private void ReportRange(StringBuilder result, Hand hand, IRange manyHands, IRange range)
            // This is how you get the weight of a hand from range
            double weightForSingleHand = range[hand];

            double totalCombinationsInSelectedSubRange = 0;

            // This is how you can iterate over all hands in a range
            foreach (Hand singleConbination in manyHands)
                totalCombinationsInSelectedSubRange += manyHands[singleConbination];

            //This is a shortcut to get the sum of all weights
            double totalWeightsInRange = range.TotalWeights();

            result.AppendLine("Weight for single hand  " + hand.ToUnicodeString() + " = " + weightForSingleHand);
            result.AppendLine("Summary weight for hands " + manyHands.ToSingleLineString() + " = " + totalCombinationsInSelectedSubRange);
            result.AppendLine("Total combos in range = " + totalWeightsInRange);