Пример #1
 public void StartApplication()
     if (NearestApp == null)
         Task.Run(() =>
             SQLite.Net.Interop.ISQLitePlatform platform;
             platform       = new SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinAndroid.SQLitePlatformAndroid();
             string[] prefs =
             NearestApp = new Nearest(platform, new Utility(), prefs);
         Report("Using existing NearestApp instance. Setting next trains", 0);
     if (lastKnown != null && NearestApp != null)
         Report("StartApplication => GetTrainModels", 0);
     SetNextTrains("Start Application...");
Пример #2
        public void GetTrains(Nearest NearestApp)
                IsBusy = true;

                var i = 0;
                foreach (var directionList in stopList)
                    List <Stop> stops = NearestApp.GetNearestStopsAll(
                        double.Parse(latitude), double.Parse(longitude), i
                    Update(i, stops);
                IsBusy = false;
Пример #3
        // 分类运算
        private void classifyButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (SelectedPCXHelper.GetSelPCXFromLB().Count == 0 || SelectedPCXHelper.GetUnselPCXList().Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(this, "您还未提取样本特征,或者还未设置测试样本集!", "提示信息", MessageBoxButtons.OK);

                string correctRate = null; //正确率
                string myfilepath  = filepathText.Text.ToString();

                Features feature;

                #region 这里做一个文件名为unknown.pcx的判断

                string filename = FeatureHelper.GetUnknownName(myfilepath);
                if (filename.ToLower().Equals("unknown"))
                    feature = new Features(myfilepath);
                    int classID = Convert.ToInt32(FeatureHelper.GetUpperFoldername(myfilepath));
                    feature = new Features(myfilepath, classID);


                #region Bayes分类法

                if (rbBayes.Checked)
                    #region 数据初始化

                    double correctCount = 0.0;


                    IList sampleList = FeatureHelper.GetFeaturesList();            //获取原始训练样本
                    IList newSampleList = MDAHelper.GetMDSampleList();

                    Bayes bayes = Bayes.GetInstance();
                    bayes.TrainSampleList = newSampleList;                 //向贝叶斯分类器注入降维后的训练样本

                    //int classID = Convert.ToInt32(FeatureHelper.GetUpperFoldername(myfilepath));
                    //Features feature = new Features(myfilepath, classID);
                    feature = MDAHelper.MDSample(feature);             //测试样本降维
                    int testClassID = bayes.DecisionFunction(feature); //用贝叶斯决策进行测试样本分类
                    lblunknownclassify.Text = testClassID.ToString("000");
                    if (feature.classID == testClassID)
                        lblerrorinfo.Text      = "Bayes分类法分类正确";
                        lblerrorinfo.ForeColor = Color.Green;

                    else if (feature.classID == -1)
                        lblerrorinfo.Text      = "Bayes分类法分类失败";
                        lblerrorinfo.ForeColor = Color.Green;


                #region Kn近邻法

                if (rbKn.Checked)
                    #region 相关数据初始化

                    int    testResult   = -1;
                    double correctCount = 0.0;
                    int    kvalue       = Constant.kvalue;


                    #region  效的情况下进行计算

                    if (KCheck(kvalue))
                        KnNear my_knearest = new KnNear();

                        //int classID = Convert.ToInt32(FeatureHelper.GetUpperFoldername(myfilepath));
                        //Features currfeature = new Features(myfilepath, classID);
                        testResult = my_knearest.DoK_nearest(feature, FeatureHelper.GetFeaturesList(), kvalue);

                        // 其实testResult的结果直接就是result求的值
                        string result = testResult.ToString("000");
                        lblunknownclassify.Text = result;
                        result = ResultConvert(result);

                        int testID = Convert.ToInt32(result);
                        if (testID > 0 && testID == feature.classID)
                            //correctRate = "分类正确率: " + Constant.kn_Rate;
                            lblerrorinfo.Text      = "Kn近邻法分类正确";
                            lblerrorinfo.ForeColor = Color.Green;

                        else if (feature.classID == -1)

                            lblerrorinfo.Text      = "Kn近邻法分类失败!";
                            lblerrorinfo.ForeColor = Color.Green;



                #region 最近邻法

                if (rbnearest.Checked)
                    #region 初始化

                    int    testResult   = -1;
                    double correctCount = 0.0;


                    #region 最近邻分类

                    if (NearestCheck())
                        Nearest nearest = new Nearest();
                        //int classID = Convert.ToInt32(FeatureHelper.GetUpperFoldername(myfilepath));
                        //Features currfeature = new Features(myfilepath, classID);
                        testResult = nearest.Do_Nearest(feature, FeatureHelper.GetFeaturesList());

                        string result = testResult.ToString("000");
                        lblunknownclassify.Text = result;
                        if (testResult > 0 && testResult == feature.classID)
                            lblerrorinfo.Text      = "最近邻法分类正确";
                            lblerrorinfo.ForeColor = Color.Green;

                        else if (feature.classID == -1)

                            lblerrorinfo.Text      = "最近邻法分类失败!";
                            lblerrorinfo.ForeColor = Color.Green;


Пример #4
        // 获取Dataset数据
        public DataSet GetViewDS(out double ccount, out double crate, out int count)
            #region 数据初始化

            double correctCount = 0;
            double correctRate  = 0.0;
            int    testResult   = 0;

            Nearest nearest = new Nearest();

            IList testSampleList = FeatureHelper.GetTestFeaturesList();        //获取原始测试

            #region DataGridView操作

            dgv_result.DataSource = null;

            DataSet   ds = new DataSet();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("样本路径", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("样本类", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("样本测试结果类", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("正误判断", typeof(string));
            foreach (Features feature in testSampleList)
                testResult = nearest.Do_Nearest(feature, FeatureHelper.GetFeaturesList());
                if (testResult > 0)
                    DataRow row          = dt.NewRow();
                    string  rightOrWrong = "×";
                    row[0] = feature.Filepath;
                    row[1] = feature.classID;
                    row[2] = string.Format("类{0}", testResult);
                    if (testResult == feature.classID)
                        row[3] = " ";
                        row[3] = rightOrWrong;
                        //this.knDataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red;
            //this.dgv_result.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
            //SetControlPropertyValue(dgv_result, "DataSource", ds.Tables[0]);


            #region Kn近邻法性能显示
            //correctRate = (correctCount / Convert.ToDouble(testSampleList.Count)) * 100.0;
            //Constant.kn_Rate = correctRate.ToString("0.000") + "%";

            //lbl_result.Text = "测试样本总数 " + testSampleList.Count + " ,Kn近邻法判断正确 "
            //    + correctCount + " 个,正确率为:" + Constant.kn_Rate;


            ccount = correctCount;
            crate  = correctRate;
            count  = testSampleList.Count;

Пример #5
        public static bool Build(Unit player, Vec2Double target, Game game, Strategy strategy, Nearest nearest)
            if (target.X > player.Position.X && game.Level.Tiles[(int)(player.Position.X + 1)][(int)(player.Position.Y)] == Tile.Wall)

            if (target.X < player.Position.X && game.Level.Tiles[(int)(player.Position.X - 1)][(int)(player.Position.Y)] == Tile.Wall)

            if (strategy.Type == StrategyType.Kill && player.UnderPlatform(game.Level.Tiles) == true)

            if (strategy.Type == StrategyType.Kill && player.OnLadder(game.Level.Tiles) && nearest.Enemy.Value.OnLadder(game.Level.Tiles) && target.Y - player.Position.Y > 5)

            return(strategy.Type != StrategyType.Kill && target.Y > player.Position.Y);
Пример #6
 protected override void OnStop()
     NearestApp = null;
Пример #7
        protected override EnvShooter.Action GetAction()
            color = Color.Orange;

            action.right  = action.left = action.up = action.down = false;
            action.charge = false;

            if (Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.E))

            #region determine state

            #region gather bullet data

            Vector2 dist;

            Vector2 distToEnemy = enemies[0].Pos - Pos;
            float   dToEnemy    = distToEnemy.Length();

            Nearest <Bullet> nearestFriendlyBullet  = new Nearest <Bullet>();
            Nearest <Bullet> nearestEvilBullet      = new Nearest <Bullet>();
            Nearest <Bullet> nearestEvilBulletFocus = new Nearest <Bullet>();

            for (int i = 0; i < env.Bullets.Length; i++)
                dist = env.Bullets[i].Pos - Pos;
                float d = dist.Length();
                if (env.Bullets[i].Collectible)
                    //float danger = Raycast(env.Bullets[i].Pos, env.Bullets[i].Velocity);

                    nearestFriendlyBullet.SetIfNearer(d, env.Bullets[i]);
                    float maxFriendlyBulletSpeed = 0.3f;

                    if (d < EnvShooter.Bot.RADIUS + Bullet.RADIUS + SPEED * 2f)
                        nearestEvilBullet.SetIfNearer(d, env.Bullets[i]);
                    else if (d > 3f && env.Bullets[i].Velocity.Length() < maxFriendlyBulletSpeed) // 0.1f is neutralize speed
                        float v = env.Bullets[i].Velocity.Length();
                        v -= 0.1f;
                        v /= maxFriendlyBulletSpeed - 0.1f;

                        nearestFriendlyBullet.SetIfNearer(d * (1f + v), env.Bullets[i]);
                    if (d < dangerDist)
                        float dot = Vector2.Dot(-Vector2.Normalize(env.Bullets[i].Pos - Vector2.Normalize(env.Bullets[i].Velocity) * 1f - Pos), env.Bullets[i].Velocity);
                        if (dot > 0f)
                            float projection = Vector2.Dot(dist, Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(-env.Bullets[i].Velocity.Y, env.Bullets[i].Velocity.X)));

                            if (Math.Abs(projection) < RADIUS + Bullet.RADIUS + 0.1f * 2f) // check if it will hit eventually (also consider, that he will move in this direction (*2f)
                                //color = Color.Red;

                                nearestEvilBulletFocus.SetIfNearer(d, env.Bullets[i]);


            State s = state;

            if (nearestEvilBulletFocus.Available() || nearestEvilBullet.Available())// if attacking bullet near
                state = State.EvadeBullet;
            else if (enemies[0].Charge > 0 && dToEnemy < dangerDist && Charge < 1f && (Health <0.5f || enemies[0].Health> 0.25f)) // && dToEnemy - RADIUS * 1.5f < (1f - enemies[0].Charge) / EnvShooter.Bot.CHARGESPEED * SPEED * 0.75f)
                if (dToEnemy - RADIUS * 1.5f < (1f - enemies[0].Charge) / EnvShooter.Bot.CHARGESPEED * SPEED * 0.75f)             // 0.75f because he can only walk in 8 directions
                    state = State.FleeInsideEnemy;
                    state = State.Flee;
            else if (nearestFriendlyBullet.Available() && nearestFriendlyBullet.dist < dToEnemy * 0.5f) // bullet to collect near
                state = State.CollectBullets;
            else if (enemies[0].Ammo == 0 && Ammo > 0)
                state = State.TerrorizeNoob;
            else if (Ammo == 0 && enemies[0].Ammo > 0)
                state = State.Flee;
            else if (Ammo > 0)
                state = State.Attack;
            else if (nearestFriendlyBullet.Available())
                state = State.CollectBullets;
                state = State.Flee;

            //if (s != state)
            //    Console.WriteLine(env.Frame + " " + state);


            #region general

            if (dToEnemy < chargeDist)
                if (enemies[0].Charge == 0 || Charge > 0.2f) // only charge if you already started, or if your enemy isn't charging
                    action.charge = true;
                float distFraction = 0.75f;
                if (enemies[0].Charge >= 1f)
                    distFraction = 0.9f;
                else if (enemies[0].Charge > 0f)
                    distFraction = 1f;
                if (Charge >= 1f && dToEnemy < chargeDist * distFraction && OutsideOfEnemy(dToEnemy - 0.5f)) // 0.5f for shooting distance
                    action.charge = false;


            switch (state)
            case State.EvadeBullet:

                if (nearestEvilBulletFocus.Available())
                    dist = nearestEvilBulletFocus.obj.Pos - Pos;
                    Vector2 evade     = new Vector2(-dist.Y, dist.X);
                    Vector2 nVelocity = new Vector2(-nearestEvilBulletFocus.obj.Velocity.Y, nearestEvilBulletFocus.obj.Velocity.X);
                    if (Vector2.Dot(nVelocity, dist) < 0)
                        evade = -evade;

                    VelocityToAction(ref action, evade);

                    // stop charging in order to evade
                    if (action.charge && (Charge > 0.7f || Charge < 0.2f))
                        action.charge = false;
                    VelocityToAction(ref action, Pos - nearestEvilBullet.obj.Pos);


            case State.CollectBullets:

                VelocityToAction(ref action, nearestFriendlyBullet.obj.Pos - Pos);


            case State.TerrorizeNoob:

                if (OutsideOfEnemy(dToEnemy - 1f))
                    VelocityToAction(ref action, distToEnemy);
                    VelocityToAction(ref action, -distToEnemy);


            case State.FleeInsideEnemy:
                VelocityToActionExact(ref action, distToEnemy);

            case State.Flee:

                Vector2 center = new Vector2(env.Width, env.Height) / 2f;

                float distToCenter = Vector2.Distance(center, Pos);

                distToCenter /= env.Width / 2f - 1f - RADIUS;     // 0 - 1 (max distance to center in x OR y direction)

                if (distToCenter > 0.9f)
                    //TODO: check in which direction to go
                    Vector2 a = Pos - center;
                    Vector2 b = enemies[0].Pos - center;
                    b = new Vector2(-b.Y, b.X);

                    float dot = Vector2.Dot(a, b);
                    if (Math.Abs(dot) > 0.01f)
                        if (dot < 0f)
                            VelocityToAction(ref action, new Vector2(-distToEnemy.Y, distToEnemy.X));
                            VelocityToAction(ref action, new Vector2(distToEnemy.Y, -distToEnemy.X));
                    VelocityToAction(ref action, -distToEnemy);


            case State.Attack:

                if (dToEnemy > chargeDist * 0.7f)
                    VelocityToAction(ref action, distToEnemy);
                    VelocityToAction(ref action, -distToEnemy);


            if (!action.charge)
                action.aim = (float)Math.Atan2(distToEnemy.Y, distToEnemy.X);

                float definitiveDistMax = chargeDist * 0.5f;

                if (dToEnemy < definitiveDistMax)
                    Vector2 enemyBorderDist = enemies[0].Pos + Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(-distToEnemy.Y, distToEnemy.X)) * EnvShooter.Bot.RADIUS;
                    enemyBorderDist = enemyBorderDist - Pos;

                    float maxAngle   = (float)Math.Atan2(enemyBorderDist.Y, enemyBorderDist.X);
                    float angleDist1 = action.aim - maxAngle;
                    float angleDist2 = action.aim + MathHelper.TwoPi;
                    if (Math.Abs(angleDist2) < Math.Abs(angleDist1))
                        angleDist1 = angleDist2;

                    angleDist1 *= 0.8f; // just in case the evasion of the enemy is very good

                    float min = RADIUS + Bullet.RADIUS + 0.5f + 0.5f;
                    float max = definitiveDistMax;

                    float d = dToEnemy;
                    d -= min;
                    d /= max - min;

                    action.aim += angleDist1 * (1f - d);//(float)Math.Pow((1f - (dToEnemy / definitiveDistMax)) * 2f, 0.5f) * angleDist1;

            if (!action.charge && Charge == 0f && rand.Next(60 * 5) == 0)
                action.charge = true;


            //action.right = action.left = action.up = action.down = false;

            //float border = 1f / 4f;

            //bool wall = false;
            //if (Pos.X < env.Width * border)
            //    action.right = true;
            //if (Pos.X > env.Width * (1 - border))
            //    action.left = true;
            //if (Pos.Y < env.Height * border)
            //    action.down = true;
            //if (Pos.Y > env.Height * (1 - border))
            //    action.up = true;

            //if (action.right || action.left || action.up || action.down)
            //    wall = true;

            //Vector2 enemyPos = enemies[0].Pos;

            //Vector2 dist = enemyPos - Pos;

            //if (enemies.Any(f => f.Ammo == 0) || Vector2.Distance(enemies[0].Pos, Pos) < 6f || env.Frame > 5 * 60 )
            //    action.charge = true;

            //if (Charge >= 1f)
            //    if (rand.Next(300) == 0 || enemies[0].Charge > 0 || Vector2.Distance(enemies[0].Pos, Pos) < 5f)
            //        action.charge = false;

            //Bullet nearestFriendly = null;
            //float nearestFriendlyDist = -1f;
            //Bullet nearestEnemy = null;
            //float nearestEnemyDist = -1f;
            //bool bulletEvasion = false;
            //bool anyFriendly = env.Bullets.Any(f => f.Collectible);

            //for (int i = 0; i < env.Bullets.Length; i++)
            //    dist = env.Bullets[i].Pos - Pos;
            //    float d = dist.Length();
            //    if (nearestFriendlyDist != -2 && env.Bullets[i].Collectible)
            //    {
            //        float danger = Raycast(env.Bullets[i].Pos, env.Bullets[i].Velocity);

            //        if (nearestFriendlyDist == -1f || danger > nearestFriendlyDist)//d < nearestFriendlyDist)
            //        {
            //            nearestFriendlyDist = d;
            //            nearestFriendly = env.Bullets[i];
            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        //if (d < 1f)
            //        if (d < 2f)
            //        {
            //            if (nearestEnemyDist == -1f || d < nearestEnemyDist)
            //            {
            //                nearestEnemyDist = d;
            //                nearestEnemy = env.Bullets[i];
            //            }
            //        }
            //        else if (!anyFriendly && d > 3f)
            //        {
            //            if (nearestFriendlyDist == -1f || d < nearestFriendlyDist)
            //            {
            //                nearestFriendlyDist = d;
            //                nearestFriendly = env.Bullets[i];
            //            }
            //        }

            //        if (Vector2.Dot(-dist, env.Bullets[i].Velocity) > 1)
            //        {
            //            nearestFriendlyDist = -2f;
            //            nearestFriendly = null;
            //            Vector2 evade = new Vector2(-dist.Y, dist.X);
            //            Vector2 nVelocity = new Vector2(-env.Bullets[i].Velocity.Y, env.Bullets[i].Velocity.X);

            //            if (Vector2.Dot(nVelocity, dist) < 0)
            //                evade = -evade;

            //            VelocityToAction(ref action, evade);
            //            bulletEvasion = true;

            //            if (Charge > 0.7f)
            //                action.charge = false;
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }

            //bool wallSlide = false;

            //if (!bulletEvasion && env.Bullets.Length == 0 && Ammo == 0)
            //    // emergency mode! -> evasion extreme
            //    action.left = action.right = action.up = action.down = false;

            //    if (Pos.X < env.Width * border)
            //        action.right = true;
            //    if (Pos.X > env.Width * (1 - border))
            //        action.left = true;
            //    if (Pos.Y < env.Height * border)
            //        action.down = true;
            //    if (Pos.Y > env.Height * (1 - border))
            //        action.up = true;

            //    bool u = action.up;
            //    action.up = action.right;
            //    action.right = action.down;
            //    action.down = action.left;
            //    action.left = u;

            //    Vector2 dir = new Vector2(action.up ? -1f : action.down ? 1f : 0, action.right ? 1f : action.left ? -1f : 0f);

            //    if (rand.Next(60) == 0 && reverseDir != Vector2.Dot(dir, enemies[0].Pos - Pos) > 0f)
            //        reverseDir = !reverseDir;

            //        if (reverseDir)
            //    {
            //        bool a = action.up;
            //        action.up = action.down;
            //        action.down = a;

            //        a = action.right;
            //        action.right = action.left;
            //        action.left = a;
            //    }

            //    /*
            //    if (action.right)
            //    {

            //        if (action.up)
            //            action.left = true;
            //        else
            //            action.up = true;
            //    }

            //    if (Pos.Y > env.Height * (1 - border))
            //        action.right = true;
            //    else if (Pos.Y < env.Height * border)
            //        action.left = true;
            //    else if (Pos.X > env.Width * (1 - border))
            //        action.up = true;
            //    else if (Pos.X < env.Width * border)
            //        action.down = true;*/

            //    if (action.right || action.left || action.up || action.down)
            //        wallSlide = true;

            //if (!wallSlide)
            //    float noobDist = -1f;

            //    if (!bulletEvasion)
            //    {
            //        EnvShooter.Bot nearestBot = null;
            //        EnvShooter.Bot nearestNoob = null;
            //        float botDist = -1f;
            //        for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Length; i++)
            //        {
            //            float d = (Pos - enemies[i].Pos).Length();

            //            if (enemies[i].Ammo > 0)
            //            {
            //                if ((d < 10f || (enemies[i].Charge > 0 && d < 15f)) && (botDist == -1f || d < botDist))
            //                {
            //                    nearestBot = enemies[i];
            //                    botDist = d;
            //                }
            //            }
            //            else if (Ammo > 0)
            //            {
            //                //// aggro
            //                //if (noobDist == -1f || (d < noobDist && d > 2f))
            //                //{
            //                //    noobDist = d;
            //                //    nearestNoob = enemies[i];
            //                //}
            //            }
            //        }

            //        if (nearestBot != null)
            //        {
            //            VelocityToAction(ref action, Pos - nearestBot.Pos);

            //        }
            //        else if (nearestNoob != null)
            //        {
            //            VelocityToAction(ref action, nearestNoob.Pos - Pos);
            //        }
            //    }

            //    // collect bullets
            //    if (noobDist == -1f && nearestFriendly != null)
            //    {
            //        dist = nearestFriendly.Pos - Pos;

            //        VelocityToAction(ref action, dist);
            //    }

            //if (!bulletEvasion && nearestEnemy != null)
            //    VelocityToAction(ref action, Pos - nearestEnemy.Pos);
