Пример #1
        private void CreateSettingsMenu()
            var settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.heat", "Heat Display Settings")
                new InputPrompt(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:toggle_hotkey", "SET TOGGLE HOTKEY")
                .WithTitle("SET TOGGLE HOTKEY")
                .WithDefaultValue(() => Config.ToggleHotkey)
                .WithSubmitAction(x => Config.ToggleHotkey = x),

                new ListBox <DisplayMode>(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:display_mode", "DISPLAY MODE")
                .WithEntries(MapEnumToListBox <DisplayMode>())
                .WithGetter(() => Config.DisplayMode)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.DisplayMode = x),

                new ListBox <ActivationMode>(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:activation_mode", "ACTIVATION MODE")
                .WithEntries(MapEnumToListBox <ActivationMode>())
                .WithGetter(() => Config.ActivationMode)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.ActivationMode = x),

                new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:warning_threshold", "WARNING THRESHOLD")
                .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 1.0f)
                .WithGetter(() => Config.WarningTreshold)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.WarningTreshold = x)

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "HEAT DISPLAY", "Configure the Heat mod.");
Пример #2
        private void CreateSettingsMenu()
            MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.scenedumper", "Scene Dumper Settings")
                new InputPrompt(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:keybind_dumper_basic", "BASIC DUMP KEY BIND")
                .WithDefaultValue(() => Config.DumpSceneBasic)
                .WithSubmitAction((x) => Config.DumpSceneBasic = x)
                .WithTitle("ENTER KEY BINDING")
                .WithDescription("Set the keyboard shortcut used to make a basic dump."),

                new InputPrompt(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:keybind_dumper_detailed", "DETAILED DUMP KEY BIND")
                .WithDefaultValue(() => Config.DumpSceneDetailed)
                .WithSubmitAction((x) => Config.DumpSceneDetailed = x)
                .WithTitle("ENTER KEY BINDING")
                .WithDescription("Set the keyboard shortcut used to make a detailed dump."),

                new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:open_dumps_folder", "OPEN DUMPS FOLDER")
                .WhenClicked(() =>
                    DirectoryInfo data = new DirectoryInfo(FileSystem.VirtualFileSystemRoot);

                    if (!data.Exists)

                    Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(data.FullName));
                .WithDescription("Opens the folder containing dump logs.")

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "SCENE DUMPER", "Settings for the Scene Dumper mod.");
Пример #3
        private void CreateSettingsMenu()
            MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.trackmusic", "Track Music Settings")
                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:max_music_download_size", "MAXIMUM DOWNLOAD SIZE (MB)")
                .WithGetter(() => (int)Config.MaxMusicDownloadSizeMB)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.MaxMusicDownloadSizeMB = x)
                .LimitedByRange(10, 150)
                .WithDescription("Set the maximum file size to download for online music downloading."),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:max_music_download_time", "MAXIMUM DOWNLOAD TIME (SECS)")
                .WithGetter(() => (int)Config.MaxMusicDownloadTimeSeconds)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.MaxMusicDownloadTimeSeconds = x)
                .LimitedByRange(5, 60)
                .WithDescription("Set the amount of time after which the music download times out (gets canceled)."),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:max_level_load_time", "MAXIMUM LOAD TIME (SECS)")
                .WithGetter(() => (int)Config.MaxMusicLevelLoadTimeSeconds)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.MaxMusicLevelLoadTimeSeconds = x)
                .LimitedByRange(5, 60)
                .WithDescription("Set the amount of time after which the level loads whether the music download is complete or not."),

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "TRACK MUSIC", "Settings for the Track Music mod.");
Пример #4
        private void CreateSettingsMenu()
            MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.customcar", "Custom Cars Settings")
                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:use_trumpet_horn", "USE TRUMPET HORN")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.UseTrumpetHorn)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.UseTrumpetHorn = x)
                .WithDescription("Custom car models will use the encryptor horn (the \"doot\" trumpet).")

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "CUSTOM CARS", "Settings for the Custom Cars mod.");
Пример #5
        private void CreateSettingsMenu()
            MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.customwheelhologram", "Wheel Hologram Settings")
                new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:select_image", "SELECT IMAGE")
                .WhenClicked(() =>
                    var dlgOpen = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
                        Filter = "Image file (*.png, *.jpg, *.jpeg *.bmp)|*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp|All Files (*.*)|*.*",
                        SupportMultiDottedExtensions = true,
                        RestoreDirectory             = true,
                        Title           = "Select an image file",
                        CheckFileExists = true,
                        CheckPathExists = true

                    if (dlgOpen.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                        FileInfo image = new FileInfo(dlgOpen.FileName);

                        if (image.Exists)
                            Config.FileName = Path.GetFileName(image.CopyTo(Path.Combine(FileSystem.VirtualFileSystemRoot, Path.GetFileName(image.FullName)), true).FullName);
                            Config.Enabled  = true;
                .WithDescription("Select the image file displayed on the wheel hologram."),

                new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:reset_image", "RESET IMAGE")
                .WhenClicked(() =>
                    MessageBox.Create("Are you sure you want to reset the hologram to its default image?", "RESET WHEEL IMAGE")
                    .OnConfirm(() =>
                        Config.Enabled  = false;
                        Config.FileName = string.Empty;

                        if (WheelImage.Exists)
                .WithDescription("Resets the wheel hologram to the game's default.")

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "CUSTOM WHEEL HOLOGRAM", "Change settings of the Custom Wheel Hologram mod and customize your vehicle's wheel image (works only with vanilla cars).");
Пример #6
        public void CreateMenus()
            MenuTree menu = new MenuTree("texturemodifier#main.menu", "Texture Modifier");

                "OPEN DATA FOLDER",
                () => { Process.Start(Path.Combine(Data.RootDirectory, "Data")); },
                "Open the folder used to load textures."

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, menu, "Settings for the Texture Modifier mod");
Пример #7
        public void CreateSettingsMenu()
            MenuTree features = new MenuTree("christmasfeatures#features", "FEATURES SELECTION")
                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:override_loading_screens", "MODIFY LOADING SCREEN BACKGROUNDS")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.OverrideLoadingScreens)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.OverrideLoadingScreens = x)
                .WithDescription($"{InternalResources.Constants.CHEAT_VISUAL}: Display Christmas themed loading screens.\n(does not apply for [u]Lost to Echoes[/u] loading screens)"),

                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:cosmetic_screen_snow", "DECORATIVE SNOW")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.ChristmasSnowVisualCheat)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.ChristmasSnowVisualCheat = x)
                .WithDescription($"{InternalResources.Constants.CHEAT_VISUAL}: Display snow on the car screen.\n(only applies for vehicles having a screen on them)"),

                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:cosmetic_reindeer_hat", "DECORATIVE REINDEER HAT")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.ReindeerCosmeticVisualCheat)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.ReindeerCosmeticVisualCheat = x)
                .WithDescription($"{InternalResources.Constants.CHEAT_VISUAL}: Add a cosmetic reindeer hat to the car.\n(may not apply on all cars)")

            MenuTree menu = new MenuTree("christmasfeatures#main.menu", "CHRISTMAS FEATURES")
                new ListBox <ActivationMode>(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:activation_mode", "ACTIVATION MODE")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.ActivationMode)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.ActivationMode = x)
                .WithEntries(new Dictionary <string, ActivationMode>()
                    { "Always", ActivationMode.Always },
                    { "During December", ActivationMode.DuringDecember },
                    { "Always Except December", ActivationMode.AlwaysExceptDecember },
                    { "First 25 Days Of December", ActivationMode.First25DaysOfDecember },
                    { "Only On Christmas", ActivationMode.OnlyOnDecember24And25 },
                    { "During Christmas Week", ActivationMode.DuringWeekOfChristmas },
                    { "Never", ActivationMode.Never }
                .WithDescription("Select when the mod should be enabled."),

                new ListBox <TimeFormat>(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:time_format", "TIME ZONE FORMAT")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.TimeFormat)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.TimeFormat = x)
                .WithEntries(MapEnumToListBox <TimeFormat>())
                .WithDescription("Select between local or UTC time zone.\nThis setting is used in date calculations for some activation modes."),

                new SubMenu(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "menu:features", "SELECT FEATURES")
                .WithDescription("Select which features are active when the mod is enabled.")

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, menu, "Settings for the Christmas Seasonal Features mod");
Пример #8
        public void CreateSettingsMenu()
            // TODO: Update readme instructions
            MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.menuutilities", "Menu Settings")
                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:enable_delete_playlist", "SHOW LEVEL PLAYLIST REMOVE BUTTON")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.EnableDeletePlaylistButton)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.EnableDeletePlaylistButton = x)
                .WithDescription("Display a button to delete playlists in the level grid menu."),

                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:enable_car_hex_input", "SHOW HEXADECIMAL CAR COLOR INPUT")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.EnableHexColorInput)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.EnableHexColorInput = x)
                .WithDescription("Display a button to modify the hexadecimal color value as text in the car customization menu."),

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "MENU UTILITIES", "Settings for the Menu Utilities mod.");
Пример #9
        private void CreateSettingsMenu()
            MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.anolytics", "Anolytics Settings")
                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:shutdown_analytics", "DISABLE ANALYTICS")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.ShutDownAnalytics)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.ShutDownAnalytics = x)
                .WithDescription("Disables connection with Google analytics services.\n(Avoids requests to \"https://www.google-analytics.com/__utm.gif?\")"),

                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:log_analytics", "LOG ANALYTICS ACTIVITY")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.LogAnalytics)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.LogAnalytics = x)
                .WithDescription("Outputs analytics events to the console."),

                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:disable_playtest_logging", "DISABLE PLAYTESTING LOG FILE")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.DisablePlaytestingDataLogging)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.DisablePlaytestingDataLogging = x)
                .WithDescription("Blocks file write attempts to \"playtesting_data.txt\"."),

                new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:delete_playtest_log", "DELETE PLAYTEST LOG FILE")
                .WhenClicked(() =>
                    MessageBox.Create("Are you sure you want to delete \"playtesting_data.txt\" ?", "REMOVE FILE")
                    .OnConfirm(() =>
                        FileInfo file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "playtesting_data.txt"));

                        if (file.Exists)
                .WithDescription("Removes the playtesting log file from the disk.")

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "ANOLYTICS", "Change settings of the Anolytics mod.");
Пример #10
        public void CreateSettingsMenu()
            MenuTree settingsMenu;

            if (!DevMode)
                settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.editoradditions", "Editor Additions Settings")
                    new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.MainMenu, "setting:show_dev_folder", "ENABLE DEV OBJECTS FOLDER")
                    .WithGetter(() => Config.DevFolderEnabled)
                    .WithSetter((x) => Config.DevFolderEnabled = x)
                    .WithDescription("Enables the Dev folder in the level editor Library tab.\nSome of the objects in this folder might not work properly, be careful when using them!"),

                    new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.MainMenu, "setting:advanced_music_selection", "ADVANCED MUSIC SELECTION")
                    .WithGetter(() => Config.AdvancedMusicSelection)
                    .WithSetter((x) => Config.AdvancedMusicSelection = x)
                    .WithDescription("Display hidden dev music cues in the level editor music selector window."),

                    new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.MainMenu, "setting:display_workshop_levels", "LIST WORKSHOP LEVELS")
                    .WithGetter(() => Config.DisplayWorkshopLevels)
                    .WithSetter((x) => Config.DisplayWorkshopLevels = x)
                    .WithDescription("Allows to open the workshop levels from the level editor (read only)."),

                    new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "info:devmode", "DEV MODE".Colorize(Colors.tan))
                    .WhenClicked(() => { })
                    .WithDescription("Start the game with the \"-dev\" console argument to enable dev mode.\nThis will override the previous settings to be enabled, however there is no guarantee it won't have other side effects.")
                settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.editoradditions", "Editor Additions Settings")
                    new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "info:devmode-enabled", "DEV MODE ENABLED".Colorize(Colors.cadetBlue))
                    .WhenClicked(() => { })
                    .WithDescription("To disable, remove the \"-dev\" command line argument from the game launch options.")

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "EDITOR ADDITIONS", "Settings for the EditorAdditions mod.");
Пример #11
        private void CreateSettingsMenu()
            MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.noserverlimit", "No Server Limit Settings")
                new InputPrompt(MenuDisplayMode.MainMenu, "setting:set_server_limit", "SET MAXIMUM SERVER SLOT COUNT")
                .WithDefaultValue(() => Config.MaxPlayerCount.ToString())
                .WithSubmitAction((x) => {
                    if (int.TryParse(x, out int result))
                        Config.MaxPlayerCount = Math.Max(2, result);
                        Logger.Warning("Failed to parse user input. Setting defaults.");
                        Config.MaxPlayerCount = 32;
                .WithTitle("ENTER SLOT COUNT")
                .WithDescription("Set the maximum supported slot count when hosting a multiplayer server.")

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "NO SERVER LIMIT", "Settings for the No Server Limit mod.");
Пример #12
        public void CreateSettingsMenu()
            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, new MenuTree("menu.r&d.main", "Research and Development Test Mod")
                new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "gc_collect", "System.GC.Collect()")
                .WhenClicked(() => GC.Collect())
                .WithDescription("Forces immediate garbage collection by the .Net runtime"),

                new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "resources_unload", "UnityEngine.Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets()")
                .WhenClicked(() => Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets())
                .WithDescription("Forces the Unity engine to unload any asset that is loaded and unused at the moment"),

                new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "print_alloc", "System.GC.GetTotalMemory(false)")
                .WhenClicked(() => MessageBox.Create(GC.GetTotalMemory(false).ToString(), "").SetButtons(MessageButtons.Ok).Show())
                .WithDescription("Print the number of bytes of managed memory allocated to the .Net runtime (for this process only)")

             * MenuTree advancedDisplayMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.nitronichud#interface.advanced", "Advanced Interface Options")
             * {
             *      new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_blink_start_amount", "HEAT BLINK START AMOUNT")
             *      .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 1.0f)
             *      .WithDefaultValue(0.7f)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatBlinkStartAmount)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatBlinkStartAmount = x)
             *      .WithDescription("Set the heat treshold after which the hud starts to blink."),
             *      new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_blink_frequence", "HEAT BLINK FREQUENCE")
             *      .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 10.0f)
             *      .WithDefaultValue(2.0f)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatBlinkFrequence)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatBlinkFrequence = x)
             *      .WithDescription("Set the hud blink rate (per second)."),
             *      new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_blink_frequence_boost", "HEAT BLINK FREQUENCE BOOST")
             *      .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 10.0f)
             *      .WithDefaultValue(1.15f)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatBlinkFrequenceBoost)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatBlinkFrequenceBoost = x)
             *      .WithDescription("Sets the blink rate boost.\nThe blink rate at 100% heat is the blink rate times this value (set this to 1 to keep the rate constant)."),
             *      new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_blink_amount", "HEAT BLINK AMOUNT")
             *      .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 1.0f)
             *      .WithDefaultValue(0.7f)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatBlinkAmount)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatBlinkAmount = x)
             *      .WithDescription("Sets the color intensity of the overheat blink animation (lower values means smaller color changes)."),
             *      new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_flame_amount", "HEAT FLAME AMOUNT")
             *      .WithDefaultValue(0.5f)
             *      .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 1.0f)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatFlameAmount)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatFlameAmount = x)
             *      .WithDescription("Sets the color intensity of the overheat flame animation (lower values means smaller color changes).")
             * };
             * MenuTree displayMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.nitronichud#interface", "Interface Options")
             * {
             *      new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:display_countdown", "SHOW COUNTDOWN")
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.DisplayCountdown)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.DisplayCountdown = x)
             *      .WithDescription("Displays the 3... 2... 1... RUSH countdown when playing a level."),
             *      new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:display_overheat", "SHOW OVERHEAT METERS")
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.DisplayHeatMeters)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.DisplayHeatMeters = x)
             *      .WithDescription("Displays overheat indicator bars in the lower screen corners."),
             *      new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:display_timer", "SHOW TIMER")
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.DisplayTimer)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.DisplayTimer = x)
             *      .WithDescription("Displays the timer at the bottom of the screen."),
             *      new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:overheat_scale", "OVERHEAT SCALE")
             *      .WithDefaultValue(20)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Mathf.RoundToInt(Config.HeatMetersScale * 20.0f))
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatMetersScale = x / 20.0f)
             *      .LimitedByRange(1, 50)
             *      .WithDescription("Set the size of the overheat bars."),
             *      new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:overheat_horizontal_offset", "OVERHEAT HORIZONTAL POSITION")
             *      .WithDefaultValue(0)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatMetersHorizontalOffset)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatMetersHorizontalOffset = x)
             *      .LimitedByRange(-200, 200)
             *      .WithDescription("Set the horizontal position offset of the overheat bars."),
             *      new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:overheat_vertical_offset", "OVERHEAT VERTICAL POSITION")
             *      .WithDefaultValue(0)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatMetersVerticalOffset)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatMetersVerticalOffset = x)
             *      .LimitedByRange(-100, 100)
             *      .WithDescription("Set the vertical position offset of the overheat bars."),
             *      new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:timer_scale", "TIMER SCALE")
             *      .WithDefaultValue(20)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Mathf.RoundToInt(Config.TimerScale * 20.0f))
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.TimerScale = x / 20.0f)
             *      .LimitedByRange(1, 50)
             *      .WithDescription("Set the size of the timer."),
             *      new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:timer_vertical_offset", "TIMER VERTICAL OFFSET")
             *      .WithDefaultValue(0)
             *      .WithGetter(() => Config.TimerVerticalOffset)
             *      .WithSetter(x => Config.TimerVerticalOffset = x)
             *      .LimitedByRange(-100, 100)
             *      .WithDescription("Set the vertical position of the timer."),
             *      new SubMenu(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "menu:interface.advanced", "ADVANCED SETTINGS")
             *      .NavigatesTo(advancedDisplayMenu)
             *      .WithDescription("Configure advanced settings for the hud."),
             *      new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "action:preview_hud", "PREVIEW HUD")
             *      .WhenClicked(() => VisualDisplay.ForceDisplay = !VisualDisplay.ForceDisplay)
             *      .WithDescription("Show the hud to preview changes.")
             * };
             * MenuTree audioMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.nitronichud#audio", "Audio Options");
             * MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.nitronichud", "Nitronic HUD Settings");
             * settingsMenu.Add(
             *      new SubMenu(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "menu:interface", "DISPLAY")
             *      .NavigatesTo(displayMenu)
             *      .WithDescription("Configure settings for the visual interface."));
             * if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer)
             * {
             *      settingsMenu.Add(
             *      new SubMenu(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "menu:interface", "AUDIO".Colorize(Colors.gray))
             *      .NavigatesTo(audioMenu)
             *      .WithDescription("Configure audio settings for the countdown announcer."));
             * }
             * settingsMenu.Add(
             *      new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.MainMenu, "menu:interface", "PREVIEW SETTINGS".Colorize(Colors.gray))
             *      .WhenClicked(() =>
             *      {
             *              MessageBox.Create("This feature isn't implemented yet but will be in a future release.", "ERROR")
             *              .SetButtons(MessageButtons.Ok)
             *              .Show();
             *      })
             *      .WithDescription("Start the animation sequence thet plays when a level starts to preview the settings."));
             * //Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "NITRONIC HUD [1E90FF](BETA)[-]", "Settings for the Nitronic HUD mod.");
             * Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "NITRONIC HUD [FFBF1E](RELEASE CANDIDATE)[-]", "Settings for the Nitronic HUD mod.");
Пример #13
        public void CreateSettingsMenu()
            MenuTree menu = new MenuTree("halloweenfeatures#main.menu", "HALLOWEEN FEATURES");

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, menu, "Settings for the Halloween Seasonal Features mod");
Пример #14
        public void CreateSettingsMenu()
            // TODO: Write menu docs in instructions.html

            MenuTree advancedDisplayMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.nitronichud#interface.advanced", "Advanced Interface Options")
                new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_blink_start_amount", "HEAT BLINK START AMOUNT")
                .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 1.0f)
                .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatBlinkStartAmount)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatBlinkStartAmount = x)
                .WithDescription("Set the heat treshold after which the hud starts to blink."),

                new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_blink_frequence", "HEAT BLINK FREQUENCE")
                .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 10.0f)
                .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatBlinkFrequence)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatBlinkFrequence = x)
                .WithDescription("Set the hud blink rate (per second)."),

                new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_blink_frequence_boost", "HEAT BLINK FREQUENCE BOOST")
                .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 10.0f)
                .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatBlinkFrequenceBoost)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatBlinkFrequenceBoost = x)
                .WithDescription("Sets the blink rate boost.\nThe blink rate at 100% heat is the blink rate times this value (set this to 1 to keep the rate constant)."),

                new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_blink_amount", "HEAT BLINK AMOUNT")
                .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 1.0f)
                .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatBlinkAmount)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatBlinkAmount = x)
                .WithDescription("Sets the color intensity of the overheat blink animation (lower values means smaller color changes)."),

                new FloatSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:heat_flame_amount", "HEAT FLAME AMOUNT")
                .LimitedByRange(0.0f, 1.0f)
                .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatFlameAmount)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatFlameAmount = x)
                .WithDescription("Sets the color intensity of the overheat flame animation (lower values means smaller color changes).")

            MenuTree displayMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.nitronichud#interface", "Interface Options")
                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:display_countdown", "SHOW COUNTDOWN")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.DisplayCountdown)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.DisplayCountdown = x)
                .WithDescription("Displays the 3... 2... 1... RUSH countdown when playing a level."),

                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:display_overheat", "SHOW OVERHEAT METERS")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.DisplayHeatMeters)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.DisplayHeatMeters = x)
                .WithDescription("Displays overheat indicator bars in the lower screen corners."),

                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:display_timer", "SHOW TIMER")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.DisplayTimer)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.DisplayTimer = x)
                .WithDescription("Displays the timer at the bottom of the screen."),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:overheat_scale", "OVERHEAT SCALE")
                .WithGetter(() => Mathf.RoundToInt(Config.HeatMetersScale * 20.0f))
                .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatMetersScale = x / 20.0f)
                .LimitedByRange(1, 50)
                .WithDescription("Set the size of the overheat bars."),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:overheat_horizontal_offset", "OVERHEAT HORIZONTAL POSITION")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatMetersHorizontalOffset)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatMetersHorizontalOffset = x)
                .LimitedByRange(-200, 200)
                .WithDescription("Set the horizontal position offset of the overheat bars."),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:overheat_vertical_offset", "OVERHEAT VERTICAL POSITION")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.HeatMetersVerticalOffset)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.HeatMetersVerticalOffset = x)
                .LimitedByRange(-100, 100)
                .WithDescription("Set the vertical position offset of the overheat bars."),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:timer_scale", "TIMER SCALE")
                .WithGetter(() => Mathf.RoundToInt(Config.TimerScale * 20.0f))
                .WithSetter(x => Config.TimerScale = x / 20.0f)
                .LimitedByRange(1, 50)
                .WithDescription("Set the size of the timer."),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:timer_vertical_offset", "TIMER VERTICAL OFFSET")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.TimerVerticalOffset)
                .WithSetter(x => Config.TimerVerticalOffset = x)
                .LimitedByRange(-100, 100)
                .WithDescription("Set the vertical position of the timer."),

                new SubMenu(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "menu:interface.advanced", "ADVANCED SETTINGS")
                .WithDescription("Configure advanced settings for the hud."),

                new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "action:preview_hud", "PREVIEW HUD")
                .WhenClicked(() => VisualDisplay.ForceDisplay = !VisualDisplay.ForceDisplay)
                .WithDescription("Show the hud to preview changes.")

            MenuTree audioMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.nitronichud#audio", "Audio Options");

            MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.nitronichud", "Nitronic HUD Settings");

                new SubMenu(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "menu:interface", "DISPLAY")
                .WithDescription("Configure settings for the visual interface."));

            if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.LinuxPlayer)
                    new SubMenu(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "menu:interface", "AUDIO".Colorize(Colors.gray))
                    .WithDescription("Configure audio settings for the countdown announcer."));

                new ActionButton(MenuDisplayMode.MainMenu, "menu:interface", "PREVIEW SETTINGS".Colorize(Colors.gray))
                .WhenClicked(() =>
                MessageBox.Create("This feature isn't implemented yet but will be in a future release.", "ERROR")
                .WithDescription("Start the animation sequence thet plays when a level starts to preview the settings."));

            //Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "NITRONIC HUD [1E90FF](BETA)[-]", "Settings for the Nitronic HUD mod.");
            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "NITRONIC HUD [FFBF1E](RELEASE CANDIDATE)[-]", "Settings for the Nitronic HUD mod.");
Пример #15
        public void CreateSettingsMenu()
            // TODO: Update readme instructions
            MenuTree settingsMenu = new MenuTree("menu.mod.decorativelamp", "Decorative Lamp Settings")
                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:enable_lamp", "LAMP ENABLED")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.Enabled)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.Enabled = x)
                .WithDescription(string.Format("{0}: Enlighten your way through the Array.", "Visual".Colorize(Colors.yellowGreen))),

                new ListBox <LampModel>(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:lamp_model", "3D MODEL")
                .WithEntries(MapEnumToListBox <LampModel>())
                .WithGetter(() => Config.MeshModel)
                .WithSetter(x => {
                    Config.MeshModel = x;
                    ChangeLampModel.Broadcast(new ChangeLampModel.Data(x));
                .WithDescription(string.Format("{0}: Select the lamp 3D mesh.", "Visual".Colorize(Colors.yellowGreen))),

                new CheckBox(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:enable_spin", "SPINNING LAMP")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.Spin)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.Spin = x)
                .WithDescription(string.Format("{0}: Make the lamp spin.", "Visual".Colorize(Colors.yellowGreen))),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:spin_speed", "LAMP SPIN SPEED")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.SpinSpeed)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.SpinSpeed = x)
                .LimitedByRange(-1000, 1000)
                .WithDescription(string.Format("{0}: Set the lamp spin speed.", "Visual".Colorize(Colors.yellowGreen))),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:lamp_scale", "LAMP SCALE")
                .WithGetter(() => Mathf.RoundToInt(Config.LampScale * 100.0f))
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.LampScale = x / 100.0f)
                .LimitedByRange(0, 500)
                .WithDescription(string.Format("{0}: Set the lamp model size.", "Visual".Colorize(Colors.yellowGreen))),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:light_intensity", "LIGHT INTENSITY")
                .WithGetter(() => Mathf.RoundToInt(Config.LightIntensity * 100.0f))
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.LightIntensity = x / 100.0f)
                .LimitedByRange(0, 1000)
                .WithDescription(string.Format("{0}: Set the lamp brightness.", "Visual".Colorize(Colors.yellowGreen))),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:light_range", "LIGHT RANGE")
                .WithGetter(() => Config.LightRange)
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.LightRange = x)
                .LimitedByRange(0, 100)
                .WithDescription(string.Format("{0}: Set the lamp light distance.", "Visual".Colorize(Colors.yellowGreen))),

                new IntegerSlider(MenuDisplayMode.Both, "setting:flare_brightness", "FLARE BRIGHTNESS")
                .WithGetter(() => Mathf.RoundToInt(Config.LightRange * 10.0f))
                .WithSetter((x) => Config.FlareBrightness = x / 10.0f)
                .LimitedByRange(0, 20)
                .WithDescription(string.Format("{0}: Set the lens flare brightness.", "Visual".Colorize(Colors.yellowGreen)))

            Menus.AddNew(MenuDisplayMode.Both, settingsMenu, "DECORATIVE LAMP", "Settings for the Decorative Lamp mod.");