private static void AnnotatePagesWithOpenAndCurrent(Guid pageId, List<XElement> pageElements)
            string pageIdAsString = pageId.ToString();
            XAttribute matchingPageIdAttrib = GetSiteMap().DescendantsAndSelf().Attributes(AttributeNames.Id).FirstOrDefault(f => f.Value == pageIdAsString);

            if (matchingPageIdAttrib != null)
                List<string> openPageIdList = matchingPageIdAttrib.Parent.AncestorsAndSelf(PageElementName).Attributes(AttributeNames.Id).Select(f => f.Value).ToList();

                foreach (XElement openPage in pageElements.DescendantsAndSelf(PageElementName).Where(f => openPageIdList.Contains(f.Attribute(AttributeNames.Id).Value)))
                    openPage.Add(new XAttribute("isopen", "true"));
                    if (openPage.Attribute(AttributeNames.Id).Value == pageIdAsString)
                        openPage.Add(new XAttribute("iscurrent", "true"));
        // Rules for sections
        // - if KeepSections for all documents in the source collection are false, then it takes the section
        //   from the first document.
        // - if you specify true for any document, and if the last section is part of the specified content,
        //   then that section is copied.  If any paragraph in the content has a section, then that section
        //   is copied.
        // - if you specify true for any document, and there are no sections for any paragraphs, then no
        //   sections are copied.
        private static void AppendDocument(WordprocessingDocument sourceDocument, WordprocessingDocument newDocument,
            List<XElement> newContent, bool keepSection, string insertId, List<ImageData> images)
            FixRanges(sourceDocument.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument(), newContent);
            AddRelationships(sourceDocument.MainDocumentPart, newDocument.MainDocumentPart, newContent);
            CopyRelatedPartsForContentParts(sourceDocument.MainDocumentPart, newDocument.MainDocumentPart,
                newContent, images);

            // Append contents
            XDocument newMainXDoc = newDocument.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocument();
            newMainXDoc.Declaration.Standalone = "yes";
            newMainXDoc.Declaration.Encoding = "UTF-8";
            if (keepSection == false)
                List<XElement> adjustedContents = newContent.Where(e => e.Name != W.sectPr).ToList();
                newContent = adjustedContents;
            foreach (var sectPr in newContent.DescendantsAndSelf(W.sectPr))
                AddSectionAndDependencies(sourceDocument, newDocument, sectPr, images);
            CopyStylesAndFonts(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent);
            CopyNumbering(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent, images);
            CopyComments(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent, images);
            CopyFootnotes(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent, images);
            CopyEndnotes(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent, images);
            AdjustUniqueIds(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent);
            CopyCustomXml(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent);
            if (insertId != null)
                XElement insertElementToReplace = newMainXDoc
                    .FirstOrDefault(i => (string)i.Attribute(PtOpenXml.Id) == insertId);
                if (insertElementToReplace != null)
                    insertElementToReplace.AddAnnotation(new ReplaceSemaphore());
                newMainXDoc.Element(W.document).ReplaceWith((XElement)InsertTransform(newMainXDoc.Root, newContent));
Пример #3
        public static XElement withRuby(List <XAttribute> tattributes, List <XElement> tproperties, XNamespace w, string bottom, string topstr, int tone, bool topcolour = false, bool bottomcolour = false, List <string> colors = null)
            string size = "";

            foreach (XElement x in tproperties.DescendantsAndSelf(w + "sz"))
                size = x.Attribute(w + "val").Value;
            if (size == "")
                size = "12";
            IEnumerable <XElement> tp = tproperties.Where(x =>
                                                          x.Name != w + "sz" ||
                                                          x.Name != w + "szCs"); // Properties without size

            XElement rubyPr = new XElement(w + "rubyPr",
                                           new XElement(w + "rubyAlign", new XAttribute(w + "val", "center"))

            XElement tcolour = new XElement(w + "color");

            if (topcolour && !(colors == null))
                tcolour.SetAttributeValue(w + "val", colors[tone - 1]);

            XElement top = new XElement(w + "rt",
                                        new XElement(w + "r",
                                                     new XElement(w + "rPr",
                                                                  new XElement(w + "rFonts",
                                                                               new XAttribute(w + "ascii", "Arial Unicode MS"),
                                                                               new XAttribute(w + "eastAsia", "Arial Unicode MS"),
                                                                               new XAttribute(w + "hAnsi", "Arial Unicode MS"),
                                                                               new XAttribute(w + "cs", "Arial Unicode MS"),
                                                                               new XAttribute(w + "hint", "eastAsia")
                                                     new XElement(w + "t", gap + topstr + gap)

            XElement bcolour = new XElement(w + "color");

            if (bottomcolour && !(colors == null))
                bcolour.SetAttributeValue(w + "val", colors[tone - 1]);

            XElement bot = new XElement(w + "rubyBase",
                                        new XElement(w + "r",
                                                     new XElement(w + "rPr",
                                                     new XElement(w + "t", bottom)

            return(new XElement(w + "r",
                                new XElement(w + "ruby",
Пример #4
        // Внешние методы
        public override IEnumerable<XElement> SearchByName(string searchstring)
            string[] predicates = new string[] { ONames.p_name };
            DbCommand runcommand = RunStart();
            int rdftype = RunGetRdftype(runcommand);

            // Список неизвестных предикатов
            string[] unknown = predicates.Where(p => !iENTS.ContainsKey(p)).ToArray();
            var qu = EntityIndexes(unknown, runcommand);
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> pair in qu)
                iENTS.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
            int[] i_predicates = predicates.Select(p => {
                int ires = -1;
                if (iENTS.TryGetValue(p, out ires)) {}
                return ires;

            string sql = "SELECT st.dsubject,ost.oobj,st.dpredicate,li.literalvalue FROM rdf_literals AS li " +
                "INNER JOIN rdf_dstatements AS st ON = li.literalid " +
                "INNER JOIN rdf_ostatements AS ost ON st.dsubject=ost.osubject " +
                "WHERE (" + i_predicates.Select(ip => "st.dpredicate=" + ip).Aggregate((sum, s) => sum + " OR " + s) +
                ") AND li.literalvalue LIKE '" + searchstring + "%' AND ost.opredicate=" + rdftype + ";";
            runcommand.CommandText = sql;
            DbDataReader reader = runcommand.ExecuteReader();
            List<XElement> result = new List<XElement>();
            while (reader.Read())
                result.Add(new XElement("record",
                    new XAttribute("id", (int)reader[0]),
                    new XAttribute("type", (int)reader[1]),
                    new XElement("field", new XAttribute("prop", (int)reader[2]),
                        new XText((string)reader[3]))
            var atts = result.DescendantsAndSelf()
                .SelectMany(el => el.Attributes().Where(att => att.Name == "id" || att.Name == "type" || att.Name == "prop"));
            int[] att_int_values = atts.Select(att => Int32.Parse(att.Value))
                .Where(i_value => i_value >= 0 && !sENTS.ContainsKey(i_value))
            var addition = EntityNames(att_int_values, runcommand);
            foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> pair in addition) sENTS.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
            foreach (var att in atts)
                int ii = Int32.Parse(att.Value);
                if (ii < 0) continue;
                att.Value = sENTS[ii];

            return result;
Пример #5
 // Методы доступа к базе данных
 public IEnumerable<XElement> SearchByName(string searchstring)
     string sql = @"SELECT en.entityvalue,en.entitytype,st.dpredicate,li.literalvalue FROM rdf_literals AS li
     INNER JOIN rdf_dstatements AS st ON = li.literalid
     INNER JOIN rdf_entities AS en ON en.entityid=st.dsubject
     WHERE li.literalvalue LIKE '" + searchstring + "%';";
     DataTable dt = Queries.ExecuteQuery(sql);
     List<XElement> result = new List<XElement>();
     foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
         result.Add(new XElement("record",
             new XAttribute("id", (string)row[0]),
             new XAttribute("type", (int)row[1]),
             new XElement("field", new XAttribute("prop", (int)row[2]),
                 new XText((string)row[3]))
     var atts = result.DescendantsAndSelf()
         .SelectMany(el => el.Attributes().Where(att => att.Name == "type" || att.Name == "prop"));
     int[] att_int_values = atts.Select(att => Int32.Parse(att.Value))
         .Where(i_value => !sENTS.ContainsKey(i_value))
     var addition = EntityNames(att_int_values);
     foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> pair in addition) sENTS.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value);
     foreach (var att in atts) att.Value = sENTS[Int32.Parse(att.Value)];
     return result;
        // Rules for sections
        // - if KeepSections for all documents in the source collection are false, then it takes the section
        //   from the first document.
        // - if you specify true for any document, and if the last section is part of the specified content,
        //   then that section is copied.  If any paragraph in the content has a section, then that section
        //   is copied.
        // - if you specify true for any document, and there are no sections for any paragraphs, then no
        //   sections are copied.
        private static void AppendDocument(WordprocessingDocument sourceDocument, WordprocessingDocument newDocument,
            List<XElement> newContent, bool keepSection, List<ImageData> images)
            FixRanges(sourceDocument.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocumentWithTracking(), newContent);
            AddRelationships(sourceDocument.MainDocumentPart, newDocument.MainDocumentPart, newContent);
            CopyRelatedPartsForContentParts(sourceDocument.MainDocumentPart, newDocument.MainDocumentPart,
                newContent, images);

            // Append contents
            XDocument newMainXDoc = newDocument.MainDocumentPart.GetXDocumentWithTracking();
            newMainXDoc.Declaration.Standalone = "yes";
            newMainXDoc.Declaration.Encoding = "UTF-8";
            if (keepSection == false)
                List<XElement> adjustedContents = newContent.Where(e => e.Name != W.sectPr).ToList();
                newContent = adjustedContents;
            foreach (var sectPr in newContent.DescendantsAndSelf(W.sectPr))
                AddSectionAndDependencies(sourceDocument, newDocument, sectPr, images);
            CopyStylesAndFonts(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent);
            CopyNumbering(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent, images);
            CopyComments(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent, images);
            CopyFootnotes(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent, images);
            CopyEndnotes(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent, images);
            AdjustUniqueIds(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent);
            CopyCustomXml(sourceDocument, newDocument, newContent);