private void ButtonBase_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     _comboItem.Tag = _gameProfile;
     Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MainWindow>().Single().ShowMessage(string.Format(Properties.Resources.SuccessfullySaved, "Joystick Settings"));
     _contentControl.Content = _library;
Пример #2
        private void BtnSaveSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string inputApiString = _gameProfile.ConfigValues.Find(cv => cv.FieldName == "Input API")?.FieldValue;

            if (inputApiString != null)
                _inputApi = (InputApi)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputApi), inputApiString);

            foreach (var t in _gameProfile.JoystickButtons)
                if (_inputApi == InputApi.DirectInput)
                    t.BindName = t.BindNameDi;
                else if (_inputApi == InputApi.XInput)
                    t.BindName = t.BindNameXi;
                else if (_inputApi == InputApi.RawInput)
                    t.BindName = t.BindNameRi;
            _gameProfile.GamePath = GamePathBox.Text;
            Lazydata.GamePath     = GamePathBox.Text;
            _comboItem.Tag = _gameProfile;
            Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MainWindow>().Single().ShowMessage(string.Format(Properties.Resources.SuccessfullySaved, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_gameProfile.FileName)));
            _contentControl.Content = _library;
 private void BtnSaveSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     _gameProfile.GamePath = GamePathBox.Text;
     Lazydata.GamePath     = GamePathBox.Text;
     _comboItem.Tag = _gameProfile;
     MessageBox.Show($"Generation of {System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_gameProfile.FileName)} was succesful!", "Save Complete", MessageBoxButton.OK,
 private void BtnSaveSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     _gameProfile.GamePath = GamePathBox.Text;
     Lazydata.GamePath     = GamePathBox.Text;
     _comboItem.Tag = _gameProfile;
     Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MainWindow>().Single().ShowMessage(string.Format(Properties.Resources.SuccessfullySaved, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_gameProfile.FileName)));
     _contentControl.Content = _library;
 private void ButtonBase_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     // Save here, also save gamepath.
     if (Lazydata.GamePath != String.Empty)
         _gameProfile.GamePath = Lazydata.GamePath;
     _comboItem.Tag = _gameProfile;
     MessageBox.Show("Save complete");
Пример #6
        private void BtnSaveSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string inputApiString = _gameProfile.ConfigValues.Find(cv => cv.FieldName == "Input API")?.FieldValue;

            if (inputApiString != null)
                _inputApi = (InputApi)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputApi), inputApiString);

            foreach (var t in _gameProfile.JoystickButtons)
                if (_inputApi == InputApi.DirectInput)
                    t.BindName = t.BindNameDi;
                else if (_inputApi == InputApi.XInput)
                    t.BindName = t.BindNameXi;
                else if (_inputApi == InputApi.RawInput)
                    t.BindName = t.BindNameRi;

            string NameString = _gameProfile.ConfigValues.Find(cv => cv.FieldName == "Submission Name")?.FieldValue;

            if (NameString != null)
                if (_gameProfile.ConfigValues.Any(x => x.FieldName == "Enable Submission (Patreon Only)" && x.FieldValue == "1"))
                    if (_gameProfile.ConfigValues.Find(cv => cv.FieldName == "Submission Name").FieldValue == "")
                        MessageBox.Show("Score Submission requires a name!");

                string[] badWords = new[] { "f**k", "c**t", "f*****t", "f*g", "dick", "shit", "c**k", "pussy", "ass", "asshole", "bitch", "h**o", "f****t", "a$$", "@ss", "f@g", "f****r", "f*****g", "fuk", "f****n", "fucken", "teknoparrot", "tp", "arse", "@rse", "@$$", "bastard", "crap", "effing", "god", "hell", "m**********r", "w***e", "twat", "gay", "g@y", "ash0le", "assh0le", "a$$hol", "anal", };

                NameString = Filter(NameString, badWords);
                _gameProfile.ConfigValues.Find(cv => cv.FieldName == "Submission Name").FieldValue = NameString;

            _gameProfile.GamePath = GamePathBox.Text;
            Lazydata.GamePath     = GamePathBox.Text;
            _comboItem.Tag = _gameProfile;
            Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MainWindow>().Single().ShowMessage(string.Format(Properties.Resources.SuccessfullySaved, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_gameProfile.FileName)));
            _contentControl.Content = _library;
Пример #7
        private void CreateConfigValue()
            var game = new GameProfile();
            var f1   = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "Network",
                FieldName    = "Dhcp",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Bool,
                FieldValue   = "1"
            var f2 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "Network",
                FieldName    = "Ip",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = ""
            var f3 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "Network",
                FieldName    = "Mask",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = ""
            var f4 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "Network",
                FieldName    = "Gateway",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = ""
            var f5 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "Network",
                FieldName    = "Dns1",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = ""
            var f6 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "Network",
                FieldName    = "Dns2",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = ""
            var f7 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "Network",
                FieldName    = "BroadcastIP",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = ""
            var f8 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "Network",
                FieldName    = "Cab1IP",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = ""
            var f9 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "Network",
                FieldName    = "Cab2IP",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = ""
            var x1 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "General",
                FieldName    = "DongleRegion",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = "JAPAN"
            var x2 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "General",
                FieldName    = "PcbRegion",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Text,
                FieldValue   = "JAPAN"
            var x3 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "General",
                FieldName    = "FreePlay",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Bool,
                FieldValue   = "1"
            var x4 = new FieldInformation
                CategoryName = "General",
                FieldName    = "Windowed",
                FieldType    = FieldType.Bool,
                FieldValue   = "1"

            game.ConfigValues = new List <FieldInformation> {
                x1, x2, x3, x4, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9
            game.FileName = "test.xml";
Пример #8
        public override System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo Generate(string system, string emulator, string core, string rom, string playersControllers, ScreenResolution resolution)
            string path = AppConfig.GetFullPath("TeknoParrot");
            string exe  = Path.Combine(path, "TeknoParrotUi.exe");

            if (!File.Exists(exe))

            // ExtractUserProfiles("h:\\");

            string gameName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(rom);

            GameProfile profile = FindGameProfile(path, rom, gameName);

            if (profile == null)
                SimpleLogger.Instance.Error("Unable to find gameprofile for " + rom);
                return(new ProcessStartInfo()
                    FileName = "WARNING", Arguments = "Unable to find game profile.\r\nPlease make sure the game folder is named like the xml file in emulators/teknoparrot/GameProfiles folder or like the <GameName> element in the xml"

            GameProfile userProfile = null;

            var userProfilePath = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(path, "UserProfiles", Path.GetFileName(profile.FileName)));

            if (File.Exists(userProfilePath))
                userProfile = JoystickHelper.DeSerializeGameProfile(userProfilePath, true);
                JoystickHelper.SerializeGameProfile(profile, userProfilePath);
                userProfile = JoystickHelper.DeSerializeGameProfile(userProfilePath, true);

            if (userProfile == null)
                SimpleLogger.Instance.Error("Unable create userprofile for " + rom);
                return(new ProcessStartInfo()
                    FileName = "WARNING", Arguments = "Unable to create userprofile"

            if (userProfile.GamePath == null || !File.Exists(userProfile.GamePath))
                userProfile.GamePath = FindExecutable(rom, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(userProfile.FileName));

                if (userProfile.GamePath == null)
                    userProfile.GamePath = FindBestExecutable(rom, userProfile.ExecutableName);

                if (userProfile.GamePath == null)
                    SimpleLogger.Instance.Error("Unable to find Game executable for " + rom);
                    return(new ProcessStartInfo()
                        FileName = "WARNING", Arguments = "Unable to find game executable"

            var windowed = userProfile.ConfigValues.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FieldName == "Windowed");

            if (windowed != null)
                windowed.FieldValue = "0";

            var hideCursor = userProfile.ConfigValues.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FieldName == "HideCursor");

            if (hideCursor != null)
                hideCursor.FieldValue = "1";

            var customResolution = userProfile.ConfigValues.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FieldName == "CustomResolution");
            var resolutionWidth  = userProfile.ConfigValues.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FieldName == "ResolutionWidth");
            var resolutionHeight = userProfile.ConfigValues.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FieldName == "ResolutionHeight");

            if (customResolution != null && resolutionWidth != null && resolutionHeight != null)
                int resX = (resolution == null ? Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width : resolution.Width);
                int resY = (resolution == null ? Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height : resolution.Height);

                customResolution.FieldValue = "1";
                resolutionWidth.FieldValue  = resX.ToString();
                resolutionHeight.FieldValue = resY.ToString();


            JoystickHelper.SerializeGameProfile(userProfile, userProfilePath);

            string profileName = Path.GetFileName(userProfile.FileName);

            _exename     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(userProfile.GamePath);
            _gameProfile = userProfile;

            return(new ProcessStartInfo()
                FileName = exe,
                Verb = userProfile.RequiresAdmin ? "runas" : null,
                WorkingDirectory = path,
                Arguments = "--profile=" + profileName // + " --startMinimized",
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that the game exists and then runs it with the emulator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameProfile">Input profile.</param>
        public static bool ValidateAndRun(GameProfile gameProfile, out string loaderExe, out string loaderDll, bool emuOnly, Library library, bool _test)
            loaderDll = string.Empty;
            loaderExe = string.Empty;

            bool is64Bit = _test ? gameProfile.TestExecIs64Bit : gameProfile.Is64Bit;

            // don't attempt to run 64 bit game on non-64 bit OS
            if (is64Bit && !App.Is64Bit())

            if (emuOnly)

            loaderExe = is64Bit ? ".\\OpenParrotx64\\OpenParrotLoader64.exe" : ".\\OpenParrotWin32\\OpenParrotLoader.exe";
            loaderDll = string.Empty;

            switch (gameProfile.EmulatorType)
            case EmulatorType.Lindbergh:
                loaderExe = ".\\TeknoParrot\\BudgieLoader.exe";

            case EmulatorType.N2:
                loaderExe = ".\\N2\\BudgieLoader.exe";

            case EmulatorType.ElfLdr2:
                loaderExe = ".\\ElfLdr2\\BudgieLoader.exe";

            case EmulatorType.OpenParrot:
                loaderDll = (is64Bit ? ".\\OpenParrotx64\\OpenParrot64" : ".\\OpenParrotWin32\\OpenParrot");

            case EmulatorType.OpenParrotKonami:
                loaderExe = ".\\OpenParrotWin32\\OpenParrotKonamiLoader.exe";

            case EmulatorType.SegaTools:
                File.Copy(".\\SegaTools\\aimeio.dll", Path.GetDirectoryName(gameProfile.GamePath) + "\\aimeio.dll", true);
                File.Copy(".\\SegaTools\\idzhook.dll", Path.GetDirectoryName(gameProfile.GamePath) + "\\idzhook.dll", true);
                File.Copy(".\\SegaTools\\idzio.dll", Path.GetDirectoryName(gameProfile.GamePath) + "\\idzio.dll", true);
                File.Copy(".\\SegaTools\\inject.exe", Path.GetDirectoryName(gameProfile.GamePath) + "\\inject.exe", true);
                loaderExe = ".\\SegaTools\\inject.exe";
                loaderDll = "idzhook";

                loaderDll = (is64Bit ? ".\\TeknoParrot\\TeknoParrot64" : ".\\TeknoParrot\\TeknoParrot");

            if (!File.Exists(loaderExe))
                MessageBoxHelper.ErrorOK(string.Format(Properties.Resources.LibraryCantFindLoader, loaderExe));

            var dll_filename = loaderDll + ".dll";

            if (loaderDll != string.Empty && !File.Exists(dll_filename) && gameProfile.EmulationProfile != EmulationProfile.SegaToolsIDZ)
                MessageBoxHelper.ErrorOK(string.Format(Properties.Resources.LibraryCantFindLoader, dll_filename));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameProfile.GamePath))

            if (!File.Exists(gameProfile.GamePath))
                MessageBoxHelper.ErrorOK(string.Format(Properties.Resources.LibraryCantFindGame, gameProfile.GamePath));

            // Check second exe
            if (gameProfile.HasTwoExecutables)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameProfile.GamePath2))

                if (!File.Exists(gameProfile.GamePath2))
                    MessageBoxHelper.ErrorOK(string.Format(Properties.Resources.LibraryCantFindGame, gameProfile.GamePath));

            if (gameProfile.EmulationProfile == EmulationProfile.FastIo || gameProfile.EmulationProfile == EmulationProfile.Theatrhythm)
                if (!CheckiDMAC(gameProfile.GamePath, gameProfile.Is64Bit))

            if (gameProfile.RequiresAdmin)
                using (var identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent())
                    var admin = new WindowsPrincipal(identity).IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator);
                    if (!admin)
                        if (!MessageBoxHelper.WarningYesNo(string.Format(Properties.Resources.LibraryNeedsAdmin, gameProfile.GameName)))

            EmuBlacklist bl  = new EmuBlacklist(gameProfile.GamePath);
            EmuBlacklist bl2 = new EmuBlacklist(gameProfile.GamePath2);

            if (bl.FoundProblem || bl2.FoundProblem)
                string err = "It seems you have another emulator already in use.\nThis will most likely cause problems.";

                if (bl.FilesToRemove.Count > 0 || bl2.FilesToRemove.Count > 0)
                    err += "\n\nRemove the following files:\n";
                    err += String.Join("\n", bl.FilesToRemove);
                    err += String.Join("\n", bl2.FilesToRemove);

                if (bl.FilesToClean.Count > 0 || bl2.FilesToClean.Count > 0)
                    err += "\n\nReplace the following patched files by the originals:\n";
                    err += String.Join("\n", bl.FilesToClean);
                    err += String.Join("\n", bl2.FilesToClean);

                err += "\n\nContinue?";

                if (!MessageBoxHelper.ErrorYesNo(err))

            if (gameProfile.InvalidFiles != null)
                string[]      filesToDelete  = gameProfile.InvalidFiles.Split(',');
                List <string> filesThatExist = new List <string>();

                foreach (var file in filesToDelete)
                    if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(gameProfile.GamePath), file)))

                if (filesThatExist.Count > 0)
                    var errorMsg = Properties.Resources.LibraryInvalidFiles;
                    foreach (var fileName in filesThatExist)
                        errorMsg += fileName + Environment.NewLine;
                    errorMsg += Properties.Resources.LibraryInvalidFilesContinue;

                    if (!MessageBoxHelper.WarningYesNo(errorMsg))

            // Check raw input profile
            if (gameProfile.ConfigValues.Any(x => x.FieldName == "Input API" && x.FieldValue == "RawInput"))
                bool fixedSomething           = false;
                var  _joystickControlRawInput = new JoystickControlRawInput();

                foreach (var t in gameProfile.JoystickButtons)
                    // Binded key without device path
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.BindNameRi) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(t.RawInputButton.DevicePath))
                        Debug.WriteLine("Keybind without path: button: {0} bind: {1}", t.ButtonName, t.BindNameRi);

                        // Handle special binds first
                        if (t.BindNameRi == "Windows Mouse Cursor")
                            t.RawInputButton.DevicePath = "Windows Mouse Cursor";
                            fixedSomething = true;
                        else if (t.BindNameRi == "None")
                            t.RawInputButton.DevicePath = "None";
                            fixedSomething = true;
                        else if (t.BindNameRi.ToLower().StartsWith("unknown device"))
                            t.RawInputButton.DevicePath = "null";
                            fixedSomething = true;
                            // Find device
                            RawInputDevice device = null;

                            if (t.RawInputButton.DeviceType == RawDeviceType.Mouse)
                                device = _joystickControlRawInput.GetMouseDeviceByBindName(t.BindNameRi);
                            else if (t.RawInputButton.DeviceType == RawDeviceType.Keyboard)
                                device = _joystickControlRawInput.GetKeyboardDeviceByBindName(t.BindNameRi);

                            if (device != null)
                                Debug.WriteLine("Device found: " + device.DevicePath);
                                t.RawInputButton.DevicePath = device.DevicePath;
                                fixedSomething = true;
                                Debug.WriteLine("Could not find device!");

                // Save profile and reload library
                if (fixedSomething)

        private void BtnSaveSettings(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _isXinput = _gameProfile.ConfigValues.Any(x => x.FieldName == "XInput" && x.FieldValue == "1");
            _isKeyboardorButtonAxis = _gameProfile.ConfigValues.Any(x => x.FieldName == "Use Keyboard/Button For Axis" && x.FieldValue == "1");

            foreach (var t in _gameProfile.JoystickButtons)
                t.BindName = _isXinput ? t.BindNameXi : t.BindNameDi;
                if ((_isKeyboardorButtonAxis) && (!_isXinput))
                    //Wheel Axis Right (Keyboard/Button Only) = " "
                    //Joystick Analog X Right (Keyboard/Button Only) = "   "
                    //Joystick Analog Y Up (Keyboard/Button Only) = "    "
                    //Analog X Right (Keyboard/Button Only) = "     "
                    //Analog Y Down (Keyboard/Button Only) = "      "
                    //Throttle Brake (Keyboard/Button Only) = "       "
                    //Wheel Axis Half Turn (Hold Down) = "        "
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals(" "))
                        t.ButtonName = "Wheel Axis Right (Keyboard/Button Only)";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("  "))
                        t.ButtonName = "Joystick Analog X Right (Keyboard/Button Only)";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("   "))
                        t.ButtonName = "Joystick Analog Y Up (Keyboard/Button Only)";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("    "))
                        t.ButtonName = "Analog X Right (Keyboard/Button Only)";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("     "))
                        t.ButtonName = "Analog Y Down (Keyboard/Button Only)";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("      "))
                        t.ButtonName = "Throttle Brake (Keyboard/Button Only)";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("       "))
                        t.ButtonName = "Wheel Axis Half Turn (Hold Down)";
                    if ((t.ButtonName.Equals(" ")) || (t.ButtonName.Equals("  ")) || (t.ButtonName.Equals("   ")) || (t.ButtonName.Equals("    ")) || (t.ButtonName.Equals("     ")) || (t.ButtonName.Equals("      ")) || (t.ButtonName.Equals("       ")))
                        t.BindName = "Hide";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Wheel Axis Right (Keyboard/Button Only)"))
                        t.ButtonName = " ";
                        t.BindName   = "Hide";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Joystick Analog X Right (Keyboard/Button Only)"))
                        t.ButtonName = "  ";
                        t.BindName   = "Hide";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Joystick Analog Y Up (Keyboard/Button Only)"))
                        t.ButtonName = "   ";
                        t.BindName   = "Hide";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Analog X Right (Keyboard/Button Only)"))
                        t.ButtonName = "    ";
                        t.BindName   = "Hide";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Analog Y Down (Keyboard/Button Only)"))
                        t.ButtonName = "     ";
                        t.BindName   = "Hide";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Throttle Brake (Keyboard/Button Only)"))
                        t.ButtonName = "      ";
                        t.BindName   = "Hide";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Wheel Axis Half Turn (Hold Down)"))
                        t.ButtonName = "       ";
                        t.BindName   = "Hide";
                    if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Wheel Axis Left"))
                        t.ButtonName = "Wheel Axis";
                    if (_gameProfile.EmulationProfile == EmulationProfile.NamcoMachStorm)
                        if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Analog X Left"))
                            t.ButtonName = "Analog X";
                        if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Analog Y Up"))
                            t.ButtonName = "Analog Y";
                    if (_gameProfile.EmulationProfile == EmulationProfile.AfterBurnerClimax)
                        if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Joystick Analog X Left"))
                            t.ButtonName = "Joystick Analog X";
                        if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Joystick Analog Y Down"))
                            t.ButtonName = "Joystick Analog Y";
                    if (_gameProfile.EmulationProfile == EmulationProfile.TokyoCop)
                        if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Leaning Axis Left"))
                            t.ButtonName = "Leaning Axis";
                        if (t.ButtonName.Equals("Handlebar Axis Left"))
                            t.ButtonName = "Handlebar Axis";
            _gameProfile.GamePath = GamePathBox.Text;
            Lazydata.GamePath     = GamePathBox.Text;
            _comboItem.Tag = _gameProfile;
            Application.Current.Windows.OfType <MainWindow>().Single().ShowMessage(string.Format(Properties.Resources.SuccessfullySaved, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_gameProfile.FileName)));
            _contentControl.Content = _library;