplace.Query.Search(Connection, Transaction, workPlaceQuery);
            //                    if (workPlaceRes != null && workPlaceRes.Count == 1)
            //                    {
            //                        structureID = workPlaceRes[0].CMN_STR_PPS_WorkplaceID;
            //                    }

            //                }
            //                else
            //                {
            //                    structureID = workAreaRes[0].CMN_STR_PPS_WorkAreaID;
            //                }
            //            }
            //            else
            //            {
            //                structureID = officeRes[0].CMN_STR_OfficeID;
            //            }

            //            var emploayees = cls_Get_Employees_For_Tenant.Invoke(Connection, Transaction, securityTicket).Result;
            //            var company = cls_Get_Company_Structure_For_Tenant.Invoke(Connection, Transaction, securityTicket).Result;
            //            OfficeHierarchyUtils officeUtils = new OfficeHierarchyUtils();
            //            StructureBuilderUtil structureUtil = new StructureBuilderUtil();
            //            TreeNodeUtil treeUtil = new TreeNodeUtil();

            //            structureUtil.company = company;
            //            structureUtil.employees = emploayees;
            //            structureUtil.addEmployees = true;
            //            structureUtil.startDate = Parameter.LeaveRequestStartDate;
            //            structureUtil.endDate = Parameter.LeaveRequestEndDate;
            //            structureUtil.sessionToken = securityTicket.SessionTicket;
            //            List<Node> tree = structureUtil.organizeData(Parameter.appStartDate, true);
            //            var node = treeUtil.findNodeForID(tree.FirstOrDefault(), structureID);

            //            List<L5EM_GEFT_0959> selectedEmployees = new List<L5EM_GEFT_0959>();
            //            if (structureID != Guid.Empty)
            //                officeUtils.getEmployeesForStructurePart(node, selectedEmployees);
            //            else
            //                selectedEmployees = cls_Get_Employees_For_Tenant.Invoke(Connection, Transaction, securityTicket).Result.ToList();

            //            if (selectedEmployees != null && selectedEmployees.Count > 0)
            //            {
            //                foreach (var DateRange in Event.dateRange)
            //                {
            //                    int counter = 0;
            //                    DateTime startDate = new DateTime(DateRange.Start.Ticks);
            //                    DateTime endDate = new DateTime(DateRange.End.Ticks);
            //                    while (startDate <= endDate)
            //                    {

            //                        DateTime tempStartDate = new DateTime(startDate.Ticks);
            //                        DateTime tempEndDate = new DateTime(startDate.AddDays(1).Ticks);
            //                        startDate = startDate.AddDays(1);
            //                        if (tempEndDate > endDate)
            //                            tempEndDate = endDate;
            //                        foreach (var emp in selectedEmployees)
            //                        {

            //                            P_L5LR_GLRTFEAT_1634 param = new P_L5LR_GLRTFEAT_1634();
            //                            param.EmployeeID = emp.CMN_BPT_EMP_EmployeeID;
            //                            param.StartTime = tempStartDate;
            //                            param.EndTime = tempEndDate;
            //                            var res = cls_Get_LeaveRequestsTimes_For_EmployeeAndTime.Invoke(Connection, Transaction, param, securityTicket).Result;
            //                            if (res != null && res.CMN_BPT_EMP_Employee_LeaveRequestID != Guid.Empty)
            //                            {
            //                                counter++;
            //                            }

            //                            if (structEventRes.CMN_STR_SCE_CapacityRestriction_TypeID == StaffLeaveLimitTypes.MaxStaffOnDuty)
            //                            {
            //                                if (structEventRes.IsValueCalculated_InHeadCount)
            //                                {
            //                                    if (selectedEmployees.Count() - (counter + 1) > structEventRes.ValueCalculated)
            //                                    {
            //                                        returnValue.Result = false;
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                                else
            //                                {
            //                                    if (selectedEmployees.Count() - (counter + 1) > (structEventRes.ValueCalculated / 100) * selectedEmployees.Count())
            //                                    {
            //                                        returnValue.Result = false;
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }
            //                            else if (structEventRes.CMN_STR_SCE_CapacityRestriction_TypeID == StaffLeaveLimitTypes.MaxStaffOnLeave)
            //                            {
            //                                if (structEventRes.IsValueCalculated_InHeadCount)
            //                                {
            //                                    if (counter + 1 > structEventRes.ValueCalculated)
            //                                    {
            //                                        returnValue.Result = false;
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                                else
            //                                {
            //                                    if (counter + 1 > (structEventRes.ValueCalculated / 100) * selectedEmployees.Count())
            //                                    {
            //                                        returnValue.Result = false;
            //                                    }
            //                                }
            //                            }

            //                            }
            //                        }

            //                    }
            //                }

            //        }

            //    }


            #endregion UserCode
Пример #2
 /// Invokes the method for the given Connection, and Transaction, leaving them open/not commited if no exceptions occured
 public static FR_Bool Invoke(DbConnection Connection, DbTransaction Transaction, P_L6LR_CCRFE_1340 Parameter, CSV2Core.SessionSecurity.SessionSecurityTicket securityTicket = null)
     return(Invoke(Connection, Transaction, null, Parameter, securityTicket));
Пример #3
        /// Method Invocation of wrapper classes
        protected static FR_Bool Invoke(DbConnection Connection, DbTransaction Transaction, string ConnectionString, P_L6LR_CCRFE_1340 Parameter, CSV2Core.SessionSecurity.SessionSecurityTicket securityTicket = null)
            bool cleanupConnection  = Connection == null;
            bool cleanupTransaction = Transaction == null;

            FR_Bool functionReturn = new FR_Bool();

                if (cleanupConnection == true)
                    Connection = CSV2Core_MySQL.Support.DBSQLSupport.CreateConnection(ConnectionString);
                if (cleanupTransaction == true)
                    Transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction();

                functionReturn = Execute(Connection, Transaction, Parameter, securityTicket);

                #region Cleanup Connection/Transaction
                //Commit the transaction
                if (cleanupTransaction == true)
                //Close the connection
                if (cleanupConnection == true)
            catch (Exception ex)
                    if (cleanupTransaction == true && Transaction != null)
                catch { }

                    if (cleanupConnection == true && Connection != null)
                catch { }

                throw ex;
Пример #4
 /// Opens the connection/transaction for the given connectionString, and closes them when complete
 public static FR_Bool Invoke(string ConnectionString, P_L6LR_CCRFE_1340 Parameter, CSV2Core.SessionSecurity.SessionSecurityTicket securityTicket = null)
     return(Invoke(null, null, ConnectionString, Parameter, securityTicket));