Пример #1
        /*public int GetFirstWorldID()
         * {
         *  foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Entity> KVP in worlds)
         *  {
         *      return KVP.Key;
         *  }
         *  return 0;
         * }*/

        public int SpawnMap(MapDatam map, Entity game)
            int newID = Bootstrap.GenerateUniqueID();

            SpawnWorld(newID, map.worldPosition, map, game);
Пример #2
        public int QueueMap(float3 spawnPosition, MapDatam map, Entity game)
            int    newID = Bootstrap.GenerateUniqueID();
            Entity e     = World.EntityManager.CreateEntity();

            World.EntityManager.AddComponentData(e, new SpawnMapCommand
                spawnID       = newID,
                mapID         = map.id,
                spawnPosition = spawnPosition,
                game          = game
Пример #3
        private void UpdateMap(Entity worldEntity, MapDatam map, int id)
            if (maps.ContainsKey(id))
                maps[id] = map;
                maps.Add(id, map);
            // initiate the biomes with tilemap values
            for (int i = 0; i < map.biomes.Count; i++)
            World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(worldEntity, new Rotation {
                Value = Quaternion.Euler(map.worldRotation)
            World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(worldEntity, new NonUniformScale {
                Value = map.worldScale
            World world = new World
                chunkIDs        = new BlitableArray <int>(0, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent),
                chunkPositions  = new BlitableArray <int3>(0, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent),
                scale           = map.worldScale,
                voxelDimensions = map.voxelDimensions,
                bounds          = 32

            World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(worldEntity, world);
            World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(worldEntity, new ZoxID {
                id = id
            if (Application.isPlaying == false)
                WorldStreamSystem.StreamChunksIn(World.EntityManager, chunkSpawnSystem, world.modelID != 0,
                                                 worldEntity, ref world, int3.Zero(), Bootstrap.GetRenderDistance(), Bootstrap.GetLoadDistance());
Пример #4
 private void SpawnWorld(int id, float3 spawnPosition, MapDatam map, Entity gameEntity)
     if (map != null)
         Entity world = World.EntityManager.CreateEntity(worldArchtype);
         worlds.Add(id, world);
         worldLookups.Add(id, new WorldChunkMap {
             chunks = new Dictionary <int3, Entity>()
         World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(world, new Translation {
             Value = spawnPosition
         UpdateMap(world, map, id);
         Game game = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Game>(gameEntity);
         game.map = world;
         World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(gameEntity, game);
         Debug.LogError("Cannot spawn world at: " + spawnPosition.ToString() + " as map is null.");
Пример #5
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            Entities.WithAll <WorldGenerationChunk>().ForEach((Entity e, ref Chunk chunk, ref WorldGenerationChunk baby) =>
                if (baby.state == 0)
                    baby.state         = 1;
                    chunk.isGenerating = 1;
                int worldID  = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(e).creatorID;
                MapDatam map = worldSpawnSystem.maps[worldID];

                Biome chunkBiome  = new Biome {
                };                                // World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<ChunkTerrain>(e);
                chunkBiome.biomes = new BlitableArray <byte>((int)(chunk.Value.voxelDimensions.x * chunk.Value.voxelDimensions.z), Allocator.Persistent);
                chunkBiome.blends = new BlitableArray <float>((int)(chunk.Value.voxelDimensions.x * chunk.Value.voxelDimensions.z), Allocator.Persistent);
                World.EntityManager.AddComponentData(e, chunkBiome);

                ChunkTerrain chunkTerrain = new ChunkTerrain {
                };                                                // World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<ChunkTerrain>(e);
                chunkTerrain.biomes       = new BlitableArray <BiomeData>(map.biomes.Count, Allocator.Persistent);
                for (int i = 0; i < map.biomes.Count; i++)
                    chunkTerrain.biomes[i] = map.biomes[i].Value;
                chunkTerrain.chunkPosition = chunk.Value.chunkPosition;
                chunkTerrain.heights       = new BlitableArray <int>((int)(chunk.Value.voxelDimensions.x * chunk.Value.voxelDimensions.z), Allocator.Persistent);
                World.EntityManager.AddComponentData(e, chunkTerrain);

                var chunkPosition     = chunk.GetVoxelPosition();
                var dimensions        = chunk.Value.voxelDimensions;
                float leftSideChunk   = chunkPosition.x;
                float rightSideChunk  = chunkPosition.x + dimensions.x;
                float leftSideChunkZ  = chunkPosition.z;
                float rightSideChunkZ = chunkPosition.z + dimensions.z;
                // Use something like WorldTowns, and pass down relevant chunk information into the chunks
                List <Town> towns         = new List <Town>();
                List <Building> buildings = new List <Building>();

                for (int i = 0; i < map.towns.Count; i++)
                    float leftSideBuilding   = map.towns[i].position.x - map.towns[i].dimensions.x;
                    float rightSideBuilding  = map.towns[i].position.x + map.towns[i].dimensions.x;
                    float leftSideBuildingZ  = map.towns[i].position.z - map.towns[i].dimensions.z;
                    float rightSideBuildingZ = map.towns[i].position.z + map.towns[i].dimensions.z;
                    if (!(leftSideBuilding > rightSideChunk || rightSideBuilding < leftSideChunk ||
                          leftSideBuildingZ > rightSideChunkZ || rightSideBuildingZ < leftSideChunkZ))
                        //for (int j = 0; j < map.buildings.Count; j++)
                // if building intersects chunk
                for (int i = 0; i < map.buildings.Count; i++)
                    float leftSideBuilding   = map.buildings[i].position.x - map.buildings[i].dimensions.x;
                    float rightSideBuilding  = map.buildings[i].position.x + map.buildings[i].dimensions.x;
                    float leftSideBuildingZ  = map.buildings[i].position.z - map.buildings[i].dimensions.z;
                    float rightSideBuildingZ = map.buildings[i].position.z + map.buildings[i].dimensions.z;
                    //Debug.DrawLine(new float3(leftSideBuilding))
                    if (!(leftSideBuilding > rightSideChunk || rightSideBuilding < leftSideChunk ||
                          leftSideBuildingZ > rightSideChunkZ || rightSideBuildingZ < leftSideChunkZ))
                // for towns
                ChunkTown chunkTown = new ChunkTown {
                };                                       // World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<ChunkTown>(e);
                if (towns.Count > 0)
                    chunkTown.towns = new BlitableArray <Town>(towns.Count, Allocator.Persistent);
                    for (int i = 0; i < towns.Count; i++)
                        chunkTown.towns[i] = towns[i];
                        //Debug.DrawLine(chunk.GetVoxelPosition() + new float3(8, 0, 8), chunk.GetVoxelPosition() + new float3(8, 64, 8),
                        //    Color.green, 30);
                        //Debug.LogError("Town added to chunk: " + chunk.Value.chunkPosition + " : " + towns[i].position);
                if (buildings.Count > 0)
                    chunkTown.buildings = new BlitableArray <Building>(buildings.Count, Allocator.Persistent);
                    for (int i = 0; i < buildings.Count; i++)
                        chunkTown.buildings[i] = buildings[i];
                        //Debug.DrawLine(chunk.GetVoxelPosition() + new float3(8, 0, 8), chunk.GetVoxelPosition() + new float3(8, 64, 8),
                        //    Color.red, 30);
                        //Debug.LogError("BUildings added to chunk: " + chunk.Value.chunkPosition + " : " + buildings[i].position);
                World.EntityManager.AddComponentData(e, chunkTown);

                /* chunkTown.centrePosition = float3.zero;
                 * chunkTown.wallSize = new float3(60, 8, 60);
                 * chunkTown.wallThickness = 4f;*/
                /*chunkTown.buildings[0] = new Building
                 * {
                 *  position = new float3(-8, 0, -8),
                 *  dimensions = new float3(4, 4, 4)
                 * };
                 * chunkTown.buildings[1] = new Building
                 * {
                 *  position = new float3(8, 0, -8),
                 *  dimensions = new float3(4, 4, 4)
                 * };*/
                //if (map.towns.buildings)
                // monsters
                //if (biome.monsters.Count > 0)
                    MonsterSpawnZone monsterSpawner = new MonsterSpawnZone {
                    };                                                          // World.EntityManager.GetComponentData<MonsterSpawnZone>(e);
                    monsterSpawner.lastTimeSpawned  = UnityEngine.Time.time - 9;
                    monsterSpawner.spawnDatas       = new BlitableArray <MonsterBiome>(map.biomes.Count, Allocator.Persistent);
                    for (int i = 0; i < monsterSpawner.spawnDatas.Length; i++)
                        int monsterMetaID = 0;
                        if (map.biomes[i].monsters.Count != 0)
                            monsterMetaID = map.biomes[i].monsters[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, map.biomes[i].monsters.Count - 1)].Value.id;
                        monsterSpawner.spawnDatas[i] = new MonsterBiome
                            spawnAmount   = map.biomes[i].monsterSpawnAmount,
                            spawnCooldown = map.biomes[i].monsterSpawnCooldown,
                            monsterMetaID = monsterMetaID
                    //monsterSpawner.monsterMetaID = biome.monsters[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, biome.monsters.Count)].Value.id;
                    //monsterSpawner.spawnAmount = biome.monsterSpawnAmount;
                    //monsterSpawner.spawnCooldown = biome.monsterSpawnCooldown;
                    World.EntityManager.AddComponentData(e, monsterSpawner);
Пример #6
        public void SpawnChunks(SpawnChunkCommand command)
            var worldEntity = command.world;
            int worldID     = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <ZoxID>(worldEntity).id;
            var world       = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <World>(worldEntity);

            if (ChunkSpawnSystem.isDebugLog)
                Debug.LogError("Spawning World's Chunks [" + command.chunkIDs.Length + "] with dimensions: " + world.voxelDimensions + ", id: " + worldID);
            Translation          worldTranslation = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Translation>(worldEntity);
            NativeArray <Entity> entities         = new NativeArray <Entity>(command.chunkPositions.Length, Allocator.Temp);
            // materials
            int renderEntitiesCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < command.isRender.Length; i++)
                if (command.isRender[i] == 1)
            List <Material> materials = GetWorldMaterials(worldID);
            MapDatam        map       = null;
            VoxData         model     = new VoxData();

            //NativeArray<Entity> renderEntities = new NativeArray<Entity>(renderEntitiesCount * materials.Count, Allocator.Temp);
            if (worldSpawnSystem.maps.ContainsKey(worldID))
                map = worldSpawnSystem.maps[worldID];
                World.EntityManager.Instantiate(chunkPrefab, entities);
                //World.EntityManager.Instantiate(worldChunkRenderPrefab, renderEntities);
            else if (worldSpawnSystem.models.ContainsKey(worldID))
                model = worldSpawnSystem.models[worldID];
                World.EntityManager.Instantiate(modelChunkPrefab, entities);
                //World.EntityManager.Instantiate(modelChunkRenderPrefab, renderEntities);
            // for all bullets, set custom data using indexes entity
            int renderEntityCount = 0;
            var chunkIDs          = command.chunkIDs.ToArray();
            var chunkPositions    = command.chunkPositions.ToArray();

            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                Entity chunkEntity = entities[i];
                if (chunks.ContainsKey(chunkIDs[i]))
                chunks.Add(chunkIDs[i], entities[i]);
                var lookupTable = worldSpawnSystem.worldLookups[worldID];
                if (lookupTable.chunks.ContainsKey(chunkPositions[i]))
                    lookupTable.chunks[chunkPositions[i]] = chunkEntity;
                    lookupTable.chunks.Add(chunkPositions[i], chunkEntity);
                worldSpawnSystem.worldLookups[worldID] = lookupTable;
                World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entities[i], new ZoxID {
                    id        = chunkIDs[i],
                    creatorID = worldID
                Chunk chunk = World.EntityManager.GetComponentData <Chunk>(chunkEntity);
                chunk.world = worldEntity;
                chunk.Value.chunkPosition   = chunkPositions[i];
                chunk.Value.worldScale      = world.scale;
                chunk.Value.voxelDimensions = world.voxelDimensions;
                if (model.id != 0)
                    UpdateChunkWithModel(chunkEntity, ref chunk, model);
                SetChunkSurroundingIndexes(chunkEntity, ref chunk);
                float3 spawnPosition = new float3( // worldOffset +
                    chunk.Value.chunkPosition.x * chunk.Value.worldScale.x * chunk.Value.voxelDimensions.x,
                    chunk.Value.chunkPosition.y * chunk.Value.worldScale.y * chunk.Value.voxelDimensions.y,
                    chunk.Value.chunkPosition.z * chunk.Value.worldScale.z * chunk.Value.voxelDimensions.z);
                World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(chunkEntity, new Translation {
                    Value = spawnPosition
                World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(chunkEntity, new NonUniformScale {
                    Value = new float3(1, 1, 1)
                World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(chunkEntity, new Rotation {
                    Value = quaternion.identity
                World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(chunkEntity, new Parent {
                    Value = chunk.world
                // set depending on biome type - biomeDatam has CharacterDatam linked
                //World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entities[i], chunk);
                World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(entities[i], chunk);
            var entitiesArray = entities.ToArray();;

            world.chunks = new BlitableArray <Entity>(entitiesArray.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
            for (int i = 0; i < world.chunks.Length; i++)
                world.chunks[i] = entitiesArray[i];
            World.EntityManager.SetComponentData(worldEntity, world);
            ChunkRenderSystem.SpawnChunkRenders(World.EntityManager, worldEntity, renderEntitiesCount, materials.Count, command.isRender.ToArray());