Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates Frenet frame on the spline using curve distance from the start. Valid length is [0..TotalLength].
        /// Caller must ensure that spline is valid before calling this method!
        /// </summary>
        public void EvalFrameParametrized(float length, out CurveFrame frame)
            int   i;
            float t;

            GetSegmentIndexAndTime(_parametrization.GetApproximateTimeParameter(length), out i, out t);
            ItemData segment = _data[i];

            frame.Position = segment.EvalPosition(t);
            Vector3 velocity     = segment.EvalFirstDerivative(t);
            Vector3 acceleration = segment.EvalSecondDerivative(t);
            float   VDotV        = velocity.Dot(velocity);
            float   VDotA        = velocity.Dot(acceleration);

            frame.Normal = VDotV * acceleration - VDotA * velocity;
            frame.Tangent = velocity;
            frame.Binormal = frame.Tangent.Cross(frame.Normal);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates torsion on the spline using curve distance from the start. Valid length is [0..TotalLength].
        /// Caller must ensure that spline is valid before calling this method!
        /// </summary>
        public float EvalTorsionParametrized(float length)
            int   i;
            float t;

            GetSegmentIndexAndTime(_parametrization.GetApproximateTimeParameter(length), out i, out t);
            ItemData segment = _data[i];

            Vector3 velocity     = segment.EvalFirstDerivative(t);
            Vector3 acceleration = segment.EvalSecondDerivative(t);
            Vector3 cross        = velocity.Cross(acceleration);
            float   denom        = cross.sqrMagnitude;

            if (denom >= Mathfex.ZeroTolerance)
                Vector3 jerk  = segment.EvalThirdDerivative(t);
                float   numer = cross.Dot(jerk);
                return(numer / denom);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates curvature on the spline using curve distance from the start. Valid length is [0..TotalLength].
        /// Caller must ensure that spline is valid before calling this method!
        /// </summary>
        public float EvalCurvatureParametrized(float length)
            int   i;
            float t;

            GetSegmentIndexAndTime(_parametrization.GetApproximateTimeParameter(length), out i, out t);
            ItemData segment = _data[i];

            Vector3 velocity = segment.EvalFirstDerivative(t);
            float   speedSqr = velocity.sqrMagnitude;

            if (speedSqr >= Mathfex.ZeroTolerance)
                Vector3 acceleration = segment.EvalSecondDerivative(t);
                Vector3 cross        = velocity.Cross(acceleration);
                float   numer        = cross.magnitude;
                float   denom        = Mathf.Pow(speedSqr, 1.5f);
                return(numer / denom);
