Пример #1
        protected override void ExecuteCommand(MantisDatabase db, DbCommand cmd, CleanOptions options, TaskDataStore store)
            List <int> projectids = db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.project)}");

            // delete assignbment snon-existent projects
            db.DeleteMatching("custom field project assignments", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.custom_field_project)} WHERE project_id NOT IN @@ids", projectids);

            // now delete all custom fields which do not have any assignments anymore
            List <int> customfieldids = db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT field_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.custom_field_project)}");

            db.DeleteMatching("custom fields", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.custom_field)} WHERE id NOT IN @@ids", customfieldids);
            db.DeleteMatching("custom field strings", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.custom_field_string)} WHERE field_id NOT IN @@ids", customfieldids);
Пример #2
        protected override void ExecuteCommand(MantisDatabase db, DbCommand cmd, CleanOptions options, TaskDataStore store)
            // delete bugs which belong to non-existent projects
            List <int> projectids = store.Get <List <int> >(DataKey.KeepProjectIDs);

            db.DeleteMatching("bugs", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug)} WHERE project_id NOT IN @@ids", projectids);

            // we cannot use DELETE FROM WHERE [id] IN (SELECT **), see https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/84805/delete-seems-to-hang
            // or multiple-table DELETES because they always time out
            // get the list of bug_ids beforehand and list them separately
            // todo: if tehre are too many ids (command gets too long), we might need to delete in batches

            // delete all bug_texts which are not used anymore
            List <int> bugtextids = db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT bug_text_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug)}");

            db.DeleteMatching("bug text entries", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_text)} WHERE id NOT IN @@ids", bugtextids);

            // delete all bug_notes which reference non-existent bugs
            List <int> bugids = db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug)}");

            db.DeleteMatching("bug notes", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bugnote)} WHERE bug_id NOT IN @@ids", bugids);

            // delete all bug_note_texts which reference non-existent bug notes
            List <int> notetextids = db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT bugnote_text_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bugnote)}");

            db.DeleteMatching("bug note text entries", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bugnote_text)} WHERE id NOT IN @@ids", notetextids);

            // delete all bug files which reference non-existent bugs (takes some time)
            int oldTimeout = cmd.CommandTimeout;
            cmd.CommandTimeout = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30).TotalMilliseconds;
            db.DeleteMatching("bug attached files", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_file)} WHERE bug_id NOT IN @@ids", bugids);
            cmd.CommandTimeout = oldTimeout;

            // delete all bug history entries which reference non-existent bugs
            db.DeleteMatching("bug history entries", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_history)} WHERE bug_id NOT IN @@ids", bugids);

            // delete all bug monitor entries which reference non-existent bugs
            db.DeleteMatching("bug monitor entries", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_monitor)} WHERE bug_id NOT IN @@ids", bugids);

            // delete all bug relationships which reference non-existent bugs
            db.DeleteMatching("bug relationships", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_relationship)} WHERE source_bug_id NOT IN @@ids OR destination_bug_id NOT IN @@ids", bugids);

            // delete all bug revision entries which reference non-existent bugs
            db.DeleteMatching("bug revision entries", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_revision)} WHERE bug_id NOT IN @@ids", bugids);

            // delete all bug tags which reference non-existent bugs
            db.DeleteMatching("bug tags", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_tag)} WHERE bug_id NOT IN @@ids", bugids);
Пример #3
        protected override void ExecuteCommand(MantisDatabase db, DbCommand cmd, CleanOptions options, TaskDataStore store)
            // delete all users which are not referenced anymore
            List <int> userids = db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT reporter_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bugnote)}");

            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_file)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_history)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_monitor)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_revision)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT reporter_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT handler_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.bug_tag)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.category)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.config)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.filters)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT poster_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.news)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.project_file)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.project_user_list)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.sponsorship)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.tag)}"));
            userids.Union(db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.user_profile)}"));

            // remove all users which are not referenced anymore
            db.DeleteMatching("users", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.user)} WHERE id NOT IN @@ids", userids);
            db.DeleteMatching("user profiles", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.user_profile)} WHERE user_id NOT IN @@ids", userids);

            // Remove confidential/personal user data
            cmd.CommandText = $"UPDATE {db.Table(MantisTable.user)} SET email='redacted',password='******',login_count=0,lost_password_request_count=0,failed_login_count=0,cookie_string=CONCAT('redacted_', id),last_visit=0,date_created=0";
            int count = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

            LogService.Info($"Removed personal data from all remaining {count} user profiles");

            // delete personal data
            db.DeleteAll("user preferences", MantisTable.user_pref);
            db.DeleteAll("user print preferences", MantisTable.user_print_pref);
Пример #4
        protected override void ExecuteCommand(MantisDatabase db, DbCommand cmd, CleanOptions options, TaskDataStore store)
            List <int> projectids = db.ReadList <int>($"SELECT id FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.project)}");

            db.DeleteMatching("categories", $"DELETE FROM {db.Table(MantisTable.category)} WHERE project_id NOT IN @@ids", projectids);