/// <summary>
        /// Test WmiCalls to which incoming HTTP POST requests are dispatched.
        /// TODO: revise beyond first approximation
        /// First approximation is a quick port of the existing Java tests for Hyper-V server resource.
        /// A second approximation would use the AgentShell settings files directly.
        /// A third approximation would look to invoke ServerResource methods via an HTTP request
        /// </summary>

        public HypervResourceController1Test()
            wmiCallsV2 = Substitute.For<IWmiCallsV2>();
            HypervResourceController.config.PrivateMacAddress = AgentSettings.Default.private_mac_address;
            HypervResourceController.config.PrivateNetmask = AgentSettings.Default.private_ip_netmask;
            HypervResourceController.config.StorageIpAddress = HypervResourceController.config.PrivateIpAddress;
            HypervResourceController.config.StorageMacAddress = HypervResourceController.config.PrivateMacAddress;
            HypervResourceController.config.StorageNetmask = HypervResourceController.config.PrivateNetmask;

            // Used to create existing StoragePool in preparation for the ModifyStoragePool
            testLocalStoreUUID = AgentSettings.Default.local_storage_uuid.ToString();

            // Make sure secondary store is available.
            string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(testSecondaryStoreLocalPath);
            s_logger.Info("Test secondary storage in " + fullPath);
            DirectoryInfo testSecondarStoreDir = new DirectoryInfo(fullPath);
            if (!testSecondarStoreDir.Exists)
                catch (System.IO.IOException ex)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Need to be able to create the folder " + testSecondarStoreDir.FullName + " failed due to " + ex.Message);

            // Convert to secondary storage string to canonical path
            testSecondaryStoreLocalPath = testSecondarStoreDir.FullName;
            AgentSettings.Default.local_secondary_storage_path = testSecondaryStoreLocalPath;

            // Make sure local primary storage is available
            DirectoryInfo testPoolDir = new DirectoryInfo(testLocalStorePath);
            //Assert.True(testPoolDir.Exists, "To simulate local file system Storage Pool, you need folder at " + testPoolDir.FullName);

            // Convert to local primary storage string to canonical path
            testLocalStorePath = testPoolDir.FullName;
            AgentSettings.Default.local_storage_path = testLocalStorePath;

            // Clean up old test files in local storage folder
            FileInfo testVolWorks = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(testLocalStorePath, testSampleVolumeWorkingUUID));
            // Assert.True(testVolWorks.Exists, "Create a working virtual disk at " + testVolWorks.FullName);           
            testSampleTemplateURLJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testSampleTemplateUUID);
            s_logger.Info("Created " + testSampleTemplateURLJSON + " in local storage.");           

            // Capture other JSON encoded paths
            testSampleVolumeWorkingURIJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testVolWorks.FullName);
            testLocalStorePathJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testLocalStorePath);

            // TODO: may need to initialise the server resource in future.
            //    s_hypervresource.initialize();

            // Verify sample template is in place storage pool
            s_logger.Info("setUp complete, sample StoragePool at " + testLocalStorePathJSON
                      + " sample template at " + testSampleTemplateURLJSON);
 public static void Configure(HypervResourceControllerConfig config)
     HypervResourceController.config = config;
     wmiCallsV2 = new WmiCallsV2();
        /// <summary>
        /// Test WmiCalls to which incoming HTTP POST requests are dispatched.
        /// TODO: revise beyond first approximation
        /// First approximation is a quick port of the existing Java tests for Hyper-V server resource.
        /// A second approximation would use the AgentShell settings files directly.
        /// A third approximation would look to invoke ServerResource methods via an HTTP request
        /// </summary>

        public HypervResourceController1Test()
            wmiCallsV2 = Substitute.For <IWmiCallsV2>();
            HypervResourceController.config.PrivateMacAddress = AgentSettings.Default.private_mac_address;
            HypervResourceController.config.PrivateNetmask    = AgentSettings.Default.private_ip_netmask;
            HypervResourceController.config.StorageIpAddress  = HypervResourceController.config.PrivateIpAddress;
            HypervResourceController.config.StorageMacAddress = HypervResourceController.config.PrivateMacAddress;
            HypervResourceController.config.StorageNetmask    = HypervResourceController.config.PrivateNetmask;

            // Used to create existing StoragePool in preparation for the ModifyStoragePool
            testLocalStoreUUID = AgentSettings.Default.local_storage_uuid.ToString();

            // Make sure secondary store is available.
            string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(testSecondaryStoreLocalPath);

            s_logger.Info("Test secondary storage in " + fullPath);
            DirectoryInfo testSecondarStoreDir = new DirectoryInfo(fullPath);

            if (!testSecondarStoreDir.Exists)
                catch (System.IO.IOException ex)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Need to be able to create the folder " + testSecondarStoreDir.FullName + " failed due to " + ex.Message);

            // Convert to secondary storage string to canonical path
            testSecondaryStoreLocalPath = testSecondarStoreDir.FullName;
            AgentSettings.Default.local_secondary_storage_path = testSecondaryStoreLocalPath;

            // Make sure local primary storage is available
            DirectoryInfo testPoolDir = new DirectoryInfo(testLocalStorePath);

            //Assert.True(testPoolDir.Exists, "To simulate local file system Storage Pool, you need folder at " + testPoolDir.FullName);

            // Convert to local primary storage string to canonical path
            testLocalStorePath = testPoolDir.FullName;
            AgentSettings.Default.local_storage_path = testLocalStorePath;

            // Clean up old test files in local storage folder
            FileInfo testVolWorks = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(testLocalStorePath, testSampleVolumeWorkingUUID));

            // Assert.True(testVolWorks.Exists, "Create a working virtual disk at " + testVolWorks.FullName);

            testSampleTemplateURLJSON = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testSampleTemplateUUID);
            s_logger.Info("Created " + testSampleTemplateURLJSON + " in local storage.");

            // Capture other JSON encoded paths
            testSampleVolumeWorkingURIJSON = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testVolWorks.FullName);
            testLocalStorePathJSON         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testLocalStorePath);

            // TODO: may need to initialise the server resource in future.
            //    s_hypervresource.initialize();

            // Verify sample template is in place storage pool
            s_logger.Info("setUp complete, sample StoragePool at " + testLocalStorePathJSON
                          + " sample template at " + testSampleTemplateURLJSON);