Пример #1
     * CREATED:     H. Conant		MAR 17 2018
     * ProcessRequestButton_Click()
     * This method processes a contact request and displays the new status to the user
     * object sender - object on the page that is being targeted
     * EventArgs e - event that has triggered the method
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * SurveyController.ProcessContactRequest()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
    protected void ProcessRequestButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ProcessedStatus.Text = "Processed";
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Could not process contact request. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);

        if (ProcessedStatus.Text == "Processed")
            ProcessedStatus.ForeColor    = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
            ProcessRequestButton.Enabled = false;
            ProcessRequestButton.Visible = false;
            MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("Contact Request was processed. This change may not be reflected on other pages until page results are refreshed.");
            MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Could not process contact request. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.");
Пример #2
     * CREATED:    C. Stanhope     MAR 13 2018
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     MAR 21 2018
     *  - added ResetSearchFilters() method call
     *  - added validation
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 5 2018
     *  - new word trims whitespace
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 6 2018
     *  - added try-catch for database access
     * AddAccessCodeButton_Click()
     * Triggered when "AddAccessCodeButton" is clicked and is used to add an access code to the database.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * ValidateAccessCodeWord()
     * AccessCodeController.AddAccessCode()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
     * ClearPage()
     * ResetSearchFilters()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
    protected void AddAccessCodeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string newWord = AddAccessCodeTB.Text.ToLower().Trim();

        if (newWord.Length > 0)
            if (ValidateAccessCodeWord(newWord))
                AccessCodeDTO newAccessCode = new AccessCodeDTO();
                newAccessCode.accesscodeword = newWord;
                newAccessCode.activeyn       = true; // defaults to active


                    MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("New access code '" + newWord + "' added");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Adding access code failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
            else // invalid code word
                MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("The access code '" + newWord + "' is not valid. Please ensure the access code is between 6 and 8 letters (no numbers or symbols are permitted).");
        else // no word entered
            MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("No access code word was entered. Please enter a word between 6 and 8 letters (no numbers or symbols are permitted).");
Пример #3
  * CREATED:     A. Valberg		MAR 3 2018
  * MODIFIED:    H. Conant		MAR 5 2018
  * - Updated method signature
  * - Updated method body code
  * DeactivateUnitButton_Click()
  * This method allows the user to deactivate a specified unit in the database.
  * object sender - object on the page that is being targeted
  * EventArgs e - event that has triggered the method
  * void
  * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage()
  * UnitController.DeactivateUnit()
  * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
  * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
  * ClearPage()
 protected void DeactivateUnitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DeactivateUnitNameLabel.Text))
         MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("Please select a care site and unit.");
         int tempUnitId;
         int.TryParse(UnitDDL.SelectedValue, out tempUnitId);
         if (tempUnitId == 0)
             MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("Please select a care site and unit.");
             UnitDTO tempUnit = new UnitDTO();
             tempUnit.unitid = tempUnitId;
                 MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("Unit " + UnitDDL.SelectedItem.Text + " has been deactivated for the " + CareSiteDDL.SelectedItem.Text + " care site.");
             catch (Exception ex)
                 MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Deactivating unit failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
Пример #4
     * CREATED:      C. Stanhope         MAR 13 2018
     * AddAccessCodeButton_Click()
     * Triggered when "AddAccessCodeButton" is clicked and is used to add an access code to the database.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * AccessCodeController.AddAccessCode()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
    protected void AddAccessCodeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        AccessCodeDTO newAccessCode = new AccessCodeDTO();

        newAccessCode.accesscodeword = AddAccessCodeTB.Text;
        newAccessCode.activeyn       = true; // defaults to active


        MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("New access code added!");
Пример #5
     * CREATED:     C. Stanhope		MAR 23 2018
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 6 2018
     *  - added try-catch for database access
     * DeactivateCareSiteButton_Click()
     * Used to deactivate a care site in the database.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage()
     * CareSiteController.GetCareSiteByCareSiteID()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
    protected void DeactivateCareSiteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (selectedCareSite != null)

                MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("The " + selectedCareSite.caresitename + " care site was successfully deactivated.");

                CareSiteDDL.SelectedIndex = 0;
                CareSiteNameTextBox.Text  = "";
                AddressTextBox.Text       = "";
                CityTextBox.Text          = "";
                AccountForm.Visible       = false;

                #region resetting care site ddl
                CareSiteDDL.AppendDataBoundItems = false; // clears old values
                CareSiteDDL.DataSourceID         = null;

                // get new list of care sites
                List <CareSiteDTO> ddlCareSites = careSiteController.GetActiveCareSites();

                // create a fake care site that acts as a "select" in the ddl
                CareSiteDTO fakeSelectCareSite = new CareSiteDTO();
                fakeSelectCareSite.caresiteid   = 0;
                fakeSelectCareSite.caresitename = "Select...";


                // put the new "select" care site at the top of the list
                ddlCareSites = ddlCareSites.OrderBy(site => site.caresiteid).ToList();

                // bind data source
                CareSiteDDL.DataSource = ddlCareSites;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Deactivating care site failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
            MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("No care site selected. The \"Deactivate Care Site\" button should not be available if no care site is selected. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.");
Пример #6
     * CREATED:     E. Lautner		Mar 22 2018
     * SetPassword_Click()
     * Checks that the new password is identical in ConfirmPassTextBox and NewPassTextBox.
     * Attempts to change the password by passing the old password and new password.
     * Prompts MessageUserControl when action fails or passes.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
     * UserManager.FindById()
     * UserManager.CheckPassword()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage()
    protected void SetPassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsValid)
            if (ConfirmPassTextBox.Text == NewPassTextBox.Text)
                if (NewPassTextBox.Text.Length < 8)
                    MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("New password must be at least 8 characters long.");
                        string      userId        = Context.User.Identity.GetUserId();
                        UserManager userManager   = new UserManager();
                        var         currentUser   = userManager.FindById(userId);
                        bool        checkpassword = userManager.CheckPassword(currentUser, OldPassTextBox.Text);
                        if (checkpassword == true)
                            IdentityResult result = userManager.ChangePassword(Context.User.Identity.GetUserId(), OldPassTextBox.Text, NewPassTextBox.Text);

                            if (result.Succeeded)
                                MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("Password successfully updated.");
                            MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("Old password was incorrect. Please try again.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Password change failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
                MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("New Password and Confirm Password did not match. Please try again.");
Пример #7
     * CREATED:     E. Lautner		Apr 1 2018
     * DeactivateUser_Click()
     * Deactivates the selected user by setting the users activeyn to false.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
     * UserManager.FindByName()
     * UserManager.Update()
    protected void DeactivateUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        sentUserName = Request.QueryString["id"];

        if (sentUserName == "" || sentUserName == null)
            MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("An account has not been selected. Please navigate back to the Account Search page and select an account. If error persists, please contact your administrator.");
                UserManager userManager  = new UserManager();
                var         selectedUser = userManager.FindByName(UsernameLabel.Text);

                if (selectedUser.activeyn == true)
                    selectedUser.activeyn = false;

                    MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("Account has been deactivated.");

                    PasswordBtn.Visible             = false;
                    DeactivateAccountButton.Visible = false;
                    UpdateAccountButton.Visible     = false;
                    FirstNameTB.Enabled             = false;
                    LastNameTB.Enabled = false;
                    EmailTB.Enabled    = false;
                    AuthorizationLevelRolesRadioList.Enabled = false;
                    CareSiteDDL.Enabled = false;
                    MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Account is already inactive. Inactive accounts should not be available to edit.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Account deactivation failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
Пример #8
     * CREATED:     E. Lautner		Apr 1 2018
     * ResetPassword_Click()
     * Resets the password for the given account by deleting the old one and then generating a new one.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
     * UserManager.GenerateNewPassword()
     * UserManager.FindByName()
     * UserManager.RemovePassword()
     * UserManager.AddPassword()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
    protected void ResetPassword_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        sentUserName = Request.QueryString["id"];

            UserManager userManager = new UserManager();
            string      newPassword = userManager.GenerateNewPassword();

            var selectedUser = userManager.FindByName(UsernameLabel.Text);
            userManager.AddPassword(selectedUser.Id, newPassword);

            string resultMessage = string.Format("Account password has been reset! UserName: {0} | Password: {1}", UsernameLabel.Text, newPassword);
        catch (Exception ex)
            MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Reset password failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
Пример #9
     * CREATED:     A. Valberg		MAR 3 2018
     * MODIFIED:    H. Conant		MAR 5 2018
     *  - Updated method signature
     *  - Updated method body code
     * MODIFIED:    H. Conant		MAR 27 2018
     *  - Updated method body code
     * MODIFIED:    H. L'Heureux	APR 03 2018
     *  - Updated method body code
     * AddUnitButton_Click()
     * This method allows the user to add a specified unit in the database.
     * object sender - object on the page that is being targeted
     * EventArgs e - event that has triggered the method
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage()
     * UnitController.AddUnit()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
     * ClearPage()
    protected void AddUnitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string pattern = @"^[A-z 0-9 .-]{1,60}$";

        Regex reg = new Regex(pattern);

        Match unitNameFormat = reg.Match(AddUnitNameTB.Text);

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(AddUnitNameTB.Text) || AddUnitNameTB.Text.Length > 60 || !unitNameFormat.Success)
            MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("Please enter a unit name up to 60 characters. Unit names can only contain letters, numbers, and the following symbols: . -");
            int tempCareSiteID;
            int.TryParse(CareSiteDDL.SelectedValue, out tempCareSiteID);
            if (tempCareSiteID == 0)
                MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("Please select a care site.");
                UnitDTO tempUnit = new UnitDTO();
                tempUnit.caresiteid = tempCareSiteID;
                tempUnit.unitname   = AddUnitNameTB.Text.Trim();
                    MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("Unit " + AddUnitNameTB.Text + " has been added to the " + CareSiteDDL.SelectedItem.Text + " care site.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Adding unit failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
Пример #10
     * CREATED:     P. Chavez		MAR 22 2018
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 5 2018
     *  - inputs now trim whitespace
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 14 2018
     *  - user messages formatted the same as other pages
     * AddAccountButton_Click()
     * This method creates a new account based on the input fields when the button is clicked.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * ErrorMessagesAndValidation.ErrorList()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage()
     * UserManager.GenerateNewPassword()
     * UserManager.AddAccountUser()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoList()
    protected void AddAccountButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Retrieve the values from the controls
        string firstNameText = FirstNameTextBox.Text.Trim();
        string lastNameText  = LastNameTextBox.Text.Trim();
        string emailText     = EmailTextBox.Text.Trim();
        string authLevelText = AuthorizationLevelRolesRadioList.SelectedValue;
        int    careSiteID    = int.Parse(CareSiteDDL.Visible == false ? "0" : CareSiteDDL.SelectedValue);

        List <string> errorList = new List <string>();
        bool          isValid   = true;

        #region check if any inputs are blank
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstNameText))
            errorList.Add("First Name");
            isValid = false;

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastNameText))
            errorList.Add("Last Name");
            isValid = false;

        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailText))
            isValid = false;
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authLevelText))
            errorList.Add("Authorization Level");
            isValid = false;

        if (!isValid)
            ErrorMessagesAndValidation errMessAndVal = new ErrorMessagesAndValidation();
            string errorMessage = errMessAndVal.ErrorList(errorList);
            bool          matchRegex     = true;
            List <string> regexErrorList = new List <string>();

            Regex regexName = new Regex(@"^(?m)[A-Za-z][A-Za-z`. -]*$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            if (!regexName.Match(firstNameText).Success)
                matchRegex = false;
                regexErrorList.Add("First Name can only contain letters, dashes, apostrophes, grave accents, spaces and periods.");
            if (!regexName.Match(lastNameText).Success)
                matchRegex = false;
                regexErrorList.Add("Last Name can only contain letters, dashes, apostrophes, grave accents, spaces and periods.");

            if (!emailText.Contains("@"))
                matchRegex = false;
                regexErrorList.Add("Email must include an '@' symbol.");

            if (careSiteID == 0 && authLevelText == AuthorizationLevelRoles.User)
                matchRegex = false;
                regexErrorList.Add("The Authorization Level User must have a Care Site associated with the account.");

            if (matchRegex)
                    UserManager     userManager    = new UserManager();
                    string          newPassword    = userManager.GenerateNewPassword();
                    ApplicationUser newUserAccount = userManager.AddAccountUser(firstNameText, lastNameText, emailText, authLevelText, careSiteID, newPassword);
                    string          resultMessage  = string.Format("The new account was created! UserName: {0} | Password: {1}", newUserAccount.UserName, newPassword);

                    //Reset the fields
                    FirstNameTextBox.Text = "";
                    LastNameTextBox.Text  = "";
                    EmailTextBox.Text     = "";
                    AuthorizationLevelRolesRadioList.SelectedValue = AuthorizationLevelRoles.User;
                    CareSiteDDL.SelectedValue = "0";
                    CareSiteDDL.Visible       = true;
                    CareSiteLabel.Visible     = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Adding account failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
            else // A regex didn't match
                MessageUserControl.ShowInfoList("The following errors caused adding a management account to fail: ", regexErrorList);
Пример #11
     * CREATED:    C. Stanhope     MAR 21 2018
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 5 2018
     *  - new word trims whitespace
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 6 2018
     *  - added try-catch for database access
     * UpdateAccessCodeButton_Click()
     * Triggered when the "UpdateAccessCodeButton" is clicked and is used to update the selected access code's word and status to whatever the user changed it to.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * ValidateAccessCodeWord()
     * AccessCodeController.UpdateAccessCode()
     * ClearPage()
     * ResetSearchFilters()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
    protected void UpdateAccessCodeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        #region getting values from page
        string newWord = UpdateAccessCodeTextBox.Text.ToLower().Trim();
        bool   newStatus;
        if (UpdateAccessActiveStatusCodeRadioButtonList.SelectedItem.Value.Equals("y"))
            newStatus = true;
            newStatus = false;

        if (newWord.Equals(selectedAccessCode.accesscodeword) && newStatus == selectedAccessCode.activeyn) // no changes made
            MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("No changes to update.");
        else if (newWord.Equals(selectedAccessCode.accesscodeword)) // status changed but word did not
            selectedAccessCode.activeyn = newStatus;

                if (newStatus == true)
                    MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("Access code '" + newWord + "' was marked as active.");
                    MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("Access code '" + newWord + "' was marked as inactive.");

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Updating access code failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
        else // word was changed
            if (ValidateAccessCodeWord(newWord))
                selectedAccessCode.accesscodeword = newWord;
                selectedAccessCode.activeyn       = newStatus;


                    MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("Access code '" + newWord + "' updated.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Updating access code failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);

            else // not a valid word
                MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("The access code '" + newWord + "' is not valid. Please ensure the access code is between 6 and 8 letters (no numbers or symbols are permitted).");
Пример #12
     * CREATED:     C. Stanhope		MAR 23 2018
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     MAR 24 2018
     *  - Added validation, finished method
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 5 2018
     *  - trim whitespace on inputs
     *  - validation now matches add care site
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 6 2018
     *  - added try-catch for database access
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 17 2018
     *  - fixed city regex to limit at 30 characters
     *  - fixed care site regex to limit at 80 characters
     * UpdateCareSiteButton_Click()
     * Used to update a care site in the database. Validates all input fields and updates only if valid.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage()
     * CareSiteController.GetCareSiteByCareSiteID()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
     * ErrorMessagesAndValidation.ErrorList()
    protected void UpdateCareSiteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (selectedCareSite != null)
            bool          isValid   = true;
            List <string> errorList = new List <string>();

            #region regexes for validation
            Regex careSiteRegex = new Regex(@"^[A-z]{1}[A-z 0-9 .-]{4,79}$");
            Regex addressRegex  = new Regex(@"^[A-z 0-9 .#-]{1,40}$");
            Regex cityRegex     = new Regex(@"^[A-z]{1}[A-z .-]{0,29}$");

            #region get values from page and validate
            string careSiteName = CareSiteNameTextBox.Text.Trim();
            if (!careSiteRegex.IsMatch(careSiteName))
                errorList.Add("Care site must be a minimum of 5 characters and a maximum of 80 characters long. It must start with a letter and can contain letters, numbers, and the following symbols: . -");
                isValid = false;

            string address = AddressTextBox.Text.Trim();
            if (!addressRegex.IsMatch(address))
                errorList.Add("Address must be a minimum of 1 character and a maximum of 40 characters long. It can contain letters, numbers, and the following symbols: # . -");
                isValid = false;

            string city = CityTextBox.Text.Trim();
            if (!cityRegex.IsMatch(city))
                errorList.Add("City must be a minimum of 1 letter and a maximum of 30 characters long. It must start with a letter and can contain letters and the following symbols: . -");
                isValid = false;

            string province = ProvinceDDL.SelectedValue;


            if (isValid)
                #region see if data changed
                bool dataChanged = false;
                if (selectedCareSite.caresitename != careSiteName)
                    dataChanged = true;
                else if (selectedCareSite.address != address)
                    dataChanged = true;
                else if (selectedCareSite.city != city)
                    dataChanged = true;
                else if (selectedCareSite.province != province)
                    dataChanged = true;

                if (dataChanged)
                    #region put valid data into selectedCareSite, add to database, show success message, change DDL
                    selectedCareSite.caresitename = careSiteName;
                    selectedCareSite.address      = address;
                    selectedCareSite.city         = city;
                    selectedCareSite.province     = province;


                        MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("The " + selectedCareSite.caresitename + " care site was successfully updated.");

                        CareSiteDDL.SelectedItem.Text = selectedCareSite.caresitename;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Updating care site failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
                    MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("No changes to save.");
                #region show user message with "errors"

                ErrorMessagesAndValidation errMessAndVal = new ErrorMessagesAndValidation();

                string errorMessage = errMessAndVal.ErrorList(errorList);

                MessageUserControl.ShowInfoList("The following errors caused adding a care site to fail: ", errorList);
        else // no care site selected
            MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("No care site selected. The \"Update Care Site\" button should not be available if no care site is selected. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.");
Пример #13
     * CREATED:     E. Lautner		APR 1 2018
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 14 2018
     *  - changed validation to match the account_add validation
     * ModifyUser_Click()
     * Gathers all given information on the page about the selected account. Sends this information to the userManager so that the account can be updated.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage()
     * UserManager.ModifyAccount()
     * UserManager.GetRoles()
    protected void ModifyUser_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            sentUserName = Request.QueryString["id"];
            if (sentUserName == "" || sentUserName == null)
                MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("An account has not been selected. Please navigate back to the Account Search page and select an account. If error persists, please contact your administrator.");

                //Retrieve the values from the controls
                string firstNameText = FirstNameTB.Text.Trim();
                string lastNameText  = LastNameTB.Text.Trim();
                string emailText     = EmailTB.Text.Trim();
                string authLevelText = AuthorizationLevelRolesRadioList.SelectedValue;
                int    careSiteID    = int.Parse(CareSiteDDL.Visible == false ? "0" : CareSiteDDL.SelectedValue);

                List <string> errorList = new List <string>();
                bool          isValid   = true;

                #region check if any inputs are blank
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(firstNameText))
                    errorList.Add("First Name");
                    isValid = false;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastNameText))
                    errorList.Add("Last Name");
                    isValid = false;

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(emailText))
                    isValid = false;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(authLevelText))
                    errorList.Add("Authorization Level");
                    isValid = false;

                if (!isValid)
                    ErrorMessagesAndValidation errMessAndVal = new ErrorMessagesAndValidation();
                    string errorMessage = errMessAndVal.ErrorList(errorList);
                    if (!emailText.Contains("@"))
                        MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("Email must include an '@' symbol.");
                        if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(FirstNameTB.Text, @"^(?m)[A-Za-z][A-Za-z`. -]*$") && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(LastNameTB.Text, @"^(?m)[A-Za-z][A-Za-z`. -]*$"))
                            if (int.Parse(CareSiteDDL.SelectedValue) == 0 && AuthorizationLevelRolesRadioList.SelectedValue == AuthorizationLevelRoles.User)
                                MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("Authorization Level: User, must be associated with a care site");
                                    UserManager userManager  = new UserManager();
                                    var         selectedUser = userManager.FindByName(UsernameLabel.Text);
                                    var         userRoles    = userManager.GetRoles(selectedUser.Id);

                                    string userRole = string.Join("", userRoles.ToArray());

                                    string newUserName = userManager.ModifyAccount(UsernameLabel.Text, FirstNameTB.Text.Trim(), LastNameTB.Text.Trim(), EmailTB.Text.Trim(), int.Parse(CareSiteDDL.SelectedValue), userRole, AuthorizationLevelRolesRadioList.SelectedValue);
                                    if (newUserName != UsernameLabel.Text)
                                        string resultMessage = string.Format("Update successful, new UserName is {0} ", newUserName);
                                        UsernameLabel.Text = newUserName;

                                        string resultMessage = string.Format("Update successful for user: {0}", UsernameLabel.Text);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Update Failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator. Error Message: " + ex.Message);
                            MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage("First Name and Last Name can only contain letters, dashes, apostrophes, grave accents, spaces and periods.");
Пример #14
     * CREATED:     C. Stanhope		MAR 23 2018
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     MAR 24 2018
     *  - moved error list method to its own class and call it
     *  - changed validation to account for care site name length
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 5 2018
     *  - trim whitespace on inputs
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 6 2018
     *  - added try-catch for database access
     * MODIFIED:   C. Stanhope     APR 17 2018
     *  - fixed city regex to limit at 30 characters
     *  - fixed care site regex to limit at 80 characters
     * AddCareSiteButton_Click()
     * Used to add a care site to the database. Validates all input fields.
     * object sender - references the object that raised the Page_Load event
     * EventArgs e - optional class that may be passed that inherits from EventArgs (usually empty)
     * RETURNS:
     * void
     * CareSiteController.AddCareSite()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage()
     * MessageUserControl.ShowInfoMessage()
     * ErrorMessagesAndValidation.ErrorList()
    protected void AddCareSiteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool          isValid   = true;
        List <string> errorList = new List <string>();

        #region regexes for validation
        Regex careSiteRegex = new Regex(@"^[A-z]{1}[A-z 0-9 .-]{4,79}$");
        Regex addressRegex  = new Regex(@"^[A-z 0-9 .#-]{1,40}$");
        Regex cityRegex     = new Regex(@"^[A-z]{1}[A-z .-]{0,29}$");

        #region get values from page and validate
        string careSiteName = CareSiteNameTextBox.Text.Trim();
        if (!careSiteRegex.IsMatch(careSiteName))
            errorList.Add("Care site must be a minimum of 5 characters and a maximum of 80 characters long. It must start with a letter and can contain letters, numbers, and the following symbols: . -");
            isValid = false;

        string address = AddressTextBox.Text.Trim();
        if (!addressRegex.IsMatch(address))
            errorList.Add("Address must be a minimum of 1 letter and a maximum of 40 characters long. It can contain letters, numbers, and the following symbols: # . -");
            isValid = false;

        string city = CityTextBox.Text.Trim();
        if (!cityRegex.IsMatch(city))
            errorList.Add("City must be a minimum of 1 letter and a maximum of 30 characters long. It must start with a letter and can contain letters and the following symbols: . -");
            isValid = false;

        string province = ProvinceDDL.SelectedValue;
        if (ProvinceDDL.SelectedIndex == 0)
            errorList.Add("A province must be selected from the drop-down list");
            isValid = false;


        if (isValid)
            #region put valid data into DTO, add to database, show success message, clear page
            CareSiteDTO newCareSite = new CareSiteDTO();

            newCareSite.caresitename = careSiteName;
            newCareSite.address      = address;
            newCareSite.city         = city;
            newCareSite.province     = province;

            CareSiteController careSiteController = new CareSiteController();

                // show message, clear page
                MessageUserControl.ShowSuccessMessage("New care site " + careSiteName + " was successfully added. Please navigate to the Manage Units page to add units to the new care site.");

                CareSiteNameTextBox.Text  = "";
                AddressTextBox.Text       = "";
                CityTextBox.Text          = "";
                ProvinceDDL.SelectedIndex = 0;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageUserControl.ShowErrorMessage("Adding care site failed. Please try again. If error persists, please contact your administrator.", ex);
            MessageUserControl.ShowInfoList("The following errors caused adding a care site to fail: ", errorList);