Пример #1
 // constructors
 /// <summary>Creates a new instance of this class.</summary>
 /// <remarks>Make sure to call the Reset method once you are finished rendering with this state.</remarks>
 internal OpenGlState()
     this.AlphaFunctionComparison = Gl.GL_ALWAYS;
     this.AlphaFunctionValue = 0.0f;
     this.AlphaTest = false;
     this.Blend = false;
     this.BlendSourceFactor = Gl.GL_SRC_ALPHA;
     this.BlendDestinationFactor = Gl.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
     this.EmissiveColor = OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB.Black;
     this.DepthMask = true;
     this.DepthTest = true;
     this.Texture = 0;
     this.Texturing = false;
Пример #2
 private static void UpdateLighting(double secondsSinceMidnight)
     if (RoundTheClockLighting) {
         double hour = (secondsSinceMidnight % 86400.0) / 3600.0;
         LightAmbientColor = OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB.Black;
         LightDiffuseColor = OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB.Black;
         double sunIntensity;
         double moonIntensity;
         /* The sun */
             double sunAngle = secondsSinceMidnight * 2.0 * Math.PI / 86400.0;
             SunPosition = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(Math.Sin(sunAngle), -Math.Cos(sunAngle), 0.0);
             double r = 0.6 * Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, SunPosition.Y + 0.18));
             double g = 0.6 * Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, SunPosition.Y + 0.09));
             double b = 0.6 * Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, SunPosition.Y + 0.03));
             sunIntensity = (r + g + b) / 3.0;
             LightAmbientColor += new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB((float)r, (float)g, (float)b);
             LightDiffuseColor += new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB((float)r, (float)g, (float)b);
         /* The moon */
             double moonAngle = secondsSinceMidnight * 2.0 * Math.PI / 86400.0 + 0.9 * Math.PI;
             MoonPosition = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(0.0, -Math.Cos(moonAngle), Math.Sin(moonAngle));
             double r = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, 0.05 * MoonPosition.Y + 0.12));
             double g = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, 0.07 * MoonPosition.Y + 0.12));
             double b = Math.Max(0.0, Math.Min(1.0, 0.13 * MoonPosition.Y + 0.12));
             moonIntensity = (r + g + b) / 3.0;
             LightAmbientColor += new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB((float)r, (float)g, (float)b);
             LightDiffuseColor += new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB((float)r, (float)g, (float)b);
         double sunFactor = sunIntensity / (sunIntensity + moonIntensity);
         double moonFactor = moonIntensity / (sunIntensity + moonIntensity);
         LightPosition = SunPosition * sunFactor + MoonPosition * moonFactor;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>Resets those OpenGL states that have changed from the default values.</summary>
 internal void Reset()
     if (this.AlphaTest) {
         this.AlphaTest = false;
     if (this.Blend) {
         this.Blend = false;
     if (this.EmissiveColor != OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB.Black) {
         Gl.glMaterialfv(Gl.GL_FRONT, Gl.GL_EMISSION, new float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f });
         this.EmissiveColor = OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB.Black;
     if (!this.DepthMask) {
         this.DepthMask = true;
     if (!this.DepthTest) {
         this.DepthTest = true;
     if (this.Texturing) {
         this.Texture = 0;
         this.Texturing = false;
Пример #4
 internal void SetEmissiveColor(OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB color)
     if (color != this.EmissiveColor) {
         Gl.glMaterialfv(Gl.GL_FRONT, Gl.GL_EMISSION, new float[] { color.R, color.G, color.B, 1.0f });
         this.EmissiveColor = color;
Пример #5
            /// <summary>Creates or updates the display list for the static objects. If the display list already exists, it is recreated.</summary>
            internal void CreateOrUpdateDisplayList()
                 * Load all textures used by the objects in this leaf node.
                 * */
                 * Begin rendering to the display list.
                 * */
                Renderer.OpenGlState state;
                this.DisplayList.Begin(out state);
                 * Render all attached static objects.
                 * */
                Renderer.RenderStaticOpaqueObjects(this.StaticOpaqueObjects, this.StaticOpaqueObjectCount, ref state);
                if (Program.CurrentOptions.ShowGrid) {
                     * Render the rectangle and bounding rectangle for debugging purposes.
                     * */
                    OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB brightColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB(
                    OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB darkColor = new OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB(
                        0.5f * brightColor.R,
                        0.5f * brightColor.G,
                        0.5f * brightColor.B
                    { /* Render the rectangle. */
                        double x = 0.5 * (this.Rectangle.Right - this.Rectangle.Left);
                        double z = 0.5 * (this.Rectangle.Far - this.Rectangle.Near);
                        OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[] vertices = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[] {
                            new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(-x, -1.1, -z),
                            new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(-x, -1.1, z),
                            new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(x, -1.1, z),
                            new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(x, -1.1, -z)
                        Renderer.RenderPolygonFromVertices(vertices, darkColor, OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB.Black, ref state);
                    { /* Render the bounding rectangle. */
                        OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2 center = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2(
                            0.5 * (this.Rectangle.Left + this.Rectangle.Right),
                            0.5 * (this.Rectangle.Near + this.Rectangle.Far)
                        OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2 nearLeft = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2(
                            this.BoundingRectangle.Left - center.X,
                            this.BoundingRectangle.Near - center.Y
                        OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2 nearRight = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2(
                            this.BoundingRectangle.Right - center.X,
                            this.BoundingRectangle.Near - center.Y
                        OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2 farLeft = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2(
                            this.BoundingRectangle.Left - center.X,
                            this.BoundingRectangle.Far - center.Y
                        OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2 farRight = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector2(
                            this.BoundingRectangle.Right - center.X,
                            this.BoundingRectangle.Far - center.Y
                        OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[] vertices = new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3[] {
                            new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(nearLeft.X, -1.0, nearLeft.Y),
                            new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(farLeft.X, -1.0, farLeft.Y),
                            new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(farRight.X, -1.0, farRight.Y),
                            new OpenBveApi.Math.Vector3(nearRight.X, -1.0, nearRight.Y)
                        Renderer.RenderPolygonFromVertices(vertices, brightColor, OpenBveApi.Color.ColorRGB.Black, ref state);

                 * End rendering to the display list.
                 * */
                this.DisplayList.End(ref state);
Пример #6
 // --- functions ---
 internal static void InitializeLighting(OpenBveApi.Route.DirectionalLight light)
     LightPosition = -light.LightDirection;
     LightAmbientColor = light.AmbientLight;
     LightDiffuseColor = light.DiffuseLight;