/// <summary>
        /// Writes the passed message to the Console Window the application is running in and adds the passed message it to the Process Log File for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Message">
        /// The message (text string) that is to be written to the Console Window and Process Log File.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="MessageBreakLength">
        /// The number of characters that shoudl be included on a line in the Console Window and the Process Log File.  Messages longer than the specified value will be
        /// broken up to be written on multiple lines.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="LogFileManager">
        /// The Log File Manager Object that contains the pointer to the Process Log File for the application.
        /// </param>
        public void SendMessage(string Message, int MessageBreakLength, PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.LogFileManager LogFileManager)
            System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection messages = null;

            //  If the message is too long to fit in the process status list box, break it onto multiple lines.
            if (Message.Length > MessageBreakLength)
              //  Break the passed message on to multiple lines since it is too long to fit on a single line in the Process Status List Box.
              messages = CreateMessagesCollection(Message, MessageBreakLength);

              //  Create a Message Collection and add the current message to it.
              messages = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection();


            //  Write the items in the Messages Collection to the Console Window and the Process Log File.
            foreach (string currentMessage in messages)
              //  Write the Message to the Console Window.

              //  If necessary, write the Message to the Process Log File.
              if (LogFileManager != null)


            //  Exit the method.

            //  Exit this method.

            //  If the Messages String Collection was instantiated, close it.
            if (messages != null)
              messages = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a Parameter Value from the Parameter Table indicated by the Parameter Manager Object that was
        /// passed to the Method.  If the Value cannot be determined, a NULL String is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ParameterName">
        /// The Name of the Parameter that is t be looked up in the Parameter Table.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ParameterManager">
        /// A Parameter Manager Object that provides the connection information for the Parameter Table.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// String - The value for the Parameter named in the "ParameterName" input parameter.  A NULL String is returned
        /// if the Parameter Value cannot be determined.
        /// </returns>
        public string RetrieveParameterValue(string ParameterName, PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.ParameterManager ParameterManager, bool DecryptValue = true)
            PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.EncryptionManager encryptionManager = null;

            //  If the Parameter Manager Object is not initialized, return an empty string to indicate that the Parameter Value could not
            //  be determined.
            if (!ParameterManager.IsInitialized())
              //  Return an empty string to indicate that the value could not determined.
              return "";


            //  Determine if the Parameter exists in the Parameter Table.  If it does, return
            //  the value.  Otherwise, return an empty string to indicate that the Parameter
            //  Value could not be found in the Table.
            string parameterValue = null;
            if (ParameterManager.ParameterExists(ParameterName))
              //  Retrieve the Paarameter Value from the Parameter Table.
              parameterValue = ParameterManager.ReadParameter(ParameterName);

              //  If the Parameter Value is encrypted, decrypt it.
              if (ParameterManager.ParameterEncrypted(ParameterName))
            //  Instantiate an Encryption Manager Object.
            encryptionManager = new PDX.BTS.DataMaintenance.MaintTools.EncryptionManager();
            //  Decrypt the encrypted parameter value.
            parameterValue = encryptionManager.DecryptString(parameterValue);
              //  Set the return value to an empty string to indicate that the value could not
              //  be found in the Parameter Table.
              parameterValue = "";


            //  Return the Parameter Value to the calling method.
            return parameterValue;

              catch (System.Exception caught)
            //  Determine the Line Number from which the exception was thrown.
            System.Diagnostics.StackTrace stackTrace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace(caught, true);
            System.Diagnostics.StackFrame stackFrame = stackTrace.GetFrame(stackTrace.FrameCount - 1);
            int lineNumber = stackFrame.GetFileLineNumber();

            //  Let the User know that this method failed.
            if (ErrorMessage != null)
              ErrorMessage("The RetrieveParameterValue() Method failed with error message - " + caught.Message + " (Line:  " + lineNumber.ToString() + ")!");

            //  Return a NULL String to the calling Method to indicate that this Method failed.
            return null;

            //  If the Encryption Manager was instantiated and not released, release it before exiting.
            if (encryptionManager != null)
              encryptionManager = null;
