public void SPRecalculateCostsForAssembly()
            ISPTest spHelper = makeSPHelper("RecalculateCostsForAssembly", m_connectionString);


            // 1 SPRecalculateCostSimple
            int res = spHelper.Run(501); // just own cost, no compound

            Assert.AreEqual(10, res);

            // 2 SPRecalculateCostCompoundOne
            res = spHelper.Run(503); // 503 own cost + 501 own cost
            Assert.AreEqual(40, res);

            // 3 SPRecalculateCostCompoundOneQuant2
            res = spHelper.Run(504); // 504 + 2*502
            Assert.AreEqual(80, res);

            // 4 SPRecalculateCostCompoundTwo
            res = spHelper.Run(505); // 505 + (501 + 502)
            Assert.AreEqual(80, res);

            // 5 SPRecalculateCostCompoundTwoQuant2
            res = spHelper.Run(506); // 506 + (2*501 + 2*502)
            Assert.AreEqual(120, res);

            // 6 SPRecalculateCostCompoundLev2
            res = spHelper.Run(507); // 507 + (2*504 + 2*505)
            Assert.AreEqual(390, res);

            // 7    SPRecalculateCostCompoundComplex
            // 80 (own) + 4*501 + 3*502 + 2*503 + 2*504 + 3*505 + 2*506 + 507 =
            // 80       + 40    + 60    + 2*40  + 2*80  + 3*80  + 2*120 + 390 =
            // 180                      + 80    + 160   + 240   + 240   + 390 =
            // 1290
            res = spHelper.Run(508);
            Assert.AreEqual(1290, res);

            // 8 SPRecalculateCostNoOwnCost()
            res = spHelper.Run(500); // 0 + 5*502 + 507
            Assert.AreEqual(490, res);

            // 9 SPRecalculateCostZeroPartInFirstLevel()
            // Tests the fetch loop on the subparts of the next sublevel,
            // specifically the case when one of the sublevel parts returns 0 cost
            res = spHelper.Run(511); // 1000 + 12 + 0 = 1012
            Assert.AreEqual(1012, res);
        public void SPRecalculateRecurse()
            ISPTest spHelper = makeSPHelper("RecalculateRecurse", m_connectionString);


            int res = spHelper.Run(503, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, res);