public void setNumbers(NetworkViewID player, string Uname, string Pword, int Number) { NetworkView playerN = NetworkView.Find(player); playerN.GetComponent <playerController>().activeAccount = new Account(Uname, Pword); playerN.GetComponent <playerController>().playerNumber = Number; if (BasicFunctions.ForkModus) { switch (Number) { case 1: playerN.transform.Find("Circle").renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", Player1F); break; case 2: playerN.transform.Find("Circle").renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", Player2F); break; case 3: playerN.transform.Find("Circle").renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", Player3F); break; case 4: playerN.transform.Find("Circle").renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", Player4F); break; default: Debug.Log("DIKKE TERROR ERROR"); break; } } else { switch (Number) { case 1: playerN.transform.Find("Circle").renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", Player1R); break; case 2: playerN.transform.Find("Circle").renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", Player2R); break; case 3: playerN.transform.Find("Circle").renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", Player3R); break; case 4: playerN.transform.Find("Circle").renderer.material.SetTexture("_MainTex", Player4R); break; default: Debug.Log("DIKKE TERROR ERROR"); break; } } }
[RPC] void SummonCreature(NetworkViewID viewID, int cretID, NetworkViewID vid2, bool isHero, int player) { Network.Destroy(vid2); NetworkView nv = NetworkView.Find(viewID); CreatureScript cs = nv.GetComponent <CreatureScript>(); print(cretID); cs.playerID = this.playerID; if (isHero) { TurnManager.instance.heroObjects[this.playerID] = cs; cs.playerID = this.playerID; } else { cs.attack =[cretID].statA; = cs.maxhealth =[cretID].statB; cs.cardTex =[cretID].cardPicture; =[cretID].name; cs.description =[cretID].descrip; cs.type =[cretID].type; cs.flavor =[cretID].flavor; cs.canAttack =[cretID].boolA; cs.playerID = this.playerID; cs.attacked =[cretID].boolB; string desc =[cretID].descrip.Replace("\\n", "\n"); cs.description = desc; string flav =[cretID].flavor.Replace("\\n", "\n"); cs.flavor = flav; cs.summonSound =[cretID].soundA; cs.attackSound =[cretID].soundB; cs.dieSound =[cretID].soundC; } }
private NetworkView Create(ref CustomInstantiationArgs args, out IDMain instance) { NetworkView view3; if ((float.IsNaN(args.position.x) || float.IsNaN(args.position.y)) || float.IsNaN(args.position.z)) { Debug.LogWarning("NetMainPrefab -> Create - args.position = " + args.position); Debug.LogWarning("This means you're creating an object with a bad position!"); } NetInstance instance2 = _currentNetInstance; try { _currentNetInstance = null; if (args.hasCustomInstantiator) { NetworkView networkView; instance = null; try { instance = args.customInstantiate.CustomInstantiatePrefab(ref args); } catch (Exception exception) { Debug.LogError(string.Format("Thrown Exception during custom instantiate via '{0}' with instantiation '{2}'\r\ndefault instantiation will now occur -- exception follows..\r\n{1}", args.customInstantiate, exception, this), this); if (instance != null) { Object.Destroy(instance); } instance = null; } try { networkView = instance.networkView; if (networkView == null) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("The custom instantiator '{0}' with instantiation '{1}' did not return a idmain with a network view. so its being added", args.customInstantiate, this), this); networkView = instance.gameObject.AddComponent <uLinkNetworkView>(); } } catch (Exception exception2) { networkView = null; Debug.LogError(string.Format("The custom instantiator '{0}' did not instantiate a IDMain with a networkview or something else with instantiation '{2}'.. \r\n {1}", args.customInstantiate, exception2, this), this); } if (networkView != null) { return(networkView); } } NetworkView view2 = (NetworkView)NetworkInstantiatorUtility.Instantiate(args.prefabNetworkView, args.args); instance = view2.GetComponent <IDMain>(); view3 = view2; } finally { _currentNetInstance = instance2; } return(view3); }
void OnTriggerStay(Collider coll) { if (coll.tag == "Player") { // GameObject hitPlayer = coll.gameObject; nView = coll.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 1); } if (coll.tag == "Boss") { // GameObject hitPlayer = coll.gameObject; nView = coll.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 1); if (nView.isMine) { Sentry companion; companion = nView.GetComponent<Sentry>(); companion.ClientTakeDamageFromWeapon(1); } else { nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 1); } } }
void RPCInit(NetworkViewID tgt, int velocity) { NetworkView view = NetworkView.Find(tgt); target = (view == null)? null :view.GetComponent <Alien>(); speed = velocity; initialized = true; }
public static bool Prefix(NetworkView __instance, string name, RPCMode mode, ref object[] args) { if (Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Equals(typeof(GameScript).Assembly)) { switch (name) { case "Set": if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(true); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(PlanetRegistry.Singleton, ref args[0]); } } else if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int[] arr && arr.Length == 2) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(true); } ItemStandScript itemStandScript = __instance.GetComponent <ItemStandScript>(); if (itemStandScript == null || !itemStandScript.isChipStand) { args[0] = new int[] { GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, arr[0]), arr[1], }; } else { args[0] = new int[] { GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ChipRegistry.Singleton, arr[0]), arr[1], }; } } else if (args[0] is Package2 pack2) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(true); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton /* ProjectileRegistry */, ref; } } break;
[RPC] void AttackOther(NetworkViewID nvid) { NetworkView nv = NetworkView.Find(nvid); CreatureScript cs = nv.GetComponent <CreatureScript>(); if (networkView.isMine) { networkView.RPC("PlaySound", RPCMode.All, 1); networkView.RPC("TakeDamage", RPCMode.All, cs.attack); nv.RPC("TakeDamage", RPCMode.All, attack); } }
protected void Client_OnKilledBy(NetworkViewID attackerViewID, NetworkMessageInfo info) { NetworkView view = NetworkView.Find(attackerViewID); if (view == null) { this.Client_OnKilledShared(false, null, ref info); } else { Character component = view.GetComponent <Character>(); this.Client_OnKilledShared((bool)component, component, ref info); } }
protected void _Destroyer(NetworkView networkView) { NetInstance instance = _currentNetInstance; try { NetInstance component = networkView.GetComponent <NetInstance>(); _currentNetInstance = component; if (component != null) { component.zzz___onpredestroy(); } Object.Destroy(networkView.gameObject); } finally { _currentNetInstance = instance; } }
[RPC] void AttackOther(NetworkViewID nvid) { NetworkView nv = NetworkView.Find(nvid); CreatureScript cs = nv.GetComponent <CreatureScript>(); if (networkView.isMine) { networkView.RPC("PlaySound", RPCMode.All, 1); if (![this.cardID].abilities.Contains(CardType.CardAbilities.Ranged)) { networkView.RPC("TakeDamage", RPCMode.All, cs.attack); } nv.RPC("TakeDamage", RPCMode.All, attack); } if ([this.cardID].abilities.Contains(CardType.CardAbilities.Airborne)) { attackedAirborne = true; } }
// Update is called once per frame void FixedUpdate() { if (toInitialize) { toInitialize = false; swapTowerSkin(); } Alien closestEnemy; if (GameSession.Instance.isDefender) { if ((closestEnemy = EnemyInRange()) != null) { Vector3 lookDir = closestEnemy.transform.position - transform.position; lookDir -= new Vector3(0, lookDir.y, 0); Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookDir); transform.parent.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.parent.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed); } } else if (GameSession.Instance.isNetworkGame) { TowerWrapper tower = transform.parent.GetComponent <TowerWrapper>(); if (tower != null && tower.targetView != NetworkViewID.unassigned) { NetworkView view = NetworkView.Find(tower.targetView); if (view == null) // enemy has dieded { return; } closestEnemy = (Alien)view.GetComponent <Alien>(); Vector3 lookDir = closestEnemy.transform.position - transform.position; lookDir -= new Vector3(0, lookDir.y, 0); Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookDir); transform.parent.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.parent.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed); } if (tower != null && Level != tower.Level) { Level = tower.Level; swapTowerSkin(); } } }
protected void SMSet(NetworkViewID masterViewID) { NetworkView context = NetworkView.Find(masterViewID); if (context != null) { StructureMaster component = context.GetComponent <StructureMaster>(); if (component != null) { component.AppendStructureComponent(this); } else { Debug.LogWarning("No Master On GO", context); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Couldnt find master view", this); } }
// アイテム取得処理. void GetItemOnNetwork(NetworkViewID viewId) { // 拾われたフラグ. if (isPickedUp) return; isPickedUp = true; // 拾ったPlayerを探す. NetworkView player = NetworkView.Find(viewId); if (player == null) return; // 拾ったPlayerにアイテムを与える. if (player.isMine) player.SendMessage("GetItem",kind); else player.GetComponent<NetworkView>().RPC("GetItem",player.owner,kind); Network.Destroy(gameObject); Network.RemoveRPCs(GetComponent<NetworkView>().viewID); }
public static bool Prefix(NetworkView __instance, string name, RPCMode mode, ref object[] args) { if (Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Equals(typeof(GameScript).Assembly)) { switch (name) { case "Set": if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(PlanetRegistry.Singleton, ref args[0]); } } else if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int[] && (args[0] as int[]).Length == 2) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } ItemStandScript itemStandScript = __instance.GetComponent <ItemStandScript>(); if (itemStandScript == null || !itemStandScript.isChipStand) { GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[0]); } else { GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ChipRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[0]); } } else if (args[0] is Package2) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton /* ProjectileRegistry */, ref (args[0] as Package2).id); } } break; case "UA": if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[0] is int[] && (args[0] as int[]).Length == 8) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[0]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[1]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[2]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[3]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(null /* RaceRegistry */, ref (args[0] as int[])[4]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(null /* UniformRegistry */, ref (args[0] as int[])[6]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(null /* AugmentRegistry */, ref (args[0] as int[])[7]); } } else if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int[] && (args[0] as int[]).Length == 3) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[0]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[1]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[2]); } } break; case "ShootProjectile": if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton /* ProjectileRegistry */, ref args[0]); } } break; case "CreateWorld": if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int[] && (args[0] as int[]).Length > 1) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(PlanetRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[0]); for (int i = 1; i < (args[0] as int[]).Length; i++) { GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(TileRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[i]); } } } break; case "CreateTown": if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int[] && (args[0] as int[]).Length == 2) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(PlanetRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[0]); } } break; case "SpawnProjectile": if (args.Length == 4) { if (args[1] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton /* ProjectileRegistry */, ref args[1]); } } break; case "SetNetworked": if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[1] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton /* ProjectileRegistry */, ref args[1]); } } break; case "SetName": if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(PlanetRegistry.Singleton, ref args[0]); } } break; case "Staff": if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton /* ProjectileRegistry */, ref args[0]); } } break; case "ShootSpecial": if (args.Length == 3) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton /* ProjectileRegistry */, ref args[0]); } } break; case "ShootProjectile2": if (args.Length == 4) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton /* ProjectileRegistry */, ref args[0]); } } break; case "NetworkedProjectile": if (args.Length == 4) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton /* ProjectileRegistry */, ref args[0]); } } break; case "Init": if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int[] && (args[0] as int[]).Length >= 11) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[0]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[5]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[6]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[7]); } } break; case "Chip": if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ChipRegistry.Singleton, ref args[0]); } } break; case "SpawnItem": if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[0] is int[] && (args[0] as int[]).Length >= 11) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[0]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[5]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[6]); GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(ItemRegistry.Singleton, ref (args[0] as int[])[7]); } } break; case "ChangePortal": if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(PlanetRegistry.Singleton, ref args[0]); } } break; case "ChangePortal2": if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(PlanetRegistry.Singleton, ref args[0]); } } break; case "RefreshWall": if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int[] arr) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(TileRegistry.Singleton, ref arr[i]); } } } break; case "RefreshShip": if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[0] is int[] arr1 && args[1] is int[] arr2) { for (int i = 0; i < arr1.Length; i++) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(TileRegistry.Singleton, ref arr1[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < (arr2 as int[]).Length; i++) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(TileRegistry.Singleton, ref arr2[i]); } } } break; case "SetMaterial": if (args.Length == 1) { if (args[0] is int) { if (!GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady && GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect() < GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout) { InstanceTracker.GameScript.StartCoroutine(GadgetUtils.WaitAndInvoke(RPCMethod, GadgetNetwork.MatrixTimeout - GadgetNetwork.GetTimeSinceConnect(), () => GadgetNetwork.MatrixReady, __instance, name, mode, args)); return(false); } GadgetNetwork.ConvertIDToHost(PlanetRegistry.Singleton, ref args[0]); } } break; } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Calls GetComponent on the object that we are referencing. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the component that we want to get.</typeparam> /// <returns>The component if found, otherwise null</returns> public T GetComponent <T>() where T : Component { return(exists ? _networkView.GetComponent <T>() : null); }
void DoStuff() { Ray ray = new Ray(transform.parent.GetComponent<Camera>().transform.position, transform.parent.GetComponent<Camera>().transform.forward); Vector3 pos = transform.parent.GetComponent<Camera>().transform.position; Vector3 dir = transform.parent.GetComponent<Camera>().transform.forward; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { weapon = 0; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) { weapon = 1; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3)) { weapon = 2; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4)) { weapon = 3; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha5)) { weapon = 4; } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) { weapon++; if (weapon >= 4) { weapon = 4; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q)) { weapon--; if (weapon <= 0) { weapon = 0; } } if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, range)) { #region /* if (weapon == 4) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)) { // print("vehicle selected"); onVeh = !onVeh; Debug.Log(onVeh); if (hit.collider.tag == "Vehicle") { //Debug.Log("Hit Vechicle"); //Debug.Log(onVeh); if (onVeh) { playCam.InVehicle(); // playMovement.InVehicle(); mPlayer.parent = hit.collider.GetComponent<Transform>(); mPlayer.localPosition = new Vector3(-2.486229f, 0.32169f, 1.553621f); mPlayer.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0.2488809f, 5.57256f, 277.1208f); vehicle = transform.parent.transform.parent.transform.parent.GetComponent<Vehicle>(); vehicle.onVehicle = !vehicle.onVehicle; } } } } else { range = 1000.0f; } * */ #endregion range = 1000.0f; if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { line.enabled = true; line.SetPosition(0, transform.position); line.SetPosition(1, hit.point + hit.normal); effects.RPC("Shot", RPCMode.All, pos, dir, true); laserAudio.Play(); AmmoChecks(); if (hit.collider.tag == "PlayerDeathParticle") { hit.rigidbody.AddForceAtPosition(2000 * dir, hit.point); } switch (weapon) { case 0: { // Regular Laser // put if ammo > 0 or whatever if (laserAmmo > 0) { print("laser"); if (hit.collider.tag == "Player") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 5); } if (hit.collider.tag == "Orb") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 5); if (nView.isMine) { Companion companion; companion = nView.GetComponent<Companion>(); companion.ClientTakeDamageFromWeapon(); } else { nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 5); } } //// BOSSS if (hit.collider.tag == "Boss") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); // nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 5); if (nView.isMine) { Sentry boss; boss = nView.GetComponent<Sentry>(); boss.ClientTakeDamageFromWeapon(5); } else { nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 5); } } if (hit.collider.tag == "SentryHealth1") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); if (nView.isMine) { SentryHealth sentryHealth; sentryHealth = nView.GetComponent<SentryHealth>(); sentryHealth.ClientTakeDamageFromWeapon(5); } else { nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 5); } } if (hit.collider.tag == "SentryHealth2") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); if (nView.isMine) { SentryHealth sentryHealth; sentryHealth = nView.GetComponent<SentryHealth>(); sentryHealth.ClientTakeDamageFromWeapon(5); } } if (laserAmmo == 0) { StartCoroutine(LaserAmmoSpawn()); } Vector3 explosionPos = new Vector3(hit.point.x, hit.point.y, hit.point.z); effects.RPC("LaserHit", RPCMode.All, explosionPos); laserAmmo--; } break; } case 1: { // Incendairy Laser if (incendaryAmmo > 0) { print("Incendairy"); if (hit.collider.tag == "Player") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 10); } if (hit.collider.tag == "Orb") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 5); if (nView.isMine) { Companion companion; companion = nView.GetComponent<Companion>(); companion.ClientTakeDamageFromWeapon(); } else { nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 5); } } if (hit.collider.tag == "Boss") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 10); if (nView.isMine) { Sentry boss; boss = nView.GetComponent<Sentry>(); boss.ClientTakeDamageFromWeapon(10); } else { nView.RPC("NetworkTakeDamageFromWeapon", nView.owner, 10); } } incendaryAmmo--; Vector3 explosionPos = new Vector3(hit.point.x, hit.point.y, hit.point.z); effects.RPC("Explosion", RPCMode.All, explosionPos); } else { weapon = 0; } break; } case 2: { // Flash Laser if (flashAmmo > 0) { print("flash"); flashAmmo--; Vector3 explosionPos = new Vector3(hit.point.x, hit.point.y, hit.point.z); effects.RPC("FlashExplosion", RPCMode.All, explosionPos); } else { weapon = 0; } break; } case 3: { // Stasis Laser if (stasisAmmo > 0) { if (hit.collider.tag == "Player") { print("stasis"); nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("Stasis", nView.owner); } stasisAmmo--; } else { weapon = 0; } break; } case 4: { // Levi if (leviAmmo > 0) { if (hit.collider.tag == "Player") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("Levitation", nView.owner, 5); } leviAmmo--; } else { weapon = 0; } break; } case 5: { // new ammo goes here, sniffer if (seekerAmmo > 0) { if (hit.collider.tag == "Player") { nView = hit.collider.GetComponent<NetworkView>(); nView.RPC("Seek", nView.owner); } seekerAmmo--; } else { weapon = 0; } break; } case 6: { if (NukeAmmo > 0) { Vector3 explosionPos = new Vector3(hit.point.x, hit.point.y, hit.point.z); effects.RPC("NukeHit", RPCMode.All, explosionPos); } else { weapon = 0; } break; } } } else { effects.RPC("Shot", RPCMode.All, pos, dir, false); line.enabled = false; } } }