public override void OnInspectorGUI() { MapLine mapLine = (MapLine)target; GUI.enabled = false; EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Script", MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour((MapLine)target), typeof(MapLine), false); GUI.enabled = true; SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(mapLine); serializedObject.Update(); ShowBool(serializedObject.FindProperty("DisplayHandles")); ShowList(serializedObject.FindProperty("mapLocalPositions")); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); Repaint(); mapLine.lineType = (MapData.LineType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("LineType", mapLine.lineType); if (mapLine.lineType == MapData.LineType.STOP) { using (var group = new EditorGUILayout.FadeGroupScope(Convert.ToSingle(mapLine.lineType == MapData.LineType.STOP))) { if (group.visible == true) { EditorGUI.indentLevel++; mapLine.isStopSign = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Stop Sign", mapLine.isStopSign); mapLine.currentState = (MapData.SignalLightStateType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Current Signal State", mapLine.currentState); EditorGUI.indentLevel--; } } } }
private void _mapLines() { mapLines = new List <MapLine>(); // lat int n = 36; double inc = 360 / n; for (int lat = -90; lat <= 90; lat += 10) { MapLine mp = new MapLine("Lat:" + lat); mapLines.Add(mp); for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { mp.Add(lat, -180 + i * inc); } } // lon n = 36; inc = 180 / 36; for (int lon = -180; lon < 180; lon += 10) { MapLine mp = new MapLine("Lon:" + lon); mapLines.Add(mp); for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) { mp.Add(-90 + i * inc, lon); } } }
protected void BindExamMapLinesSpinner(Spinner MapSpinner) { try { var mapLines = dataService.ALLMapLines; MapLine mapLine = new MapLine() { Id = 0, Name = "无地图" }; lstMapLine = new List <MapLine>(); lstMapLine.Add(mapLine); lstMapLine.AddRange(mapLines); List <string> lstMaps = new List <string>(); string strMapInfo = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < lstMapLine.Count(); i++) { //lstKeyValueMaps.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, MapLine>(i, lstMapLine[i])); lstMaps.Add(lstMapLine[i].Name); } //加载出来 //最简单的嘛通过索引的地图名称再去反响查找 BindSpinner(lstMaps, MapSpinner); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, this.GetType().ToString()); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { mapLines = new MapLine[mapVertices.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < mapLines.Length; i++) { mapLines [i] = new MapLine(mapVertices[i], mapVertices[i + 1]); mapLines [i].SetLineNum(i); } for (int i = 0; i < mapLines.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { mapLines [i].SetLeftMapLine(mapLines [i - 1]); } if (i < mapLines.Length - 1) { mapLines [i].SetRightMapLine(mapLines [i + 1]); } } if (isLoop == true) { mapLines [0].SetLeftMapLine(mapLines [mapLines.Length - 1]); mapLines [mapLines.Length - 1].SetRightMapLine(mapLines [0]); } }
public void AddPolyLine(MapLine line) { var pointList = line.Points.ToArray(); var cleanPointList = new List <GeoCoordinate>(); cleanPointList.Add(pointList[0]); for (int i = 1; i < pointList.Length - 1; i++) { if (!(pointList[i - 1] == pointList[i + 1] && pointList[i] != pointList[i - 1])) { cleanPointList.Add(pointList[i]); } } cleanPointList.Add(pointList[pointList.Length - 1]); var polyLine = new MapControl.MapPolyline { StrokeThickness = line.Thickness, Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(line.Color), Locations = cleanPointList.Select(x => new MapControl.Location(x.Latitude, x.Longitude)).ToList(), Fill = new SolidColorBrush(line.Color), FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero }; composedControl.Children.Add(polyLine); polyLines.Add(polyLine); }
public void UpdateMap() { try { MapLine mapLine = dataService.GetAllMapLines().Where(s => s.Id == MapID).FirstOrDefault(); IList <MapLinePoint> Points = new List <MapLinePoint>(); foreach (var item in lstRoadMapExamItem) { Points.Add(item.Value); } mapLine.Points = Points; mapLine.Name = edtRoadName.Text; mapLine.Distance = Points.CalculateDistances(); mapLine.CreateOn = DateTime.Now; mapLine.Remark = mapLine.Points.ToJson(); bool Result = dataService.UpdateMap(mapLine); if (Result) { Toast.MakeText(this, "更新地图成功", ToastLength.Short).Show(); Finish(); } else { Toast.MakeText(this, "更新地图失败", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("SaveMap", ex.Message); Toast.MakeText(this, ex.Message, ToastLength.Short).Show(); } }
void FixedUpdate() { // Determine where we aim to go _playerScript = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <PlayerShip>(); if (_playerScript != null) { _targetMapLine = _playerScript.curMapLine; } // Find shortest path and next step (_nextMapLine) int rightDist = curMapLine.getShortestDist(curMapLine.leftLine, _targetMapLine); int leftDist = curMapLine.getShortestDist(curMapLine.rightLine, _targetMapLine); if (leftDist < rightDist) { _nextMapLine = curMapLine.leftLine; } else if (leftDist >= rightDist && leftDist > 0) { _nextMapLine = curMapLine.rightLine; } else { _nextMapLine = curMapLine; } Move(_nextMove <= Time.fixedTime); }
void FixedUpdate() { if (curMapLine == null) { curMapLine = _mapManager.mapLines [2]; } if (legacyMovement == true) { _inputValue = Input.GetAxis(inputAxis); } else { Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition; _targetMapLine = curMapLine; foreach (MapLine ml in _mapManager.mapLines) { Vector3 MLPos = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(ml.GetMidPoint()); Vector3 curMLPos = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(_targetMapLine.GetMidPoint()); if (Vector3.Distance(mousePos, MLPos) < Vector3.Distance(mousePos, curMLPos)) { _targetMapLine = ml; } } int rightDist = curMapLine.getShortestDist(curMapLine.leftLine, _targetMapLine); int leftDist = curMapLine.getShortestDist(curMapLine.rightLine, _targetMapLine); if (leftDist < rightDist) { _nextMapLine = curMapLine.leftLine; } else if (leftDist >= rightDist && leftDist > 0) { _nextMapLine = curMapLine.rightLine; } else { _nextMapLine = curMapLine; } //curMapLine = _targetMapLine; } //if (_nextMove <= Time.fixedTime) { Move(); // _nextMove = Time.fixedTime + moveCooldown; //} if ((Input.GetMouseButton(0) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) && _lastFire + fireCooldown < Time.fixedTime && _curBullets < maxBullets) { Fire(); _lastFire = Time.fixedTime; } if ((Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftControl) || Input.GetMouseButton(1)) && _zapperReady == true) { Zapper(); _zapperReady = false; } }
void SpawnFlipper(MapLine newMapLine) { Vector3 curDirVec = newMapLine.GetDirectionVector(); Vector3 newDirVec = new Vector3(-curDirVec.y, curDirVec.x, 0); GameObject newShip = Instantiate(flipperPrefab, newMapLine.GetMidPoint() + new Vector3(0, 0, transform.position.z + 1f), Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f), newDirVec)); newShip.GetComponent <Flipper>().SetMapLine(newMapLine); newShip.GetComponent <Flipper>().movementForce = _gameManager.currentRound * _gameManager.speedMulti; }
public MapLine GetClosestLine(Vector3 position) { MapLine result = null; float minDistLeft = float.PositiveInfinity; float minDistRight = float.PositiveInfinity; MapLine Leftline = new MapLine(); MapLine RightLine = new MapLine(); // TODO: this should be optimized foreach (var LL in trafficLinesLeft) { if (LL.mapWorldPositions.Count >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < LL.mapWorldPositions.Count - 1; i++) { var p0 = LL.mapWorldPositions[i]; var p1 = LL.mapWorldPositions[i + 1]; float d = Utility.SqrDistanceToSegment(p0, p1, position); if (d < minDistLeft) { Leftline = LL; minDistLeft = d; result = Leftline; } } } } foreach (var RL in trafficLinesRight) { if (RL.mapWorldPositions.Count >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < RL.mapWorldPositions.Count - 1; i++) { var p0 = RL.mapWorldPositions[i]; var p1 = RL.mapWorldPositions[i + 1]; float d = Utility.SqrDistanceToSegment(p0, p1, position); if (d < minDistRight) { RightLine = RL; minDistRight = d; result = RightLine; } } } } if (minDistLeft <= minDistRight) { result = Leftline; } else { result = RightLine; } return(result); }
public void SpawnSpiker() { int index = Random.Range(1, _mapManager.mapLines.Length - 1); MapLine newMapLine = _mapManager.mapLines [index]; float _mapDepth = _mapManager.depth; GameObject newShip = Instantiate(spikerPrefab, newMapLine.GetMidPoint() + new Vector3(0, 0, 1 * _mapDepth), spikerPrefab.transform.rotation); newShip.GetComponent <Spiker>().moveSpeed *= currentRound * speedMulti; }
public MapLine(Vector3 startpos, Vector3 endpos, MapLine left, MapLine right) { startPos = startpos; endPos = endpos; leftLine = left; rightLine = right; _dir = GetDirectionVector(); _length = GetLength(); }
// Token: 0x06001AEA RID: 6890 RVA: 0x002DABB0 File Offset: 0x002D8DB0 public void SendPackage() { if (this.OpenType == 1) { Door door = this.GM.FindMenu(EGUIWindow.Door) as Door; if (door && door.m_GroundInfo != null) { MessagePacket messagePacket = new MessagePacket(1024); messagePacket.Protocol = Protocol._MSG_REQUEST_MAP_EMOTION; messagePacket.AddSeqId(); messagePacket.Add(DataManager.MapDataController.FocusKingdomID); if (door.m_GroundInfo.m_TeamPanelGameObject.activeSelf) { messagePacket.Add(13); if (door.m_GroundInfo.m_MapPointID >= 0 && door.m_GroundInfo.m_MapPointID < DataManager.MapDataController.MapLineTable.Count) { MapLine mapLine = DataManager.MapDataController.MapLineTable[door.m_GroundInfo.m_MapPointID]; messagePacket.Add(mapLine.lineID); } } else { if (door.m_GroundInfo.m_MapPointID >= 0 && door.m_GroundInfo.m_MapPointID < DataManager.MapDataController.LayoutMapInfo.Length) { MapPoint mapPoint = DataManager.MapDataController.LayoutMapInfo[(int)((UIntPtr)door.m_GroundInfo.m_MapPointID)]; messagePacket.Add(mapPoint.pointKind); } ushort data; byte data2; GameConstants.MapIDToPointCode(door.m_GroundInfo.m_MapPointID, out data, out data2); messagePacket.Add(0); messagePacket.Add(data); messagePacket.Add(data2); } messagePacket.Add(this.GetEmojiKey(this.GM.EmojiNowPackageIndex, (int)this.GM.EmojiNowPicIndex)); messagePacket.Add(this.DM.TotalShopItemData.Find(this.ItemID)); messagePacket.Send(false); this.SendChangeSave(this.GM.EmojiNowPackageIndex); if (this.DM.GetCurItemQuantity(this.ItemID, 0) <= 0) { this.DM.SetBuyAndUse(1); } if (!door.m_GroundInfo.m_TeamPanelGameObject.activeSelf) { door.m_GroundInfo.Close(); } this.GM.CloseMenu(EGUIWindow.UIEmojiSelect); } } else if (this.OpenType == 2) { this.GM.UpdateUI(EGUIWindow.UI_Chat, 15, (int)this.GetEmojiKey(this.GM.EmojiNowPackageIndex, (int)this.GM.EmojiNowPicIndex)); this.SendChangeSave(this.GM.EmojiNowPackageIndex); this.GM.CloseMenu(EGUIWindow.UIEmojiSelect); } }
/// <summary> /// Add Ellipse to indicate point location /// </summary> /// <param name="loc">Location lat,lon</param> /// <param name="fields">string of attributes for tooltip</param> /// <param name="layer">MapLeyer to add to</param> /// <summary> /// Render simple linestring features /// </summary> /// <param name="shapegeo">simple point feature</param> /// <param name="label">attributes for tooltip</param> /// <param name="currentLayer">MapLayer to add to</param> private LocationCollection GetLine(MapLine shapegeo) { LocationCollection p = new LocationCollection(); foreach (LatLong pt in shapegeo.Locations) { p.Add(new Location(pt.Latitude, pt.Longitude)); } return(p); }
PointF[] _getLine(MapLine mLine) { List <PointF> poly = new List <PointF>(); foreach (BaseCoordinate item in mLine.Collection) { poly.Add(!double.IsNaN(item.ProjectedX) ? _convertF(item) : new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN)); } return(poly.ToArray()); }
private void initLine() { foreach (KeyValuePair <int, MapLine> kp in lineCollection) { MapLine npc = kp.Value; npcHelper.AddLine(npc); } }
public void SpawnPowerUp() { int index = Random.Range(1, _mapManager.mapLines.Length - 1); MapLine newMapLine = _mapManager.mapLines[index]; float _mapDepth = _mapManager.depth; GameObject powerUp = Instantiate(powerUpPrefab, newMapLine.GetMidPoint() + new Vector3(0, 0, 1 * _mapDepth), powerUpPrefab.transform.rotation); powerUp.GetComponent <PowerUp>().curMapLine = newMapLine; powerUp.GetComponent <PowerUp>().moveSpeed *= currentRound * speedMulti; }
public void AddPolyLine(MapLine line) { MapPolyline polyLine = new MapPolyline { StrokeColor = line.Color, StrokeThickness = line.Thickness, Path = new Geopath(line.Points.Select(x => x.ToBasicGeoposition())) }; composedControl.MapElements.Add(polyLine); }
Vector3 GetStopSignMeshLocation(MapLine stopLine) { float dist = 2; // we create stop sign 2 meters to the right of the right end point of the stopline var worldPositions = stopLine.mapWorldPositions; var stopLineLength = (worldPositions.Last() - worldPositions.First()).magnitude; var meshLocation = stopLine.transform.position + stopLine.transform.right * (dist + stopLineLength / 2); meshLocation -= stopLine.transform.forward * 1; // move stop sign 1 meter back return(meshLocation); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _curBullets = 0; _rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody> (); _mapManager = GameObject.Find("MapManager").GetComponent <MapManager> (); _gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager> (); _audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); _playerScript = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <PlayerShip>(); _nextMove = Time.fixedTime; _targetMapLine = curMapLine; }
// Used to compare another MapLine with this one public bool Equals(MapLine otherMapLine) { if (otherMapLine.startPos == startPos && otherMapLine.endPos == endPos) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private static SegmentedLine3D LaneLineToSegmentedLine(MapLine laneLine) { var lines = new List <Line3D>(); var wPos = laneLine.mapWorldPositions; for (var i = 1; i < wPos.Count; ++i) { lines.Add(new Line3D(wPos[i - 1], wPos[i])); } return(new SegmentedLine3D(lines)); }
void AddLine(string id, LaneBoundary boundary, bool isLeft = false) { var curveSegments = boundary.curve.segment; var linePoints = GetPointsFromCurve(curveSegments); var linePointsDouble3 = DownSample(linePoints); string lineId; if (isLeft) { lineId = "MapLine_Left_" + id; } else { lineId = "MapLine_Right_" + id; } GameObject mapLineObj = new GameObject(lineId); mapLineObj.transform.parent = TrafficLanes.transform; MapLine mapLine = mapLineObj.AddComponent <MapLine>(); mapLine.mapWorldPositions = ConvertUTMFromDouble3(linePointsDouble3); UpdateObjPosAndLocalPos(mapLineObj.transform, mapLine); if (boundary.@virtual) { mapLine.lineType = MapData.LineType.VIRTUAL; } else { mapLine.lineType = BoundaryTypeToLineType(boundary.boundary_type[0].types[0]); } var warning = "Multiple boundary types for one lane boundary is not" + "supported yet, currently only the 1st type is used."; if (boundary.boundary_type.Count > 1) { Debug.LogWarning(warning); } if (isLeft) { Id2LeftLineBoundary[id] = mapLine; } else { Id2RightLineBoundary[id] = mapLine; } }
/// <summary> /// Selecting a point. /// </summary> /// <param name="_p">the point</param> public void SelectPoint(MapPoint _p) { if (selected != null) { selected.UnHighlight(); selected = null; //only when selected is not null foreach (MapPoint K in adjacent) { K.UnHighlight(); } adjacent.Clear(); } if (_p != null) { selected = _p; _p.HighlightAsSelected(); //the four direction. Generalized writing float quarter = Mathf.PI / 2; //90 degrees for (float theta = 0; theta < 3 * quarter + 0.01f; theta += quarter) { int x = _p.posX + (int)Mathf.Round(Mathf.Cos(theta)); int y = _p.posY + (int)Mathf.Round(Mathf.Sin(theta)); // Debug.Log("Checking for point(" + x.ToString() + "," + y.ToString() + ")"); if (MapController.instance.CheckExistPoint(x, y)) { MapLine line = MapController.instance.GetLineFromPoint(_p.posX, _p.posY, theta); if (null == line || false == line.isVacant) { // only the points that are able to connect can be //second-highligt as selectable. //Debug.Log(string.Format("The line for ({0}, {1}, {2}) is ivalid", x, y, theta)); continue; } //Debug.Log(string.Format("The point({0}, {1}) is recognized as adjacent.", x, y, theta)); adjacent.Add(MapController.instance.points[x - 1, y - 1]); MapController.instance.points[x - 1, y - 1].HighlightAsSelectable(); } else { Debug.Log(string.Format("No point({0}, {1})", x, y, theta)); } } } }
public MapData end(MainPage mainPage) { /* Turn off drawing line mode */ mainPage.drawALineButton.Content = "Draw a line"; /* Create a layer and add to the map */ MapLine mapLine = new MapLine(); mapLine.setLocationCollection(this.locationCollection); //mapLine.draw(mainPage.mainMap); Debug.WriteLine("Stopped drawing a line"); return mapLine; }
// Token: 0x06000ABC RID: 2748 RVA: 0x000E6914 File Offset: 0x000E4B14 public void recalculateSpeed(LineNode node, MapLine _ml, bool bResetOffset = false) { uint exduring = _ml.EXduring; ulong begin = _ml.begin; uint exbegin = _ml.EXbegin; uint num = _ml.during; if (bResetOffset) { node.timeOffset = exbegin; } float num2 = (num - exbegin) / num * node.distance; uint num3 = num - exduring; float num4 = num2 / num3; if (num4 >= 0.5f && num > 1u && num3 > 2u) { num -= 1u; num2 = (num - exbegin) / num * node.distance; num3 = num - exduring; num4 = num2 / num3; } if (_ml.lineFlag >= 23) { node.inverseMaxTime = 1f / _ml.during; } ulong serverTime = (ulong)DataManager.Instance.ServerTime; ulong num5 = begin + (ulong)exduring; long num6 = (long)(serverTime - num5); float num7 = exbegin / num * node.distance; float num8 = (num7 + (float)num6 * num4) / node.distance * num; float num9 = node.distance / num; if (node.timeOffset <= num8) { node.timeOffset = num8; num4 /= num9; node.speedRate = num4 * 0.05f + num9 / 1.75f; node.unitSpeedRate = num4; } else { float num10 = (1f - node.timeOffset * node.inverseMaxTime) * node.distance; int num11 = (int)(begin + (ulong)num - serverTime); num11 = Mathf.Max(0, num11); float num12 = num10 / (float)num11 / num9; node.speedRate = num12 * 0.05f + num9 / 1.75f; node.unitSpeedRate = num12; } }
public void ClickSaveMenu(object sender, EventArgs e) { Int32[,] canvasData = new Int32[25, 30]; MapPalette.GetMapCanvasInfo(ref canvasData); WholeStageData wholeStageData = new WholeStageData { StageLevel = 1, }; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { WholeStageData.Types.MapLine mapLine = new MapLine(); for (int j = 0; j < 30; j++) { mapLine.Block.Add(canvasData[i, j]); } wholeStageData.Map.Add(mapLine); } foreach (MonsterData monData in m_StageMonsters) { Monster monster = new Monster(); monster.Type = (Int32)monData.type; monster.StartXPos = monData.startPos.X; monster.StartYPos = monData.startPos.Y; foreach (MonsterAICommand monDtCmd in monData.Commands) { monster.Commands.Add((Int32)monDtCmd); } wholeStageData.Monsters.Add(monster); } // wholeStageData.ToString(); if (m_isNewFile == false) { m_fileName = ""; ShowSaveDialogBox(ref wholeStageData); } else { m_fileStream = File.Create(m_filePath + m_fileName); SaveFile(ref wholeStageData); } }
internal override void Draw(Graphics g, Datarow row) { if (row.Data == null) { return; } MapLine mapLine = (MapLine)row.Data; List <PointF> screenpoints = new List <PointF>(); foreach (MapPoint p in mapLine.Points) { screenpoints.Add(MapDrawHelper.ToScreenPoint(p, extent, width, height)); } g.DrawLines(new Pen(Color.Orange, 2), screenpoints.ToArray()); }
public void addMapLine(MapLine line, int addOrDelete) { if (lineCollection.ContainsKey( && addOrDelete == OPERATE_ADD) { Debug.Log("这条路线(" + + ")已经被添加过了"); } else if (lineCollection.ContainsKey( && addOrDelete == OPERATE_DELETE) { lineCollection.Remove(; } else if (!zoneCollection.ContainsKey( && addOrDelete == OPERATE_ADD) { lineCollection[] = line; } }
/// <summary> /// Core function. Also creates blocks, add score /// and check winning condition. /// </summary> /// <param name="_line">Line.</param> public void DrawLine(MapLine _line) { GameObject g = Instantiate(drawnLinePrefab, drawnLineParent); g.transform.position = _line.transform.position; g.GetComponent <DrawnLine>().MakeHorizontal(_line.isHorizontal); g.GetComponent <DrawnLine>().SetColor(players[turnOwnerID].playerColor); _line.ownerID = turnOwnerID; _line.BeDrawn(); //add score MapController.instance.Breaking(); int units = MapController.instance.capturedUnits.Count; players[turnOwnerID].AddScore(CalculateScoreByItems(units)); //should be modified by items //if (NetPvP) //if isHost(ID = 0) // calc all //if is non-Host // only listen to effects. // and commands ResetScoreModifiers(); MapController.instance.capturedUnits.Clear(); if (CheckGameEnd()) { //GameOver return; } //NextTurn turnOwnerID++; turnOwnerID %= players.Length; for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++) { players[i].SetHighlight(i == turnOwnerID); } SelectPoint(null); }
//Spawns new flipper enemy on field, associated with map line public void SpawnFlipper() { int index = Random.Range(1, _mapManager.mapLines.Length - 1); MapLine newMapLine = _mapManager.mapLines [index]; float _mapDepth = _mapManager.depth; GameObject newShip = Instantiate(flipperPrefab, newMapLine.GetMidPoint() + new Vector3(0, 0, 1 * _mapDepth), flipperPrefab.transform.rotation); if (test == true) { newShip.GetComponent <Flipper_New>().curMapLine = newMapLine; newShip.GetComponent <Flipper_New>().moveSpeed *= currentRound * speedMulti; } else { newShip.GetComponent <Flipper>().SetMapLine(newMapLine); newShip.GetComponent <Flipper>().movementForce = currentRound * speedMulti; } }
private void BuildLines(MapPolyline polyline) { for (int i = 0; i < polyline.Points.Count - 1; i++) { Location point1 = polyline.Points[i]; Location point2 = polyline.Points[i + 1]; MapLine line = new MapLine() { Point1 = point1, Point2 = point2 }; this.SetDefaultStyle(line); line.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(line_MouseLeftButtonDown); line.Tag = polyline; this.lineLayer.Items.Add(line); } }
private void line_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { MapLine line = sender as MapLine; if (line != null) { if (this.selectedLine != null) { this.SetDefaultStyle(this.selectedLine); } if (this.selectedPolyline != null) { this.SetDefaultStyle(this.selectedPolyline); } this.selectedLine = line; this.selectedPolyline = line.Tag as MapPolyline; this.SetSelectedStyle(this.selectedLine); this.SetSelectedStyle(this.selectedPolyline); } }
public void AddConnection(Transform connectedPoint, MapLine connectedLine) { connectedPoints.Add(connectedPoint); connectedLines.Add(connectedLine); }