Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a move
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The move</returns>
        public IMove GetMove()
            var currentMove = mp.GetMove();

            // get the move from the move provider
            // set the move owner to the current player (using "this") since this is used during validation
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to perform a single turn
        /// Very useful for unit testing
        /// </summary>
        public void PerformSingleTurn(IPlayer player)
            // validate the arguments
            // if player is null, throw an ArgumentNullException
            if (player == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();
            // tell the player it's their turn using their name, and ask them for their move
            // using the output provider to print

            Console.WriteLine($"{player.Name}, it's your turn. Where would you like to move?");
            // set game state to WaitingForUserInput
            GameState = GameState.WaitingForUserInput;
            // get the move from the player
            var column = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            var move   = moveProvider.GetMove(column);

            // set game state to PerformingMove
            GameState = GameState.PerformingMove;
            // create a piece with the player as the owner
            // TO DO BY VILDE
            // make a move using the board, passing in that piece
            board.AddPiece(piece, move);

            // set game state to CheckingForGameOver
            GameState = GameState.CheckingForGameOver;
            // Did the current player win? (ask the win checker)

            // If yes, change the game state to GameState.Winner and return
            if (winChecker.IsWin(board, move))
                GameState = GameState.Winner;
            // Is the board full? (ask the board)
            // If yes, change the game state to GameState.Draw
            if (board.IsFull())
                GameState = GameState.Draw;