public void GetNewsPapersDeliveryOrderTest()
            IStreetSpecifications specficationTest1    = new FileStreetSpecifications("13245.txt");
            NewsPaperDeliveryHouseByHouseApproach test = new NewsPaperDeliveryHouseByHouseApproach(specficationTest1);

            int[] expected = { 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 };
            int[] actual   = test.GetNewsPapersDeliveryOrder();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, actual.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], actual[i]);

            specficationTest1 = new FileStreetSpecifications("Street1.txt");
            test = new NewsPaperDeliveryHouseByHouseApproach(specficationTest1);

            expected = new[] { 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 11, 13, 15 };
            actual   = test.GetNewsPapersDeliveryOrder();

            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Length, actual.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < expected.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(expected[i], actual[i]);
Пример #2
        static void Main()
            IStreetSpecifications streetSpecifications = new FileStreetSpecifications("Street1.txt");
            IStreetTracker        defaultTracker       = new TownPlannerStreetTracker(streetSpecifications);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Story 1");

            var isFileValid = defaultTracker.IsValidStreet()
                        ? "The Specifications are valid."
                        : "The Specifications are not valid.";

            System.Console.WriteLine("Acceptance Criteria 1: " + isFileValid + "\n");

            System.Console.WriteLine("Acceptance Criteria 2: The number of houses in a given street are : " + defaultTracker.NumberOfHouses());

            System.Console.WriteLine("\nAcceptance Criteria 3: The number of houses on the left hand (north) side of the street are : " + defaultTracker.NumberOfNorthHouses());
            System.Console.WriteLine("\nAcceptance Criteria 4: The number of houses on the right hand (south) side of the street are : " + defaultTracker.NumberOfSouthHouses());


            System.Console.WriteLine("Story 2");

            NewsPapersDeliveryNorthSouthApproach delivery1 = new NewsPapersDeliveryNorthSouthApproach(streetSpecifications);

            NewsPaperDeliveryHouseByHouseApproach delivery2 = new NewsPaperDeliveryHouseByHouseApproach(streetSpecifications);

                "\nAcceptance Criteria 5: The list of house numbers in the order that I will be delivering to, so that I can sort by satchel in advance are :" +
                delivery1.GetNewsPapersDeliveryOrder().Aggregate("\n\t", (rslt, x) => rslt + " " + x, x => x));

            System.Console.WriteLine(delivery2.GetNewsPapersDeliveryOrder().Aggregate("\t", (rslt, x) => rslt + " " + x, x => x));

            System.Console.WriteLine("\nAcceptance Criteria 6: (" + delivery2.GetCrossingStreetNumber() + ") times I will have to cross the road from one side to the other to make my deliveries");
