//Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension
        public static void Register()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "cooldude";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "ExampleMod/Resources/example_item_sprite";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <Shinypin>();

            //Adds a sprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Testing";
            string longDesc  = "Example Long Description\n\n" +
                               "Wow this description is really looooooooooong!";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "example");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Health, 1, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Coolness, 1);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.C;
        //Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension
        public static void Register()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Mimic Bullets";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "BleakMod/Resources/door_lord_item";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <MimicBullets>();

            //Adds a sprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Shells of the Mimic Lord";
            string longDesc  = "The miniature husk of an elusive mimic lord.\n\nYou do 50% more damage, but your shots jam enemy bullets that pass through them.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "bb");
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Damage, 1.5f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.B;
        public static void Register()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Survivor";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "Knives/Resources/I_will_survive";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <Survivor>();

            //Adds a sprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "I will survive";
            string longDesc  = "You've been through bullet-hell and survived. At this point as long as you keep trying it feels like nothing can kill you.\n\n" +
                               "Increases enemy bullet speed and gives chance to ignore damage." +
                               "\n\n\n - Knife_to_a_Gunfight";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "ski");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Coolness, 1f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.EnemyProjectileSpeedMultiplier, .20f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            //Set the rarity of the item

            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.A;
        public static void Register()
            string itemName = "Dizzy Ring";

            string resourceName = "Knives/Resources/dizzy_ring";

            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            var item = obj.AddComponent <Dizzyring>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Disorienting";
            string longDesc  = "This ring was once owned by the Rollin Ronin, a student of Sir Manuel that went mad with rolling power! and also dizziness... mostly dizziness.\n\n" +
                               "Feel how this ring becons you to tumble, but be warned excessive rolling can lead to head issues.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "ski");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.DodgeRollDistanceMultiplier, .6f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.DodgeRollSpeedMultiplier, .2f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.DodgeRollDamage, 50f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.ReloadSpeed, 1.75f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.B;
Пример #5
        public static void Init()
            string itemName     = "Needle Bullets";
            string resourceName = "Items/Resources/needle_bullets.png";

            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            var item = obj.AddComponent <NeedleBullets>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            string shortDesc = "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out!";
            string longDesc  = "Massively increases shot speed. Bullets pierce all enemies.\n\n" +
                               "These old, limited edition Gungeon-themed thumb tacks can be found in large quantities throughout the Gungeon's depths. They have become a favorite among Gundead, despite their lack of thumbs. " +
                               "Nobody knows why or how these bullets gained their arcane powers. Perhaps the Gungeon favors its own likeness...";

            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "cel");

            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.ProjectileSpeed, 2.5f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Curse, 1);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Damage, 1.10f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.AdditionalShotPiercing, 100);

            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.A;
            item.sprite.IsPerpendicular = true;
Пример #6
        public static void Init()
            string     itemName     = "Shatterblank";
            string     resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/shatterblank_icon";
            GameObject obj          = new GameObject(itemName);
            var        item         = obj.AddComponent <Shatterblank>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);
            string shortDesc = "Fragmentation";
            string longDesc  = "Blanks release dangerous shrapnel." + "\n\nThis artefact was originally part of a brittle Ammolet, before the whole thing was shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.";

            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.D;
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.AdditionalBlanksPerFloor, 1f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ShatterblankID = item.PickupObjectId;

            Projectile projectile = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate <Projectile>((PickupObjectDatabase.GetById(56) as Gun).DefaultModule.projectiles[0]);

            projectile.baseData.damage = 6f;
            projectile.baseData.range *= 4f;
            BounceProjModifier bounce = projectile.gameObject.AddComponent <BounceProjModifier>();

            bounce.numberOfBounces += 3;
            shatterProj             = projectile;
Пример #7
        public static void Register()
            string itemName = "I'm blue";

            string resourceName = "Knives/Resources/Im_blue";

            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            var item = obj.AddComponent <Im_blue>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "da ba de da ba DIE";
            string longDesc  = "Everything you see is blue. This depressing outlook on life makes every second seem to drag on.\n\n\n - Knife_to_a_Gunfight" +

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "ski");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item

            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.MovementSpeed, -2f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.EnemyProjectileSpeedMultiplier, -.30f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.ProjectileSpeed, -.30f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.C;
Пример #8
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Prima Bean";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/primabean_icon";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <PrimaBean>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Magic?";
            string longDesc  = "There are strange magics coursing through this bean, like fiber! It’s good for your body damnit!";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Health, 3, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.S;
        public static void Register()
            string itemName = "Kool Kat Bucks";

            string resourceName = "Knives/Resources/koolkatbucks";

            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            var item = obj.AddComponent <koolbucks>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Way Past Koool!!";
            string longDesc  = "Despite their name these 'dollars' are the least cool form of currency in the known universe. They were originally tokens for a pizza arcade. Just having to touch them makes you feel less cool.\n\n" +
                               "The tokens still hold some of their orignal power your coolness and pride can be traded for neat prizes.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "ski");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item

            ItemBuilder.SetCooldownType(item, ItemBuilder.CooldownType.Timed, 1f);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Curse, 2f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            item.quality      = PickupObject.ItemQuality.B;
            item.CanBeDropped = false;
Пример #10
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Titan Bullets";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/titanbullets_icon";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <TitanBullets>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Absolute Unit";
            string longDesc  = "Bullets increase massively in size, and slightly in damage." + "\n\nThese bullets are so big that enemies are left in shock and awe.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.PlayerBulletScale, 10, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Damage, 1.05f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.D;

            item.SetupUnlockOnCustomStat(CustomTrackedStats.TITAN_KIN_KILLED, 4, DungeonPrerequisite.PrerequisiteOperation.GREATER_THAN);
            ID = item.PickupObjectId;
Пример #11
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Spare Blank";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/spareblank_icon";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <SpareBlank>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "+1 to Blank";
            string longDesc  = "Never hurts to have a spare.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.AdditionalBlanksPerFloor, 1, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.D;
Пример #12
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Egg Salad";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/egg_salad_001";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <EggSalad>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Tastes Fishy. Why.";
            string longDesc  = "Somebody lost an egg salad down here a long, long time ago...";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Health, 1, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.D;
Пример #13
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Bashing Bullets";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/BulletModifiers/bashingbullets_icon";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <BashingBullets>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Punch Out";
            string longDesc  = "The thick leather gloves glued to the slugs of these bullets increases the kinetic force they apply to the target.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.KnockbackMultiplier, 10, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.D;

            BashingBulletsID = item.PickupObjectId;
Пример #14
        //Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension
        public static void Register()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Worn Out Patch";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "ExampleMod/Resources/Wornoutpatch";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <Wornoutpatch>();

            //Adds a sprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Do A Good Turn Daily";
            string longDesc  = "Increases Item capacity and ammo capacity\n\n" +
                               "Worn by youth around the world as a symbol of their organization.\n\n" + "Someone, somewhere, is probably pissed that this old patch fell off.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "frm");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.AdditionalItemCapacity, 1, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.AmmoCapacityMultiplier, 2, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.B;
Пример #15
        //Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension
        public static void Register()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Mystery Seed";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "TitansMod/Resources/seed";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <MysterySeed>();

            //Adds a sprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "What Will It Be?";
            string longDesc  = "Grants a very small damage boost.\n\n" +
                               "Will grow into something great!..eventually. Might take a long time.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "tm");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Damage, 0.05f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.D;
Пример #16
        public static void Init()
            string     itemName     = "Micro Scope";
            string     resourceName = "BunnyMod/Resources/microscope";
            GameObject obj          = new GameObject(itemName);
            var        item         = obj.AddComponent <Microscope>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);
            string shortDesc = "Laymans terms";
            string longDesc  = "An ineffective attachment made for the sole reason that it functions as a pun.\n\nAt least in the Gungeon it finds new life.";

            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "bny");
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Accuracy, .80f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.AdditionalShotPiercing, 1f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.ProjectileSpeed, .2f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.D;
            List <string> mandatoryConsoleIDs1 = new List <string>
            List <string> optionalConsoleID1s = new List <string>

            CustomSynergies.Add("Macro Scope", mandatoryConsoleIDs1, optionalConsoleID1s, true);
        //Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Nuclear Talisman";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "LostItems/NuclearThrone/NuclearThroneSprite/Nuclear Talisman2";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <NuclearTalisman>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "The Throne";
            string longDesc  = "wip";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "bot_nt");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.MoneyMultiplierFromEnemies, 0.4f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality      = PickupObject.ItemQuality.SPECIAL;
            item.CanBeDropped = false;
Пример #18
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Boombox";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources!
            string resourceName = "Blunderbeast/Resources/boombox";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject();

            //Add a ActiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <Boombox>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Funky Beats";
            string longDesc  = "Plays music, stuns unaware enemies.\n\n" +
                               "Unfortunately, this boombox seems to be stuck on shuffle play... At least the song selection is pretty solid.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //"example_pool" here is the item pool. In the console you'd type "give example_pool:sweating_bullets"
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "rtr");

            //Set the cooldown type and duration of the cooldown
            ItemBuilder.SetCooldownType(item, ItemBuilder.CooldownType.Timed, 0.5f);
            //Adds a passive modifier, like curse, coolness, damage, etc. to the item. Works for passives and actives.

            //Set some other fields
            item.consumable = false;
            item.quality    = PickupObject.ItemQuality.B;
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Coolness, 2f);
Пример #19
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Maiden-Shaped Box";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/maidenshapedbox_icon";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <MaidenShapedBox>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Singlehandedly Ruining This Game";
            string longDesc  = "The itty bitty nanites contained within this peculiarly shaped container are specifically programmed to seek, destroy, and transmute Lead Maidens.\n\n" + "Whoever made this thing must have really hated Lead Maidens.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Curse, 1f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.B;

            item.SetupUnlockOnCustomFlag(CustomDungeonFlags.JAMMEDLEADMAIDEN_QUEST_REWARDED, true);
Пример #20
        //Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Tiny Bullets";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "Blunderbeast/Resources/tinybullets";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <Tinybullets>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "The Exception";
            string longDesc  = "Makes bullets tiny and much faster.\n\n" +
                               "These ant-sized bullets have a bad habit of creating tiny holes in most of the Gungeon's furniture.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "rtr");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.C;
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.PlayerBulletScale, 0.5f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.ProjectileSpeed, 1.5f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.RateOfFire, 1.15f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.KnockbackMultiplier, 0.35f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
Пример #21
        //Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension class
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Ammoconda's Nest";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it.
            string resourceName = "BleakMod/Resources/ammocondas_nest";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a ActiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <AmmocondasNest>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "How Did You Get This?";
            string longDesc  = "A curious nest full of brownish, spotted eggs.";

            item.numberOfUses = 3;
            item.UsesNumberOfUsesBeforeCooldown = true;
            item.consumable = false;
            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //"kts" here is the item pool. In the console you'd type kts:sweating_bullets
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "bb");
            //Set the cooldown type and duration of the cooldown
            ItemBuilder.SetCooldownType(item, ItemBuilder.CooldownType.Damage, 200);
            //Adds a passive modifier, like curse, coolness, damage, etc. to the item. Works for passives and actives.
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Curse, 1, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            //Set some other fields
            item.quality = ItemQuality.C;
Пример #22
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Blank Boots";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/blankboots_icon";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <BlankBoots>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Boots of Banishment";
            string longDesc  = "Rolling over enemy bullets has a chance to trigger a microblank." + "\n\nMade by a senile old man who misheard a conversation about the legendary 'Blank Bullets'.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Curse, 1f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.A;
Пример #23
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Springloaded Chamber";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/springloadedchamber_icon";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <SpringloadedChamber>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Marvellous Mechanism";
            string longDesc  = "Increases damage by 30% for the first half of the clip, but decreases it by 20% for the second." + "\n\nA miraculous clockwork doodad cannibalised from the Wind Up Gun. Proof that springs are, and will always be, the best form of potential energy.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.ReloadSpeed, 0.8f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            //ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.ProjectileSpeed, -1f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.B; //B
            item.SetupUnlockOnCustomFlag(CustomDungeonFlags.PURCHASED_SPRINGLOADEDCHAMBER, true);

            ID = item.PickupObjectId;
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Lump of Space Metal";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/spacemetal_icon";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <SpaceMetal>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Mined Fresh To You";
            string longDesc  = "This rich lump of unrefined space metal is prized throughout Hegemony of Man systems for all the useful minerals and materials that can be drawn from within it.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.AdditionalBlanksPerFloor, 1, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            item.CanBeDropped = true;

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.A;
        protected override void Update()
            if (this.Owner != null)
                if (dizzyness == 1)
                    if (counter == 25)
                        ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(this, PlayerStats.StatType.MovementSpeed, -1f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);
                        AkSoundEngine.PostEvent("Play_BOSS_RatPunchout_Flash_01", base.gameObject);
                        this.Owner.stats.RecalculateStats(Owner, true);
                        counter = 0;
                    int random_correct = rng.Next(1, 500);
                    if (random_correct == 1)
                        dizzyness = 0;
                        boostamt  = 0;
                        AkSoundEngine.PostEvent("Play_NPC_magic_blessing_01", base.gameObject);

                AddStat(PlayerStats.StatType.Damage, boostamt * 2);
                this.Owner.stats.RecalculateStats(Owner, true);

        public static void Register()
            string itemName = "Dragun Roll";

            string resourceName = "Knives/Resources/Dragun_roll";

            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            var item = obj.AddComponent <dragun_roll>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "spicy";
            string longDesc  = "This tightly packed roll contains the meat of a dragun. As you might assume obtaining this meat is quite hard so a roll of this type is a delicacy.\n\n" +
                               "The meat of the dragun causes all the other items inside this roll to taste spicy even though no spices are used. You now understand how to cause pain with a roll." +
                               "\n\n\n - Knife_to_a_Gunfight";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "ski");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item

            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.DodgeRollDamage, 15f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.MovementSpeed, 1f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.C;
Пример #27
        public static void Register()
            string itemName = "Devilish Loan Note";

            string resourceName = "Knives/Resources/loan";

            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            var item = obj.AddComponent <loan>();

            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Already payed off";
            string longDesc  = "A sinister looking bank note signed with your own blood. The deal was simple, money now, soul later.\n\n Without a soul the gundead no longer see you as human and you will not gain from dropped casings.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "ski");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item

            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Curse, 2f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.MoneyMultiplierFromEnemies, -667f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            item.CanBeDropped = false;

            item.IgnoredByRat = true;

            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.A;
Пример #28
        //Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Blank Spellbook";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "Blunderbeast/Resources/spellbook";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <BlankSpellbook>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Alakazam!";
            string longDesc  = "Old grimoire emanating magical energy.\n\n" + "The first page describes a spell that can be used to transmogrify enemies. The rest of its pages are blank.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "rtr");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.B;
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.AdditionalBlanksPerFloor, 1f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);
            SpellbookID = item.PickupObjectId;
        public static void Init()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "Snail Bullets";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "NevernamedsItems/Resources/snailbullets_icon";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <SnailBullets>();

            //Adds a tk2dSprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Slow as Slugs";
            string longDesc  = "It looks like a colony of snails has made it’s home in this empty shell to hide from predatory birds. \n\n" + "While the shell itself cannot be fired, the slime it oozes from the generations of snails within has interesting properties when paired with other ammunition.";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "nn");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.ProjectileSpeed, 0.6f, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.MULTIPLICATIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.A;
            item.SetupUnlockOnCustomFlag(CustomDungeonFlags.PURCHASED_SNAILBULLETS, true);
Пример #30
        //Call this method from the Start() method of your ETGModule extension
        public static void Register()
            //The name of the item
            string itemName = "The Bullet Bullets";

            //Refers to an embedded png in the project. Make sure to embed your resources! Google it
            string resourceName = "TitansMod/Resources/bullet_bullets";

            //Create new GameObject
            GameObject obj = new GameObject(itemName);

            //Add a PassiveItem component to the object
            var item = obj.AddComponent <TheBulletBullets>();

            //Adds a sprite component to the object and adds your texture to the item sprite collection
            ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject(itemName, resourceName, obj);

            //Ammonomicon entry variables
            string shortDesc = "Shrink Shrank Shrunk";
            string longDesc  = "Has a chance to fire a Blasphemy projectile when firing.\n\n" +
                               "It's a small version of The Bullet. It doesn't seem to be alive. Who shrunk him anyway?";

            //Adds the item to the gungeon item list, the ammonomicon, the loot table, etc.
            //Do this after ItemBuilder.AddSpriteToObject!
            ItemBuilder.SetupItem(item, shortDesc, longDesc, "tm");

            //Adds the actual passive effect to the item
            ItemBuilder.AddPassiveStatModifier(item, PlayerStats.StatType.Curse, 1, StatModifier.ModifyMethod.ADDITIVE);

            //Set the rarity of the item
            item.quality = PickupObject.ItemQuality.B;