Пример #1
 void Awake()
     actor         = GetComponent <ObiActor>();
     pick          = GameObject.Find("Pick");
     end           = GameObject.Find("End");
     pick_orig_pos = pick.transform.position;
     end_orig_pos  = end.transform.position;
Пример #2
 public override void Initialize()
     actor = GetComponent <ObiActor> ();
     c     = GetComponent <Collider> ();
     e     = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <EnemyManager> ();
     if (!trainingMode)
         MaxStep = 0;
     c.enabled = true;
     softBody.deformationResistance = 0.7f;
Пример #3
    private void Cloth_OnEndStep(ObiActor actor, float substepTime)
        if (Mathf.Approximately(maxForce, 0))

        var dc = cloth.GetConstraintsByType(Oni.ConstraintType.Distance) as ObiConstraints <ObiDistanceConstraintsBatch>;
        var sc = cloth.solver.GetConstraintsByType(Oni.ConstraintType.Distance) as ObiConstraints <ObiDistanceConstraintsBatch>;

        if (dc != null && sc != null)
            float sqrTime = substepTime * substepTime;

            for (int j = 0; j < dc.batches.Count; ++j)
                var batch       = dc.batches[j] as ObiDistanceConstraintsBatch;
                var solverBatch = sc.batches[j] as ObiDistanceConstraintsBatch;

                for (int i = 0; i < batch.activeConstraintCount; i++)
                    // divide lambda by squared delta time to get force in newtons:
                    int   offset = cloth.solverBatchOffsets[(int)Oni.ConstraintType.Distance][j];
                    float force  = -solverBatch.lambdas[offset + i] / sqrTime;

                    int p1 = batch.particleIndices[i * 2];
                    int p2 = batch.particleIndices[i * 2 + 1];

                    if (cloth.solver.invMasses[cloth.solverIndices[p1]] > 0 ||
                        cloth.solver.invMasses[cloth.solverIndices[p2]] > 0)
                        forces[p1] += force;
                        forces[p2] += force;


            // average force over each particle, map to color, and reset forces:
            for (int i = 0; i < cloth.solverIndices.Length; ++i)
                int solverIndex = cloth.solverIndices[i];
                cloth.solver.colors[solverIndex] = gradient.Evaluate((forces[i] / counts[i] - minForce) / (maxForce - minForce));
                forces[i] = 0;
                counts[i] = 0;
Пример #4
 public void Awake()
     actor = GetComponent <ObiActor>();
Пример #5
 private void Awake()
     rb    = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     col   = GetComponent <Collider>();
     actor = GetComponent <ObiActor>();
Пример #6
 void Start()
     actor = GetComponent <ObiActor> ();
     c     = GetComponent <Collider> ();
     e     = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <EnemyManager> ();
Пример #7
    private void Softbody_OnEndStep(ObiActor actor, float substepTime)
        if (Mathf.Approximately(deformationScaling, 0))

        var dc = softbody.GetConstraintsByType(Oni.ConstraintType.ShapeMatching) as ObiConstraints <ObiShapeMatchingConstraintsBatch>;
        var sc = softbody.solver.GetConstraintsByType(Oni.ConstraintType.ShapeMatching) as ObiConstraints <ObiShapeMatchingConstraintsBatch>;

        if (dc != null && sc != null)
            for (int j = 0; j < dc.batches.Count; ++j)
                var batch       = dc.batches[j] as ObiShapeMatchingConstraintsBatch;
                var solverBatch = sc.batches[j] as ObiShapeMatchingConstraintsBatch;

                for (int i = 0; i < batch.activeConstraintCount; i++)
                    // use rotation-invariant Frobeniums norm to get amount of deformation.
                    int offset = softbody.solverBatchOffsets[(int)Oni.ConstraintType.ShapeMatching][j];

                    // use frobenius norm to estimate deformation.
                    //Tansel: the line below was giving problem. 06/01/2021
                    //float deformation = solverBatch.linearTransforms[offset + i].FrobeniusNorm() - 2;
                    float deformation = 1;
                    for (int k = 0; k < batch.numIndices[i]; ++k)
                        int p  = batch.particleIndices[batch.firstIndex[i] + k];
                        int or = softbody.solverIndices[p];
                        if (softbody.solver.invMasses[or] > 0)
                            norms[p] += deformation;

            // average force over each particle, map to color, and reset forces:
            for (int i = 0; i < softbody.solverIndices.Length; ++i)
                if (counts[i] > 0)
                    int solverIndex = softbody.solverIndices[i];
                    softbody.solver.colors[solverIndex] = gradient.Evaluate(norms[i] / counts[i] * deformationScaling + 0.5f);
                    norms[i]  = 0;
                    counts[i] = 0;

            var surfaceBlueprint = softbody.softbodyBlueprint as ObiSoftbodySurfaceBlueprint;
            if (surfaceBlueprint != null && skin != null && skin.sharedMesh != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; ++i)
                    int particleIndex = surfaceBlueprint.vertexToParticle[i];
                    colors[i] = softbody.solver.colors[particleIndex];
                skin.sharedMesh.colors = colors;
Пример #8
 private void Awake()
     actor = GetComponent <ObiActor>();
    void Awake()
        actor = GetComponent <ObiActor>();

        Debug.Log("obi actor awake!!");