Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes in the park id to find a park by the id from the database to display a detail page
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The park id to search for</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Detail(string id)
            //Sets the initial Session["isFahrenheit"] variable if this is the first time visiting the page
            if (Session["isFahrenheit"] == null)
                Session["isFahrenheit"] = true;

            //gets all the details needed for the Park Detail page
            var park = _parkDAL.GetParkById(id);

            TempData["id"]       = id.ToString();
            park.FiveDayForecast = _weatherDAL.GetFiveDayForecast(id);
            return(View("Detail", park));
        // GET: Home/Detail
        public ActionResult Detail(string parkCode, string scale)
            if (scale == null)
                scale = "true";
                Session["temp"]   = scale;
                Session["button"] = scale;

            ParkDetailViewModel model = new ParkDetailViewModel();

            List <Weather> forecast = _weatherDAL.GetFiveDayForecast(parkCode);
            Park           park     = _parkdal.GetParkByCode(parkCode);

            model.IsFahrenheit = Convert.ToBoolean(Session["temp"]);

            return(View("Detail", model));